2022年高中英语 Unit 1 Shcool life-grammar and usage学案牛津译林版必修1

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2022年高中英语 Unit 1 Shcool life-grammar and usage学案牛津译林版必修1 Attributive clausesTry to find the attributive clauses in the following sentences:1. Tachers are professionals who/ that work in schools, colleges and universityies.2. A secretary is a person whom/ who/ that a visitor first meets before seeing the boss.3. Surgeons operate on sick people and repair the organs that/ which no longer work properly.4. They may want to get the same kind of clothes these fashiion models wear.5. A chef is the person whose job is to plan the meals, buy the food, and cook the meals in a restaurant.(A)the relative pronouns in the above sentences _(B) the antecedents in the above sentences _(C) Choose the best answer.1. An attributive clause modifies (修饰) _. A. a noun or a pronoun B. a verb2. Which relative pronouns refer to a thing? And which to a person? Match each relative pronoun with A or B.(A) (B)1) who2) whom A. a thing3) that 4) which B. a person5) whose3. A relative pronoun often es _ of a clause. A. at the beginning B. at the end4. We usually put an attributive clause _ the modified noun or pronoun.Conclusion 1. 定语从句修饰 _2. 定语从句通常紧跟_3. 当关系代词在句中作_, 关系代词可以省略,如 第_句4 定语从句的关系代词如下: 主格 宾格 所有格指代人 _ _ _指代物 _ _ _PracticeI. Fill in the blanks with who, whom or whose1. This is the man _ teaches us chemistry.2. Is this the woman _ you want to see?3. Those are the parents _ children are studying at Beijing University.4. Do you know the man _ son is in the UK?5. This is the student _ we should all learn form.6. I dont think Miss Zhang was the teacher _ has given you the good advice on how to learn Chinese well.7. Those _ are in favour of the plan please raise your hands8. the classroom _ windows face south is ours.9. The old man _ we visited last week has e to see you.10. The teachers _ the students are talking with over there e from Australian.11. The children _ school work hasnt done yet should finish it after class.12. Do you know the man _ bicycle was stolen last night?13. They are the workers _ are good at building bridge.14. The doctor _ you are waiting for has e.15. Is she the chef _ you want to see?16. A colleague is a man or a woman _ you work with.17. A fireman is a soldier _ fights with fires.18. A secretary is a person _ is paid for doing office work.19. Can you introduce me to the girl _ voice is so beautiful?20. Thats the manager _ car is a white Passat.II. Fill in the blanks with which (that), who, whom, or whose1. This is the watch _ my father bought in Switzerland.2. The bicycle _ colour is very unusual belongs to Mr Wang.3. The lady _ has found her lost bag is my next door neighbour.4. Listening to pop music is a hobby _ interests a lot of young people.5. puter is a subject _ every student should learn.6. How can we finish a task _ is impossible for us to do?7. Are these books _ you need right now?8. e to see the boy _ can speak five languages.9. The book _ cover is broken is worth a lot of money.10. The kids _ Grandma Li is taking care of are very naughty.III. Put the two sentences into one, using a relative clause.1. I dont know the teacher. The teacher is singing an English song._2. Have you been to France? France is famous for wine and perfume._3. What do you think of the lecture? The lecture was held last Wednesday._4. The German student can speak six languages. The German student came to our class yesterday. _5. A typewriter is a machine. The machine can help people to type._6. Is this the womanscientist? You want to see her (womanscientist )._7. The book is very useful. The books cover is designed by Mr. Zhu._8. Do you know the woman in light blue? Her job is taking care of my kid._9. The news was not true. She told me the news the day before yesterday._10. The cell phone cost Miss Whalen only $1. Miss Whalen is using the cell phone._Attention; You can only use relative pronoun “that” in the following situations.1. 先行词是不定代词all much little something everything anything nothing none the one时Do you have anything that you want to say for yourselves?2. 当先行词前面有only any few little no all very 等词修饰时This is the very book that I am looking for.3. 当先行词是形容词最高级时或它的前面有形容词最高级修饰时This is the best that has been used against pollution.4. 当先行词时序数词或它前面有一个序数词修饰时his is the last train that will go to Zuzhou.5. 当先行词既有人又有物时Do you know the things and persons that they are talking about?6. 当主句的主语是疑问词who 或which时Which is the bike that you lost?Who is the boy that won the gold medal?7. 有两个定语从句,其中一个关系代词已which用,另一个宜用that They secretly built up a small factory which produce things that could cause pollution.8. 当先行词在主句中作表语,而关系代词也在从句中作表语时Shanghai is no longer the city that it used to be.


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