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7AUnit 1 This is me! 课案Teaching & Studying Plan学校: 海安县角斜初中 设计者:蔡红娟 时间:201010Title(课题)Reading 2 VocabularyType(课型)New (新授课)Period(课时)3理论支持1.改变传统的英语教学观念,以启发式教学原则为支点,推进“学导练”的教学模式。2.情境教学法。教师有目的地引入或创设具有一定情绪色彩的、以形象为主体的生动具体的场景,以引起学生一定的态度体验,从而帮助学生理解教材,并使学生的心理机能得到发展的教学方法。情境教学法的核心在于激发学生的情感。创设和谐、融洽的学习氛围,促进师生之间的情感交流。采用灵活多变的教学手段,培养学生的学习兴趣。3.建构主义理论。以学生为主体、教师为主导、训练为主线,面向全体,分层教学。注重学生的能力培养,力争课堂的优质高效。 4. 合作学习。要求采用小组合作,倡导体验参与。让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功。提倡合作与交流,增强集体意识和荣誉感。Aims and demands(教学目标)A: Knowledge (语言知识) To learn to how to use the new words and phrases about sports.B: Language skill (语言技能)1. To use the new words and phrases to introduce oneself.2. Describe different kinds of sports and equipment.C: Feeling (情感态度)1. To make the students love sports.2. To make the students more interested in sports and try to make them love school life. Key points and difficulties(教学重、难点)1. Learn some new words, useful phrases and sentence patterns. 2. To introduce oneself and write about sports and equipment.Teaching Methods(教学方法) Task-based approach, elfeducated guidance method, environmental methodAids: 课前准备(教具、活动准备等)1. Get some information about sports and equipment from the Internet.2. Get some pictures about sports and equipment ready.3. Pre-reading and complete. 教 学 设 计课前延伸(预习)1.听磁带,预习Vocabulary部分的生词。(会拼写、知词义)2.朗读课文,了解大意,完成课本的练习。3.解决疑难问题。(个人思考,小组讨论,待课上求助)4.查阅与Sports内容相关的资料,以备课上合作交流。5.完成学案预习部分。养成自学习惯,培养自学能力 Teaching Plan (授课计划)Studying Plan(学习计划)Aims(设计意图)课内拓展 学StepGuide in 1. Preview work(Check the answers.)2. Ask Ss some information about Reading1.检查课前预习:各组代表交流情况,再提出组内无法解决的疑难问题。Step II Presentation1. Talk about the language points about Reading.be good at, be born , in the Reading Club, wear glasses, come from, be from , be polite and helpful2. Learn about sports and equipment. (With the help of some pictures.)badminton , volleyball, court, football field, swimming pool, swim1.采用对话的形式,在语境中解决学生提出的难题,重点讲解部分语言点。2.采用相互问答或对话的形式,在语境中运用生词,激发学生兴趣,对Vocabulary内容有进一步的感性认识。导Step IIIPractice 1. Review the passage by filling the blanks.(1) Millie is 12_(岁数)。She is _(擅长) English.(2) Millie loves reading. She is in _(读书俱乐部)。(3) Simon _(出生在)Shanghai but he lives in Beijing now.(4) Sandy _(来自)Beijing. She has _(又长又黑的头发)。(5) Miss Li is _(又高又苗条)。She has _(短发)。Daniel _(戴眼镜)。He is _(有礼貌并乐于助人)。2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words.(1)She likes_ (read) books on Sundays. (2)The boy loves _ (play) football after school.(3)Children enjoy _ (watch) TV in the evening. (4)Amy is good at _ (swim).(5)Lets _ (meet) Daniel after school.(6)Miss Lin _ (love) her students. Her students _ (like) her too.3.训练巩固Reading部分的重要语言点,提高学生对文章细节的理解和推断能力,掌握关于运动的动词和场地。继续进行过程性评价。3. Do the exercises and check the answers in the book4. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words.(1)Simon often swims in the swimming p_ in summer.(2)Millie is playing _(排球) with her friends on the playground.(3)-Whats Kate like? She has long hair and w_ glasses.(4)-Does Daniel w_ hard at his lessons? No, he often plays computer games.(5)We play football on the football f_.练Step IVProduction1. Make a dialogue2.Write a short article to introduce yourself.My name is _.I am _old. I live in _.I have_ hair and _eyes. I love _.I go to the _ to _.On Sunday, I play_ with _.My favorite player is _.通过写作,培养学生的书面表达能力和口头表达能力。课后提升Step V Assignment1. Recite all the new words.2. Find more information about sports on the Internet. 3.Make a hand-copied newspaper about personal information and different kinds of sports利用网络搜索更多关于运动的信息,培养学生热爱体育运动,热爱祖国的感情。Blackboard design (板书设计) Unit1 This is me!Words:hobby badminton volleyball court swim phrases:be good at, be born , in the Reading Club, wear glasses, come from, be from , polite and helpful play badminton play football play volleyball go swimming football field badminton court swimming pool love/like doing sth,4


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