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江苏省连云港市新浦中学八年级英语下册8B Unit 3 Online travel Period 5 Integrated Skills教学案(无答案) 牛津版重要句型:It is very good for tourists and students Im going to order a packet online. The course covers many topics, including travel and hotel预习案:1. 复习本单元学过的知识点和单词2. 预习Integrated skills 的新单词和课本内容。3. 完成下面的练习一 翻译下列词组: 1.谈论天气 2. 去短暂的旅行 3.请求帮助 4. 对有好处 5.通过无线电听音乐 6. 在网上订购 7.英语课程 8.日常英语 9. 做练习 10. 包含许多话题二 根据中英文写出下列单词。1. Hangzhou is full of _ (another way of saying traveller) at weekends.2. I bought a new _ (of or for education) CD-ROM at the bookshop last Sunday.3. May I speak to you? _ (another way of saying certainly).4. I talked with him on an important _ (subject for discussion).5. Ill write an _ (文章) for the wall newpaper.6. There are six persons in the car, _ (包括) two children.7. Some mistakes _ (出现) in his composition, so he didnt get an “A”.8. Our city looks beautiful! Lots of trees and grass _ (plant) last year.9. I believe that the nice picture _ (draw) by a little girl.10.How long _ (spend) in building this bridge last year?课堂巩固练习案一根据句意,首字母或中文提示完成下列句子。1. Would you _ (介意) opening the windows?2. A new English _ (课程) is taught in our school.3. In a few years time, trees will _ (覆盖) that mountain.4. We must practice speaking _ (日常的) English.二单项选择1. -Now the air in our hometown is even than it was before. -So we must do something to stop it. A. better B. dirty C. more better D. worse2. -They say theres a new restaurant nearby. - Yes, and it for no more than a week. A. has been open B. opens C. is opening C. is opened3. -This kind of rice tastes nice. -Yes, it in Southeast China. A. was grown B. has grown C. is grown D. is growing4. -Mum, may I go out to play football this afternoon? -You can if your homework . A. is done B. will do C. has done D. will be done5. A lot of trees along the river last year. A. planted B. are planted C. were planting6. -I want to teach in this area. -Well. teachers very much here. A. need B. are needing C. are needed D. well need7.- Waiter, Id like some Yangzhou Fried Rice. -Sorry sir. Yangzhou Fried Rice only for lunch and dinner. A. serves B. served C. is serving D. is served8.-Your shirt looks nice. Is it cotton? -Yes, and its Ningbo. A. made from; made of B. made for; made in C. made of; made in D. made of; made by9.The flowers well if they .A. wont grow; dont take good care of B. dont grow; are taken care ofC. dont grow; dont take good care of D. wont; are not taken care of10.-Your dress is so nice. -Thanks! It by my uncle as a birthday present. A. bought B. was bought C. has bought D. will buy课外作业案1. -Excuse me, But I dont think you can smoke here. -Really sorry. I _ this is a non-smoking room. A. dont know B. didnt know C. have no idea D. havent know2. Before you leave the classroom, please _ the lights. A. turn up B. turn down C. turn on D. turn off3.用hold的适当形式填空 We will _ the show in the show. It can_there hundred people.4.翻译;这个女孩正在屋里寻找遥控器。 The girl is _the remote control.5.Please show me how to _(搜寻)the Internet.6.The book_ in the 16th century. A. come out B. came out C. was come out D. were come out7.Dont speak _ (同时).Please one by one.8.根据句意及首字母补全单词 -Who d_ this game? -Oh, Jack Smith is the designer.9. I have a _ daughter. A. six year B. six year old C. six-year-old D. six-years-old10. When I looked into the room I found Philip himself _in bed. A. lies B. lie C. lay D. lying11._ I listen to the exciting song, I always get excited. A. As soon as B. Once C. If Every time12.选出与画线部分意思相同或者相近的一项 If you get the answer, please tell me.( ) A. look for B. think about C. take care of D. come up with13.选出与画线部分意思相同或者相近的一项 They boy is too young to join the army. ( ) A. too weak B. old enough C. not old enough D. strong enough14. The stars _as soon as it was dark. A. came down B. came in C. came over D. came out15. Hangzhou is a nice place. My dad _me there when I was about 10 years old. A. pulled B. caught C. took D. brought16.Mr Smith _a most important role in the development of our city. A. took B. had C. played D. made17.I study for a test _ working with a group. A. in B. by C. at D. to18. -What will we see after we pass all these levels? -Well, that is for you _ (找出、查明)19.翻译:在今晚的聚会上我们肯定玩的很痛快。 Were _to have_ at the party this evening.20.翻译:我对我的成功很有把握。 I _ my success.21. That course has many topics, _(include) history, geography and so on.22. Do you mind _(order) one for me?23. We can organize these words in a _ (difference) way.24. Miss Gao _ just _(write) the topic.25. Do you like to listen to people _(talk)?26. You must learn English well because English is very important in _ (day) life.27.选出与画线部分意思相同或者相近的一项 My wallet is lost. I cant find it anywhere. ( ) A. missing B. new C. old D. broken28.The price _ postage charges. A. contains B. includes C. including D. containing29.翻译;当有必要的时候,你可以向我兄弟求助。如果可能我也会帮助你。 You can ask my brother for help_._,Ill help you too.30. Would you mind_ more slowly? I cant follow you. A. speak B. spoke C. spoken D. speaking31.用所给词的正确形式填空 They_ (appear) in the rain. We couldnt see them at all.32. My uncle has just bought a house _ a small garden in front of it. A. with B. of C. near D. in33. When your homework _, you may go shopping.A. was done B. will be done C. is done D. are done34. He saw her come out of the library. (改为被动语态)_35. Many more houses _ for teachers in this city since 1998.A. were building B. are being built C. were built D. have been built36. Jim with his parents _ many places of interest in China.A. is visited B. have visited C. has visited D. are visited37. The picture _ by the student just now.A. took down B. taken down C. was taken down D. was down taken


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