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Unit1 P81.我们认为你方的格力空调在这里会很畅销,希望很快收到你们的样品。2贵方若能报优惠价并保证收到订单后四周内交货,我方将定期订购。3.如能报到岸价,折扣以及发货日期等详细情况,将不胜感激。4.随函附上我方最新的产品目录及CIF 纽约报价单。5.关于贵方9月29日的询价信,我方就如下产品报价,以我方最后确认为准。6. 此盘5天内不接受就作撤销论。7. 很遗憾,我们的价格和你方还盘之间差距太大,所以恐怕我方不能接受你方还盘。8. 考虑到我们长期以来的贸易关系和友好合作,我方建议你方能接受保兑,不可撤销即期信用证。9. 石油价格将在未来一段时间内继续下降。10. 我们还想指出我们主要以承兑交单方式结账。Unit1 P91.(我们正打算订购) We are thinking of placing an order for your Flying Pigeon Brand bicycles. We would be very grateful if you could make us an offer for 200 ones with details. 2. (上述询价已于)The above inquiry was forwarded to you on Oct. 10, but we havent received your reply yet. Your early offer will be highly appreciated.3. (我方的冷冻食品)Our frozen foods have been shipped to many countries where they are received favorably. It would be to your advantage to try out a shipment. 4. (很抱歉,贵方)We are sorry to say that the goods required by you are out of stock for the time being. Therefore we are unable to make you an offer at present. 5. (我方于两个月前)We sent you our Quotation No. 44 two months ago, but we havent received any news from you. It would be advisable if you could make an early decision on this matter. 6. (所有报盘都以)All quotations, except firm offers, are subject to our final confirmation. Unless otherwise stated or agreed upon, all prices are without any discount. 7. (许多外国电讯)Many foreign telecommunications companies wish to come into the Chinese market such as AT &T, etc. the competition is very keen. I understand some companies are lowering their prices and offering technical assistance and after-sale services. 8.(很高兴我们) Im glad that we have settled the price. 9. (我们至多只能再减)The best we can do will be a reduction of another 30 pounds. Thatll be definitely rock-bottom. 10. (我们正在仔细研究)Were now studying your offer carefully, so we hope that you can keep it open till the end of this month. Unit1 P101、我们的还盘与国际市场上的价格一致。如果你们接受,我们将说服客户向你们订货。如果你方不能做进一步的让步,我们就没有必要再谈下去了。我们不妨取消整个交易。顺便说一下,在考虑你方的新报价时,请考虑到我们的佣金问题。 2、我们的报价以合理利润为基础,不是漫天要价。你必须考虑到质量问题。这一行的每个人都知道三星产品质量上乘。如果我们不是朋友,我们愿意以这个价格为你们好。Unit1 P111、(我方最近作了调价)We have just updated our prices. but of course I dont mean our offer is final. As usual, wed like to quote the most reasonable price to start our business relationship for the future, even at the cost of a substantial loss on our part. I hope we can do business together, and I also hope our products will be favored by the consumers in your country. 2、(我们最近扩大了业务)Lately we expanded our scope of business to better serve our Far East Asian customers, Chinese customers in particular. China is such an enormous market that nobody can afford to neglect. My company is willing to establish business relations with all interested Chinese parties. We guarantee the quality of our supplies. And we have free samples for your inspection. As for the discounts, we can reduce the listed prices by another 5%. Unit1 P161. 欧洲最大石油公司壳牌公司发出了自2006年来的首笔收购报价,提出以59亿加元收购一家加拿大天然气公司。2. 这一举动证明了非常规资源日益增长的重要性。非常规资源的获取需要投入更多资金和更为精湛的技术。3. 这项计划旨在缓解沙特阿拉伯面临的严重的人口结构,经济和社会压力,沙特阿拉伯现有的年轻人人口在持续增长。4.开发商和私人部门承受的建筑成本已经至少上升了15%,原因是整个区域的建筑热潮引发了价格飙升。5. 一家总部设在首尔的私人股本公司已经表示有意竞购香港商业大亨李泽楷控股的旗舰电讯资产的股权。6. 安博凯可能介入的消息,很可能会使一些交易撮合人士感到惊讶,他们任务这家公司缺乏财力来完成这项竞购。7. 人们正在为获得能源而展开激烈的竞争。8. 随着油价远远超出甚至6个月前看似可能的水平,寻找解释的努力已经变得越来越急迫。 9. 不断增长的需求已经达到一定程度,给本已在疲于维持供应的各个行业带来了巨大压力。