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NO.4 Middle School By Wen rui Unit 3 Life in the futureStudStudy ying aimsing aims:1. Enable Ss to master some important words and expressions in this period.2. Help Ss learn how to describe the life in the in the future. 3. Develop Ss reading ability and let them learn different reading skills. Fast reading! (5 minutes) 1. Look through the title, three pictures and the information we just know to predict what the main idea of this passage is.2. Glance quickly and catch the key words of each paragraph.1.Whats the main idea of the passage? Ahow Li Qiang was transported to the futureBhow Li Qiang got to the future and his first impressions of itCwhat the life was like in the future 1 My impressions of life one thousand years into the future 2 How I came to take a time travel journey. 3 Staying in Wang Pings home 4 The journeyPara. topic Careful reading! (10 minutes) 1Why did Li Qiang feel nervous and uncertain at first in the year AD 3008?ABecause he was frightened in the new surroundings.BBecause he hadnt adapted himself to the new environment.CBecause he was affected by the flashbacks from his previous time period.2.When and where did this story happen?AIt happened in outer space in the future.BIt happened on the earth in the future.CIt happened in outer space at the present time.3How did the system work?AOxygen was provided by a group of machines.BOxygen was provided by some chemicals.COxygen was provided by some green leaves.4Where did Li Qiang lose sight of Wang Ping?AIn a hotel capsule.BIn a room.CIn a large market.TT F 1. Li Qiang was offered the future tour because of the prize he won last year. 2. The text only tells us some good changes to life in AD 3008. 3. Wang Ping advised him to put on a mask when Li Qiang had a headache. TF 4. It was difficult for Li Qiang to learn to use the hovering carriage. 5. In the new surroundings, there was a lack of fresh air. Before the tour: I felt unsettled, nervous and 1 at first. Green 2 from Wang Ping helped me a lot.In the time capsule: The seats were comfortable and we slept after 3 . The capsule swung as we lay relaxed and dreaming.uncertaintabletsa calming drinkIn the 4 carriage The carriage is driven by computer. By bending or 5 the seat, one can move swiftly. I couldnt see Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large 6 because of too many carriages flying by in all directions.hoveringpressing downmarketAt home: It is a large, bright clean room with a 7 wall, a brown floor and soft lighting. The wall made of 8 could move and the trees leaves provided 9 for the room. A table and some chairs rose from 10 when Wang Ping flashed a switch on a computer screen.greentreesoxygenunder the floor Do some exercises! (随堂检测题) FIRST IMPRESSIONSI went into the 1._because I had won a 2._that gave me a tour. I suffered from “time lag” when I left my own time.Wang Ping gave me some green tablets which could help me feel less 3._ His parents company called “Future Tours” 4._ me into the future in a time capsule.The first thing I noticed was the poor quality of the air, so my head 5._. futureprize nervous and uncertain.transportedached And I found several things different:a 6._to give me enough oxygen;a hovering carriage 7._ ;8._house belonging to Wang Pings parents.Here the trees acted as walls and provided 9._ for the room;the tables,chairs and a bed rose from under the floor as if 10._.maskdriven by computerstrange-lookingoxygenmagic1. To memorize the important words and expressions.2. To finish p.19 exercises.3. To write a short paasage what our life will be in 100 years.


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