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学习内容Starter unit1 period 1学习目标1. 掌握四会单词和句型2. 正确辨认和书写英文字母Aa-Zz3. 掌握下列日常交际用语:Hello/Hi! /This is /Nice to meet you !4. 注意一些词的缩写和完全形式:Im=I am, Whats=What is, Youre=You are, Hes=He is, Shes=She is, Theyre=They are, Its=It is学习重难点1.熟知怎么用英语介绍家人和朋友2.学会编写对话导 学 过 程感悟一 预习1.预习四会单词1.喂,嗨 2.我 3.是 4.是的 5.我们 6.同班同学 7.它8.一(人,事,物) 9.好看的,令人愉快的 10.学校 11.这个 12.我的 13.新的 14.朋友 15.堂(表)兄弟、姐妹 16.动词不定式符号 17.遇见,会面 18.很高兴见到你 19.也,太 20.她 21.他 22.他们 2.如何用英语打招呼?3.怎样用英语介绍家人和朋友? 4.完成page 6 的练习。二展示交流1.让学生默写26字母并标出5个元音字母 2.默写单词3.让学生回忆以前小学的有关日常问候语和初次见面的问候语4.操练书本page 6对话5.利用所学知识编写对话三、反馈练习: 1.请写出相邻的大小写字母。Aa _ _ _ Dd _ _ Gg _ _ Hh _ _ Ll _ _ Yy _2.五个元音字母(注意大小写) 3.翻译:1.见我的新朋友们 2.一所漂亮的学校 3.我们是新同班同学 4.我的新朋友吉尔 5.这是我的堂兄弟安迪 6.很高兴见到你 7.你是吉尔吗? 4.补全对话A:Hi, Millie. you Jill?B: Yes, were c . A: Hi,Andy. This is my new f Jill. B: Nice to you,Andy.C:Nice to meet you ,t .4.根据句意,用be动词(am, is, are)填空1. How _ you today?2. I _ Millie.3. You _ Jill, right?4. What _ your name?5. “I” _ a letter (字母).5.根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)I am in No. 5 Middle School. At school I have a good friend. He is an English boy. His name is Tom. He is twelve. We are not in the same (相同的)class. He is in Class 4, Grade 7. I am in Class 2. Toms sister is not a student. Her name is Jane. She is five. She is a nice girl.( ) 1. My friend Tom is from America.( ) 2. Tom is in Class 2. I am in Class 4.( ) 3. Tom has a sister.( ) 4. Tom and his sister are students.( ) 5. Tom and I are friends.教学反思:学习内容Starter unit1 period 2学习目标1.掌握四会单词和句型2.一天中的不同时候问候语:Good morning/afternoon/evening. 3.学会询问身体状况学习重难点1.初步接触一般疑问句会灵活使用导 学 过 程感悟二 预习1.预习四会单词及句型1.好的 2.早晨,上午 3.早上好 4.怎样,如何 5.你好吗? 6.健康的 7.谢谢8.一些,若干 9.照片 10.我(宾格) 11.让 12.看,瞧 13.看一看 14.短的,矮的 15.和,与,又 16.瘦的 17那个 18.高的 19.强壮的 20.你的,你们的 21.我们的 22.不,不是,没有 23.不,没有 24.在里 25.班级,全班同学,课 26.明白,看见 27.狗 2.找出不会的短语句型,然后同桌之间两两扮演角色p7 (B1)3.预习一般疑问句的肯定、否定回答,操练p8 (B3)二展示交流1.默写单词 2.扮演角色P7(B1)3.同桌操练一般疑问句的回答。(注意主谓一致)4.be动词口诀的总结三、反馈练习:1.翻译:1.你好吗? 2.我很好,谢谢。 3.你呢?我也很好。 4.我这儿有一张照片 5. 让我看一看 6.她既矮又瘦 7.他既高又强壮 8.我们的同班同学 9.我们是堂兄弟 10.我明白了 11.丽丽的狗 12.你们的朋友们 13.早上好 4.补全对话二根据对话内容,选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。A.Yes , it is. B. Good morning, Mrs. Wang. C. Yes , I am. D. Whats its name? E. Thank you.A: Hello! Im Mrs. Wang. B: _6_.A: Youre my new neighbour (邻居),right? B: _7_.A: Oh! It is your dog, right?. B: _8_.A: _9_ B: Its name is Hobo.A: Its very lovely (可爱的). B: _10_.三阅读理解 (根据短文选择正确答案)My name is Becky Smith. Im eleven years old. I have one brother. His names Jason and hes fourteen. I havent any sister. We live with grandma in a small house in Chesterfield, in the north of England. My friends and I often go to the cinema on Saturday. Do you like games? I like football. My favourite team is Manchester Unite(曼联队). I sometimes play football with my brother. I have seven pets: two birds and five goldfish. I want a dog and a cat, but my parents dont like them.Do you want to be my penfriend? Please write to me soon.