10. 如果石油价格高涨的原因与产能限制和政治因素有关,那么能源周期就会再次转向,一如以往的所有周期Unit1 P171.(随着经济显出疲态) Wal-Mart cut inventories and renewed its founders low price strategy, just as the economy slumped. 2.(由于缺少像今年的奥运会) An advertising slow-down has been predicted for 2009, which lacks this years boost to budgets from the Olympics, Euro 2008 football and the US presidential elections. 3. (未来18个月的企业广告)Marketing budgets over the next 18 months are facing their sharpest falls since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. 4. (美联储主席)The Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke told Congress that strains in financial markets, declining house prices, a weaker labor market and higher oil prices were all putting pressure on the outlook. 5. (通胀风险最近)The inflation risk had intensified lately with continued increases in oil and other commodity prices that would push overall inflation higher in the short term. 6. (澳大利亚经济)Australias booming economy and surging currency are the primary drivers of the parking costs. 7. (一家领先的咨询)The price of natural gas in continental Europe is to double in the space of a year as a result of the rise in oil prices, according to a leading consultancy. 8. (数据表明油价)The data suggested manufacturing companies in the main continental European economies, especially Germany, have been hit badly by the effects of soaring oil prices on global economic prospects. 9. (尽管欧元区工业)Although, April had seen a 1 per cent rise in euro-zone industrial production, the underlying trend in the data has been flat or declining since the start of this year.10.(在专家发出警告) The warning by the experts came as oil prices hit a fresh record high above $122 a barrel, boosted by supply disruptions in Nigeria and lower output in Russia. Unit1 P18英译中:在发达国家,资源都是由商业企业开发的,它们丝毫不会考虑后代的利益,而会追求利润的最大化,因此会对价格信号做出反映。在很多此类国家,资源已达到物理极限,正在枯竭,例如,北海的产量正在急剧下降。英国石油主要供应商英国石油公司最近特别指出,挪威是去年石油产量降幅最大的国家之一。中译英:(尽管企业目前)While companies are having a tough time making money in the US and western Europe, doing business in emerging markets has been getting easier. Whereas inflation is rising faster than wages in Western markets, in emerging markets its the other way around. In most emerging markets consumers are seeing increases in their real purchasing power, despite higher rates of inflation. P&G, like other multinational Western consumer goods companies, has been able over the past years to use strong demand in emerging markets to offset slowing sales in the US and Europe. In 2007, P&Gs emerging market sales were some $8 billion annually. Today, they are $25 billion, and are the fastest-growing part of the companys business.Unit2 P271. 鉴于我方订单一向量大,我希望贵方能提供更优惠的付款条件。2. 为了扩大双方业务,这次我们将接受远期信用证。3. 即期信用证支付是我方的通常做法,对这笔交易我们不能破例。 4. 由于这笔交易的货款数目巨大,我们希望贵方能同意我方分期付款的要求。5. 我方希望先付定金,其余款项在发货后分四次付清。6. 由于你方一般都很快结账,我们想知道7月份的5400美元上月已到期,你方为何还未支付。7. 为了今后的业务,我们采用三个月内等额分期付款的方式。8. 您可能会有兴趣了解到作为一种鼓励,我们将在促销期考虑接受付款交单。9. 随信附上我方支票(汇款单),以结算贵方7月10日出具的324号发票的28000美元。10. 我们理解这个不幸的事件是个例外,我们愿意按您的要求给与延期。Unit2 P281.(除非你方能设法) Business opportunity is rather remote unless you can see your way to reduce your prices. 2. (相关信用证)The relative L/C should be issued by a third country bank acceptable to the seller. 3.(在银行开立信用) We need to pay a deposit to the bank when opening an L/C, which will tie up our money.4.