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2022年考博英语-天津师范大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The Industrial Revolution began sometime in the eighteenth century. It brought(1)greater changes in technology than there had been in all the(2)history of mankind. By the mid-1800s the revolution had run its(3), and advanced countries began to enjoy such(4)as railways, steamships, electricity and a variety of steam-driven(5)that increased production tremendously and made the industrial countries richer and more powerful. Technology, also enriched, was (6)refined to produce the telephone, wireless telegraphy, the automobile and the airplane. Improvements(7)mass production soon made these new things(8)to ordinary people, and by the 1930s new entertainment industries, (9)the radio and sound motion pictures, (10)the age of mass consumption.All of this took about 200 years, (11)in the later stages the pace of development(12). If the First World War(13)up the pace of industrial development dramatically, the second global(14)was the catalyst(催化剂)for a real (15)of technology. It(16)to us the(17)blessings of nuclear energy and weapons, space travel and inter-continental ballistic missiles(弹道导弾), automation and petro-chemicals. Some inventions changed the face of industry, while others began to(18)the character of society and family life. In(19), the process of technology made life more productive, safer and more agreeable; but also more(20).问题1选项A.upB.forwardC.outD.about问题2选项A.processingB.proceedingC.precedingD.presenting问题3选项A.courseB.wayC.routeD.road问题4选项A.discoveriesB.noveltiesC.equipmentD.techniques问题5选项A.devicesB.facilitiesC.appliancesD.machinery问题6选项A.quiteB.alreadyC.ratherD.further问题7选项A.inB.forC.ofD.with问题8选项A.accessibleB.availableC.adaptableD.additional问题9选项A.excludingB.concludingC.includingD.comprising问题10选项A.enlivenedB.enrichedC.enhancedD.enlightened问题11选项A.otherwiseB.thereforeC.butD.moreover问题12选项A.slowedB.enlargedC.acceleratedD.stepped问题13选项A.madeB.steppedC.pickedD.turned问题14选项A.conflictB.confusionC.conquestD.conduct问题15选项A.destructionB.deteriorationC.devotionD.explosion问题16选项A.providedB.furnishedC.suppliedD.introduced问题17选项A.changedB.affectedC.mixedD.confused问题18选项A.alterB.varyC.alternateD.differ问题19选项A.particularB.shortC.consequenceD.end问题20选项A.fascinatingB.challengingC.amusingD.overwhelming【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:A第4题:B第5题:D第6题:A第7题:A第8题:A第9题:C第10题:A第11题:C第12题:C第13题:B第14题:A第15题:D第16题:D第17题:C第18题:A第19题:B第20题:B【解析】第1题:考查固定搭配。bring about意为“带来,引起”;bring up意为“养育”;bring forward意为“提出,提前”;bring out意为“生产,出版”。由句意可知工业革命带来了很大变化,因此选D。第2题:考查词义辨析。preceding意为“先前的,之前的”;processing为process(处理,加工)的现在分词proceeding作名词时,意为“诉讼,进程”,proceeding作动词时,是proceed(继续做,进行)的现在分词;presenting是present(展示)的现在分词。第3题:考查固定搭配。run its course意为“任其发展,听其自然”。第4题:考查上下文语义,由后面的railways, steamships, electricity and a variety of steam-driven(铁路、轮船、电力和各种蒸汽动力)以及前面提到的这是一次工业革命,可知这些是新出现的事物,因此填novelties(新奇的事物)最为恰当。第5题:考查上下文语义。由后面that increased production tremendously and made the industrial countries richer and more powerful(这极大地增加了产量,使工业化国家更加富裕和强大)可知填machinery(机器,机械)最为恰当。第6题:考查上下文语义。由后面的the telephone, wireless telegraphy, the automobile and the airplane(电话、无线电报、汽车和飞机)可知技术非常的完善,因此填quite(相当,很)最为恰当。rather多用于贬义形容词。第7题:考查介词辨析。表示“在某方面”用介词in,improvement in mass production意为“大规模生产的改进”。第8题:考查形容词辨析。accessible to意为“可得到的,容易获得的”;available to意为“可获得的”;adaptable to意为“适应”;addition to意为“附加的”。由后面的ordinary people可知大规模的生产这些东西使普通人可以容易得到,因此选A。第9题:考查上下文语义。可将“_the radio and sound motion pictures”看作一个插入语,excluding意为“排除”;concluding意为“结束的”;including意为“包括”,指一个整体包含着各独立的部分,强调“包括作为整体的一部分”;comprising意为“包含”,指一个整体包括不同部分所组成,强调“由许多部分构成一个整体”。此处是举例说明前面“新娱乐产业”的种类,因此选C。第10题:考查动词辨析。enliven意为“使更有趣(活泼)”;enrich意为“使富裕”;enhance意为“提高,增加”;enlighten意为“启蒙,启发”,此处表示新娱乐产业使大众消费时代更有趣。