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2022年考博英语-南京艺术学院考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 翻译题Put the following two passages into Chinese.It is simple enough to say that since books have fiction, biography, poetrywe should separate them and take from each what it is right that each should give us. Yet few people ask from books what books can give us. Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, of biography that it shall be flattering, of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices. If we could banish all such preconception when we read, that would be an admirable beginning. Do not dictate to your author, try to become him. Be his fellow worker and accomplice. If you hang back, and reserve and criticize as first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read. Bu if you open your mind as widely as possible, then signs and hints, from the twist and turn of the fist sentences, will bring you into the presence of human being unlike any other. Steep yourself in this, acquaint yourself with this, and soon you will find that your author is giving you, or attempting to give you, something far more definite.Let me come to the point boldly; what governs the Englishman is his inner atmosphere, the weather in his soul. It is nothing spiritual or mysterious. When , in his garden or by his fire,he sprawls in an aggressively comfortable chair; when he is choosing his clothes or his professionnever is it a precise reason, or purpose, or outer fact that determines him; it is always the atmosphere of his inner man.【答案】既然书有小说、传记、诗歌之分,我们就应该把它们分类,从中吸收它们应该给予的知识。这说起来很容易。然而很少有人要求书本应该给予的知识。我们总是囫囵吞枣般去看书,要求小说必须真实,要求诗歌必须虚构,要求传记谄媚,要求历史书能加强自己的偏见。如果我们读书之前能抛开这些偏见,将会是一个好的开始。不要去强加你的想法给作者,而是要去理解他,成为他的伙伴。如果你将自己置身事外,并且从一开始就批判他,你就无法从书中获得最大的价值。但是如果你敞开心扉,那么书中精细入微的寓言和暗示便会让你从开头那些晦涩的句子中绕出来,把你带到一个独特的人物面前。把自己沉浸在里面去钻研,你很快会发现,作者正向你阐述的或者是试图向你阐述的东西是一些比原来要明确得多的东西。让我直接切入正题:支配英国人的是他内心的情调,灵魂深处的气象。它既不是精神上的,也不神秘。在花园中或者壁炉旁,他会伸展四肢躺在一张舒服的椅子上;当挑选衣服或者职业时,并不是有明确的理由、目的,或者外部条件来制约他的决定,仅仅取决于他内在的情调。2. 单选题In some countries where racial prejudice is acute, violence has come to be taken for granted as a means of solving differences, that it is not even questioned. There are countries where the white man imposed his rule by brute force; there are countries where the black man protests by setting fire to cities and by looting and pillaging. Important people on both sides, who would in other respects appeal to be reasonable men, get up and calmly argue in favor of violence as if it were a legitimate solution, like any other. What is really frightening, what really fills you with despair, is the realization that when it comes to the crunch, we have made no actual progress at all. We may wear collars and ties instead of war-paint, but our instincts remain basically unchanged. The whole of the recorded history of the human race, that tedious documentation of violence, has taught us absolutely nothing. We have still not learnt that violence never solves a problem but make it more acute. The sheer horror, the bloodshed and the suffering mean nothing. No solution ever comes to light the morning after then we dismally contemplate the smoking ruins and wonder what hit us.The truly reasonable men who know where the solutions lie are finding it harder and harder to get a hearing. They are despised, mistrusted and even persecuted by their own kind because they advocate such apparently outrageous things as law enforcement. If half the energy that goes into violent acts were put to good use, if our efforts were directed at cleaning up the slums and ghettos, at improving living-standards and providing education and employment for all, We would not have gone a long way to arriving at a solution. Our strength is sapped by having to mop up the mess that violence leaves in its wake. In a well-directed effort, it would not be impossible to fulfill the ideals of a