(50%的贷款用) How do you say to 50% by L/C, and the balance by D/P?5. (请把分期付款中的)Please remit the down payment to us by T/T. The balance should be paid off in five installments. 6. (在签合同之前)Its necessary for us to discuss the terms of payment before signing this contract.7. (正因为这次交易额大)Since the total traction amount is so large and the world financial market is rather unstable at the moment, we adhere to L/C. 8. (由于没有去你方港口)As there is no direct steamer/ liner to your port, wed like you to amend your L/C to allow transshipment. 9.(为保证你方连续生产) In order to guarantee your continuous production and punctual delivery stipulated by the contract, we agree to execute our obligations specified in the following payment terms10. (由于贵方呆板的)We regret that in view of your rigid payment terms, there is no room for further negotiationUnit2 P291、澳新银行昨日发布的一项调查显示,本月中国消费者信心指数创下历史新低。来自美国研究机构的中国褐皮书调查报告数据显示,四季度中国就业增长和薪酬增长都处于四年来的最低值。2、按美元计算,去年中国最终的国内需求比美国多增长了8%,而今年可能还会再多增长20%。简言之,对全球供需平衡而言吗,中国的需求增长比美国重要得多。但是,中国的一些经济学家担心,人民币的快速升值可能会在一定程度上影响中国经济的发展。Unit2 P301、(周一,美国、日本)The United States, Japan and 10 other Pacific Rim countries reached an agreement Monday on a free trade partnership. The pact will lower trading barriers and set commercial rules for 40 percent of the world economic entities. The Trans-Pacific Partnership was completed in the southern US city of Atlanta, Gerogia. 2、(如果预期实际油价)Producers will leave the oil in the ground if the rise in real oil prices is expected to exceed the return on the alternative assets. What determines the current price then is the expected future price. The most important drivers have been the prospective growth in the demand of emerging countries, particularly China, and gloom about alternative sources of supply. Chinas rapid and highly resource-intensive growth is the most important factor. Unit2 P371. 商品价格持续上涨,推高了软饮料包装及配方成分的成本。2. 丰田汽车2008年上半年的全球汽车销售量大幅领先于通用汽车,这使它有望成为世界头号汽车制造商。3. 这份年度报告显示,莫斯科连续第三年成为对于派驻人员来说生活成本最高的城市,其次为东京和伦敦。4. 来自发展中国家更为便宜的商品使得电子和汽车产品的价格下跌,部分抵消了能源和食品价格的上涨。5. 为了应对铝价飞涨,可口可乐在缩小在香港市场的可乐和芬达罐装饮料的容量。6. 由于消费者谨慎应付食品和能源价格上涨,美国消费需求放缓已出现向发展中国家市场蔓延的迹象。7. 沃尔玛强调了对中国通胀问题的担忧,中国第二季度的通货膨胀率接近8%。8. 沃尔玛在许多国际市场的市场份额都有所增长,而它的低价格战略再次帮助它在美国市场获得了比对手零售商更好的业绩。9. 截至6月份的3个月内,欧元区国内生产总值下降0.2%,法国出现尤其明显的减缓。10. 与经济学家7月份的预测相比,消费者价格上涨速度快了一倍,年上涨率达到了5.6%, 为1991年1月份以来的最高值Unit2 P381.(预计今年中国)Growth of Chinese economy is still expected to be 10 per cent this year and more than 9 per cent in 2009. 2. (由于大宗商品价格)The big euro-zone economices have been slowed by the impact of surging commodity prices on consumer spending, the strong euro, higher borrowing costs and the US economic slowdown. 3. (英国餐馆运营)The British restaurant owners could see sperating costs rise by as much as 10 per cent following the governments decisions that tips should no longer count towards the minimum wage. 4. (快速成长的中国)Huawei Technologies, the fast-growing Chinese telecommunications equipment maker, has pledged to step up its European sales efforts, in a move that will increase pressure on troubled Western rivals. 5. (华为的目标是)Huawei was aiming to boost European sales further this year, implying that it was seeking to increase its market share at th expense of some of its established rivals. 