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Lesson1 Where are you from?First name, first name! Whats your first name?My first name is Sandy.Last name,last name! Whats your last name?My last name is Taylor.Who,Who! Whos that?Thats my brother, Billy.Were twins.Where, Where! Where are you from?Im from China.Are you American ? Yes,I am. Yes, I am.Im from the U.S.A. Im from Australia.Oh,are you? Oh,are you?Lets have fun 1Sandy: Hi.My name s Sandy Taylor. Whats your name?Dongdong: Hi.Im Wang Dongdong.Sandy: Is Wang your first name?Dongdong: No,its not. My first name is DonfdongSandy: This is my friend,Tino.Dongdong: Whos that?Sandy: Thats my brother,Billy. Were twins.Lets have fun 2 Sandy: Where are you from? Dongdong: Im from China Dongdong: Are you American? Sandy: Yes,I am. Im from the U.S.A Cody: Whos this? Sandy: This is my friend,Dongdong.Hes from China. Cody: Oh,are you? Im from Australia. Im Cody.单词:first name名 last name姓 brother哥哥,弟弟twins双胞胎 China中国the U.S.A.美国 Australia澳大利亚 Lesson2 How do you go to school?Do you live near school?No, I dont. No, I dont.I live far from school.School,school! How do you go to school?By car ,by car! I go to school by car.Sometimes I take the subway.Do you take the subway,too?No, I dont. No, I dont.I walk to school.Take,take! How long does it take to go to school?Minutes, minutes! It takes about 20 minutes.Why dont you ride a bike?Idea, idea! Thats a good idea!Lets have fun 1Dongdong: Do you live near school,Jane?Jane: No,I dont.I live a little far from school.Cody: How do you go to school?Jane: I go to school by car.Jane: Sometimes I take the subway.Jane: How about you ,Cody?Cody: I go to school by bike.Lets have fun 2Jane: Do you ride your bike,too?Sandy: No,I dont.I walk to school.Cody: How long does it take to go to school?Sandy: It takes about 20 minutes.Cody: Why dont you ride a bike?Sandy: Well,thats a good idea.Jane: See you tomorrow.Kids: Good-bye,Jane.单词:live居住 near 近的 far远的 take 乘坐subway地铁 walk走路 ride骑Lesson3 Im getting dressed now?What time, what time! What time do you go to school?Oclock, oclock! At nine oclock.Oh, no! Im late.Whos in the bathroom?Its me. Its me, Sandy.Im brushing my teeth.Doing, doing!What are you doing?Im getting dressed now.Is Sandy waiting downstairs?No.shes not, No,shes not.Shes making the bed in the room.Matter ,matter! Whats the matter?Lets hurry up to school.Lets have fun 1Tino: What time do you go to school?Billy: At nine oclock.Tino: Its already eight forty.Billy: Oh,no!Im late.Billy: Whos in the bathroom?Sandy: Its me ,Sandy. Im brushing my teeth.Billy: Can I come in?Sandy: can.Im finished now.Lets have fun 2Tino: What are you doing?Billy: Im getting dressed now.Billy: Is Sandy waiting downstairs?Tino: No,shes not.Shes making the bed in her bedroom.Sandy: Whats the matter?Billy: Lets hurry up to school.Wes late.Sandy: We dont have any class on Saturday.Billy: Phew! Its Satuday today.单词:late 迟到 bathroom 洗手间 brush刷 get dressed 穿上衣服downstairs 楼下make the bed 铺床,整理床铺hurry up 赶快Lesson4 How was your day?Day, day! How was your day?OK, OK! It was OK.We played soccer after school.Did you win the game?Did, did! Yes, we did.Great, great! Thats great!Wash up before dinner.After,After! What did you do after school?I went to the library.I borrowed some books.Did you do your homework?No, I didnt. No, I didnt.Do your homework before dinner? All right, all right, MomLets have fun 1Billy: Hi,Mom.Im home.Mom: Hi,Billy.How was your day?Billy: It was OK. We played soccer after school.Mom: Did you win the game?Billy: Yes,we did.Mom: Thats great,Billy.Mom: Now,wash up and do your homework before dinner.Billy: Aw! Can I watch TV now?Mom: No.You can watch TV after dinner. Lets have fun 2Mom: Did you see Sandy after school?Billy: No,I didnt.Sandy: Hi,Mom.Mom: Hi,Sandy.youre late.Billy came home already.Mom: What did you do after school?Sandy: I went to the library and borrowed some books.Mom: OK,Sandy. Go wash your hands before dinner.Sandy: All right,Mom.