stable social programme. The benefits that can be derived from constructive solutions are everywhere apparent in the world around us. Genuine and lasting solutions are always possible, providing we work within the framework of the law.Before we can even begin to contemplate peaceful co-existence between the races, we must appreciate each others problems. And to do this, we must learn about them: it is a simple exercise in communication, in exchanging information. “Talk, talk, talk, the advocates of violence say, “all you ever do is talk, and we are none the wiser.” Its rather like the story of the famous barrister who painstakingly explained his case to the judge. After listening to a lengthy argument the judge complained that after all this talk, he was none the wiser. “Possible, my lord,” the barrister replied “none the wiser, but surely far better informed.” Knowledge is the necessary, prerequisite to Wisdom: the knowledge that violence creates the evils it pretends to solve.1.What is the best title for this passage?2.Recorded history has taught us( ).3.It can be inferred that truly reasonable men( ).4.“He was none the wiser” means( ).5.According the author the best way to solve race prejudice is( ).问题1选项A.Advocating Violence.B.Violence Can Do Nothing to Diminish Race Prejudice.C.Important People on Both Sides Violence as a Legitimate Solution.D.The Instincts of Human Race Are Thirsty for Violence.问题2选项A.violence never solves anythingB.nothingC.the bloodshed means nothingD.everything问题3选项A.cant get a hearingB.are looked down uponC.are persecutedD.have difficulty in advocating law enforcement问题4选项A.he was not at all wise in listeningB.He was not at all wiser than nothing beforeC.He gains nothing after listeningD.He makes no sense of the argument问题5选项A.law enforcementB.knowledgeC.nonviolenceD.mopping up the violent【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:D第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.主旨大意题。题目问的是“这篇文章最适合的标题是”。文章提到有些国家的人倾向于用暴力解决问题,这种行为甚至被认为是理所当然的(In some countries where racial prejudice is acute, violence has come to be taken for granted as a means of solving differences, that it is not even questioned),接着又提到暴力解决不了问题,只会让问题更尖锐(We have still not learnt that violence never solves a problem but make it more acute),因此,选项B“暴力不能解决任何种族纠纷”符合题意。2.细节事实题。题目问的“有记录的历史教会我们”。文章第一段提到“人类有记载的那些关于暴力的历史完全没有教我们任何东西”(The whole of the recorded history of the human race, that tedious documentation of violence, has taught us absolutely nothing),因此选项B符合题意。3.细节事实题。题目问的是“可以推断真正理智的人”。文章第二段第一二句提到“真正理智的人会发现自己的方法越来越难以被倾听。他们被自己的同类鄙视,不信任、甚至迫害,因为他们宣扬的是让他人愤怒的事情”(The truly reasonable men who know where the solutions lie are finding it harder and harder to get a hearing. They are despised, mistrusted and even persecuted by their own kind because they advocate such apparently outrageous things as law enforcement),选项D“在支持执法上遇到困难”符合题意。4.细节事实题。题目问的是“He was none the wiser意味着”。文章第三段提到“听了一场冗长的辩论后,法官抱怨说,听了这番话,他还是一窍不通”(After listening to a lengthy argument the judge complained that after all this talk, he was none the wiser),因此选项C“倾听后他什么都没得到”符合题意。5.细节事实题。题目问的是“在作者看来,消除种族歧视问题的最好办法是”。文章第二段最后一句话提到“只要我们在法律框架内努力,真正的与长久的解决办法将有可能”(Genuine and lasting solutions are always possible, providing we work within the framework of the law),选项A符合题意。3. 翻译题Put the following two passages into English.众所周知,莎士比亚(Shakespeare)是英国著名的伟大作家,在很多国家,他的许多作品拥有众多读者。我想大家都看过他的著名作品罗米欧与朱丽叶 (Romeo and Juliet),他们之间的爱情令人永生难忘。朱丽叶似乎舍不得罗米欧离开她,正像罗米欧不愿意离开他的朱丽叶一样,对于情人来说,最甜蜜的音乐就是他们在夜间互吐衷肠的声音。我们每个人都应活在这个充满爱的世界里,因此,我们每时每刻都需要你的关爱、你的祈祷和鼓励。我们要相互尊重,相互帮助。我们必须珍惜人生,珍惜生命。 因为生命对每个人来说都只有一次。所以我们都要过一种有意义的生活。如果人生的不幸降临到你的头上,请你也不要放弃,你一定要勇敢地生活,战胜疾病。幸福永远属于那些对生命执着追求的人。