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五年级英语期末测试卷一, 听单词,标序号。( ) A clock B door C floor ( ) A curtains B table C circle ( ) A wolf B fox C sofa ( ) A chair B bright C prize ( ) A triangle B rectangle C shape二, 找出每组不同类的单词。( ) 1, a chair b eleven c board d floor( ) 2, a doll b ball c balloon d behind( ) 3, a sweater b shoes c shirt d photo( ) 4, a square b triangle c rectangle d shape( ) 5, a sofa b mirror c lamp d week三, 根据图片内容填写缺失单词的字母。(10分)l p (台灯) m rr r (镜子) p c ure(画) p _ _ k (公园) P _ P _ _ (纸) m _ _ n (月亮) s f (沙发) c _ _ ck (钟) w dr be(衣柜)四,连词成句。1), is, behind, a, wardrobe. There, snake, the, 2), often bike. school to by go I .3), two in the bed. There sheep are .4), you now? What doing are .5), class. I having am an English .6), games. play The childen lots of .7, holiday in England. We are on, 8 am a now riding I bike. 9, is the clock. The eraser 10, got has a He cat. 五,单项选择。 ( ) 1, is the first day of a week in America. A Monday B Sunday C Saturday( ) 2, My birthday is August. A in B on C at ( ) 3, These are five . A chair B paper C chairs( ) 4, A lion four legs. A have got B is got C has got( ) 5, - is it now? - Its half past five. A what colour B Whats time C What time六, 问答连线。Can you swim? In January.Whats eighty and secventeen? Yes, a cat.When is your birthday? 45 yuan.How many boys are there in your class? Yes, I doHave you got a pet? Its on the chair.How much is a big ice cream? Twelve.Where is the pen? Ninety seven.Do you like fish? Yes I can.七,阅读短文,根据短文判断句子对错,对的打“”, 错的打“x”。My classroomThis is my classroom. The windows are big,and the walls are white.There are twenty desks and forty chairs in the classroom. There is a board on the front wall. There is a big desk in front of the board. Its for the teacher. There is a tiger and a TV in front of the board too. The tiger is on the left. Its Toby. The TV is on the right.Our classroiom is big and bright. Its clean and tidy too. I like very much.(1), There are twenty chairs and forty desks in my classroom. ( )(2),I love my classroom. ( )(3),There is a desk, a teger and a TV in front of the board. ( )(4),Our classroom is small and bright. ( )(5),The tigers name is Toby. ( )(6),The board is for the teacher. ( )(7),The TV is not on the left. ( )(8),There is a board in the front of the wall. ( )


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