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七年级英语下册期末复习资料词汇部分:A 词归类1. Countries(国家):1).中国_ 2).日本_ 3).加拿大_4).美国_ 5).英国_ 6).澳大利亚_7).法国_ 8).新加坡_2. Capitals(首都) or cities(城市)1).北京_ 2).东京_ 3).上海_5).纽约_ 5).莫斯科_ 6).波士顿_7).悉尼_ 8).伦敦_ 8).巴黎_3. Languages(语言)1).汉语_ 2)日语._).法语_4).英语_4. Healthy food:1).蔬菜 _ 2).花椰菜_ 3).胡萝卜_4).西红柿_ 5).水果_ 6).苹果_7).梨子_8).柑, 桔_ 9.草莓_10)香蕉_11) 沙拉_ 12).冰淇淋_13).薯条_14).汉堡包_ 15).鸡蛋_16).甜食_17).奶油_ 18).鸡肉_19).鱼肉_20).米饭_ 2)1.羊肉_22).牛肉_23).面条_ 24).土豆_25).绿茶_26).果汁饮料_27).冰茶_5.Places:1).学校_ 2).图书馆_3).教室_2).商店_ 5).商业街_6).街道_7).邮局_ 8).饭店_9).超级市场_10).游泳池_11).公用电话_12).桥街_1)3.房子_14).医院_ 15).银行_16).公园_17).动物园_18).警察局_19).电视台_20).海滩_ 21).博物馆_22).万里长城_23).故宫_ 24).天安门广场25).教室_26).走廊_ 27).礼堂_6.Subject(科目,课程)1).语文_ 2).数学_ 3).英语_4).历史_ 5).生物_6).地理_7).体育_ 8).音乐_9).美术_10).科学_ 11).计算机_7.Films:1). 恐怖电影_ 2).动作片_3).记录片_3). 喜剧_ 5).京剧_6).卡通片_8.Musical instruments:1).钢琴_ 2).小提琴_ 3).鼓_4).喇叭_ 5).吉他_9.Months:1).一月_ 2).二月_ 3).三月_4).四月_ 5).五月_ 6).六月_7).七月_ 8).八月_ 9).九月_10).十月_ 11).十一月_ 12).十二月_10.Appearance1) 高的_ 2) 矮的_ 3) 瘦的_ _4) 重的_ 5) 中等个子_ 6 )中等体格_7) 长头发_ 8) 短头发_ 9 )直头发_ _10 )卷曲的头发_11).黑头发_12).棕色的头发 _13).金发_14).好看的_ 15).丑陋的_ _16) 胖的_ 17).胡须_18).大眼睛_19).戴眼镜_11.shows1) 肥皂剧_ 2 )情景喜剧_3).谈话节目_4) 体育节目_ 5 )游戏节目_12.Accessory1) 耳环_ 2).钥匙串_ 3).皮带_4) 钱包_ 5).手表_ 6).围巾_7) 太阳镜_ 8).帽子_9).戒指_ _10) 耳环_13.Animals:1).老虎_ 2) 大象_ 3) 海豚_4).狮子_ 5 )企鹅_ 6 )长颈鹿_7).狗_ 8) 猫_ 9 )猪_10).牛_ 11) 鱼_ 12 )熊猫_ 13 )树袋熊_16.Jobs:1).店员_ 2) 医生_ 3).记者_4).服务员_ 5) 银行职员_ 6).警官 _7).护士_ 8 )老师_ 9).学生_11).工人_12) 农民_13).男警察_14).女警察_15).演员_16).作者_15.星期:1).星期日_ 2).星期一_ 3).星期二_4).星期三_ 5).星期四_ 6).星期五_7).星期六_16.family members:1).祖父母亲_2).爷爷_ 3).奶奶_4).父母亲_ 5).爸爸_ 6).妈妈_7).叔伯_ 8).姑姑_ 9).哥弟_10).姐妹_ 11).堂表兄姐妹_12).女儿_13).儿子_17.balls:1).篮球_2).排球_3).网球_4).棒球_5).足球_6).乒乓球_18.colors:1).红色_2).绿色_ 3).黑色_4).白色_5).黄色_ 6).蓝色_7).棕色_ 8).金黄色_9).黑白相间_19. clothers:1).毛衣_2).外套_3).T恤_4).裤子_5).短裤_6).裙子_7).短袜_8).鞋子_20.weathers:1).下雨_ 2).下雪_ 3).有风_4).有云_ 5).阳光充足_6).热的_7).暖和的_8).凉爽的_ 9).寒冷的_10).潮湿的_B.重点动词(一)动词doing1. Like doing eg: I like watching TV.2. enjoy doing eg: Peter enjoys reading books.3. find sb doing stheg: You can find people eating hamburgers.4. have fun doing stheg: We have great fun playing in the water.5. stop doing eg: Stop talking, please.6. Thanks for doingeg: Thanks for helping us.7. What about / How about doingeg: What about playing soccer ball?8. be busy doing stheg: She is busy doing her homework.9. mind doing stheg: I dont mind smoking outside10.practice doing stheg: He is practicing playing the guitar.11.stop doing stheg: She never stops talking(二)动词do(原形)1. Watch sb do stheg: Old Henry watched his dog play with a cat.2. help sb do stheg: I helped him find his father.3. make sb do stheg: His story makes me feel happy.4. lets do stheg: Lets go to the school.