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NSE4B l Theme: Musicl Teaching analysis:课时安排:我进行了本教学模块教材重组,把本模块分为3个课时进行教学,即:第一课时的学习内容是Unit1的第1、2项活动,第二课时的学习内容是Unit1的第3项活动,Unit2的第1、2项活动,第三课时的学习内容是Unit2的第3、4项活动。学情分析和教材分析:本模块主要是让学生在用过去式的背景下学会用英语表达弹奏乐器(Musical instrument), 并在教学中介绍中国的传统乐器,二胡erhu,琵琶pipa,传承民族文化,引导学生热爱中国音乐以及与之相关的民族音乐文化。学生大都了解基本的、主要乐器,并能说句子。在前面的各模块学习中,通过提出问题让学生理解、熟练课文并掌握一定的句型、语法知识。学生基本上可以接受这种学习方法,并有一定的掌握。在本模块的教学中,我将在原有的基础上,做一定的提高,让学生自己来提出问题,并帮助学生纠正表达方面的错误,达到双重的目的。四年级的学生在本校的”艺术节”的活动中,大多有参加或观看各种表演,竞赛,演出等的经历,在本模块的第二单元,通过学习Amy 的一次演出经历,引导学生开始进行简单的小作文练习,培养学生的英语写的能力。任务设置:本模块可通过以下几种任务活动,让学生在活动中学英语、用英语。任务一:让学生各自带上以前在做事的相片,并进行描述。(目的是让学生对故事大意加深记忆和理解。)任务二: (小组活动:小调查)了解小组的同学在昨天做了什么事情,然后将调查结果列表。如:A: What did you do yesterday?” B: I finished my homework. Ans I watched TV.表格制作:Name Things They Did YesterdayFanfanwatched TV, cleaned the room, washed the clothesJingjinglistened to music, played the computer games, played the pianoDongdongpainted a picture, went to the shop, played with his dogl Class hours: 3 Hour 1l Knowledge & Skills 知识与技能1. Language: Review and solidify the simple present tenses (继续复习和巩固过去时态,能用所学知识讲述过去发生的事。)2. Vocabulary : a) Four-skill words: concert音乐会 Chinese中国的 CD激光唱盘 b) Three-skill words: music音乐, instrument乐器, violin小提琴, look like看起来像, guitar吉他, 3.Sentences: What did he play? He played the piano.l Attitude & feeling(情感培养): 通过本课的学习,教育学生要做一个全面发展的孩子,使自己成为具有现代素质的学生。学习复习乐器,并在教学中介绍中国的传统乐器,二胡,琵琶,传承民族文化,引导学生热爱中国音乐以及与之相关的民族音乐文化。l Cultivation of personal ability(能力培养):1、 学会用英语描述过去经历过的活动和事情。2、 通过学习使学生逐渐喜欢阅读英语故事,尝试用英语讲述简单的故事或讲述学过的故事 l Learning points(学习重点):1、Vocabulary : concert音乐会 Chinese中国的 CD激光唱盘2、Sentences:What did he play? He played the piano.l Difficult points(学习难点): 1、 看图描述课文大意2、Past tense. 在活动中正确运用过去时态。3.Sentence patterns: Whats an erhu? It looks like a violin.l Teaching aids(教学准备): A tape recorder, slide show, word cards, information cards. l Teaching steps:ProcedureAnd teaching aidContentPurpose1.Warm-up1. Duty report:2. Sing “Hickory, dickory, dock”. (目的:活跃课堂气氛,为本课的教学营造良好的氛围。)3、课前的每日一句英语学习: This sweater is so tight这件毛衣很紧。4、Revision and lead in (复习、导入)Read then listen and do the actions: Play “Simon Says”复习学过的动词词组:play football, play basketball, play ping-pong, play the drums, play the flute.- (引出)play the violin, play the guitar,play the erhu, play the pipa.1) Learn these new words. And get the ss make sentences with them. Help the ss to pay much attention to the word “the” in the sentences. Eg. I can play the piano. I can play the violin. I can play the flute. 2) Talk about your favorite musical instrument. Eg: My favorite musical instrument is erhu, I like playing the violin best,Playing the flute is my favorite.营造良好的英语氛围,贴近生活对话。 2.Presentation: 1. Lead in:Yesterday Lingling went to a concert.