6. (中国联通计划)China Unicom plans to spend up to RMB 100 billion in the next two years to improve its network as the countrys second-largest wireless operator prepares to introduce third-generation services. 7. (从联通获取的CDMA)China Telecom, which has acquired a CDMA mobile network from Unicom, said last month its parent planned to spend RMB80 billion over the next three years to upgrade the system. 8. (中国政府今年宣布)Beijing this year announced a long-delayed plan to reorganize the telecoms sector, creating three operators with both mobile and fixed-line networks. 9. (据市场监管机构)The value of funds and assets managed through HongKong grew by more than half last year and is already more than twice as big as it was in 2006, according to the Securities and Futures Commission, the market regulator. 10. (虽然长期以来)While HongKong has long been a springboard for foreign investments into the Chinese mainland, recently it has also become the gateway for investors on the Chinese mainland to access the international market. Unit2 P39英译中:此外,正如美国5月份失业率惊人上升所表明的那样,发达经济体的经济增长放缓,有可能会导致劳动力市场进一步供过于求,从而在未来两年内给工资带来周期性下行压力。据国际货币基金组织估计,明年总出口在全球国内生产总值中所占比例应达到创纪录的32.5%,相比于1980年“大通胀”接近巅峰时出口普遍所占的21%的比例要高出逾50%。中译英:(悍马SUV的销售)The Hummer SUV vividly illustrates the regional divergence. While sales in North America more than halved in the second quarter, they soared by 37 per cent in Africa, the Middle East and Europe, and more than quadrupled in Asia-Pacific though from a low base. GM was hammered in the second quarter by a one-fifth drop in North American sales. The Detroit-based carmaker said last week that it was speeding up the closure of four pick-up truck and sport utility vehicle assembly plants in the US, Canada and Mexico. Unit3 P48英译中:1. 驳船用来把货物从港口运到深海船上或从深海船上运到装卸港。2. 不定期货轮之所以得名是因为它们环球行没有固定航线,随时随地装上一批货物并把它送到某地。3. 定期租船的收费根据船的吨位来定,另外加上船的运转费,不包括船员的工资。4. 从希思罗到利雅得的运费是每公斤540美元,另加226美元的空运费用及2100美元的报关费及手续费。5. 贵方能否处理装运手续及保险并寄给我方提单和商业发票的复印件?6. 一般来说,我们只按到岸价交易,保水渍险。 7. 根据合同条款,货物装船后,我方已经马上通过航空寄给你方一整套不可转让的单据。8. 很遗憾,我方不能按你方要求于4月初装船,因为直达班轮每月22日左右才开往你方港口。9. 因厂方所接订单甚多,我们不能在规定日期前装运。10. 我方无法许诺11月前发货,因为我们的厂家目前的交货任务压得很紧。Unit3 P49中译英:1. (若订货赶不上)If the goods couldnt arrive in time for the Christmas rush, good quality and competitive price would mean nothing at all. 2. (提前装运恐怕不行)Im sorry to say earlier shipment is impossible, at present the workers are working three shifts to step up production. 3. (我们将按照合同规定)In compliance with the contract, we will ship the goods in 3 monthly installments of 600 tons from February. 4.(在我方市场上7、8月) July and August are the selling seasons for T-shirts, so would you please try your best to advance shipment to June?5. (我们一般规定)As a rule, we stipulate “China Port” as the port of loading, so it will be convenient to ship the goods at a nearby port and negotiate payment. 6. (有时由于联运)Sometimes, some of the goods are lost due to the complicated formalities of combined transportation. 7. (延期交货是因为)The delay in delivery is due to short supplies from Sichuan province where an earthquake took place last week. 8. (货物看起来遭受)The consignment appears to have been roughly handled and left near a heater. 9. (驳船即大型平底)Barges, the large flat bottomed boats, transport goods inland along canals and waterways. 10. (用集装箱运送)Freight fees and insurance premiums for container-shipped goods are generally lower than those for goods not shipped by containers. Unit3 P50英译中:1、当美林证券将其遭受的290亿美元亏损记入伦敦子公司后,这家美国投资银行可能几十年内都不用在英国缴纳企业所得税了。