第11题:考查连词。空格前后为两个句子,缺少连词,因此填but。第12题:考查上下文语义。slow意为“缓慢”;enlarge意为“扩大”;accelerate意为“(使)加快,(使)增速”;step意为“迈步,行走”。由后面的industrial development dramatically(工业急剧发展)和catalyst(催化剂)可推测句子的主语the pace of development(发展的步伐)加速,因此选C。第13题:考查动词辨析。step up意为“增加,提高”;make up意为“组成”;pick up意为“捡起”;turn up意为“出现”,由前面的内容可知此处表示加速工业发展,因此选B。第14题:考查上下文语义。conflict意为“冲突”;confusion意为“混乱”;conquest意为“征服,击败”;conduct意为“安排,执行”。由前面的the First World War(第一次世界大战)可推测这里指第二次世界大战,the second global conflict(第二次全球冲突)最为恰当,因此选A。第15题:考查名词辨析。explosion意为“爆炸,激增”;destruction意为“破坏,毁灭”;deterioration意为“恶化”;devotion意为“献身,奉献”。此处表示科技的爆发,因此选D。第16题:考查固定搭配。introduce to意为“带来,介绍”;provide/furnish/supply sb. with sth.表示提供、供应。第17题:考查上下文语义。由后面的nuclear energy and weapons, space travel and inter-continental ballistic missiles, automation and petro-chemicals可知带来的影响有利有弊,因此选C,mixed blessing意为“好坏掺半之事”。第18题:考查上下文语义。由前面的Some inventions changed the face of industry(一些发明改变了工业的面貌)可知此处的谓语动词填alter(改变)最为恰当,与changed相对应。第19题:考查上下文语义。in short意为“简而言之,总之”;in particular意为“尤其,特别”;in consequence意为“结果,因此”。此处表示总结,因此选B。第20题:考查上下文语义。fascinating意为“迷人的”;challenging意为“挑战性的”;amusing意为“好笑的,有趣的”;overwhelming意为“巨大的,无法抗拒的”。由but可知此处表示与前面的more productive, safer and more agreeable(更高效、更安全、更舒适)对比,因此选B。2. 单选题English once a highly inflected language though never so infected as Latin or Greek or many American Indian languages is now largely ( ).问题1选项A.reflectedB.uninflectedC.inflectedD.homogeneous【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。reflected意为“反射的”;uninflected意为“无屈折变化的,无屈折的”; inflected意为“屈折变化的”;homogeneous意为“同性质的,同类的”。句意:英语曾经是一种高度屈折变化的语言尽管从未像拉丁语、希腊语或许多美国印第安语那样屈折变化现在很大程度上是无屈折变化的。3. 单选题“Id like to have a look at your cameras before I decide on one.” “We have several models( ).”问题1选项A.for you to choose fromB.for the choice of yoursC.for your choiceD.for you to choose【答案】A【解析】考查不定式。不定式作定语修饰several models,此处表示从中选择,因此选A。句意:“在我决定之前,我想先看看你的相机。”“我们有几个款式供你选择。”4. 单选题Indeed, when you realize that you are ( )of this entire natural network, it will make you appreciate your time here on Earth all the more.问题1选项A.part and parcelB.hustle and bustleC.bread and butterD.flesh and blood【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。part and parcel意为“重要的部分”;hustle and bustle意为“熙熙攘攘”;bread and butter意为“生计”;flesh and blood意为“血肉之躯”。句意:事实上,当你意识到你是整个自然网络的一部分时,会让你更重视你在地球上的时间。5. 翻译题The nations meeting here in Shanghai understand what it is stake. If we do not stand against terrorism now, every civilized nation will at some point be its target. We will defeat the terrorists by destroying their network, wherever it is found. We will also defeat the terrorists by building an enduring prosperity that promises more opportunity and better lives for all the worlds people.The countries of the Pacific Rim made the decision to open themselves up to the world, and the result is one of the great development success stories of our time. The peoples of this region are more prosperous, healthier, and better educated than they were only two decades ago. And this progress has proved what openness can accomplish.【答案】在上海的与会各国都意识到了目前的危机。如果我们现在不制止恐怖主义,每个文明国家都将在某一时刻成为其袭击目标。我们将摧毁恐怖分子的一切联络,无论他在何地。我们还将通过建立持久的繁荣,为全世界人民带来更多的机会和更好的生活,从而击败恐怖分子。亚太地区各国决定向世界开放,这是我们这个时代伟大的发展成就之一。与过去仅仅20年前相比,该地区人民的生活更繁荣,更健康,受教育程度更高。这样的进步证明了开放的成果。6. 单选题In selecting a material the engineers interest is in its properties which determine how it will perform under the loads and condition( ) it is subject.问题1选项A.whereB.whichC.in whichD.to which【答案】D【解析】考查定语从句。由固定搭配“be subject to”可知此处将介词提前,因此选D。句意:在选择材料时,工程师感兴趣的是材料在遭受负荷或者某种状况时所表现出来的特性。7. 单选题The debates over stem cell research during the last decade have been among the most heated( )in the history of science.