- 学concertNow lets see what happened in the concert.2、Learn the text.1) Show the pictures about the text. Then listen ,read and find “ed”并 教学CD 2)T says something about the text.T: Lingling is showing Amy a video. Its about a concert. Lingling told Amy that her parents played in the concert. Lets see what they played in the concert.3) Answer questions:No.1 Where did Lingling go yesterday? No.2 What kind of concert was it? No.3 Did mum and dad go to the concert? No.4 What did dad/mum play? No.5 What is an erhu? What does it look like? No.6 What looks like a guitar? No.7 Is erhu/ pipa a Chinese musical instrument? NO.8 What did Lingling give to Amy? No.9 Did Amy like the CD? No.10 Did Amy like Chinese music? 4) Listen and repeat.5) Ss read the text by themselves.3.Consolidation1、Ss try to talk about all pictures.(出示挂图。)1) T(示范):2) 学生模仿复述课文。(拓展提高学生的知识。)eg. Yesterday, Lingling went to a concert. It was Chinese music. Linglings parents played in the concert. Her dad played the erhu. An erhu looks like a violin. Her mum played the pipa. A pipa looks like a guitar. An erhu and a pipa are Chinese instruments. Lingling has got a CD. It is Chinese music. She gave it to Amy. Amy likes it very much.2、Let Ss try to play the text in groups then ask some to play. 4. Activity:Practice and consolidation:(练习巩固)1. Do Ex1 in AB.M4U12.Listen and number. (Ex2 in AB.M4U1)听音材料:a. He played the erhu. b. He played the piano. c. She played the flute. d. She played the guitar. e. He played the drums. f. She played the violin.5. Homework:1Listen and follow the tape for 5 times and read the text smoothly.(听音跟读本课课文5遍。)And read and spell the new words for 5 times.(认读和拼读新单词5遍。)2Look at the pictures of Page 15-3 in Students Book. Try to ask and answer the pictures, then write them.l Blackboard designing:Module4 Music Unit1 Dad play the erhu.”What did he play? Keywords: concert音乐会 Chinese中国的 CD激光唱盘He played the piano. music音乐, instrument乐器, violin小提琴, look like看起来像, guitar吉他 Hour 2l Cultivation of personal ability(能力培养):1、能用简短的英语讲故事。2、培养看图说话的能力。l Attitude & feeling(情感培养): 1、让学生学会合作学习,培养他们之间健康的互动情感,对学习成功的赞许,对学习困难者的帮助。2、通过讲故事的比赛,培养竞争意识并激励学习。l Teaching points(学习重点): 1、Vocabulary: nervous紧张的end结束 clap鼓掌 proud自豪的 when什么时候 ;piano钢琴, drum鼓 far away离得很远,before在之前2、Sentences:l D. Difficult points(学习难点): Using the past simple tense to tell stories.l Teaching aids(教学准备): 有关的图标警示语、教学光盘,单词卡,活动用书,场景图片。 l Teaching steps:ProcedureAnd teaching aidContentPurpose1.Warm-up1.sing a song and chant.2. Learn to say the sentence: 3Review the text:a. “活动一”:Words guess game: (To review the vocabulary of musical instrument.) The teacher reads the sentences and the ss guess what he is talking about. Eg. T: Its a Chinese musical instrument. It looks like a guitar. Many many years ago, in China, many women played it to express a kind of sad feeling. Ss: Is it a PIPA?b. Describe the test of Unit1.Sentence 1: Yesterday Lingling went to a concert with her parents.Sentence 2: Dad played the erhu and Mum played the pipa in the concert. Sentence3: An erhu looks like a violin and a pipa looks like a guitar. Sentence 4: Lingling gave a Chinese music CD to Amy. Sentence 5: Amy enjoyed the music very much.c. Activity Book: Page 14. Match the questions and answers. Get the ss do it in a short time and then check the answer. 