( )1.The girl wants to find a . A.sister B.brother C.penfriend D.pets( )2.The girl lives in . A.a big house B.The west of England C.a small house D.a cinema( )3.There are people in Beckys family. A.three B.four C.five D.six( )4.The girls parents dont like . A.birds and goldfishes B.birds and dogs C.dogs and cats D.goldfishes and cats( )5.What does“pet”mean in Chinese? A.朋友 B.宠物 C.玩具 D.同伴教学反思:学习内容Starter unit1 period 3学习目标1.掌握四会单词和句型2.能灵活运用所学内容操练3.学会询问陌生人的姓名4.学会不同的告别用语 5.会灵活使用MR/MRS/MISS学习重难点1.会用所学知识描述同班同学的外貌特征导 学 过 程感悟三 预习1.预习四会单词及句型1.夫人,太太 2.下午,午后 3.下午好 4.你好,喂 5.什么 6.名字,名称 7.你叫什么名字? 8.今天 9.再见 10.大的 11.小的 12.聪明的 13.友好的 14.女孩 15.男孩 16.全部,所有 2.操练P8(C)3.根据表格做课本P9(D)二展示交流1.扮演角色P8(C)2.学生利用所学知识编写对话3.利用所学知识描述同班同学的情况(至少5句)三、反馈练习:1.翻译:1.下午好。 2.你叫什么名字? 3.我叫米莉 4.王夫人 5.我所有的新同学 6.我们是好朋友 2. 补全对话:A:Good afternoon,Lily.B: ,Nick.A: are you ?B:Im ,thank you . ?A:Im fine , . Lily,this is my friend ,Andy . Andy ,this is my classmate Lily.B:Nice to you ,Andy.C:Nice to meet you ,too.A&C:Goodbye B: 3、按要求改写下列句子。1. name, is, what, your (连词成句)2.not ,I ,Peter, am (同上)2.This is my father . ( 改成一般疑问句)_this _father ?8.Im Lily. (同义句转换)My _ _ Lily.四阅读短文,根据短文内容判别句子的正(T)误(F)。I have a cousin. His name is Nick. He is twelve years old. He is my classmate. He is big and strong. I am small and thin. He is a very good student. He is polite and helpful. Oh, I am Millie.( ) 1. My name is Nick. ( )2 My cousin is a girl.( ) 3. I am 12.( ) 4 Nick is my classmate.( ) 5. I am polite and helpful.阅读下面的短文,选择最佳答案。T: Good morning, class. S: Good morning, teacher.T: Sit down, please. My name is Gao Hui. Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, too. T: Whats your name, please? A boy: My name is Wu Jun.T: And whats your name? A girl: Im Li Yan.T: Oh, nice to meet you, Li Yan. Li Yan: Nice to meet you, too.( )1. Nice to meet you的意思是:_A.看见你没错 B. 看到你了 C. 很高兴看到你 D. 见到你好( )2. class在此处的意思是:_A.你们好 B. 同学们 C. 班级 D. 课( )3. Miss Gao is _A. a new (新) teacher B. a new girl C. a new boy D. a new student( )4. 询问别人的名字时,下面哪些表达方式可以用?A. Whats your name? B. Your name, please?C. And your name? D. A, B and C( )5. 两个人初次见面问候,下面哪个最好?A.How are you? B. Hello!C. Nice to meet you. D. Good morning. 教学反思:学习内容Starter unit2 period 1学习目标1.掌握四会单词和句型2. 正确回答一般疑问句学习重难点1.准确询问身份 2.学会询问年龄导 学 过 程感悟四 预习1.预习四会单词及句型1.(表示所属,其中)的 2.家庭 3.爸爸 4.医生,大夫 5.谁 6.这些,那些 7.妇女,女人 8.有,与在一起 9.长的,长久的 10.头发 11.妈妈 12.(外)祖父(母) 13.教师 14.多大,几岁 15.爷爷,外公 16.七十 17.奶奶,外婆 18.父亲 19.母亲 20.祖父,外祖父 21.祖母,外祖母 22.年 23.岁 2.提前让学生准备一张全家福按书本方式操练P103.做课本上P10(A2)二展示交流1. 提前让学生准备一张全家福按书本方式操练P102.编写对话询问年龄和身份及职业。三、反馈练习:1.翻译:1.我的一张全家福。 2你的爸爸 3.留长发的那个妇女 4.一名老师 5.他们多大? 6.你的外祖父母 7.70岁 8.一个快乐的家庭 2、按要求改写下列句子。1. is ,a ,photo ,this ,of ,family ,your(?