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人教版2020年中考英语第二次模拟考试试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Look! Whats under _ chair?_ baseball.A . a, AnB . the, AC . a, A2. (2分)Yao Ming was a great basketball player. I like _ very much.A . herB . himC . youD . me3. (2分)She practiced for the dance competition , but she never feels .A . lonely;lonelyB . alone;aloneC . lonely;aloneD . alone;lonely4. (2分)You can watch TV _, but you cant watch it _ a long time.A . one, atB . one, forC . first, forD . first, at5. (2分)Where is Tony now?I saw him _ in the garden just now and I told him _.A . play; go homeB . playing; to go homeC . to play; goes homeD . play; going home6. (2分)Dont make any noise. We to a piece of wonderful music. A . will listenB . are listeningC . listenD . have listened7. (2分)The post office is _ the store _ the bank. A . between; andB . from; toC . on; ofD . at; of8. (2分)He couldnt wait_ home after he finished_ the movie. A . to go, makeB . to go, makingC . going to, makingD . going, to make9. (2分)They burn wood to keep warm.A . findB . set on fireC . put10. (2分) What did he ask just now? He wondered _.A . if they would meet at the school gateB . when would they startC . that they would take some foodD . how they will get there11. (2分)一 I think the girl by the river must be Alice.一 No. it be her. She is in the library now.A . mustntB . cantC . shouldntD . wouldnt12. (2分) When the car ? In 1885A . did; inventB . was; inventedC . does; inventD . is; invented13. (2分)Thank you very much for me to your party. A . askB . to askC . is askingD . asking14. (2分) _ is the train station from the school?About twenty-minute bike ride.A . How manyB . How longC . How farD . How soon15. (2分) Must we take out the trashwww.dearedu.com(倒垃圾) now?_. You can do it after class.A . Yes, you mustB . No, you cantC . Yes, you mayD . No, you neednt二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分) It was the last night of my summer camp.1I didnt want to leave, I had to go back home the next day. I didnt want to pack (收拾行装). I just wanted to make the night go 2 . How I wished that I could make time 3 at that moment! However, it seemed that time flew more quickly than before. I4on the bed, but I wasnt 5 at all. I just closed my6 , thinking of every minute I had7 with my friends during the camp.Just then, someone8 the door. Open the door, please.said a soft 9 . I thought it was my friend, Elle. So I replied, “Its open.” Then the door 10. When I looked at the door, I was 11. There stood all my friends, Elle, Lily, Sally and Allie. Together they walked over to my 12 and then each of them gave me a big hug (拥抱). We 13 our phone numbers and e-mail addresses to each other. We said that no matter how far we would be away from each other, we would 14 forget each other. Just then, a tear slowly rolled down my face. As I looked up, I noticed all of my friends eyes were also 15 .(1)A . UntilB . While C . Because D . Although (2)A . clearlyB . quickly C . slowly D . easily (3)A . flyB . pass C . stop D . finish (4)A . sat B . lay C . stood D . read (5)A . sleepyB . angry C . excited D . sad (6)A . doorB . eyes C . books D . windows (7)A . wastedB . missed C . spent D . chatted (8)A . waited at B . looked at C . cleaned up D . knocked at (9)A . noise B . sound C . voice D . cry (10)A . openedB . locked C . closed D . broke (11)A . afraidB . nervous C . crazy D . surprised (12)A . homeB . bed C . room D . door (13)A . changed B . forgot C . gave D . remembered (14)A . ever B . never C . seldom D . often (15)A . wetB . bright C . black D . open 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共24分)17. (8分)阅读理解Everyone has experienced a twist of fate at some time. Actor Hu Ge is no different. In fact, his story is more amazing than most.Hu was once a shy boy, and rarely spoke. To help him become more sociable, his parents sent him to an art troupe. At that time, Hu never thought he would have a career on stage or in front of the cameras.Instead of getting confidence in acting, Hu became very interested in directing. As the national college entrance examination approached, Hu chose to study directing at the Central Academy of Drama in Beijing. Hu got a high mark.Hu had to decide whether to be a director or an actor. He followed his dream and prepared to go to Beijing. But when the teacher told him many great directors had been actors, Hu hesitated(犹豫).He finally stayed in his hometown to study performing arts. He was given a chance to take the lead role .Hu Ge has been considered as Li Xiaoyao, a character that people remembered from the fantasy series based on a popular computer game of the same title. The 22-year-old man breathed life into main character Li Xiaoyao, and he proved himself to be one of the most promising stars . But few people, including Hu himself expected him to be an actor.When playing Li Xiaoyao in 2005, he said he made great progress with his kung fu instructor. Hu said, “Surprising, I found pleasure and satisfaction.” In 2006, Hu was badly hurt in a car accident. After several operations , a scar (疤痕)still remains near the corner of his eye. This experience helps Hu understand the role better . Hus pretty face was only an advantage of his success, and the scar troubled him for a long time.But now, Hu has become more confident. “If I myself am not troubled by it, no one else will care. I have to move past it. Otherwise, how can I continue my acting career?” he said. He has changed a lot . Hu played the role of Ming Tai in The Disguiser 伪装者and the Mei Changsu in Nirvana in Fire琅琊榜in 2015. Those brought him great success.