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平罗七中八年级英语下册五月月考试题 姓名_ 班级_ 考号 _ 得分_ 一单项选择 (共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) ( )1. I like the magazine. When will the next one _? Next Wednesday. A. come on B. go out C. come out D. call out ( )2. What do you like to do in your free time? Steven plays _ piano but I like to play _ basketball. A. the; / B. the; the C. /; the D. /; /( )3. Can you _ life without electricity? We should _ to save it. I agree with you. A. imagine; to try B. develop; try C. develop; to try D. imagine; try ( )4. What are you doing? Im _ the room. Its too untidy. A. tidying up B. looking after C. taking off D. getting on( )5.We should always stay in touch_ each other so that we can know each other better. A. with B for C. to D from ( ) 6. I found _not easy to learn to use a computer. A. it B. that C. what D. them ( ) 7. The people from all over the world are _ the World Expo (世博会) 2010 Shanghai. A. proud of B. hoping for C. feeling like D. asking for ( )8. No news _ good news. I think hell be back soon. A. is B. are C. was D. were( )9. Mary is a quiet student,_ she is active in class. A and B so C but D or( )10._ doyouwater theflowers? Twice a day. A. How long B. How soon C. How much D. How often ( )11. Peter is afraid _ in front of others because his English is not good. A. to tell B. to talking C. to speak D. of telling( )12. How is Tom at school? He is _ and _ wants to play with him. A. alone; someone B. lonely; any one C. happy; no one D. lazy; no one( )13. Tom, do you know David Smith? Sure. He is my best friend and our _ has lasted for years. A. activities B. friendship C. recording D. hobbies( )14. Linda, I will have an English test on Wednesday. _ A. Good luck! B. Excuse me. C. Hold the line. D. Look out!( )15. Im very tired these days because of studying chemistry. Why not listen to music? It can make you _. A. beautiful B. boring C. funny D. relaxed( )16. Life in the countryside is quite _ that in modern cities. A. the same B. different from C. full of D. same as( )17. Where are you going tomorrow? Id like to visit the zoo. _, can I borrow your camera? I want to take some photos there. A. By the way B. Out of the way C. In the way D. On the way( )18. Lucy enjoys _storybooks in her free time. A. reads B. read C. to D. reading()19.Whydidyougototheteachersofice? Mr Black asked me to go, and he asked me _ I was good at running. A. that B. if C. what D. when( )20. Which is _ river in China? The Yellow River. A. the second long B. two longest C. the second longest D. two long二 完形填空(10分) One day Jack went to a big dinner party. His coat was not good. When he went in, no one looked at him and no one gave him 1 food. He was 2 angry that he went home, and 3 his best coat and then came back to 4 party. Everyone stood up at once and came to meet him. Other guests 5 him to the best table and gave him the best food. Then Jack put the food in his coat and said, “Please eat, my dear coat. ”The other people were very 6 and said, “Why are you doing that?” Jack answered, “Im asking my coat 7 now. When I came here at 8 , nobody noticed me 9 gave me food. After I changed my coat, you gave me the best food. So you gave food to my coat, not to 10 .”Everyone felt embarrassed(尴尬的).( )1. A. any B. some C. few D. little( )2. A. too B. very C. so D. such( )3 A. wear B. put on C. to wear D. to put on( )4 A. a B. an C. one D. the( )5. A. take B. taken C. took D. takes( )6. A. surprise B. surprising C. surprised D. angry( )7. A. eat B. eating C. to eat D. ate( )8. A. first B. the first C. last D. the last( )9 A. and B. or C. nor D. but( )10. A. I B. my C. mine D. me三.阅读理解 (共10小题,每小题2分,共30分) 阅读理解30分 AHave you heard of Travel Exchange (互助游)?It has been a popular way of traveling because it can save much money and time during a trip.Imgoing to havea Travel ExchangewithJackin Kunming for mysummerholidays.Lastyear,we became friends on the Internet. We are the same age and webothliketravelling. He told me that he travelled to different places, suchas Shanghai, Chengdu and Guangzhou for his holiday, but he didntspend much money on it. That made me surprised. The reason is that he never travels in a tour group (旅行团). He has many friends in different cities. So when he arrives at a city, he may live in his friends homes and they show him around there. Buthe also needsto invite the friends to his city as a reward (回报). He hopes to have a TravelExchangewithme.So he invitedme to Kunming. And asa reward,Imgoing to invitehimto come to mycity, Qingdao.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。( )46.Thewriter is fromQingdao.( )47. Jack and the writer are classmates.( )48. The writer is surprised about Jack because he has been to many countries.