1 b 2. e 3. g 4. a 5. f 6. c 7. h 8 d铺垫2.Presentation1Lead in the new lesson(导入新课):2. Listen to the cassette and find “ed” 3.(出示问题)a. Who played in the concert?b. What did she play?c. When did she play?d. How did she feel before the concert?e. How did she feel at the end? Wht?3.Listen to the tape recorder of the story. (学生带问题听)4.Read the difficult words and presses. nervous, before, at the end, clap-clapped, proud5.Listen the tape recorder again and read after it.6. Answer the questions.7.Describe the text with “Amy”.Retell the whole story in 5 sentences. (Group work) 学生带问题听3.Consolidation1. Look at the picture(P16-2) and answer the questions in your group.2.Show the answers in class. Then write the answers in the book.3. Describe the picture.(Activity in the group.)Eg. Last year, Daming went to Hong Kong by plane. He visited his friend. They went to the Disney Land.3人小组表演课本剧,参照SB Activity 24ActivityDo the exercise in Activity-book P16-1.5. Assignment1. Listen 3 times and read the text,then review the text and recite the words of M3 for 5 times.(听音跟读本节课的课文,然后复习上节课的课文和拼记本模块的单词各五遍。)2. Look at the picture and write .3. *Write a short passage to describe a kind of musical instrument. (2-3 is enough) l Blackboard designing:Session 2 I was very nervous. Words: What kind of musical instrument can you play? nervous, before,Q2: Did you play it in front of many people? clap-clapped, everyoneQ3: Were you nervous at that time? At the end, proudQ4: Were you happy with your job? Q5: And were you proud of that? Hour 3l Cultivation of personal ability(能力培养):1、能把前面学过的知识,运用到生活中。2、运用字母组合sk, sm, sp, st的对应发音规律进行单词的拼写训练。让学生能够学会注意观察单词的发音规律,掌握音节的发音特点,学会对有规则的单词进行“对号入座”。3、有意识地提高学生的英语日常用语的表达能力。l Attitude & feeling(情感培养):培养学生的各方面的兴趣。 l Teaching points(学习重点):1.Vocabulary(词汇): 能看、听、说的单词: tidy, run up, strike(struck)2. Listen to sing the song:Hickory Dickory Dock .3. 学习字母组合的对应发音规律l Difficult points(学习难点): 歌词的理解。l Teaching aids(教学准备): 幻灯片:本课有关单词的幻灯图片l Teaching steps:ProcedureAnd teaching aidcontentpurpose1.Warm-up1. Greetings.2. Sing a song: “Hickory Dickory Dock” 3、课前的每日一句英语学习: 4、Practice spelling some words.营造良好的英语氛围。2.Presentation1、Practice a. Game : 森林音乐会。(P17.4) b. 展示上节课布置学生做的作业3。2、Listen to the song and learn to sing.1) Listen and follow the sentences. 2) Translation3)Change some words and sing.(用其他词汇进行替换拓展)3. Pronunciation1) Guess the words: spring, screen2) Read the words : 3)Read the sentences of Page21-5 in Activity-Book. 让学生来猜是什么乐器3.Consolidation1. Talk about a scary experienceEg. I walked on the street in a country one day. And then a goat ran to me. I ran and ran, then jumped to a stone. At last, the goat went away.2. Write about a scary experience3. Review the words4. Dictation5.Assignment1、Listen and read M3-U1,U2. Then recite them.2、Finish the activity book3、Preview M8-U1 and read the words of M8l Blackboard designing:Session3 I saw the music man . The panda played the drums. Letters: sk, sm, sp, st . Sound: sk sm- sp st Words: sky small sport startl 教学反思:


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