江苏省兴化市昭阳湖初级中学七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities Reading 2教案 (新版)牛津版

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江苏省兴化市昭阳湖初级中学七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities Reading 2教案 (新版)牛津版_第1页
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江苏省兴化市昭阳湖初级中学七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities Reading 2教案 (新版)牛津版_第2页
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最新资料推荐Unit 7 Abilities Reading 2年 级 七年级 科目 英语 课题7B Unit 7 AbilitiesReading 2课时1课型new授课时间主备人交流时间整合时间组长签字教学目标1. To master the details of the story2. To do some relevant exercises 重点To practice the language points well难点To use the information to express their own opinions教学准备Multimedia; 教 学 设 计 详 案二次备课内容Teaching Steps:Step 1 Reading (II)1. Play the tape twice for Ss to listen and repeat with book s closed.2. Play the tape for individuals to repeat once. Step 6 Practice1. Learn the new words together, then get individuals to match the words with their meanings, check as a whole class. 2. Page 80 Part D: Learn more about fire safety and try to add other safe ways about using fire. Step 2 Production1. Finish off the conversation. 2. Talking about Zhang Hua Ss find out Daniels mistakes and give their correct answers.Simon= S Daniel= DS: Do you know what happened to Zhang H ua?D: Yes. I read about it in the Sunshine Post. ( )S: What did he do?D: He heard his neighbour, Mr Sun, calling for help. ( )Then he poured water over his trousers. ( )S: How clever!D: But the fire burnt his neck, legs and face. ( ) He was in hospital for two weeks. ( )S: How terrible! Is he getting better now?D: Yes. Many visitors brought him flowers and cards.S: Thats nice.D: Im very happy that he is well now.S: Me too.Step 3Homework 1. Go over Reading part after class.2. Try to find all the language points in the part.教后记最新精品资料整理推荐,更新于二二二年四月四日2022年4月4日星期一08:46:37


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