( )49. Jack doesnt live in hotels when he travels. ( )50. The writer will buy presents for Jack after his Travel Exchange. BWhen were little, books are usually about thepictures. Then when were a littlebigger, the words get more important, but westill like thosepictures a lot. Thensometimes we might think were not supposed to care about the pictures anymore because were too old for the pictures. But stories can be told in so many ways these days.Words and picturesareworkingtogether in many books.Ottoline Goes to School, written by Chris Riddell, is like that. Funny, exciting, and wonderful, its the story of Ottoline. Ottoline is looked after by her servants (仆人)andherstrange but loyal (忠诚的) friend Mr Munroe while her parents travel around the world as “Collectors”. Ottoline meets a new friend named Cecily, who asks her toentertheAlice B. Smith School. Studentsin this school have different gifts (天赋). After entering the school, Ottolinetriesto find out her“gift”. And there are some lessonsabout friendship in the book. The pictures in this book make the book special;theyll make you laugh and reallybring you intoOttolinesworld.根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。()51.What canwe learn fromthe first paragraph? A. Different people like different picture books. B. Wordsare always more important than pictures. C. Even older children like pictures in books a lot. D. Wordsare as important as pictures in a book. ( )52. Who look(s) after Ottoline while her parents are away? A.Hergrandma. B.Herteachers. C.Herservants. D.Herclassmates.( )53. What does Cecily ask Ottoline to do? A. To livewithher together. B. To goto a special school. C. To take lessons about friendship. D. To look forher parents around the world. ( )54. What does the writer think of the book? A. Funny. B. Terrible. C. Boring. D. Cheap.( )55.Which ofthe following is NOT true? A. The book is written by Chris Riddell. B. Mr MunroeandCecily are Ottolines friends. C. Alice B. Smith School has students of gifts. CLast summer I spent some time off with my mother in Beidaihe. We stayed there from July 15th to August 5th. It is really a wonderful place. It is one of the most famous summer resorts (避暑圣地) in China. The buildings there are tidy, with some trees and flowers around them. It is famous for its beaches, so lots of tourists from all over the world come here every year. There are many interesting places there, such as the Olympic Park, the Geziwo Park and the Tiger Rock Park. In the Olympic Park, there are some athletes statues (运动员的雕像) and champions fingerprints (冠军的手印) and footprints. Everything in the park is about Olympics. The Geziwo Park becomes famous because it is one of the best places to watch the sunset (落日). Thousands of people come to watch the sunset every day. People can also see different kinds of birds. We enjoyed ourselves there. We are hoping for the next holiday.( )46. How long did the writer stay in Beidaihe? A. A month. B. 15 days. C. 21 days. D. 25 days.( )47. What is Beidaihe famous for? A. Tidy buildings. B.Thetreesandlowersthere. C. Some interesting parks. D. The beaches there. ( )48. How many places are mentioned in Beidaihe? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. ( )49. What cant people see in the Olympic Park? A. Athletes statues. B. Athletes photos. C.Championsfingerprints. D. Champions footprints.( )50. Why is the Geziwo Park so famous? A. Because it is the symbol of Beidaihe. B. Because many people like to go there. C. Because it is a good place to watch the sunset. D. Because there are lots of birds.四. 情景对话 (10分)从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。W:Have youthought about beinga volunteer (志愿者)?M: Yes,of course.(71)W: Me too. Id like to join the school volunteer project. M: (72) W: To look after the children in hospital. M: What will you do for them?W: I like singing very much.(73) M: Good idea. Music can bring them happiness.W: (74) M: Im afraid I cant.Ima volunteer ofthe WorldExpo 2010 Shanghai now.W: (75) .I also want to do something for this great event. A.Thatsounds great.B.Would you like to join us?C.I dont think so.D.I feel good when I help others.E.Ill sing for them. F.Would you like to go camping with me?G. Whats the project about 四单词拼写。A _ (群)of people will go to England next week.Good hobbies can _(发展)our interests.I often wear _(太阳镜)to protect my eyes.It starts from the _(开始)of July.It was so dark that I could _(几乎不)see anything.They finished their meal in _.(寂静)Its not right to _(浪费)so much food.Mr Smith is _(耐心的)with his students all the time.Tom has never _(提到)to us that he has ever been to Canada.10.Could you tell me about a few _(风景)of your city?五将下列短语先翻译成汉语,然后再选词填空(10分)。1.climb up_ 2.wake sb. up_ 3.take up_ 4.as a result _ 5.make sure_6.Mike didnt study hard,and _,he didnt do well in his English test.7.The table _ too much room.8.Its not easy for the old man to _ Mount Tai.9._ that you can get here on time tomorrow.10.His mother_him _ at 6:30 every morning.六书面表达 (10分) 父亲节马上就要到了,但是有些同学不知道送什么礼物给父亲。请根据下面的提示并进行扩展,向同学们提出一些建议。 70词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。提示:1. 如果有足够的(enough)零花钱, 可以为父亲买些实用但不贵的东西,如领带(tie)等; 2. 还可以为父亲做些力所能及的事情(do something that you cando),如为父亲准备一杯茶等他下班后饮用等。Fathers Day is coming and youmust be thinking of getting apresent for your father._ _ Nomatter what you do,the mostimportantthing is to make your father happyon FathersDay. Dont you think so?.


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