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2011年,牡丹江市成为第一批公共文化服务体系示范区,牡丹江市图书馆迎来新的发展机遇,“示范区”建设的大环境利于促进少儿活动模式的发展,所形成的品牌活动“少儿大礼包”每年吸引十几万读者参与,成为“示范区”建设的显著成效之一。笔者就牡丹江市图书馆“少儿大礼包”活动,谈谈“示范区”公共图书馆少儿活动的策划与实施。一、“少儿大礼包”活动简介牡丹江市图书馆是黑龙江省东南部大型公共图书馆,内设少儿部,少儿图书藏量为60424册,订阅期刊及报纸136种,阅览坐席为120个,专门为全市少年儿童提供各项服务。借着公共文化服务体系示范区建设的东风,牡丹江市图书馆以积极推广少儿阅读为出发点,开展了面向全市小学生的“少儿大礼包”系列读书活动。图书馆少儿借阅处设立“大礼包”图书借阅专架,图书进行分级排架。少年儿童来到牡丹江市图书馆可以由图书馆员根据年龄、兴趣爱好推荐借阅一个图书“大礼包”。几年来“少儿大礼包”始终坚持发酵,促使更多的少年儿童与书结友,畅游于浩瀚的知识的海洋之中。二、结合“示范区”建设,助推“少儿大礼包”活动1、重视“少儿大礼包”品牌的塑造,设计符合少儿心理特征的视觉效果。活动的策划初始就定位为塑造品牌活动,为了激发少儿的阅读积极性,少儿部门在借阅处及阅览室营造出活泼动感的气氛,如卡通形象的“阅读树”、“读后感”、“推荐书目”及宣传爱护图书的惟妙惟肖“倡议书”;节假日时少儿部门会“张灯结彩”,悬挂彩色气球,把喜庆氛围烘托出来。这种雅致又动感的环境迎合了少年儿童的心理特征,打造了良好的视觉效果,让孩子们更愿意走进阅览室,愿意参与各种阅读活动。2、不断更新采购模式,加强馆藏资源建设,引入优秀少儿图书。通过读者荐书单、专家老师推荐等方式了解少年儿童所需图书,通过查询网络排行等方式掌握最新热门少儿图书资讯。为了让少儿自己挑选所喜爱的图书,2011年特别开展了“少儿大礼包”小读者家庭采购团采购活动,在书博会牡丹江分会场上由图书馆买单少儿及家长充分尊重孩子的兴趣,共同选购了多种少儿优秀图书。2012年,“少儿大礼包”夏令营活动中,专门安排一天带领孩子到新华书店,由孩子亲自采购图书,每个孩子挑选10册图书,其中1册送给孩子。无论是现场采购或是网上采购“少儿大礼包”图书,均由采编工作人员快速分编上架,以满足少年儿童的阅读需求。3、积极培育明星馆员、故事姐姐,挖掘少儿活动的学识性、互动性。至今,牡丹江市图书馆已开展了多次小雪花国学经典故事会及少儿大礼包“品书论道”模块化阅读活动,故事姐姐的精彩讲解及明星馆员的的智慧引领,把少儿阅读活动开展得生动而有实效,感染了少儿读者的阅读热情。4、媒体宣传、网络宣传扩大影响。牡丹江市图书馆“少儿大礼包”活动,积极邀请媒体参与并宣传,如面对全市小学生的“少儿图书大礼包快乐阅读朗诵比赛”,获奖者有机会在牡丹江新闻广播欢乐童年栏目中播出。与市教育电视台联合举办“我读书,我快乐”少儿阅读大礼包快乐阅读活动,并在电视上播出。定期上传“少儿大礼包”活动内容至黑龙江省图书馆网站及中图学会网站,与牡丹江日报、晨报和牡丹江文化网的合作宣传也扩大了“少儿大礼包”活动的影响。三、“示范区”成果验收,“少儿大礼包”活动服务成效显著1、少年儿童读者对图书馆利用能力增强,维护了儿童利益最大化。公共图书馆作为社会教育的大课堂,应把握时机,培养少年儿童良好的阅读行为,发挥社会教育职能,让少儿充分利用图书馆资源。牡丹江市图书馆通过“少儿大礼包”活动的开展,定期地组织少儿进行图书检索培训、图书的分类知识及数字资源使用指导,开展“小记者团”走进图书馆社会实践活动,“馆校互通,与书为友-引导学生有效阅读”系列活动,图书馆工作人员走入学校向学生讲解了读书方法,通过现场回答问题的方式增强了少儿读者对图书馆利用能力,激发了少儿读者的求知欲。几年来少儿读者利用图书馆的能力增强了,少儿部新增图书、流通量逐年增加。2、促进全民阅读的开展。通过“少儿大礼包”活动的开展,营造出良好的社会阅读氛围,以孩子为中心,带动身边的同学、亲人及其它人员广泛参与阅读,形成“书香满校园”、“图书进家庭进社区”,让阅读成为一种生活习惯。同时,结合“倡导阅读风尚,构建人文家园”读书系列活动的开展、牡丹江人文公益大讲堂的开展和图书流动站的建设,充分调动广大群众参与阅读的热情,有效推动全民阅读,为推进牡丹江市“书香雪城”学习型城市建设提供有力的保障。3、社会影响力增加,推动了“示范区”建设。通过“少儿大礼包”活动的开展,家长及孩子对“少儿大礼包”活动认识上去了,积极参与活动,牡丹江市图书馆服务能力提升,其社会影响力也有所增加。“少儿大礼包”系列活动每次通知仅发布几天,参加的人数已爆满,还有很多家长及孩子现场咨询、要求报名。2011年,在牡丹江举办的中德儿童阅读报告会上,“少儿大礼包”活动得到了德国专家的高度评价,并成为他们的典型案例。牡丹江日报、牡丹江电视台、黑龙江日报、中国图书馆学会网站、东北网、牡丹江文化网等均对“少儿大礼包”活动进行过报导。牡丹江市图书馆先后荣获“全民阅读示范基地”“全国文明图书馆”、“全民阅读先进单位”、“第三届文化部创新奖”等称号。四、“示范区”建设中,培育“少儿大礼包”品牌活动的启示1、活动内容及形式要适宜少儿且不断出新意。开展少年儿童阅读活动要符合青少年心理特征及行为特点、兴趣爱好等,用新鲜感来吸引少儿进入图书馆阅读。少儿阅读活动内容及形式,虽然可以借鉴其它图书馆好的方式方法,在实际工作当中探索实践才是最重要的。例如“少儿大礼包”暑期家庭读书知识竞赛别出心裁地将竞赛分书山寻径、书海泛舟、经典再现三个环节,以新颖活跃的竞赛场面受到了家长及孩子的欢迎。 2、公共图书馆内各部门通力合作。公共图书馆开展活动是以部门为单位,“少儿大礼包”活动属少儿部承办,然而其活动的开展却少不了其它部门的支持合作。这就需要协调馆内各部门的关系,在公共图书馆全体馆员要形成整体合作意识,养成培育读者活动品牌是图书馆的光荣,是全体馆员的荣誉的理念。3、营造适合少儿阅读的公共空间。公共图书馆的少儿阅览室及借书室一般来说较比专门的少年儿童图书馆要简单,然而要接待的少年儿童数量并不低,公共图书馆面对的任务更重。为此牡丹江市图书馆少儿部门专门布置了借阅及阅览室,让它更符合于少儿的视野,并正在改造新的少儿阅览活动室,以期形成更开阔的公共阅读空间。4、向外寻求协作单位。长期以来公共图书馆仅靠自己的力量开展各种阅读活动,“独木不成林”,单个的力量有限,向外联系协作组办单位,其对活动的赞助支持增强了图书馆开展阅读活动的能力,提高了“少儿大礼包”活动的知名度,又广泛地宣传了全民阅读的意识。在牡丹江市图书馆的积极联系下,联通公司、移动公司、多家媒体、文广新局、各种少儿培训机构,现已参与到“少儿大礼包”活动的开展中。还有牡丹江市教育电视台、新闻广播等媒体的加入为少儿阅读活动的长期有成效地开展融入了坚实的力量。创建只是途径,发展才是目的,公共图书馆开展少年儿童阅读活动不是一蹴而就,也不是迎合示范区创建开展了几次摆摆样子,“风物长易放眼量”,少儿阅读活动的明天更美好。