美林证券在递交给监管机构的文件中公布的上述数字,突显了美国次级抵押贷款市场的崩溃如何损害到那些与美国相距甚远的异国政府的税收。2、因担心经济增长放缓会抑制原材料需求,全球大宗商品基准指数下跌了10.01%,这是自1980年3月该指数下跌10.05%以来的最大单月跌幅。如果能源和农产品价格能够持续下跌,正面对通胀加剧压力的各国央行将表示欢迎。Unit3 P51中译英:1、(昨日发布的新数据)The new data released yesterday represent the first snapshot of global trade for 2015. But the figures also come amid growing concerns that 2016 is already shaping up to be more fraught with dangers for the global economy than previously expected. Those concerns are casting a heavy shadow over a two-day meeting of G20 central bank governors and finance ministers due to start tomorrow.2、(衡量散货大宗商品贸易)The Baltic Dry Index, a measure of the trade in bulk commodities has been touching historic lows, China, which in 2014 overtook the US as the biggest trading nation this month reported double-digit falls in both exports and imports in January. In Brazil, which is experiencing its worst recession in more than a century, imports from China have collapsed. Unit3 P59英译中:丰田汽车第一财季利润大幅下跌28%, 原因是其卡车及运动型多功能车在美国市场的销量急剧下跌。与其他厂商一样,这家日本最大的汽车制造商也遭遇了燃油价格飙升导致大型汽车需求急降的状况,该公司昨日表示,其截至6月份最新季度的利润为3540亿日元(合32亿美元),低于去年同期记录的4920亿日元。中译英:(上世纪80年代初)Slashed demand in industrialized countries in the early 1980s came straight off the oil ledger (has caused a drop in global oil consumption), because thats where most of the demand was. Nearly half of the drop came from the US alone. This year, growth elsewhere will far outpace slumping demand in almost every Western developed country. In all, global demand is expected to rise by about one million barrels a day, despite the historic run-up in prices. Its what happens in China now that really counts. Unit3 P571. 天然气,玉米,小麦和运费上月大跌10%至30%,不过都是从各自的历史高点下跌。2. 由于原油价格从每桶147.27美元的历史高点暴跌逾20美元,商品价格出现了28年来的最大单月跌幅。3. 美国(英国也日趋明显)消费者底气的不断降低,对印度外包行业而言是个福音。4. 香港相对于其竞争对手的优势在于,它可以进入全球非常重要的投资银行业市场。5. 由于美国经济快速走弱,中国势将于明年超过美国,成为全球最大的制造业国。6. 有迹象表明,目前的经济不确定性导致中国铁矿石需求放缓,造成钢产量下降。7. 部分国家的通胀压力已经开始趋缓,这在一定程度上反映了能源和其他大宗商品价格的明显下滑。8. 在一个道路拥堵,油价飙升的时代,一些美国人怀疑汽车是否仍可作为他们的主要交通工具。9. 由于燃油税相对较低,美国遭受的价格冲击远比其他国家更为严重。10. 食品及其他商品价格的高涨令美国人缩减开支,也加剧了人们对通胀的担忧。Unit3 P581. (制造业在2007年)Manufacturing accounted for just 17.5 per cent of global gross domestic product in 2007, but much activity in the considerably larger area of services, for instance, in retailing, distribution, transport and communications, depends on it. 2. (中国和印度的劳动力)Labor costs are rising fast in China and India and it is no longer always clear that the great lurch east makes commercial sense. 3. (即使油价回落)Even if oil prices return to less scary levels, the cost of transportation and the delays created by extended supply chains all have to be taken into account. 4. (对西方跨国公司)Investing in China will often be a much less straightforward task for a Western multinational than committing to France or Germany. 5. (为了维持供电)Some industries are facing an enforced holiday in order to preserve power and limit pollution. 6. (美国各城市和各州)Cities and states are already countering funding shortages, either by inviting private companies to bid to build and operate new toll highways or by privatizing existing toll roads. 7. (部分国家颁布)The impact of some countries banning rice exports has prompted stores to limit purchases of certain foods, including rice and cooking oils-and that has helped to trigger a return to 1970s-style stockpiling. 