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博士英文自我评价材料博士英文自我评价材料篇一博士英文自我评价材料篇二博士英文自我评价材料篇三I in August 20* with outstanding achievements admitted to the University of Electronic Science and Technology of *ian. Through four years of intense and difficult Ph.D. graduate study, I thought, study, scientific research, social practice and other aspects have made great progress. In ideology, I pursue progress, and earnestly study the spirit of Mar*ism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng *iaoping Theory and General Secretary Hu Jintaos important speech and apply it in practice. Establish a noble world outlook and outlook on life, master the Mar*ist stand, viewpoint and method, arm themselves with advanced thinking, with the Eight Honors and Eight Shames strict demands on themselves, resist negative thoughts and behavior, so that their step by step To the advanced forward.In academic research, I have always been in the know for the know, I do not know the spirit of unknown scientific research work to learn, interrogate, deliberate, discerning, Dukeshang attitude towards one of the scientific research, the gentleman Nai implement thinking The implementation of the mentor and the pioneers of the guidance, has made some achievements. In August 20*, I began to focus on the basic theory of cryptography research, has selected a limited domain and its application, algebraic coding theory, cryptography theory topics such as discussion, for later research laid a solid foundation. I study diligence, serious hard work. Moreover, based on the research of the masters degree, I combine my current professional study with the interdisciplinary, and strive to open up a new research direction. By using the algebraic tool of semigroup interaction, some difficult problems in cryptography are abstractly studied, and a series of new and important difficult problems are found. Based on these new difficulties, I designed a new public-key cryptosystem and pseudorandom functions. These new schemes make up for the shortcomings of some bilinear groups, and the security reduction bound . These programs have a very broad application prospects in practice. In this paper, the conjugate problem of semigroups is studied in detail, and a key agreement protocol algebraic model is designed by using the conjugate problem of some special semigroups. These work to fill the gaps in the field of domestic cryptography research in this field. And actively participate in research projects of information security research, has participated in the new theory of cryptography, new algorithm research ( 15 national defense science and technology pre-research project: 4100104002); stream cipher some important issues research (National Natural Science Fund Project: (National Defense Science and Technology Research Project: 4050101010104); Serial Cryptography Design Theory Research and Biotechnology in the password (Code: 60473003); ranstruction and random analysis of the research (National Natural Science Fund Project: ( Eleventh Five - Year National Cryptographic Development Fund cryptography topics). By participating in these projects, I have combined my research with project research, and achieved some results. I improved the lattice reduction and multiplicative noise polynomial interpolation algorithm, and constructed a new pseudo-random function. During the school, unite students, friendly help others, courageous, not weeks, the gentleman not to guide the spirit of their own, develop their own.After years of national and school cultivation, especially in *idian University teachers and students under the care of students, I have grown into a qualified doctoral graduate students.


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