广东省小升初英语专项冲刺 完形填空33

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广东省小升初英语专项冲刺 完形填空33_第1页
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广东省小升初英语专项冲刺 完形填空33Xiao Ling: Mum, could you help 1 , please?Mum: Certainly! 2 wrong?Xiao Ling: Something is wrong 3 my watch.Mum: 4 worry, let me have a look, please.Xiao Ling: Here you are.Mum: 5 you have a knife?Xiao Ling: Yes. But I can find it. Where is it?Mum: Oh, there! I think 6 under your bed.Xiao Ling: Yes, there 7 .Here you are.Mum: Xiao Ling, you must 8 your things. Now our watch is 9 .Xiao Ling: 10 very much.Mum: Thats OK.( D )1.A. himB. myC. herD. me1. D 本句属于两人之间的对话,应填第一人称,help为动词,后面的代词用宾格形式。( C )2.A. whatsB. What C. WhatsD. Whichs2. C Whats wrong? 意为“怎么啦 ?” 用于询问对方某人或某物出了什么问题。( C )3.A. onB. inC. withD. for3. C 当叙述某一东西出了毛病时常说Something is wrong with.或There is something wrong with( A )4.A. DontB. DoC. NotD. dont4. A 祈使句的否定式结构是在谓语动词前加Dont.( C )5.A. AreB. HaveC. DoD. Dont5. C 本句考查一般现在时的助动词。当主语是非第三人称单数时,其否定式、疑问式的助动词用do,当主语是第三人称单数时,其否定式、疑问式的助动词用does.( C )6.A. itsB. ItsC. itsD. it6. C 本句横线处缺少主谓所以应填its。( A )7.A. it isB. areC. you areD. is it7. A 以Here, There开头的句子一般用倒装形式,但如果主语是代词时,则主语还是位于动词前面。此句用的it指代a knife.( D )8.A. look likeB. look atC. lookD. look after8. D look after译为“照看”。( B )9.A. fineB. OKC. brokenD. right9. B OK=all right.意为“好,可以”。( A )10.A. ThanksB. Thanks youC. ThankD. Thankes10.A Thanks=Thank you.但不能说Thanks you. Jimmy 1 in London and he 2 swimming a few months ago. He likes swimming, and he often goes to the swimming-pool near his house with his mother and 3 there for an hour or two. He 4 six years old last week, and his mother 5 , “You 6 quite well now, Jimmy, your father and I 7 to take you to the sea on Sunday, and you are going to swim in the sea.” Jimmys father and mother 8 him to the sea in their car on Sunday, and they stopped at the seaside(海边). Jimmy got down and looked at the sea for a long time, but he was not happy. Then he 9 to his mother, “Which 10 the shallow end(浅水区)?”(B ) 1. A. live B. lives C. living D. lived 一般现在时,表示现在存在的状态。Jimmy为第三人称单数,动词要用第三人称单数形式,本句意思为“吉米住在伦敦”。故选B。(A ) 2. A. began B. start C. begin D. started toa few months ago用一般过去时,直接排除B C,begin/start doing=begin/start to do开始做某事。故选A.(C ) 3. A. swim B. swam C. swims D. swimming and连接的两个并列动词时态一致,所以应用一般现在时,故选C。 (B ) 4. A. had B. was C. is D. arelast week用一般过去时,故选B。 (D ) 5. A. spoke B. told C. say D. said 由前一句话可知本句话应用一般过去时,排除C;A. speak发言,说(某种语言);B. tell告诉;D. say说,强调说话的内容。故选D。(A ) 6. A. swim B. study C. play D. swims 全文讲的都是关于“游泳“的事,所以排除B C;you第二人称,动词用原形,故选A.(A ) 7. A. are going B. are going to C. is going D. is going to be going to do 将要做;主语为复数,故选A.(A ) 8. A. took B. brought C. bought D. take 由下一句判断该句要用一般过去时,故排除D;A. take 带去;B. bring的过去式,带来;C. buy的过去式,买;故选A.(D ) 9. A. say B. speak C. told D. said 由前一句话可知本句话应用一般过去时,排除A B;C. tell的过去式,告诉;D. say的过去式,说,强调说话的内容。故选D。(A ) 10. A. is B. are C. were D. was本句为直接引语,时态仍用一般现在时;the shallow end为单数,故选A.


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