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沪教版2020年九年级英语毕业模拟考试试卷(四)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)They usually go shopping_ their lunch break.A . againstB . amongC . betweenD . during2. (2分) The hen _ three eggs yesterday. Its amazing.A . lieB . layC . lainD . laid3. (2分)The girl likes _ swimming. A . goesB . goC . wentD . going4. (2分)I _ in Class Two, you _ in Class Seven. A . am, isB . am, areC . are, amD . is, are5. (2分)Our foreign teacher, Andy, English since 2001. A . has taughtB . is teachingC . will teachD . teaches6. (2分)The old woman _ glasses is our headmaster, Ms Wu. A . wearsB . wearC . put onD . with7. (2分)(2015广东梅州)Jane was shy. She would not invite her classmates_speaking English.A . practiceB . practicesC . practicingD . to practice8. (2分)We are talking about the piano and the pianist _were in the concert last night. A . thatB . whichC . whoD . whom9. (2分)I still remember the park _ we first met A . thatB . whichC . whereD . when10. (2分)If farmers trees and forests, giant pandas nowhere to live. A . cut down; haveB . will cut down; will haveC . will cut don; haveD . cut down; will have11. (2分)He invited _ 10 people for his birthday party, but to his surprise, over 30 people came.A . more thanB . at leastC . fewer thanD . less than12. (2分)The film when I got there A . was onB . has been onC . had begunD . has begun13. (2分)-Could you please tell me _?-Because its very helpful.A . why you like EnglishB . why you liked EnglishC . which you like of all subjectsD . how did you learn English14. (2分)The children without parents _ good care of by their teachers in this special school.A . takesB . takeC . is takenD . are taken15. (2分)Be patient! Give him more time, _he will find the answer to the question on his own. A . butB . orC . andD . so二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) Have you ever complained why life is so tiring? Does the sky sometimes seem dark to you? Are your lessons sometimes not successful? Well, friends, cheer up and1 all the time. If you see the world with your warm heart, youll 2 the whole world smiling to you.On a sunny morning, you plan to have a walk 3 yourself. Just before you go out, it suddenly starts to rain. Maybe you would feel very sad and start to complain about the weather. But dear friends, why 4sit down and listen to the free concert that the nature brings you? And with the timely rain, crops(庄稼)in the fields will grow better and farmers will have a good harvest(收成).Everyone wants to succeed in what he tries to do, 5life isnt a bed of roses. Its very common to meet difficulties on the way 6success. In fact, difficulty isnt terrible. The real terrible thing is that we are afraid of it. Difficulty is like spring(弹簧). If you are 7, it will be strong. Attitude(态度) decides 8. With an optimistic (乐观的) attitude, life is easy and 9. So when you meet difficulties, dont give up. Instead, you should face them with a smile. Remember these five rules: Free your heart from hate; Free your mind from worries; Live an easy life; Give more; Expect10.(1)A . happy B . unhappy C . smile D . cry (2)A . look B . look for C . find D . find out (3)A . enjoying B . to relax C . relax D . enjoy (4)A . dont B . didnt C . havent D . not (5)A . but B . and C . or D . so (6)A . of B . to C . about D . for (7)A . energetic B . powerful C . confident D . weak (8)A . anything B . something C . everything D . nothing (9)A . please B . pleasure C . pleased D . pleasant (10)A . little B . few C . less D . fewer 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分) A lot of teenagers are good at art at school, but how would you feel if people called you “the new Picasso(毕加索)”or if presidents and other famous people collected your paintings?Alexandra Nechita was ten when her paintings became famous all over the world. She visited Britain, France, Italy, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and her familys native place (祖籍) Romania where 5,000 fans came to see her at the airport. Alexandra said, “When it all started, I was moved. It was very exciting and I loved the traveling, but I got very tired. And I missed home.”Alexandra is a good student. Her studies always come first. She only starts painting after shes done her homework. She works on two or three paintings at a time. The paintings sell for thousands and Alexandras parents have given up their jobs to work for their daughter. Life for the Nechita family is very different from what it was like a few years ago.Alexandras father Niki left Romania for political reasons in 1985. At first he tried his best to learn English and had different kinds of low-paid jobs. In 1987, he brought his wife and Alexandra, who was then 18 months old, to America. The family was very poor. Alexandra began to draw at the age of three.She was drawing for four or five hours a day. Soon people offered to buy her paintings and she had her first art show at the age of eight. Stories about this child appeared in the newspapers and television. They now live in a large house with a swimming pool. Her mother said, “We started without anything, but thanks to Alexandra, we have everything we ever dreamed of.”