问题1选项A.conspiraciesB.contradictionsC.contentionsD.controversies【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。conspiracy意为“阴谋”;contradiction意为“矛盾”;contention意为“论点,争论”;controversy意为“公开辩论,论战”。句意:过去十年中关于干细胞研究的争论是科学史上最激烈的论战之一。8. 单选题Before moving to another city, Amy ( )of the house and the furniture.问题1选项A.disposedB.discardedC.dischargedD.distributed【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。dispose of意为“处理,解决”;discard of意为“丢弃”;discharge of意为“执行(职责)”;distribute意为“分发,分配”。句意:在搬到另一个城市之前,艾米处理掉了房子和家具。9. 单选题As soon as the boy was able to earn his own living, he ( )his parents strict rules.问题1选项A.defiedB.refutedC.excludedD.vetoed【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。defy意为“不服从”;refute意为“驳斥,驳倒”;exclude意为“排除,不包括”;veto意为“反对,否定”。句意:一旦这个男孩能够自食其力,他就不会服从他父母的严格规定。10. 单选题There is nothing like the suggestion of a cancer risk to scare a parent, especially one of the over-educated, eco-conscious types. So you can imagine the reaction when a recent USA Today investigation of air quality around the canons schools singled out those in the smugly green village of Berkeley, Calif, as being among the worst in the country. The citys public high school, as well as a number of daycare center, preschools, elementary and middle schools, fell in the lowest 10%. Industrial pollution in our town had supposedly turned students into living science experiment breathing in a laboratorys worth of heavy metals like manganese, chromium and nickel each day. This is in a city that requires school cafeterias to serve organic meals. Great, I thought, organic lunch, toxic campus.Since December, when the report came out, the mayor, neighborhood activists and various parent-teacher associations have engaged in a fierce battle over its validity, over the guilt of the steed-casting factory on the western edge of town, over union jobs versus childrens health and over what, if anything, ought to be done. With all sides presenting their own experts armed with conflicting scientific studies, whom should parents believe? Is there truly a threat here? We asks one another as we dropped off our kids, and if so, how great it is? And how does it compare with the other, seemingly perpetual health scares we confront, like panic over lead in synthetic athletic fields? Rather than just another weird episode in the town that brought you protesting environmentalists, this latest drama is a trial for how todays parents perceive risk, how we try to keep our kids safe-whether its possible to keep them safe-in what feels like an increasingly threatening world. It raises the question of what, in our time, “safe” could even mean.“Theres no way around the uncertainty”,says Kimberly Thompson, president of Kid Risk, a nonprofit group that studies childrens health. “That means your choices can matter, but it also means you arent going to know if they do.” A 2004 report in the journal Pediatrics explained that nervous parents have more to fear from fire, car accidents and drowning than from toxic chemical exposure. To which I say: Well, obviously. But such concrete hazards are beside the point. Its the dangers parents cant-and may never-quantify that occur all of sudden. Thats why Ive rid my cupboard of microwave food packed in bags coated with a potential cancer-causing substance, but although Ive lived blocks from a major fault line for more than 12 years, I still havent bolted our bookcases to the living room wall.1.What does a recent investigation by USA Today reveal?2.What response did UAS Todays report draw?3.How did parents feel in the face of the experts studies?4.What is the view of the 2004 report in the journal Pediatrics?5.Of the dangers in everyday life, the author thinks that people have most to fear from( ).