某通讯公司咨询建议书(英文版)(ppt 23页)

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It is recommended that,for optimal results,this file be printed to a Series III or higher printer.TELECOMMUNICATIONS2BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN&O,AAC SCOur Understanding of Your Needs.2Project Approach.6Benefits of Our Approach.14Project Timeline and Professional Fees.15Exhibits I.Project Experiences.16II.Project Requirements.19TABLE OF CONTENTSPreliminary and Tentative for Discussion Purposes OnlyTELECOMMUNICATIONS3BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN&O,AAC SCDuring the past several months,BST has initiated several corporate initiatives aimed at responding to the focus on excellence through quality.The total quality policy was adopted because BST realized the need to position itself more competitively within the industry.CHALLENGESThe environment surrounding todays business is constantly changing.Pressure on the workforce is increasing from a variety of perspectives:Increased workforce productivity Changes in technology Job complexity Customer demands and expectationsCorporate wide responses:Foundation Network Strategy The Quality Advantage Business Process Reengineering Efforts Process Improvement Projects Training&Documentation BST RESPONSESBUSINESS NEEDSUNDERSTANDING YOUR NEEDSTELECOMMUNICATIONS4BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN&O,AAC SCBST/ANDERSENTEAMBellSouth Telecommunications and Andersen have successfully worked together on a number of the business responses:Business Process Reengineering-CORE Job Design-AM Work Content Review Training-Training and Documentation Project FNS-Strategic Information Initiative Florida Billing Settlement Andersen is familiar with BellSouths efforts to improve the quality of service,and availability of services and productivity in customer services:Service representatives and collection representatives represent the front line linkage and contact point for this service.Moving to 24-hour-a-day,7-day-a-week availability requires changes for the company.Small productivity increases in contact employee performance represent a substantial savings in BellSouths annual contact employee expenditure.Future reengineering efforts will affect the system component of the provisioning process.Andersen has historically realized significant and quick productivity savings in redesigning these processes.CALL MANAGEMENT PROCESS IMPROVEMENTUNDERSTANDING YOUR NEEDSTELECOMMUNICATIONS5BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN&O,AAC SCEffectiveness&EfficiencyContinuousImprovementUnit CostsProcess TimeCustomerServiceQualityBellSouthCall ManagementUNDERSTANDING YOUR NEEDSTELECOMMUNICATIONS6BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN&O,AAC SCPRIMARY BUSINESS OFFICE PROCESSES10.0Customer Service10.1Service Order Processing new service requests,LD carrier,transfers,charges,disconnects,etc10.2Billing Inquires10.3Respond to customer inquiries10.4Telemarketing10.5Directory assistance11.0Billing and collection11.1Credit policy administration11.2Accounts receivable management and customer accounts analysis11.3Past due accounts collection and payment arrangements11.4Investigate and resolve customer account adjustments11.5Service denial and restoration11.6Bill generation11.7Process and record payments12.0Assignment12.1Assign facilities12.2Programming 13.0 Sales13.1Sales/marketing planning13.2Sales/marketing customer accounts13.3Account development and service13.4Telemarketing13.5Directory assistance14.0Records14.1Customer records setup and maintenance14.2Billing system setup and maintenance14.3Exception processing15.0Installation and Maintenance/Repair15.2Maintenance and/repair loop testing15.3Schedule and dispatch installation and maintenance/repair work15.4Monitor and clear scheduled work15.5Updating and maintaining maintenance/repair database UNDERSTANDING YOUR NEEDSTELECOMMUNICATIONS7BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN&O,AAC SCArthur Andersen Business Improvement Model:Customer Focused ManagementStrategicPositioningPerformanceMeasurementCustomerSatisfactionProcessAlignmentChangeEnvironmentBuild Enduring RelationshipsImprove ContinuouslyManage Resources to Create ValuePROJECT APPROACHTELECOMMUNICATIONS8BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN&O,AAC SCBellSouthCall Management ProjectPhase IPhase IIPhase IIIPhase IVPlanning&PreparationOpportunityAssessmentProcess AlignmentPerformanceMeasurementKeys to ProjectqJoint BellSouth/Arthur Andersen teamsqEffective communication with work forceqFull-time,focused resourcesqFocus on simplification,streamlining and qualityqDevelop specific implementation plans,including process,organization,work force,targets,and time framesPROJECT APPROACHTELECOMMUNICATIONS9BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN&O,AAC SCBellSouthCall Management ProjectPhase IPhase IIPhase IIIPhase IVPlanning&PreparationOpportunityAssessmentProcess AlignmentPerformanceMeasurementPhase IPlanning&PreparationKey ObjectivesThe key objectives of the Planning and Preparation phase are as follows:qPerform cluster analysis qRefine objectives and strategyqOrganize teamsqFurther understand organization and key interfacesqPrepare kick-off