(1)Hu Ge used to be _ ,so no one expected him to be famous before the cameras. A . naughtyB . quietC . generousD . confident(2)After the accident, the best word to describe his quality at that time is _. A . hurtB . confidentC . thoughtfulD . brave(3)What made him popular among fans ? A . appearance and actingB . experience and appearanceC . words and actingD . acting and spirit(4)Which saying cant you learn from Hu Ges experience ? A . God helps those who help themselves.B . Life is not all roses.C . There is no smoke without fire.D . There is always light at the end of the tunnel.18. (8分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Reality TV is a type of programme. It means that real-life people, not actors, are followed and filmed in a real situation, or game.Reality TV is very popular in the UK. At their best, these programmes give us a good look into the lives of different people in Britain. At their worse, they are a very cheap way to make programmes and sometimes involve people behaving very badly.Heres a selection of some of the UKs reality shows.ShatteredA group of young people live in a house for a week and must stay awake. Each day there are tests to see how well they can work even though they are totally tired out. They must leave the house if they fall asleep. Viewers vote on those who stay in the house and text their comments (评论) every day.Come to Dine with MeEach week four people prepare dinner in their homes for the other competitors. Each competitor then gives the cook a grade out of 10 for the food and entertainment (娱乐). The winner gets a $1,000 cash prize. Sometimes the food is terrible and the competitors are very rude to each other.Worlds Strictest ParentsBadly-behaved British teens are sent abroad to live with a super strict family for a week. The teenagers have to follow the rules of their host family and go to the local school. After seven days the teenagers return home and their parents tell us if their behaviour is better. There is often a lot of crying and shouting in this show but it can be pretty funny too.(1)Which statement about Reality TV is NOT true?A . Real-life people are in it.B . We can see a real situation in it.C . It usually costs less money to make Reality TV.D . Anybody can be in Reality TV.(2)You will have to leave Shattered if _.A . you are too tired to sleepB . you fall sleepC . the viewers dislike youD . you cant get on well with others(3)What do we know about Come to Dine with Me?A . Its broadcast once a week.B . Competitors usually dont have good behaviour.C . Competitors taste the food and give it a grade.D . There are altogether four people in the programme each time.(4)Which of the following can NOT be learned from Worlds Strictest Parents?A . The host parents are too strict with the teens.B . Some teens dislike their host familys rules.C . Some teens wouldnt like to live with their host family.D . Badly-behaved teens can behave better after a week with a super strict family.19. (8分)阅读理解 The advice to let go of negative (消极的) feelings is repeated in yoga classes and self-help books. Now a new study suggests it really brings lasting health advantages. Those who had a hard time getting over daily troubles had more physical health problems ten years later.If you are likely to think over daily troubles-running through every what if and if only- it makes you feel thats a big deal. Maddux said, You probably find you feel even worse after a night of thinking. If that cycle is repeated over time, it will wear you down.The study results are based on 1,155 people who took in a national health study. Each day, the people described their feeling changes over the past 24 hours. During the 10-year mark, only 17 percent of the people have no physical health problems, and only 20 percent are satisfied with their physical strength. But those who always say they have negative feelings because of daily troubles are more likely to have the physical problems, the finding showed.People can be likely to have bad feelings for a longer time for many reasons. For some people, worries or anger could drive it. Many others naturally have a more nervous feeling or are likely to think over and over again. But even if you are born to be negative, that can be changed.Yes, its hard to let go, Leger said. But people can develop that skill through practice, in which you train the mind to pay attention to the present, rather than worries about the past.Paying attention to the present, especially on things you are grateful for, has been shown to have several advantages, Leger said.(1)What does the study result show us? A . 1,155 people say they have physical health problems.B . During 24 hours, people never change their feelingsC . Only 17% of the people have no physical health problems.D . Only 20% dont feel quite good about their physical strength.