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七册下9.10单元短语及重点句 1.踢球play soccer 打网球play tennis 打排球play volleyball 下棋play chess 弹吉他play the guitar 做运动play sports打电子游戏 play computer games 和某人玩(拿某物玩) play with s b / sth2.为(数学)考试 学习 study for the( math) test3.去夏令营 go to summer camp去一个美丽沙滩 go to a beautiful beach 去钓鱼、购物 go fishing /go shopping 去爬山go to the mountains 去散步go for a walk4.享受周末_enjoy the weekend 在周末on weekends度过一个忙碌的周末have a busy weekend5.上个月last month 本月this month 下个月next month6.到早饭的时间了 Its time for breakfast. 到吃早饭的时间了 Its time to have breakfast到某人他们吃早饭的时间了Its time for them to have breakfast . 7.怎么样? 后+名、代 动词ing How/ What about? 那样粥怎么样?What about the porridge ? 他们怎么样?What about them ?描述一下那位女士怎么样 ?_ What about describing the madam?8.在房间的拐角in the corner of the room 在街道的拐角at the corner of the street9.有点乏味kind of boring 一种语言 a kind of language不同种类的箱子different kinds of boxes 他对我们善良Hes kind to us 这么说你真好善意Its kind of you to say so.10.他迷路了He was lost 她的钱没丢 she didnt lose money11.那使得Tom感觉愉快 That made Tom feel happy丝绸摸起来软_Silk feels soft.12. 在二月的一个早上On the morning of February 29, 2012在周六晚上on Saturday night 13.发现某人正在做某事find somebody doing something 让某人做某事Let sb do sth /ask sb to do sth观察某人在做某事watch sb doing sth 14.我的同学们在玩水中获得乐My classmates had fun playing in the water 15.拜访他们的朋友visit their friends 参观博物馆 visit the museum 16.让我们讨论关于理化报告吧Lets discuss the report about physics chemistry17.读了关于历史和地理的书 read books about history and geography18. .这位护士不想做任何事The nurse didnt want to do anything.19. 问了三中的12名女孩ask twelve girls at /in No.3 Middle School21.寻找、找到他父亲_look for / find his father.22.他决定为杂志社工作 He decided to work for a magazine. 做决定 make a decision23.整天整夜all day and all night24.巴黎上周的天气怎么样?热又潮 How was the weather in Paris last week? It was hot and humid.25.走回故宫和天安门广场walk back to the Palace Museum and the square26.东京的食品真的贵但可口The food in Tokyo is really expensive but delicious单元重点句:1.Where did they go on vacation? They went to New York City.2. whats the date today? Its September tenth3. What day was yesterday? It was Saturday4. Whats the weather like today? Its rainy.5. How was your weekend? It was fantastic.6What did she do ? She did her homework7What did he do last weekend ? He played soccer8Its time to go home./Its time for class.温馨小回顾-常见国家,人民、语言、城市对应。1 Canada Canadian- English / FrenchToronto2 France- Frenchman- FrenchParis 3 Japan- Japanese- Japanese Tokyo4 Australia- Australian- EnglishSydney 5 the United States- American- EnglishNew York6 the United Kingdom- British- English London7 China Chinese Chinese-Shanghai改错:_七册下9.10单元短语及重点句 1. 踢球_ 打网球 _ 打排球 _下棋 _ 弹吉他 _ 做运动_打电子游戏_ 和某人玩(拿某物玩)_2. 为(数学)考试 学习 _3.去夏令营_去一个美丽沙滩_去钓鱼、购物_ 去爬山_ 去散步_ 4.享受周末_ 在周末_度过一个忙碌的周末_5.上个月_本月_ 下个月 _-6.到早饭的时间了_ 到吃早饭的时间了_ 到某人他们吃早饭的时间了_ 7.怎么样? 后+名、代 动词ing 那粥怎么样? _ 他们怎么样?_ 描述一下那位女士怎么样 ?_8.在房间的拐角_ 在街道的拐角_9.有点乏味_ 一种语言_ 不同种类的箱子_ 他对我们善良_ 这么说你真好善意_10.他迷路了_她的钱没丢_11.那使得Tom感觉愉快 _丝绸摸起来软_12. 在二月的一个早上_ 在周六晚上_ 13.发现某人正在做某事_让某人做某事_观察某人在做某事_ 14.我的同学们在玩水中获得乐趣 _ 15.拜访他们的朋友_ 参观博物馆_ 16.让我们讨论一下关于理化的报告吧17.读了关于历史和地理的书_18.这位护士不想做任何事_19. 问了三中的12名女孩_ 20.太拥挤了_ 21.寻找、找到他父亲_22.他决定为杂志社工作_ 做决定_23.整天整夜_24.巴黎上周的天气怎么样?热又潮_25.走回故宫和天安门广场_26.东京的食品真的贵但可口_单元重点句:1.他们去哪度假了?他们去纽约城度假了。2. 今天是几号?今天九月十号。3. 昨天是周几?昨天周六4. 今天天气怎么样?今天多雨。5. 你的周末怎么样?极好。6她是做什么了?她做作业了。7他上周做了什么?他踢足球了。8到回家的时间了。到上课的时间了。温馨小回顾-常见国家,人民、语言、城市对应。1 Canada Canadian- English / FrenchToronto2 France- Frenchman- French Paris 3 Japan- Japanese- Japanese Tokyo4 Australia- Australian- English Sydney 5 the United States- American- English New York6 the United Kingdom- British- English London7 China Chinese Chinese-Shanghai改错:_


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