【答案】As is known to all, Shakespeare is a famous and great British writer, with numerous readers in many countries. Im sure that everyone has already read his masterpiece, Romeo and Juliet. The love between Romeo and Juliet is always unforgettable. Juliet seems to be reluctant to let Romeo go from her as Romeo is unwilling to part from his Juliet. For lovers, the sweetest music is the sound of each others tongue at night.Each of us deserves to live in a world of love, so we need your love, your prayers and your encouragement, mutual respect and aid all the time. We must cherish life, for there is only one life for everyone. Therefore, the lifetime should be spent in a meaningful way. No matter what kind of misfortune befalls you, do not give up, instead, you must live bravely to conquer disease. Happiness always belongs to those who pursue life persistently.4. 单选题Given the lack of fit between gifted students and their schools, it is not surprising that such students often have little good to say about their school experience. In one study of 400 adults who had achieved distinction in all areas of life, researchers found that three-fifths of these individuals either did badly in school or were unhappy in school. Few MacArthur Prize fellows, winners of the MacArthur Award for creative accomplishment, had good things to say about their pre-collegiate schooling if they had not been placed in advanced programs. Anecdotal reports support this Pablo Picasso, Charles Darwin , Mark Twain, Oliver Goldsmith, and William Butler Yeats all disliked school. So did Winston Churchill, who almost failed out of Harrow, an elite British school. About Oliver Goldsmith, one of his teachers remarked, “Never was so dull a boy.” Often these children realize that they know more than their teachers, and their teachers often feel that these children are arrogant, inattentive, or unmotivated.Some of these gifted people may have done poorly in school because their gifts were not scholastic. Maybe we can account for Picasso in this way. But most fared poorly in school not because they lacked ability but because they found school unchallenging and consequently lost interest. Yeats described the lack of fit between his mind and school: “Because I had found it difficult to attend to anything less interesting than my own thoughts, I was difficult to teach,” As noted earlier, gifted children of all kinds tend to be strong-willed nonconformists. Nonconforinity and stubbornness are likely to lead to Conflicts with teachers.When highly gifted students in any domain talk about what was important to the development of their abilities, they are far more likely to mention their families than their schools or teachers. A writing prodigy studied by David Feldman and Lyun Goldsmith was taught far more about writing by his journalist father than his English teacher. High -IQ children, in Australia studied by Miraca Gross bad much more positive feelings about their families than their schools. About half of the mathematicians studied by Benjamin Bloom had little good to say about school. They all did well in school and took honors classes when available, and some skipped grades.1.The main point the author is making about schools is that( ).2.The author quotes the remarks of one of Oliver Goldsmiths teachers( ).3.Pablo Picasso is listed among the many gifted children who( ).4.Many gifted people attributed their success( ).5.The root cause of many gifted students having bad memories of their school years is that ( ).问题1选项A.they should satisfy the needs of students from different family backgroundsB.they are often incapable of catering to the needs of talented studentsC.they should organize their classes according to the students abilityD.they should enroll as many gifted students as possible问题2选项A.to provide support for his argumentB.to illustrate the strong will of some gifted childrenC.to explain how dull students can also be successfulD.to show how poor Olivers performance was at school问题3选项A.paid no attention to their teachers in classB.contradicted their teachers much too oftenC.could not cope with their studies at school