(三)动词to do1. tell sb to do stheg: He told me to come back soon.2. want to do stheg: I want to visit Beijing.3. decide to do stheg: They decided to play tennis last weekend.4. have to do stheg: We have to dean classrooms after school.5. write to sbeg: Please write to me soon.6. Its time to do stheg: Its time to go home now.7. stop to do stheg: She stops to talk,She do her homework.8. like to do stheg: Her brother likes to swim.9. would like to do stheg: I would like to eat dinner at home .10.remember to do stheg: You remember to study for the last test.(四)其他知识点1. Some 与 any 的区别:Some 一般情况下用于肯定句any 一般用于否定句疑问句 当句中有情态动词 can,could ,will ,would 等时 some 可以用在否定句或疑问句中,表示语气委婉. eg: Id like some dumplings.Do you have any brothers? eg: Would you like some noodles?2. also, too 也、太,与 either 的区别:also 用于句中,too 用于句尾,either 用于否定句中。 eg: He is _ a teacher He is a teacher, _ . eg:He doesnt like tigers, _. I dont math because its _ difficult.3. With 用法 与在一起; 伴随、带着; 用; agree with 搭配 She often goes to see Beijing Opera with her father.() We write with pens. () Our teacher came in with a smile. ()4. at, in, on 在时间用法上的区别 on 表示时间时,一般用于某日、某天的上午、下午、晚上 on Saturday, on Sunday morning in 用于表示一段时间或季节(月分、年) in September, in Summer, in 2004 at 表示时刻或某一时间点 at ten oclock, at noon(在正午)练习:用 on, in at 填空或不填。_ the morning, _ Monday afternoon, _ night_ 6:30, _ winter, _ March 8th, _ July_ Tuesday, _ 2005, _ yesterday,_ this morning,_ last Sunday, _ all the evening一、单项选择题()1. We enjoy _ the moon in the open air on the Mid-autumn. A. to seeB. to watchC. watching()2. He likes soap operas, I like them, _ . A. alsoB. tooC. either()3. Tony doesnt mind watches. I _ . A. dont, eitherB. dont, tooC. do, too()4. My aunt has a _ . A. five-years-old boyB. five-year-old boy C. five year old boy()5. Thanks for _ us English. A. teachB. teachedC. teaching()6. He often helps me _ English. A. to learnB. learnC. learning()7. It was time _ . A. to go to the moviesB. go to the movie C. going to movies()8. I like watching the student _ soccer. A. playingB. playC. to play()9. I like watching the dolphin _ in the water. A. to swim and jump B. swim and jump C. swimming and jumping()10. I found a boy _ in the corner. A. cryB. to cryC. crying()11. How about _ TV? A. to watchB. watchingC. watch()12. I want _ Beijing. A. to visitB. visitingC. visit()13. Our teacher tells us _ homework carefully(认真地). A. to doB. doingC. do()14. We decided _ tennis last weekend. A. to playB. playingC. play()15. That made me _ very sad. A. to feelB. feelingC. feel()16. We had a lot of fun _ English songs(歌曲). A. to singB. singingC. sing()17. Do you have _ brothers or sisters? A. someB. anyC. a little()18. Id like _ noodles, please. A. someB. anyC. a lot()19. Please _ the picture. What can you _ in the picture? A. look at, look atB. look at, seeC. see, look at()20. Lily and Lucy are _ a picture-book. A. lookingB. watchingC. seeingD. reading()21. What language does she _ ? A. tellB. speakC. talkD. say()22. Can you _ it in English? A. tellB. speakC. talkD. say()23. Look! My mother _ my brother. A. is talking toB. is speaking toC. is saying toD. is telling to()24. Linda likes _ . A. telling jokesB. talking jok C. saying jokesD. speaking jokes()25. Jim _ school late this morning. A. gotB. arrived atC. went( )26. Where _ you _ ?