问题1选项A.Heavy metals in lab tests threaten childrens health in Berkeley.B.Berkeley residents are quite contented with their surroundings.C.The air quality around Berkeleys school campuses is poor.D.Parents in Berkeley are over-sensitive to cancer risks their kids face.问题2选项A.A heated debate.B.Popular support.C.Widespread panic.D.Strong criticism.问题3选项A.They felt very much relieved.B.They were frightened by the evidence.C.They didnt know who to believe.D.They werent convinced of the results.问题4选项A.It is important to quantify various concrete hazards.B.Daily accidents pose a more serious threat to children.C.Parents should be aware of childrens health hazards.D.Attention should be paid to toxic chemical exposure.问题5选项A.the uncertainB.the quantifiableC.an earthquakeD.unhealthy food【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】第1题:细节事实题。由文章第一段中So you can imagine the reaction when a recent USA Today investigation of air quality around the canons schools singled out those in the smugly green village of Berkeley, Calif, as being among the worst in the country.(因此,你可以想象,最近今日美国对全国学校周围空气质量的调查,将加利福尼亚州的伯克利绿色村庄也列为全国空气质量状况最差的地区之中)可知选C。第2题:细节事实题。由文章第二段第一句中Since December, when the report came out, the mayor, neighborhood activists and various parent-teacher associations have engaged in a fierce battle over its validity(自去年12月该报告发布以来,市长、社区积极分子和各种家长教师协会就该报告的有效性展开了激烈的讨论)可知选A。第3题:细节事实题。由文章第二段中With all sides presenting their own experts armed with conflicting scientific studies, whom should parents believe?(由于各方都提出了一些支持各自观点的专家,但这些专家的科学研究是相互矛盾的,家长应该相信谁?)以及后面的一连串提问,可知父母对这些观点感到困惑,不知道该相信谁,因此选C。第4题:推理判断题。由文章最后一段中A 2004 report in the journal Pediatrics explained that nervous parents have more to fear from fire, car accidents and drowning than from toxic chemical exposure.(儿科杂志2004年的一份报告解释说,神经紧张的父母对火灾、车祸和溺水的恐惧比有毒化学暴露更多)可推测父母对日常容易遇到的事故更担心,因此选B。第5题:推理判断题。由文章最后一段中Theres no way around the uncertainty. Its the dangers parents cant and may never-quantify that occur all of sudden.(无法避免这种不确定性这是父母无法也可能永远不会量化突然发生的危险)可推测作者认为父母最大的恐惧来源于不确定性,因此选A。11. 单选题Of all the components of a good nights sleep, dreams seem to be least within our control. In dreams, a window opens into a world where logic is suspended and dead people speak. A century ago, Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and rears, by the late 1970s. neurologists had switched to thinking of them as just mental noise the random byproducts of the neural-repair work that goes on during sleep. Now researchers suspect that dreams are part of the minds emotional thermostat regulating moods while the brain is off-line And one leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control, to help us sleep and feel better, its your dream says Rosalind Cartwright, chair of psychology at Chicagos Medical Center. If you dont like it, change it.Evidence from brain imaging supports this view. The brain is as active during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep-when most vivid dreams occur-as it is when fully awake, says Dr, Eric NofZinger at the University of Pittsburgh. But not all parts of the brain are equally involved, the limbic system (the emotional brain) is especially active, while the prefrontal cortex (the center of intellect and reasoning) is relatively quiet, We wake up from dreams happy of depressed, and those feelings can stay with us all day says Stanford sleep researcher Dr. William Dement.The link between dreams and emotions shows up among the patients in Cartwrights clinic. Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night, progressing toward happier ones before awakening, suggesting that they are working through negative feelings generated during the day. Because our conscious mind is occupied with daily life we dont always think about the emotional significance of the days events-until, it appears, we begin to dream.And this process need not be left to the unconscious. Cartwright believes one can exercise conscious control over recurring bad dreams. As soon as you awaken, identify what is upsetting about the dream, visualize how you would like it to end instead, the next time is occurs, try to wake up just enough to control its course. With much practice people can learn to, literally, do it in their sleep.At the end of the day, theres probably little reason to pay attention to our dreams at all unless they keep us from sleeping of we wake up in a panic”. Cartwright says Terrorism, economic uncertainties and general feelings of insecurity have increased peoples anxiety. Those suffering from persistent nightmares should seek help from a therapist. For the rest of us, the brain has its ways of working through bad feelings, sleep-or rather dream-on it and youll feel better in the morning.1.Researchers have come to believe that dreams( ).2.By referring to the limbic system, the author intends to show( ).3.The negative feelings generated during the day tend to( ).4.Cartwright seems to suggest that( ).5.What advice might Cartwright give to those who sometimes have had dreams?问题1选项A.can be modified in their coursesB.are susceptible to emotional changesC.reflect our innermost desires and fearsD.are a random outcome of neural repairs问题2选项A.its function in our dreamsB.the mechanism of REM sleepC.the relation of dreams to emotionsD.its difference from the prefrontal cortex问题3选项A.aggravate in our unconscious mind.B.develop into happy dreams.C.persist till the time we fall asleep.D.show up in dreams early at night.问题4选项A.waking up in time is essential to the ridding of bad dreamsB.visualizing bad dreams helps bring them under con trollC.dreams should be left to their natural progressionD.dreaming may not entirely belong to the unconscious问题5选项A.Lead your life as usual.B.Seek professional help.C.Exercise conscious control.D.Avoid anxiety in the daytime.【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:D第4题:D第5题:A【解析】第1题:细节事实题。由文章第一段中And one leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control, to help us sleep and feel better.(一位权威人士说,这些强大的精神事件不仅可以被利用,而且实际上可以在有意识的控制下,帮助我们睡眠和感觉更好)its your dream says Rosalind Cartwright, chair of psychology at Chicagos Medical Center. If you dont like it, change it.可知选A。第2题:推理判断题。由文章第二段中the limbic system (the emotional brain) is especially active, while the prefrontal cortex is relatively quiet, We wake up from dreams happy of depressed, and those feelings can stay with us all day 可知边缘系统(“情感大脑”)特别活跃,梦里的感觉会影响一天的情绪,因此选C,作者是为了说明梦与情绪的关系。第3题:细节事实题。由文章第三段中Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night, progressing toward happier ones before awakening, suggesting that they are working through negative feelings generated during the day.(大多数人在晚上入睡的较早阶段做更多不好的梦,在快醒来之前,会逐渐做一些更开心的梦,这意味着他们在克服白天产生的负面情绪)因此选D。第4题:细节事实题。由文章第四段中And this process need not be left to the unconscious. Cartwright believes one can exercise conscious control over recurring bad dreams.(而该过程不一定是无意识的。Cartwright认为人们练习有意识地控制反复出现的恶梦)可知D选项“做梦可能并不完全属于无意识”符合题意。第5题:细节事实题。由文章最后一段中theres probably little reason to pay attention to our dreams at all unless they keep us from sleeping of we wake up in a panic”可知只要梦不使我们无法入睡或从梦中惊醒,就几乎没有理由关注我们做的梦,因此对有时做梦的人来说,像以往正常的生活就行,故选A。12. 单选题( )teller machines have reduced the need for bank visits to obtain cash and carry out transactions.问题1选项A.CorrelatedB.AutomatedC.IncorporatedD.Prototyped【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。correlated意为“相互关系的”;automated意为“自动化的”;incorporated意为“组成公司的”;prototyped意为“原型的”。句意:自动取款机减少了去银行提取现金和进行交易的需要。13. 单选题If a girls eyes ( )when


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