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课题: 9A Unit 1 Star signs Comic strip & welcome to the unit1. You shouldnt worry about not having breakfast then. 那么你就不必担心没早饭吃了。 worry (1)vt “使担心,使烦恼,使不安” worry sb/ sth(2)vi “焦虑,不安,烦恼” worry about sb/ sth . (not) doing sth = be worried about .Eg. Many children _ their parents and teachers. (worry /worry about) = Many childrens parents and teachers _ them. (worry /worry about) Dont worry about _(not pass) the exam. I couldnt fall asleep at all last night because of _(担心) the coming PE exam. You shouldnt _(多虑)Reading1.人物性格特征相关的形容词及其用法。 active- generous modest clever- patient fair- strong- hard-working- energetic , humorous , easygoing , outgoing, creative, imaginative, stubborn, organized, kind, polite, friendly, helpful,shy, practical.He is quite an _ (energy) man because he always stays up late but gets up early. (08泰州中考) Dont be (patient)! You should listen to what he is saying first.(2010常州中考)He is so _(act)that he seldom takes part in school _(act).He _(对自己的能力很有信心).You are _(practice) and always pay attention to details.He is _(imagine) and _(create)enough to be the chairperson. 2.A year is divided into 12 different star signs. divide.into. / be divided into.被分成. A sentence can _(divide) into different parts.3.People _(born) _(介词)the same star sign share similar characteristics.similar 相似的, familiar熟悉的 be similar to“和相似” ; be familiar with “熟悉” 4. You are patient and do not give up easily. give up sth /doing sth 放弃 He doesnt give up _(study) English after he finishes school. Smoking is bad for your health. Youd better _(放弃它).5.You love peace and do not like to argue with others.argue -_(-ing) , _(n.) argue with sb about sth When I got in , I found them _(argue).There was a hot _(argue).They argued _each other _ the matter for hours. (介词)6. However, sometimes it is silly of you not to forgive others for their mistakes. forgive sb for sth / doing sth类似的结构有:thank sb for., blame sb for., punish sb for., admire sb for. ( )Dont worry. He is easygoing and he _. A. has forgiven your mistakes B. has forgiven you of your mistakesC. has forgiven you about your mistakes D. has forgiven you for your mistakes7. You are humorous and like to enjoy life.幽默_ _, 幽默的_ _ 有幽默感的人很容易相处。 A humorous man is easy to get along (well) with. I found Jim was _ _(humour) student in his class.8. You try to do everything _(different).9. A fair person treats everyone _(equal).10. Some people say Samuel is selfish and impatient at times. Daniel is kind enough to help his friends at all times. 短语串联: at times : from time to time , sometimes时常; at all times : all the time , always 总是,一直 at a time一次; (at) any time 随时; at that time 那时 ( )The old man is alone at home _, he feels lonely_. A. at a time, at times B. at all times , at a time C. all the time, at times D. at all times, at timeVocabulary1. Mr Wu spends a lot of time _(explain) things to us.explain sth to sb 向某人解释.( )He was angry before I could _. A. explain her the thing B. explain the thing to her C. explain the thing her D. explain her to the thing2.( ) Daniel is very modest. He never _ before his friends.(08宿迁中考) A. shows offB. shows upC. turns offD. turns onGrammar 一1It is +adj. +of+(not) to do sth.当该形容词(如polite,impolite,patient,impatient,silly,clever,kind,selfish,careful,careless等)表示人的特征或特点时,用of。例如: 2Verb to be+adj +enough+to do 此结构可以用来描述一个人的性格特征和行为表现。enough在此为副词,意思为“十分的,充足地”,置于被修饰形容词或副词之后,在句子中作状语,表示程度。I think Im healthy enough to get back to schoo1我认为我身体足够健康了,可以回到学校去了。 注意:enough还有另一种用法作形容词,意为“足够的,充分的”,置于被修饰名词前后均可,前置时强调enough,后置时强调修饰词。注意区分enough作形容词和副词时的不同用法。例如: I eat enough food我吃了足够多的食物。Five men will be quite enough5个人就足够了。( ) _ generous _ the little girl to share her toys with the other kids?(08无锡中考) A. Its; of B. Thats; of C. Its; for D. Thats; for( )Billy has all kinds of different ideas. He is _ to be a famous writer.(08宿迁中考) A. enough creative B. creative enough C. energetic enough D. enough energetic( ) The river is too wide for them_. A. to swim B. to swim through C. to swim in D. to swim across He is strong enough _(carry) so many books.二区分句子的不同成分 本单元主要介绍了这几种不同的句子成分: (1)主语(Subject)。由名词或名词短语构成。 (2)谓语(Predicate)。由动词或用来描述主语的其他元素组成。(3)宾语(Object)。动作的对象,分为直接宾语(DO)和间接宾语(IO)。(4)表语 (Predicative)。说明主语是什么或主语怎么样。 (5)宾语补足语(Object complement)。对宾语起补充说明作用。一般为形容词,名词,副词,介词短语,分词短语。 (4)定语 (Attributive)。主要指放在名词前用来修饰名词的名词或形容词。有前置定语和后置定语两类。 (5)状语 (Adverbial)。这可以是一个副词短语,也可以是介词或名词短语,主要用于提供额外信息,如时间,地点,原因,条件,结果,目的,方式等。注意区别下列句子: He is in the classroom. ( )He is singing. ( ) He looked happy. ( ) He looked happy at the good news. ( ) He looked happily at me . ( ) He made the little boy stand outside. ( ) He made the little boy a model plane. ( ) People call the animal tiger. ( )常见的双宾语结构。 give sb sth. = give sth to sb show sb sth=show sth to sb send sb sth = send sth to sb teach sb sth= teach sth to sb tell sb sth =tell sth to sb pass sb sth =pass sth to sb buy sb sth=buy sth for sb make sb sth=make sth for sb3Suzy was still awake at 12 oclock last night.awake 醒着的 wake 醒来,唤醒 (wakewoke-woken) wake up 醒来 , wake sb up ,wake up sb 叫醒某人eg. Usually, my mother _ _(醒来)at 5:30. Then she _(叫醒我)at 6:00. How long has the baby (醒来多久了)?4. Peter has had his bicycle _(repair). have sth done 请/.让人做.Integrated skills1. This month, you will have a lot _(celebrate).2. You will _(学业有成或事业有成)。3. I will be given some money, but I must spend it _(wise).4. ( ) - I have some problems _the novel, can you give me some advice? - Sorry,but you can go to Daniel for help.He always_new ideas. A.to write, comes with B.writing, comes up C. writing,comes up with D.to write, comes outMain task1.We are writing to recommend David as the new chairperson of the Students Union.recommend 推荐 recommend him _the president /our monitor (介词) recommend him _ the Best Actress Award / the post (介词)2. We think that David has all the qualities _(be) a good chairperson.3. Since he is so hard-working, he would not mind _(做额外的工作)for the _(student) Union.4. tbe rest of the summer holiday 暑假的剩余时间 The rest of the students _(finish)the rest of the work already. The rest of the work _(finish)already.5如何写推荐信推荐信是书信的一种,信头,称呼,正文,结束语等都不可少。正文部分可以这样写: 开门见山,点明意图。 如:Im writing to recommend .as/ for 对被推荐人的基本评价。介绍被推荐人的个人优秀品质,重点先介绍被推荐人所具备的担任这一职位应具备的首要品质。如:担任学生会主席,自信是首要品质,所以Kitty 先重点介绍David自信的品质,再介绍其他的品质。重点突出,层次分明。再次点明意图。如:We think that David has all the qualities to be a good chairperson. We hope that you agree with us.


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