(1)Alexandra became well-known all over the world for her paintings at the age of _.A . 18monthsB . threeC . eightD . ten(2)Which country does Alexandra live?A . America.B . Britain.C . Romania.D . France.(3)Alexandras painting _.A . took her a lot of time at schoolB . made her drop out of schoolC . didnt influence her studies at schoolD . made her fall behind others in studies at school(4)When her family arrived in America in 1987, _.A . their life was very hardB . they lived by selling Alexandras paintingsC . Alexandra began to draw her paintingD . her parents left their jobs and worked for her(5)From the passage, we can learn _.A . Alexandra was not interested in travellingB . Alexandras success changed her familys lifeC . Alexandras parents were good at EnglishD . Alexandras stories appeared often on the radio and TV18. (10分)根据短文内容判断正误,正确的在括号里填A, 错误的在括号里填B。Sometimes people say that they see strange flying objects (物体) high up in the sky. People call these strange objects Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs).Dennis Bardens wrote an article. In it, he told us that he once saw a UFO himself. He had dinner one night with a friend near Tripoli, Libya. After dinner Dennis with his friend walked across a yard (院子) to his room. He noticed that the moonlooked strange that night. But it wasnt the moon. He saw the objects light was moving. It seemed to be an object like a big plate. In some ways it looked like smoke with light on it. But it wasnt smoke because it didnt change its shape (形状). When the object was nearer, he noticed that its bottom (底部的) part was brighter than the top. The bottom part was yellow and the top was red. Then the object suddenly turned away and left, moving very fast.On a later day, Dennis talked to other people about it, and he found some people also saw it. They all described (描述) it in the same way.(1)Dennis Bardens wrote an article about a UFO.(2)The object looked like smoke because it often changed its shape.(3)Dennis saw some people in the object looking at him.(4)The objects bottom part was yellow and the top was red.(5)Dennis was the only man who saw the UFO that night.19. (10分) (2011宜昌)The expression “down to earth” means being open and honest. It is easy to get on with some one who is down to earth. A down-to-earth person is the opposite of someone who acts important or proud.Down-to-earth people could be important members of society. But they do not consider themselves to be better than others who are less important. A person who is filed with his own importance and pride is said to have his nose in the air.Americans use another expression that is similar in some ways to down to earth. The expression is both feet on the ground. Someone with both feet on the ground is a person with a good understanding of reality(现实). He may have dreams, but he does not allow them to have influence on his understanding of what is real.The opposite kind of person is one who has his head in the clouds. Someone with his head in the clouds is a person whose mind is not on what is happening in real life. Such a person may be called a daydreamer.When we have both our feet on the ground, and when we are down to earth, we do not have our noses in the air. We act honestly and openly to others. Our lives are like the ground below us solid(牢固的) and strong.(1)A down-to-earth person could be_.A . social and proudB . good and oppositeC . real and importantD . strong and changeable(2)The expression “has ones nose in the air” means_.A . 眉飞色舞B . 目中无人C . 瞻前顾后D . 春风得意(3)This passage mainly talks about_.A . the use of some expressionsB . dreams and achievementsC . the lifestyle of honest peopleD . honesty and understanding(4)If you want to understand what is real in life, you have to_.A . get along with other people easilyB . learn from those who are down to earthC . be a good dreamer with quick mindD . have both your feet on the ground(5)If you only consider your own importance, _.A . youll think you are better than othersB . your life will be like the solid and strong groundC . youll be hated by down-to-earth peopleD . your life will be filed with love四、 用所给单词的正确形式填空 (共5题;共5分)20. (1分)Sometimes a small act of_ makes all the difference in our lives.(kind). 21. (1分)My parents were _holiday at a mountain resort. (填介词) 22. (1分)Ms Dus son is good at _ (make) things. 23. (1分)We all felt very _ (surprise) when we heard the news. 24. (1分)His office is on the _(nine) floor of the tall building. 