单词:soccer足球 win赢 wash up洗洗 library图书馆 borrowed借来的 homework家庭作业 dinner晚餐Lesson5 Whens your birthday?Where, where! Where are you going?To buy a present for my father .Is it your fathers birthday?May,May! Yeah, His birthday is on May 15Whats the date today?Sixth, sixth! Its May 6.Join, join! Can you join us?Yes. I want to buy some presents for my mother .Mothers Day is on May 8.Want, want! What do you want to buy for your mother?I want to buy her a belt.Lets go to the shopping mall.Lets have fun 1Dongdong: Hey! Where are you going?Sandy: To buy a present for my father.Dongdong: Is it your fathers birthday?Billy: Yeah.His birthday is on May 15.Tino: Whats the date today?Sandy: Its May6.Sandy: Whens your birthday,Dongdong?Dongdong: On September 2.Lets have fun 2Sandy: Can you join us?Dongdong: Yes.I want to buy some presents for my mother.Dongdong: Mothers Day is on May 8.Billy: Oh,I see.Dongdong: What do you want to buy for her?Sandy: I want to buy her a belt.Dongdong: How about you,Billy?Billy: Well,Im not sure.A suit? Or shoes?Sandy: Anyway,lets go to the shopping mall.单词:present礼物 birthday 生日 date日期 buy购买 Mothers Day母亲节 belt腰带 shopping mall 大商场 大型购物中心 Lesson6 How do you like this?Shirt, shirt! I want to buy a shirt for my father.What color, what color! What color do you want?I want a blue shirt.I want a short with long sleeves.This one, this one! How do you like this one?Well, well! Well, I dont like it.I want a shirt without buttons.I want a shirt with a collar.Here, here! Heres a nice shirt.Oh, it looks great.How much, how much! How much is it?Dollars, dollars! Its 110 dollars.Oh, its too expensive.Show me a cheaper one, please.Lets have fun 1Billy: I want to buy a shirt for my father.Cashier1: Whats his size?Billy: Well,I dont know. But hes very tall.Cashier1: What color do you want?Billy: I want a blue shirt.Cashier1: Do you want short sleeves?Billy: No.I want a shirt with long sleeves.Cashier1: How do you like this one?Billy: Well,I dont like it. I want a shirt without buttons.Lets have fun 2Cashier1: Heres a nice shirt.Do you like it?Billy: No.I want a shirt with a collar.Cashier2: A shirt with a collar.How about this one?Billy: Oh,it looks great.I like it a lot.Billy: How much is it?Cashier2: Its 110 dollars.Billy: Oh,its too expensive.Billy: I have only 30 dollars.Show me a cheaper one,please.单词:blue shirt蓝衬衫 long sleeves长袖 buttons纽扣 collar衣领 look great看起来很棒 expensive昂贵的 cheaper便宜的Lesson7 Whats he wearing?Matter, matter! Whats the matter?I cant find my brother.Take it easy. Take it easy.Wear, wear! Whats he wearing?Hes wearing a red jacket and blue pants.Does he wear glasses?No, he doesnt. No, he doesntPresent, present! What did you buy for a present?I bought a fountain pen.I bought a hairpin for my mother.What a beautiful hairpin.Anything, anything! I didnt buy anything.How about, how about! How about making a birthday cake?Idea, idea! Oh, thats a good idea.Lets have fun 1Police: Whats the matter,kids?Sandy: I cant find my brother,Billy.Police: Take it easy.Police: Whats he wearing?Sandy: Hes wearing a red jacket,blue pants,and yellow boots.Police: Does he wear glasses?Dongdong: No,he doesnt.Police: Come here,kids! Isnt that Billy?Sandy: Ah,yes!Thanks a lot.Police: Sure.Lets have fun 2Billy: What did you buy for a present?Sandy: I bought a fountain pen.Dongdong: I bought a hairpin for my mother.Sandy: What a beautiful hairpin!Dongdong: What did you buy,Billy?Billy: I didnt buy anything. I wanted to buy a shirt,but it was too expensive.Sandy: Then,how about making a birthday cake for him? You like cooking.Billy: Oh,thats a good idea.单词:find找 pants裤子 glasses 眼镜 fountain pen钢笔hairpin发夹 beautiful 漂亮的


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