8. (日本6月份出口)Japanese exports shrank for the first time in nearly five years in June as the growth in shipments to emerging markets that had underpinned demand failed to offset the global impact of the US economic slowdown. 9. (在稀缺商品市场上)In the market for scarce commodities, the effects of the slowdown in the US and Europe were offset by domestic booms in the emerging economies. 10. (由于国内大宗商品价格)High commodity prices and surging demand at home have seen countries in the Middle East and Asia seek to tap into Africa to feed their domestic markets. Unit4 P691. (Asias stock markets)亚洲的股票市场,同美国的主要指数一样,出现了明显的回落。2.(Preferred stock is)优先股是指继债券持有人之后对公司的收入和资产拥有第一债券的股票。3. (Paul believes that)保罗相信,大体上说,投资中国股票的人仍应保持乐观。4. 一旦公司倒闭,它的净资产将首先在债券持有人中分配,然后是优先股持有人,最后是普通股票持有人。5. 不过,古德温还是警告说,中国就业市场的任何疲软都会对该股造成伤害。6. 在这份通讯中, 中国人寿在其挑选的股票中名列第一。7. 交行表示,将支付5.25亿雷亚尔(合1.73亿美元)现金收购未上市的BBM银行80%的股权,这一价格以后者5.76亿雷亚尔的账面价值为基础。8. 亚洲股市普遍下降,世界金融市场迹象呈现动荡局面。9. 日经指数大跌5.4个百分点,以15273点作收,这是一年来的最低点。10. 拥有股票让买进代表企业所有权的证券的投资者具有获得大量回报的可能。 Unit4 P701. (需要提及的是)One point worth mentioning is that in China, the issue of stocks is an important factor affecting the money market.2. (主要的货币市场工具)Major money market transactions, particularly inter-bank lending and government bond repurchase, have played an important role in the formation of interest rate. 3.(当主要指数,如) When major indexes, such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) or S&P 500 top out and begin to decline, business journalists at all of the major magazines observe the fall out. 4. (四个交易日后)Four sessions later, the Dow Jones confirmed its advance with a 2.7% gain on volume heavier than the previous session. 5. (但是,在股市逐步)But while the market recovered, Cokes stock still slumped as profits fell during these two years. 6. (两个星期来,全球)The credit crisis has triggered global stock market volatility in the past two weeks. 7. (很多投资者抛售股票)Many investors are selling their shares because they fear the problem of credit crisis will spread to other companies and make it hard for businesses to borrow cash for their operation. 8. (要选准股票)The bottom line in picking stocks and being a contrarian while youre doing that is: Dont follow the crowd. 9. (然而,股票市场)However, real success in the stock market is a result of building a long-term portfolio. 10. (中国股市的总价值)Chinas stock markets doubled in value last year, leading to concerns of market bubbles that could collapse. Unit4 P71英译中:1、皮特是一位股票分析师,最擅长的是科技股,最近一直在太阳能,又被称为光伏电池 领域内寻找机会,他认为该领域具有更长远的前途。2、中国的科技股热潮昨日创下新高,一家在上海上市的房地产公司更名为P2P金融信息服务(上海)股份有限公司(P2P Information Service Co.)后,其股价上涨10%而涨停。Unit4 P72中译英:1、(虽然这次交易是交行)Although it is the first overseas acquisition for Bocom(交行), Chinese financial institutions are not opposed to snapping up assets abroad, having spent a total of $4.8bn on 30 overseas deals in 2014, following $5.1bn in deals in 2013. 2、(这次拉斯维加斯)The Las Vegas Money Show coincided with a significant pullback both in the US and Chinese stock markets. As such, many of the advisors at the show were focused on the question of whether or not this pullback was simply a correction within a long-term uptrend or the start of a bear market. The advisors appear to be in general agr


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