连词成句)2.They are my grandparents. ( 改成一般疑问句)_they _ grandparents?3.They are 70. (划线提问)My _ _ are they?4.He is a doctor (同上) _ is he ?5.Is this your dad ?(做肯定否定回答)三、补全对话1. A: this man ? B: Hes my father . A: he ? B: Hes a doctor . A: this your mother ? B: . She is a worker .A: is she?B:She is 35.2. A: is it ?B: Its a my family .A is she ?B: my sister . A: Is this ?B: Yes, he is my twin brother . 七、阅读下面短文,判断正误。(正确的写T,错误的写F)Hello! My name is Nick. This is a photo of my family. My father is Sam. He is a doctor. My mother is Silly. She is a teacher. My sister is Sally. This is my cousin Tony. He is a policeman. His (他的) father is Uncle Bob. He is a policeman, too. His mother is Aunt Mary. She is a nurse. This is my cat, Mimi. We love each other.(互相)1 ( ). Nicks father is a policeman.2 ( ). Sallys mother is a teacher.3 ( ). Uncle Bob is Sallys father.4( ). Aunt Mary is Tonys mother.5 ( ). Silly is Sallys mother. 教学反思:学习内容Starter unit2 period 2学习目标1.掌握四会单词和句型2. 准确理解文章大意学习重难点1.学会自我介绍并会准确描述家庭成员的情况导 学 过 程感悟五 预习1.预习四会单词及句型1.十二 2.学生 3.医院 4.四十 5.谁 6.这些,那些 7.妇女,女人 8.二 9.能够,可以 10.说讲,发言 11.英语 12.三十 13.八 14.有 15.兄,弟 16.或者,还是 17.姐,妹 18.但是,可是 19.父亲或母亲 20.姑,姨 21.七 22.看上去 23.年轻的 24.舅 25.二十 26.九 27.婴儿 28.喜爱,热爱 29.他、她们 (宾格) 30.高兴的,开心的 2.翻译P11(B1)二展示交流1.让学生阅读课文并回答问题2展示本文的重点短语和不解的句子3.两两组合读,翻译文章 4.试着复述文章三、反馈练习:1.翻译:1.我叫保罗。 2在一家大医院 3.说英语 A. Yes, we are B. Im fine ,thank you.C. She is my cousin.D. She is a nurse.E. It is a photo .F. Good morning.G. His name is Bob.H. Yes, I am.I. Bye.J. He is twelve.4.没有兄弟姐妹 5.有堂(表)兄 6.玛丽阿姨 7.看起来年轻 8.保罗叔叔 9.有个小男婴 2、情景交际(5分)从方框中选出合适的应答语填在左面的括号内( )1.Good morning ( )2.Whats his name?( )3.How are you?( )4.Are you fine today?( )5.What is it ?( )6.Who is she?( )7.What is your aunt?( )8.How old is he? ( )9.Are we classmates?( )10Goodbye. 三、阅读理解My name is Sammi. My father, my mother and I are in China now. My father is a teacher. My mother is a teacher, too. We are all English. Im a student. Im twelve. Li Ming is my good friend. He is twelve, too. Our English teacher is Miss Liu. She is a nice teacher. Mr Zhang is our Chinese teacher. He is tall.根据短文内容,判断下列正误,正确的写T、错误的写F: 1. Sammi and his family are in China now. 2. Sammi is a Chinese girl. 3. Sammis father and mother are teachers. 4. Sammi is twelve. Li Ming isnt twelve. 5. Mr Zhang is Sammis English teacher.My name is Jill. I am fine. I have four new friends. They are Peter, Lily, Nick and Millie. Peter and Nick are boys. Lily and Millie are girls. Peter is strong. Nick is short and thin. Lily is very pretty. Millie is tall and slim. Peter is from England. Nick, Lily and Millie are from America.( )1. I am _ A. Jill B. Peter C. Lily D. Millie.( )2. I have _ new friends. A. 4 B. 2 C. 12 D. 13( )3. Millie is from _A. English B. England C. America D American( )4. Lily is _ A. short and thin B. pretty C. tall and slim D. strong( )5. Peter is _ A. a boy B. a girl C. short D. slim教学反思:


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