communicationsqPlan project,finalize work plan and establish key target datesqOrient and train team membersApproachThe approach to achieving these objectives is to:qHold project team meetingsqDiscuss communications strategyqHold training sessionsqConduct a group team building exerciseqDiscuss activity dictionary with appropriate client personnelKey DeliverablesThe key deliverables of the Planning and Preparation phase are as follows:qAppoint and train project team qFinalize communications planqDevelop timeline for remainder of projectqActivity DictionaryPROJECT APPROACHTELECOMMUNICATIONS10BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN&O,AAC SCPhase IIOpportunityAssessmentKey ObjectivesThe key objectives of the Opportunity Assessment phase are as follows:qUnderstand functions/processes/activities/tasksqUnderstand expectations of key constituentsqFocus resources in high opportunity areasqReview customer satisfaction informationApproachThe approach to achieving these objectives is to:qUtilize joint AA/BST observation teamsqInterview key managers and client personnelqAnalyze and document key processes and activitiesqSurvey client personnelqPerform sampling of significant work activitiesqDocument“as is”performance of critical processesKey DeliverablesThe key deliverables of the Opportunity Assessment phase are as follows:qObtain understanding of expectations,needs and concernsqIdentify and obtain high-level understanding of opportunitiesqCurrent process mapqActivity based costing analysisPROJECT APPROACHBellSouthCall Management ProjectPhase IPhase IIPhase IIIPhase IVPlanning&PreparationOpportunityAssessmentProcess AlignmentPerformanceMeasurementTELECOMMUNICATIONS11BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN&O,AAC SCPhase IIIProcessAlignmentKey ObjectivesThe key objectives of the Process Alignment phase are as follows:qDevelop recommendations for work simplificationqObtain buy-inqDevelop performance measuresApproach The approach to achieving these objectives is to:qPerform detailed analysis of opportunities identified and developed qRedesign selected processes and document specific actions required to implement improvementsqReview findings and obtain buy-in from key stakeholdersKey DeliverablesThe key deliverables of the Process Alignment phase are as follows:qRevised processes qOrganization and work force needsqQuantification of savingsqPerformance measures developed for continuous improvementPROJECT APPROACHBellSouthCall Management ProjectPhase IPhase IIPhase IIIPhase IVPlanning&PreparationOpportunityAssessmentProcess AlignmentPerformanceMeasurementTELECOMMUNICATIONS12BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN&O,AAC SCBellSouthCall Management ProjectPhase IPhase IIPhase IIIPhase IVPlanning&PreparationOpportunityAssessmentProcess AlignmentPerformanceMeasurementPhase IVPerformance MeasurementKey ObjectivesThe key objectives of the Performance Measurement phase are as follows:qDevelop specific implementation plans qCommunicate plans and action steps to appropriate personnelqSmooth transition into implementationApproach The approach to achieving these objectives is to:qSummarize,prioritize,and sequence opportunities for changeqDevelop high level implementation plansqAppoint implementation teamsqAssign responsibilityqDevelop timeline and monitoring processqDevelop and track key performance measuresKey DeliverablesThe key deliverables of the Performance Measurement phase are as follows:qHigh level implementation plansStaffing and budget modificationsResponsibility and timingManagement considerations for monitoringqOverall monitoring processPROJECT APPROACHTELECOMMUNICATIONS13BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN&O,AAC SCq Communicationq Obtaining Buy-Inq Turf Protectionq Frequent management communication throughout processq Multilevel interactionq Participative processq Bottom-up analysis and clearanceq Focus on activities,not peopleq Joint project teamsq Development of objective data baseq Strong management directionq Objective perspective of teamsKeys to SuccessManagement IssuesPROJECT APPROACHTELECOMMUNICATIONS14BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN&O,AAC SCqChanging the Right ThingsqObtaining Real SavingsqMaintaining Service While Change OccursqLinkage with business strategies qFocus on internal and external customersqObjective analysisqStrong management commitmentqSetting a fast pace for analysis andimplementationqBuy-in at all levelsqMeasure resultsqProper staffing of projectqFast paceqCommunicate goals and objectives to all employeesKeys to SuccessManagement IssuesPROJECT APPROACHTELECOMMUNICATIONS15BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN&O,AAC SCqBuilds cross-functional understanding throughout organizationqInjects fresh ideas and perspectivesqReduces cost,compresses elapsed process time and improves customer serviceqUtilizes knowledge base of how other companies have solved these issuesqUse of experts minimizes your long term investmentBENEFITS OF OUR APPROACHTELECOMMUNICATIONS16BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN&O,AAC SCPROJECT TIMELINE AND PROFESSIONAL FEESMonthsPhase12345678I.Planning&PreparationII.Opportunity AssessmentIII.Process AlignmentIV.Performance