五、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)25. (10分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 almost, make, build, become, both heart, decide, famous, beautifully, interestNot everyone can make their dreams come true. But Walt Disney could.Usually, mice are not popular, but Mickey Mouse wins many peoples _. Movies about Mickey Mouse are popular_everywhere in the world for more than eighty years. Walt Disney made this_cartoon character. When he was young, Walt Disney was_in drawing cartoons. And he tried to find better ways of_cartoon movies. At that time, some movies just started to use sound. So Disney_to put sound in his cartoons, too. People were excited when they saw Mickey Mouse talk on the movie screen. Mickey became popular with_young and old.Later, Walt Disney started to_a new kind of amusement(娱乐) park. He hoped to bring a clean, good and_world to people of all ages. Finally, Walt Disney became successful. In 1995, Disneyland opened in the USA and_the most successful amusement park in the world. 六、 用单词的正确形式完成短文 (共1题;共10分)26. (10分)根据短文内容,选用方框中的单词或短语并用其适当形式填空。live, ancient, deepest, name, warm, through, river, second, desert, beforeThe Congo River(刚果河) is a famous river in Africa. The Congo River gets its _ from the Kingdom of Kongo. It is an _ country on the left bank(河岸) of the river.The Congo River is the _ largest river in Africa and the _ river in the world.This river runs for about 2920 miles _ going into the Atlantic Ocean. The river runs _ several African countries. Because the Congo River runs around the equator(赤道), the water in this river is usually _.That is different from the water in any other _.As we all know, there is a large _ in Africa,but there are many forests along the river.Many plants and animals_ along the river. Its very important to Africans.七、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Where do you want to go for lunch today, Rob?B: I plan to go to Ritas Restaurant. Come with me!A: _I want to try a new place.B: Ritas has a new menu! _A: A new menu? Really?B: Yes. Now Ritas has hamburgers, spaghetti (意大利) and other things!A: _B: The new menu has many pages!A: Does the new menu have pictures?B: Yes, it does!A: Are the dishes on the new menu more expensive?B: No, not really. _A: Does Ritas have a new boss (老板)?B: No. _A: OK, I 11 come with you. I cant wait to (迫不及待) see the new menu!B: Great! Lets go!A. I go there often.B. The service there is slow.C. I hardly ever eat junk food.D. It seems like a new place to you!E. They only had sandwiches before.F. They still have good prices there.G. But I saw some new waiters there.八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)28. (5分)Korean(韩国的)culture is really exciting right now. _ Young people are going crazy about Korean TV plays ,Korean pop songs ,taekwondo and the Korean language .The Korean Wave started a few years ago with the TV series(连续剧)Winter Sonata._ People ,especially girls ,like the beautiful story and good-looking actors(演员)like Bae Young Jun ._You can often find big Korean names like Baby Vox ,S.E.S. and Finkle at the top of the Chinese music charts( 排行榜).The Korean Wave has also made young people want to try the clothes and hairstyles of pop stars .Not only that ,some girls in China are having plastic surgery(整容)to change the way they look. People say some beautiful Korean stars have had plastic surgery._._ Find out by yourself when you visit South Korea next time.九、 句子排序,组成短文 (共1题;共10分)29. (10分)1.我喜欢科学,它有点难,但是很有趣。I like_.Its _, but its _.2.午饭后我上音乐课。_lunch, I _ music.3.我们所有的课程4:30结束。All our_finish _4:30.4.我喜欢和我的小狗Nike玩。I like to _ my dog Nike.5.我什么学科都不喜欢,就喜欢历史。I _ any subject. I only like _十、 回答问题 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分)阅读下面对话,从方框内的选项中选择恰当的句子完成对话。A. But I argued with my best friend yesterday.B. Thats a good idea.C. I dont have enough time.D. What should I do?E. Ill try to apologize (道歉) to her.A: I want to get good grades._B: Maybe you could attend after-school class on weekends.A:_I have to do my homeworkon weekends.B: Well, you could ask your friends for help.A: _B: You should say “sorry” to your friend.A: OK. _B: I think you shouldnt play computer games or watch TV any more.A: _Ill study harder and harder from now on.F: The weather! English people are always interested in the weather.十一、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)31. (5分)习近平总书记在十二届全国人大一次会议闭幕会上描绘了“中国梦”的蓝图。上周一班会课我们班就“我的梦想”进行了一次热烈的讨论。Tom1)想写自己的故事,在将来当一位作家:2)最喜欢小说,每周花四个多小时阅读;3)对各种各样的书都感兴趣,每次看后都会写读书报告;我的梦想结论好书是好朋友,可以增长我们的知识、帮助我们放松身心,也给我们打开一个新的世界。会努力实现梦想。要求:1)要点齐全,可适当增加细节使句子通顺、连贯。2)我的梦想要展开合理的想象,不少于2点。3)词数90左右,开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。My dreamEveryone may have his own dream. Someone may want to be rich, someone may want to be beautiful and someone may want to have power. Last Monday, we had a warm discussion about this topic at the class meeting. Here is Toms dream.第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 用所给单词的正确形式填空 (共5题;共5分)20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、五、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)25-1、六、 用单词的正确形式完成短文 (共1题;共10分)26-1、七、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)27-1、八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)28-1、九、 句子排序,组成短文 (共1题;共10分)29-1、十、 回答问题 (共1题;共5分)30-1、十一、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)31-1、


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