(选2种答案) A. do, come from B. are, come from C. does, from D. are, from二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Thank you for _ ( give ) me so much help.2. We have fun _ ( watch ) TV on Sunday.3. They enjoyed _ ( swim ) in the pool last Sunday.4. Do they want _ ( go ) to the mountains?5. Mrs Smith tells her students _ ( clean ) the classroom every day.6. The boys like _ ( play ) soccer.Now they are enjoying _( watch ) the soccer games.7. We all have fun _ ( learn ) English.8. Lets _ ( take ) a walk in a park.9. I like _ ( talk ) to people and _ ( read ) books.10. Do you want _ ( be ) a policewoman?11. Can she _ ( speak ) a little English?12. Thanks for _ ( join ) us.13. If you dont feel well, you may stop _ ( run ).14. It was time _ ( go ) home.15. Rose decided _ ( play ) football on the ground.16. They often help me _ ( practice ) English.17. This thing makes me _ ( feel ) happy.18. I found a girl _ ( cry ) in the street.19. The boss(老板)made him _ ( work ) 12 house a day.20. The story made everyone _ ( laugh ).21. Today is Saturday. What about _ ( go ) shopping?22. My mother is ill, I have to _ ( look ) after her.23. Its sunny. How about _ ( go ) for a walk?单词化妆(一) 写出下列词的反义词,对应词.1.like 2.down 3.behind 4.left 5.clean 6.quiet 7.ugly 8.give 9.out 10.bad 11.warm 12.man 13.curly 14.tall .15.thin 16.expensive 17.late 18.friendly 19.happy 20.young 21.hot 23.first 24.yes 25.lost 26.this 27.these28.under 29.take 30.interesting 31.black 32.big 33.short 34.sell 35.go 36find 37new 38.little 39.night 40.why 41.boy 42.sister 43.son 44.mother 45.aunt 46.red 47.our 48.teacher 49.ask 50.Mr(二)写出下列词的同义词:1.too 2.some 3.English 4.across 5.else 6.pen pal 7from8.arrive at 9.wear 10.heavy 11.big 12.test 13.stay 14.agree to .15.Ms 16.look for 17.how about 18.speak 19.a little 20.stree 21.job 23.near here 24.watch 25.sleep 26.would like 27.enjoy onself 28.as 29.nothing 30.relaxed(三)写出下列词的同音词:1.sun 2.meat 3.right 4.wear 5.by 6.there 7.our 8.no 9.four 10.two 11.you (四)写出下列词的现在分词:1.write 2.take 3.give 4.have 5.make 6.come 7.live 8.ride 9.drive 10.dance 11.get 12.sit 13.put 14.run .15.begin 16.swim 17.shop 18.stop 19.lie(五)写出下列名词的复数:1.county 2.Japanese 3.glass 4.library 5.box 6.man 7.leaf 8.thief 9.beef10.activity 11.scarf 12.Chinese 13.potato 14.tomato .15.fish 16.beach 17.child 18.story 19.woman 20.watch 21.class 23.comedy 24.bus 25.city 26.chess 27.party 28.family 29.tooth 30.wish31.strawberry(六)写出下列动词的单三形式:1.wash 2.teach 3.discuss 4.study 5.cry 6.pass 7.watch 8.do 9.have 10.brush 11.go(七)写出下列动词的过去式:1.am/is 2.do/does 3.have/has 4.are 5.let 6.put 7.read 8.sit 9.swim 10.sing 11.begin 12.drink 13.say 14.pay .15.know 16.draw 17.lost 18.find 19.bring 20.buy 21.think 23.fight 24.tell 25.sell 26.write 27.take 28.feel 29.sleep 30.teach 31.come 32.give 33.eat 34.make 35.get 36.run 37spend 38.see 39.go 40.may 41.will 42.stay 43.study 44.stop 45.carry .46.plan二.