MeasurementManagement CheckpointsqFrequent management checkpoints will allow BellSouth to adjust the project scope,as required.qWe will bill professional fees and expenses as incurred.We estimate fees for this project to be in the range of$900,000-$1,000,000(based upon 20 site visits and BellSouth participation as outlined in the“Project Approach.”)qOur policy is that billings should be consistent with the value we provide.We will adjust our billings if you are not satisfied with the value you received.qAdditional sites can be analyzed at marginal incremental costs.TELECOMMUNICATIONS17BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN&O,AAC SCExhibit I-Project ExperienceMajor Local Exchange CarrierManagement ChallengeIncreasing competition and deregulation movements have driven companies to focus their efforts on increasing their efficiency,effectiveness and customer service to achieve continued success.This Company believed improvements could be achieved in their Business Office service order and billing inquiry processes and activities to reduce costs and improve quality while increasing customer service.Objectives1.To determine whether service order and billing inquiry processing activities were streamlined effectively to meet customer needs.2.To identify and develop recommendations to reduce processing cycle times while maintaining or improving customer service.3.To develop recommendations to ensure a totally customer-focused organization.4.To develop performance measures to support continuous improvement.ApproachAll significant Business Office work activities were reviewed for improvement.Process and activity analysis,activity-based cost analysis,work sampling and process mapping were used to help identify opportunities and develop recommendations.BenefitsBusiness Office processes and activities were reengineered,resulting in decreased processing cycle time and increased customer service.Increased customer service levels were achieved through improvements in labor management and staffing.Performance measures were established to properly monitor these very important practices.Some of the significant benefits included:qThe companys cost per service order decreased 35%while improving quality and increasing customer service.qBilling inquiry volume decreased 19%and processing time per inquiry decreased 25%.qThe all-positions-busy and customers-waiting-in-queue time decreased significantly and resulted in improved customer service.TELECOMMUNICATIONS18BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN&O,AAC SCMajor Local Exchange CarrierManagement ChallengeManagement believed their current cost apportionment methodology did not appropriately reflect the specific work activities being performed by their employees.Additionally,they were obtaining inconsistent results with unexplainable variances between study periods.Arthur Andersen was engaged to design an improved methodology to more appropriately reflect employees specific work activities performed and increase the accuracy and consistency of results with explainable variances.Additionally,the methodology should be used to identify,develop and quantify work simplification and process improvement opportunities.Objectives1.Develop and design an improved methodology,within FCC requirements,to more appropriately reflect employees specific work activities performed and increase the accuracy and consistency of results with explainable variables.2.Test and implement the redesigned cost apportionment methodology by executing the studies and providing variance explanations.3.Identify,develop and quantify work simplification and process improvement opportunities.ApproachWe analyzed the companys customers,processes,activities and tasks to develop an activity dictionary at its lowest possible level ofdifferentiation.Producing activity-based information at its lowest level maximizes specifically identifiable activities(regulated or nonregulated)and minimizes shared activities(joint regulated and nonregulated).We designed a consistent,statistically valid,cost apportionment methodology based on activity-based costing techniques and principles.An activity-based method enabled us to identify and explain variances and identify,develop and quantify work simplification and process improvement opportunities.BenefitsqEmployees-specific work activities were more appropriately reflected in study results.qAccurate and consistent results were achieved with explainable variances.qThe impact of different operating practices between locations could be quantified to finalize cost/benefit analysis of certain internal“best practices”initiatives.qPerformance and productivity improvements were identified,developed and quantified relating to work simplification and process improvement,organization design,labor management,marketing efforts and effectiveness,and customer service.Exhibit I-Project ExperienceTELECOMMUNICATIONS19BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN&O,AAC SCLarge Telecommunications CompanyManagement ChallengeThe Companys bad debt percentage was continuing to increase andmanagement believed their collection efforts could be more effective.Arthur Anderson was engaged to help streamline,prioritize and focus collection