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湘教版六年级上册英语教学设计 教学设计思路:根据课堂教学设计的基本原理,制定了Unit3 第1课时的教学设计方案。复习导入-新授呈现-机械操练-游戏-巩固练习-创设情境-归纳总结。运用多媒体课件等展示图片、音乐,教师课前准备教学工具,使学生合作学习,巩固已学的单词和句型,并快速记忆新学内容。接着根据老师所设定的游戏,使学生能灵活运用所学新内容,最后,通过创设情境,使学生能够将新内容和以前所学知识结合,更流畅的表达自己的思想。课题Unit 3 Lets go to the Underwater World教学目的1. Language knowledge:can understand、read and spell the new words ( library、swimming pool、supermarket、Underwater Water ) learning the new sentence:“ Lets go 、”2. Language skills: can apply the new words to the new sentence can express their ideas with“Lets go 、” training their listening、speaking 、reading and writing abilities.3. Affect: to make students be more united 教学重点1. to know the new words2. to use the new sentenceTeaching contents: words: library、swimming pool、supermarket、Underwater Water sentence: Lets go 、Teaching aids: the word cards、PPTTeaching methods:games、readingLearning strategies:cooperative learningBlackboard writing: Underwater Water 海底世界 library 图书馆Lets go 、 swimming pool 游泳池 supermarket 超市swimming poolhotlibrarybookssupermarketfruits 教学过程Period 1Step 1:Warming up (Part 1: Lets review )1、 teachers and students greetings. 2、 to review the places by showing the pictures.3、 to review the sentences by means of conversation . For example:Where do you want to go ? I want to go to Beijing/Shanghai/Hainan、Step 2:Lead in After revision,then checking by ask some students questions using the sentence“Where do you want to go ? ” repeatly.The places ,students want to go,I will express my feeling about them to enhance the interactivity with students.For example: Teacher: Where do you want to go ? Student: I want to go to Beijing. Teacher: Really? Beijing is a beautiful place,so you may love the famous buildings,right? Student: Yes,I love the Great Wall. Teacher: I love it too. Thank you ! There must be several students who want to go to the same place,so teacher can join them.( For example :Just now, I know you two wanted to go to Beijing and I also want to go to Beijing ,so lets go to Beijing ,OK ?)Then I will lead in todays theme: Unit 3 Lets go to the Underwater WorldStep 3:Presentation (Part 2:Lets learn) Words:by showing the pictures and simple explanation and asking students to guess the meanings. For example:1 Underwater World: Underwater World is a beautiful place,there are many fishes.Do you like it? (yes) So lets go to the Underwater World !(together)2. library: Library is a quiet place,there are many books.If you want to read books,you can go to a library.3. swimming pool:In summer,its very hot,right?(yes) So you may want to go swimming,then you can go to a swimming pool.4. supermarket:On weekends,your Mom may go to a supermarket and buy some fruits、meat or something else. During the process of teaching new words ,I will write them on the blackboard and let the students read each word 5 times at least.Sentence:-Im hungry. -Lets go to a restaurant.Step 4:Practise (Part 3 Lets practice) Task 1:words(letting the students read them group by group ,then showing the pictures to let them speak out the places) For example: look at this picture,it is a swimming pool,yes or no? How about this one? Where is it? Task 2:sentences(by pointing the new words on the blackboard,let the students make sentences with Lets go 、)For example: Lets go to the Underwater World. Lets go to the library. Lets go to the swimming pool. Lets go to the supermarketStep 5:Consolidation(Part 4 Game-looking for friends)I will post the word cards on the blackboard, left for the condition (hot,books,fruits)right for the places(swimming pool,library,supermarket)Then I will ask several volunteers to do the game as the following example:(we can do action)-Im hungry.Where is my friend ? -Im here. Lets go to a restaurant.-Im hot.-Lets go to a swimming pool. -I want to read books. -Lets go to a library. -I want to buy some fruits. -Lets go to a supermarket.Step 6:Extension ( Part 5:creation of scenarios) Let the students make free conversations according to the scenario(Ourschool will organize all the students to have a trip,please speak out the places you want to go and give your reasons.) For example:Student 1:Lets go to the Underwater World. Its very interesting. Student 2:I dont agree.I went there last month.Lets go to the Yuelu Mountain. Its good for our health to go climbing. Student 3:Itvery hot,lets go to a swimming pool.I want to swim.Step 7:Homework Remember the new words Finish the exercise on page 11.学习者分析:学习者是小学六年级的学生,在此之前已有一定的基础,再加之平时生活经验的积累,因此,学习本单元的知识应是不太难的,但对知识的扩展的掌握,还是有一定难度。学习小结:请不同的同学说出今日所学知识,并请同学们预习下一节课的内容。资源及媒体的应用:老师课前查找新单词的图片和所需的录音,并根据教学设计方案的要求事先制作好上述内容的课件、卡片,以供教学之用,这既为提高课堂教学效率做好准备,又为课堂教学过程中师生之间有效的沟通和对话打下基础。运用多媒体课件导入新课,这样,既比以往的用语言导入新课更能激发起学生的学习动机和学习兴趣,同时有趣的图片能使学生对新内容更感兴趣并更容易记住。教学设计后记:本内容的设计遵循了小学,英语课程标准的理念,并结合课本设计恰当安排教学过程。利用多媒体课件引导学生学习新知识,变枯燥为有趣,突破教学重难点。小学生的好奇心易被激发,于是,在教学设计时,根据学生的认知特点,恰当的教授知识,并创设了师生互动、生生互动、合作学习的情境,使学生在学习的过程中,获得快乐。此外,情境学习亦是一大特色。


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