2011, Mudanjiang city become the first batch of public cultural service system demonstration zone, Mudanjiang City Library ushered in new opportunities for development, demonstration zone construction environment conducive to the promotion of the development of childrens activity patterns, brand activities by the formation of childrens gifts each year attract hundreds of thousands of readers participation, has become one of the remarkable success of the demonstration zone construction. Planning and implementation of the Mudanjiang City Library Childrens spree activities, to talk about demonstration zone Public Library Childrens activity.A childrens package activity profileMudanjiang city library is in southeast of Heilongjiang Province large public library, the children, the childrens book reserves for book 60424, 136 species of subscriptions to periodicals and newspapers and reading seats for 120, dedicated to providing the service for the citys children. Through the construction of public cultural service system demonstration zone in the East, Mudanjiang city library to actively promote the childrens reading as starting point, carried out for the citys primary and secondary school students childrens gifts series of reading activities. The childrens reading set up a package library designed frame, book classification frame. Children came to the Mudanjiang city library can by librarians according to age, interest hobby recommended to borrow a book package. Over the past few years childrens gifts always adhere to fermentation, prompted more children and book friend, swim in the vast knowledge of the ocean.Two, combined with the demonstration zone construction, boosting the childrens package activities1, pay attention to shaping childrens gifts brand, designed to meet the psychological characteristics of childrens visual effect. Activities in the planning of initial position for shaping the brand activities, in order to stimulate childrens enthusiasm for reading, childrens department in borrowing and reading rooms create a lively and dynamic atmosphere, such as cartoon image,www.fsjct.net www.sanheshun.net www.gzjjgyw.com read the tree, book, recommended bibliography and propaganda take care of the books vivid proposal book ; holiday childrens Department decorated , hanging colorful balloons, the festive atmosphere contrast from. This elegant and dynamic environment to meet the psychological characteristics of children, to create a good visual effect, let the children more willing to walk into the reading room, willing to participate in a variety of reading activities.2, update the purchasing mode, strengthen the construction of library resources, the introduction of outstanding childrens books. Through readers recommended list, expert teacher recommendation, etc. to understand children required books, through the query network ranking, and other ways to grasp the latest popular childrens book information. In order to let the children to choose their own favorite books, 2011 especially to carry out the childrens gifts readers family procurement group procurement activities, Mudanjiang Branch field by the library pay for children and parents with full respect for the childs interest in the book