work activities and processes to create a more effective collection department.Objectives1.To determine if the activities performed added value tocollecting past-due amounts from customers.2.To eliminate activities performed that did not add value andstreamline activities that added value to the collectionprocess.3.To properly prioritize collection activities to ensure highestpotential payback.4.To design performance measures to support continuous improvement.Exhibit I-Project ExperienceBenefitsRedesigned work processes and activities were implemented improvingprioritization,focus and effectiveness of the Companys collectionefforts.New Company policies and practices were established,resultingin a more streamlined and effective organization.Performancemeasures were designed to help achieve departmental goals andmonitor department performance.Some of the benefits included:q The Companys collection success rate increased 21%and their final account collection processing time decreased significantly.q New policies resulted in increased revenues and a decreased volume of certain collection activities(e.g.,temporary disconnects,etc.).q The Companys bad debt percentage decreased dramatically.ApproachAll significant collection work activities were reviewed for improvement.Process and activity analysis,activity-based cost analysis,worksampling and process mapping were used to help identify opportunitiesand develop recommendations.TELECOMMUNICATIONS20BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN&O,AAC SCExhibit II-Project RequirementsSpace&Tools RequirementsPlanning Phase:1.Work room for team members to conduct planning(10-15people capacity).Training Sessions:1.Room to conduct training sessions.Should be large enoughso 10-25 people can attend the session.2.Presentation equipment:Overhead projector and screen,flip chart with pens.Interview and Analysis Periods:1.Work area for the team to work in.Hopefully secured or away from people,so the team can freely discuss their ideas.Large enough for both teams,or two separate rooms for the two teams.2.Area to conduct interviews and communication sessions.Wewill need 2-4 rooms for interviews and communicationsessions.The teams can be very flexible on the interviewspace(i.e.,we can interview in lunch rooms,empty offices,etc.).Miscellaneous Items:1.Phone line dedicated to team to receive/make phone calls oraccess to a phone.2.1-2 laser jet printers(preferably Hewlett Packard III or better).3.BellSouth team members will need computers(or haveaccess)to assist in their analysis.Software used by AA&Co.:Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel ABC Flowcharter Paradox4.AA&Co.can rent computers(for BellSouth team members)and printers for the project.Our contractualrental rates may be less expensive.TELECOMMUNICATIONS21BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN&O,AAC SCExhibit II-Project Requirements1.Someone who can dedicate full-time for the duration of the project.2.Individual should have good understanding of Company and variousorganizations that will be affected.3.Well respected by craft and noncraft personnel.4 Someone who is positive about change and continuous improvement.5.Should have good presentation,writing and analytic skills.6.Does not necessarily have to be involved in the processes under review.7.Should be computer literate.Team Member Personnel RequirementsTELECOMMUNICATIONS22BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN&O,AAC SC9、静夜四无邻,荒居旧业贫。,September 02,202210、雨中黄叶树,灯下白头人。17:53:2917:53:2917:539/2/2022 5:53:29 PM11、以我独沈久,愧君相见频。22.9.217:53:2917:53Sep-222-Sep-2212、故人江海别,几度隔山川。17:53:2917:53:2917:53Friday,September 02,202213、乍见翻疑梦,相悲各问年。 2,202214、他乡生白发,旧国见青山。2022年9月2日星期五下午5时53分29秒17:53:2922.9.215、比不了得就不比,得不到的就不要。2022年9月下午5时53分22.9.217:53September 2,202216、行动出成果,工作出财富。2022年9月2日星期五17时53分29秒17:53:292 September 202217、做前,能够环视四周;做时,你只能或者最好沿着以脚为起点的射线向前。下午5时53分29秒下午5时53分17:53:2922.9.29、没有失败,只有暂时停止成功!。,September 02,202210、很多事情努力了未必有结果,但是不努力却什么改变也没有。17:53:2917:53:2917:539/2/2022 5:53:29 PM11、成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。22.9.217:53:2917:53Sep-222-Sep-2212、世间成事,不求其绝对圆满,留一份不足,可得无限完美。17:53:2917:53:2917:53Friday,September 02,202213、不知香积寺,数里入云峰。 2,202214、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。2022年9月2日星期五下午5时53分29秒17:53:2922.9.215、楚塞三湘接,荆门九派通。2022年9月下午5时53分22.9.217:53September 2,202216、少年十五二十时,步行夺得胡马骑。2022年9月2日星期五17时53分29秒17:53:292 September 202217、空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。下午5时53分29秒下午5时53分17:53:2922.9.29、杨柳散和风,青山澹吾虑。,September 02,202210、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。17:53:2917:53:2917:539/2/2022 5:53:29 PM11、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。22.9.217:53:2917:53Sep-222-Sep-2212、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。17:53:2917:53:2917:53Friday,September 02,202213、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。 2,202214、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。2022年9月2日星期五下午5时53分29秒17:53:2922.9.215、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。2022年9月下午5时53分22.9.217:53September 2,202216、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2022年9月2日星期五17时53分29秒17:53:292 September 202217


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