词组互译pen pal 笔友 be from 来自come from 来自 the United States 美国the United States 美国 the United Kingdom 英国New York 纽约 speak English 讲英语14 years old 14岁 write to 写信给like and dislike 爱憎 in China 在中国go to the movies 去看电影 play sports 做运动favorite subject 最喜欢的科目 post office 邮局in front of 在前面 pay phone (投币式)公用电话near here 这儿附近 on Center Street 在中心街上next to 在旁边between and 在和之间across from 在对面 in the neighborhood 在附近go straight 一着往前走 turn left/right 向左/右拐a big supermarket 一家大超市 at New Park 在新公园take a taxi 乘出租车 have fun 玩得愉快take a walk 散步 the way to 去的路上go through 通过 Excuse me. 对不起。 go down the garden districthave a good tripthe beginning of let sb. do sth.on the right/leftvery shyvery cute kind of very smart South Africaother animalsplay with during the dayat nightevery day be quiet shop assistant police officebank clerkTV stationgo out get sth. from sb.like doing sth./ to do sth. give sb sth want to bebe interested inan interesting jobwant adstalk with/to sb.pop stars an international schoolschool playa library assistanta sports coacha movie actorWatch TV do homeworkeat dinnerTV showwrite a letterread a bookwait for talk aboutat schoolat homeat the poolplay soccer play basketballtalk on the phone thanks forhave a good time around The World showon vacationtake photos look coolthis group ofin your hometownplay computer gamespretty gooddifferent kinds ofnot bad some others look likeshort hairlong haircurly hairstraight hair medium heightmedium buildgood-lookinga little bittell jokesstop talkinggo shoppingwear glasses the captain ofthe basketball teampop singerbeef and tomato noodleswould likewhat kind of noodles what size bowl of noodlesa large bowl of noodlesice cream Can I help you?chicken and cabbage noodles mutton and potato noodlestomato and egg noodlesbeef and carrot noodlesorange juicegreen teaHouse of DumplingsDessert House RMBphone numberdo ones homeworkplay soccerclean the roomgo to the beachplay tennisgio to the movieslast weekendon Saturday morningvisit sb study forwhat aboutstay at homehave a partydo some readingplay the guitarspend the weekend last weekgo for a walkgo shopping play sportstalk show last monthplay withlook for its time to do sth.go to the mountainsgo on vacationgo to summer campstay at homestudy for exams Central Parkshow sth to sbhelp him find his fatherwalk back togo shoppingthe Palace Museumthink ofhave fun doing sthbus trip the Great WallTianan Men Squarea Beijing Hutongmake sb do sthdecide to do sthSoap Operagame show sports showtalk showhealthy livingkey ringcant standdont mindthanks for doing sthagree with sbshow sb. sthshow sth to sb.enjoy doingWhat about ? baseball cap sports newsCulture ChinaChinese cookingAnimal Worldwelcome to I dont mind them.arrive late for class


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