successfullyD.behaved arrogantly and stubbornly in the presence of their teachers问题4选项A.mainly to parental help and their education at homeB.both to school instruction and to their parents coachingC.more to their parents encouragement than to school trainingD.Less to their systematic education than to their talent问题5选项A.their nonconformity brought lliem a lot of troubleB.they were seldom praised by their teachersC.school courses failed to inspire or motivate themD.teacher were usually far stricter than their parents【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:C第4题:A第5题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。文章第一段第一句提到“如果有天赋的学生与学校互相不适应,也就不奇怪他们对读书经历没什么好感”(Given the lack of fit between gifted students and their schools, it is not surprising that such students often have little good to say about their school experience),选项B“它们经常满足不了有天赋的学生的要求”符合题意。2.判断推理题。文章第一段提到如Oliver Goldsmith这类有天赋的学生不喜欢学校,接下来列举了他们的学校经历来作证,因此作者引用Oliver老师中的一位的话是为了给自己的论证提供事实支持,选项A符合题意。3.细节事实题。文章第二段第一句提到“这些具有天赋的学生中的一些人在学校可能因为天赋不在学业方面,因此表现很差,比如毕加索”(Some of these gifted people may have done poorly in school because their gifts were not scholastic. Maybe we can account for Picasso in this way),因此选项C“无法应对学校里的学习”符合题意。4.细节事实题。文章最后一段第一句提到“当谈到能力培养的重要影响因素时,这些天赋极高的人谈论得更多的是他们的家庭而不是学校或者老师”(When highly gifted students in any domain talk about what was important to the development of their abilities, they are far more likely to mention their families than their schools or teachers),选项A“主要是父母在家里的教育”符合题意。5.细节事实题。文章第二段第三句提到“但是大多数人在学校表现不好,并不是因为他们缺乏能力,而是因为他们觉得学校没有挑战性,因此失去了兴趣”(But most fared poorly in school not because they lacked ability but because they found school unchallenging and consequently lost interest),选项C“学校课程不能鼓励和激发他们的兴趣”符合题意。5. 单选题Massive changes in all of the worlds deeply cherished spoiling habits are under way. Whether its one of Londons parks full of people playing softball, and Russians taking up rugby, or the Super bowl rivaling the British Football Cup Final as a televised spectator event in Britain, the patterns of players and spectators are changing beyond recognition. We are witnessing a globalization of our spoiling culture.That annual bicycle race, the Tour de France, much loved by the French is a good case in point. Just a few years back it was a strictly continental affair with France, Belgium and Holland, Spain and Italy taking part. But in recent years it has been dominated by Colombian mountain climbers, and American and Irish riders. The people who really matter welcome the shift toward globalization. Peugeot, Michelin and Panasonic are multi-national corporations that want worldwide returns for the millions they invest in teams. So it does them literally a world of good to see this unofficial world championship become just that. This is undoubtedly an economic-based revolution we are witnessing here, one made possible by communications technology, blit made to happen because of marketing considerations. Sell the game and you can sell Coca Cola or Budweiser as well.The skillful way in which American football has been sold to Europe is a good example of how all sports will develop. The aim of course is not really to spread the sport for its own sake, but to increase the number of people interested in the major moneymaking events. The economics of the Super bowl are already astronomical. Willi scats at US $125, gate receipts along were a staggering $10,000,000. The most important statistic of the day, however, was the $100,000,000 in TV advertising fees. Imagine how much that becomes when the eyes of the world are watching.So it came as a terrible shock, but not really as a surprise, to learn that some people are now suggesting that soccer change from being a game of two 45-minutc halves, to one of four 25-minute quarters. The idea is unashamedly to capture more advertising revenue, without giving any thought for the integrity of a sport which