fair, jointly purchase a variety of childrens good books. In 2012, children spree summer camp activities, special arrangements for a day to lead the children to the Xinhua Bookstore, by the child personally purchase books, each child to pick 10 volumes of books, which book 1 give children. Both purchase on the spot or online purchase childrens spree books, editing by the staff of the rapid series of shelves, to meet the needs of childrens reading.3, actively cultivate star librarian, the story of sister, knowledge and interactive mining activities for children. So far, Mudanjiang city library has carried out many small snowflakes story of Chinese classics will and childrens spree book talk modular reading activities, stories of her sisters wonderful explanation and star librarian of the wisdom to lead, the childrens reading activities carried out vivid and effective, infected with the enthusiasm of children readers to read.4, media publicity, expand the influence of network publicity. Mudanjiang City Library Childrens spree activities, and actively invite the media participation and publicity, such as the face of the citys primary and secondary school students childrens book package pleasure reading recitation contest . Winners have the opportunity in Mudanjiang news broadcast happy childhood www.mowing.com.cn/nzz www.516j.netcolumn broadcast. With City Education TV station jointly organized I read, Im happy childrens reading package happy reading activities, and it was broadcast on television. Regularly upload childrens gifts activities to Heilongjiang Province library website and learn website, and Mudanjiang daily, morning and Mudanjiang culture network of cooperative propaganda also expanded the childrens gifts.Three, the demonstration zone acceptance, children package service activities with remarkable results1, children readers of library utilization ability enhancement, safeguard the maximizing interests of children. The public library as the social education of the classroom, should seize the opportunity, to cultivate childrens good reading behavior, play the role of social education, let the children make full use of Library resources. Mudanjiang City Library through childrens spree activities carried out, the regular organization of childrens books search training, books classification knowledge and digital resources using the guide, carry out a small group of reporters entered the library social practice activities, hall school exchange, books and friends - guide students to read effectively series of activities, library staff into the school to teach students reading methods, through on-site answer way enhanced the children readers of library utilization ability, arouse the curiosity of children readers. In recent years, children readers using the library to enhance the ability, childrens books, the new Department of circulation increased year by year.2, to promote the development of nationwide reading. Through the childrens spree activities, to create a good social atmosphere for children to read.


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