relics for its essence on the flowing nature of the action.Moreover, as sports expand into world markets, and as our choice of sports as consumers also grows, so we will demand to see that they play at a higher and higher level. In boxing we have already seen numerous, dubious world title categories because people will not pay to see anything less than a “World Title” fight, and this means that the title fights have to be held in different countries around the world!1.Globalization of sporting culture means that( ).2.Which of the following is NOT related to the massive changes?3.As is used in the passage, globalization comes closest in meaning to( ).4.What is the authors attitude towards the suggestion to change soccer into one of four 25-minute quarters?5.Why should the title fights in boxing be held in different countries of the world?问题1选项A.more people are taking up sports.B.traditional spoils are getting popular.C.many local sports are becoming international.D.foreigners are more interested in local sports.问题2选项A.Good economic returns.B.Revival of traditional games.C.Communications technologyD.Marketing strategies.问题3选项A.commercializationB.“westernization”C.“speculation”D.“standardization”问题4选项A.Favorable.B.Unclear.C.Reserved.D.Critical.问题5选项A.Because they are very exciting.B.Because people do not want to pay to see them.C.Because people want to see the most exciting games.D.Because they are less exciting【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D第5题:C【解析】1.推理判断题。题目问的是“运动文化全球化的含义是”。文章第一段最后一句提到“我们正在目睹一场体育文化的全球化过程”(We are witnessing a globalization of our spoiling culture)。接下来举了自行车竞赛(bicycle race)的例子,提到自行车竞赛开始是在法国、比利时、荷兰、西班牙和意大利受欢迎,最近几年又受到了哥伦比亚的登山者,美国和爱尔兰的骑手的青睐,由此可以看出这项本来只在当地流行的运动走向了国际,选项C符合题意。2.细节事实题。题目问的是“下列哪项与巨大的变化(全球化)无关”。文章第二段提到标致、米其林和松下这些跨国企业,他们在团队上投入了数百万美元,期望获得全球回报,所以选项A与全球化有关,排除;该段还提到我们正在见证一场以经济为基础、一场由通信技术促成的革命(This is undoubtedly an economic-based revolution we are witnessing here, one made possible by communications technology),由此选项C“通信技术”可以排除;该段最后一句话提到“推销比赛,你同时也在推销可口可乐或者百威啤酒”(Sell the game and you can sell Coca Cola or Budweiser as well)。综上,选项B符合题意。3.词义题。题目问的是“文章中的全球化与哪个词意思最接近”。文章第二段提到各大跨国公司投资体育赛事都是为了获得全球的经济回报(Peugeot, Michelin and Panasonic are multi-national corporations that want worldwide returns for the millions they invest in teams),以及提到卖体育赛事也同时在做各种产品的推广;文章第三段提到美国橄榄球推广到欧洲并不是想推广这项运动,而是为了增加对观众人数,增加商人们的利益(The aim of course is not really to spread the sport for its own sake, but to increase the number of people interested in the major moneymaking events. The economics of the Super bowl are already astronomical),由此可以看出,“全球化”相当于“商业化”,选项A符合题意4.观点态度题。题目问的是“作者对将足球比赛的时间改成4个25分钟的建议持什么态度”。文章倒数第二段提到“这种想法是无耻的,目的是为了获得更多的广告收入,而不考虑这项运动的完整性”(The idea is unashamedly to capture more advertising revenue, without giving any thought for the integrity of a sport which relics for its essence on the flowing nature of the action),由此可以看出作者对这个想法是持批评态度的,选项D符合题意。5.推理判断题。题目问的是“为什么拳击比赛要在全世界各国举行”。文章最后一段举了拳击的例子是为了说明“随着体育运动项目进入世界市场,我们作为消费者的需求也在不断变化,我们需要观看高水平的比赛”(Moreover, as sports expand into world markets, and as our choice of sports as consumers also grows, so we will demand to see that they play at a higher and higher level),因此选项C符合题意。6. 翻译题Put the following two passages into English.南京拥有两千四百多年建城史,是全国首批公布的历史文化名城之一。全市有国家级文物保护单位27处,其中,明孝陵己被列为世界文化遗产。600多年前建成的明城墙,现存25.091公里,是目前世界上保存最长的古城墙。南京现有12个项目被列入国家级非物质文化遗产保护名录,南京云锦、金陵刻经被列入世界非物质文化遗产名录。农历八月十五是我国传统的中秋节。八月十五恰在秋季的中间,故谓之中秋节。 中秋之夜,月色皎洁,古人把圆月视为团圆的象征。相传我国古代帝王就有春天祭日、秋天祭月的礼制,在民间,每逢八月中秋,也有拜月或祭月的风俗。月饼最初是用来祭奉月祌的祭品,后来人们逐渐把中秋赏月与品尝月饼,作为家人团圆的象征。月饼的制作从唐代以后越来越考究,精美的饼面图案不但烘托了中秋佳节的祥和气氛,而且也增加了节日的诗情画意。【答案】Nanjing, with a history of more than 2,400 years, is one of the first released batch of the historical and cultural cities in China. There are 27 state-level cultural relics protection units, among which, Ming Tomb has been listed as a world cultural herita


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