(2)The underlined expression that skill in Paragraph 5 refers to _. A . asking what ifB . letting it goC . caring about the pastD . thinking over and over(3)The purpose of the passage is to _. A . introduce different kinds of negative feelings.B . help people know about the national health studyC . teach readers the ways to let the negative feelings goD . ask people not to think over too much about the daily troubles(4)Which part of the magazine is the passage most probably from ? A . Technology PartB . Advertisement Part.C . Health Study PartD . Chemical Research Part.四、 任务型阅读 (共3题;共25分)20. (10分)阅读短文,完成表格,每空一词。In the deserts(沙漠)of North Africa and Saudi Arabia lives the smallest fox with the largest ears. This animal is the fennec fox.Fennec foxes have ears that are 5 to 6 inches long. Thats big for an animal that weighs less than four pounds. Their ears help shed (去除) body heat. And, as you may have guessed, they also provide great hearing.Its also interesting to think about the hair of fennec foxes. Why would a fox that lives in the desert need a thick, fur coat? Actually, the desert isnt always warm. During the nighttime, a desert can be terribly cold! A fennec foxs fur keeps them warm during those desert nights. They also have long bushy tails that they use as a blanket. And the hair on their feet protects them from the hot sand in the daytime.Fennec foxes live in small communities of dens (兽穴).They spend most of the day sleeping in their dens, out of the hot sun. Then, when night comes, they come out in search of food. In addition to(除之外) their great hearing, fennecs also use their great sense of smell and big eyes to track down dinner.Fennecs eat both meat and plants. They like eating birds, eggs, insects, snails, fruit and leaves best. Fennec fox mothers have one to five babies at a time. Sometimes they are in danger. They have to be careful with predators (捕食性动物), such as caracals (a type of wild cat) , jackals, eagle owls, hyenas and humans. Humans catch them for their fur and to sell as pets.Fennec FoxesLiving areas_of North Africa and Saudi Arabia.AppearanceThey are the _of all foxes with the largest ears.Their thick fur _them warm in the cold desert night.The hair on their feet protects them from the heat of the sand during the _.AbilityThey have very good _and eyesight with big ears and eyes.They are also good at tracking down dinner with their great sense of _.CharacterThey live in small communities.They_in their dens most of the day.At _they become active and come out in search of food.FoodThey eat both meat and plants.Their_foods include birds, eggs, insects, snails, fruit and leaves._They are hunted by caracals, jackals, eagle owls, hyenas and humans.21. (10分)阅读下列短文,完成填空The following are some project rules for the students of Sunshine Secondary School.A Famous BuildingBuild a model of a famous building. You can use wood, paper and glue but you mustnt use other things. You have to paint the model. Next class, you must describe your building but it doesnt have to be long.Musical InstrumentsYou must make two musical instruments with plastic bottles. You cant use materials from toys or real instruments (乐器). In class, you have to play some music with the instruments for three minutes.A Short FilmMake a film about your group. You can bring a video camera or a mobile phone from home. The film has to be in English. You can interview people in your group but their answers mustnt be long. You must play the film in class and introduce your group in three minutes.A Chopstick PlaneYou must make a plane with two chopsticks. You can use paper and glue but you cant use metal. You must test the plane in front of your teacher and your classmates in the playground. It has to fly for ten seconds.Class Project _ItemsDetailsA Famous Building* Use wood, paper and _to build the model.* Paint the model and describe it in a _time.Musical Instruments* Use _bottles to make two musical instruments.* Play music _the instruments for three minutes.A Short Film* Make a film in _.* Play the film in class and _your group in three minutes.A _Plane* Use paper and glue _of using metal to make a plane.* Test the plane in the playground and _it for ten seconds.22. (5分)这个村庄的人口接近200。 (close to) 五、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)根据语境,从方框里选择正确合适的句子。(Jeff and Li Lei are talking on the phone now. Jeff=J Li Lei= L)J: Hello, Li Lei?_.L: Hi, Jeff. Are you still in Beijing?J: Yes.L: Well, _?J: Im studying English here.L: Hows it going?J: _. Im having a good time. Its interesting to talk with the foreigners(外国人).L: _?J: Sunny and warm! Do you want to come to Beijing this summer vacation?L: Yes, but I am busy now. Could you take some photos of Beijing?J: _! Er, er. Are you studying for a test now?L: Yes, I dont think the test is easy. I must study hard!J: Good luck!L: Thank you!A. Great.B. I am Jeff.C. What are you doing?D. Jeff speaking.E. Hows the weather?F. No problem!G. Not bad.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)24. (5分)体育运动是中学生的共同爱好。请你根据下列提示写一篇题为 What We Get from Sports 的短文, 短文应包含以下要点:学生参加体育运动的兴趣不同, 理由各异。多数学生学习疲倦时, 通过运动来放松自己。男孩们参加各项体育活动, 希望运动能使自己更强壮。女孩们也喜欢运动, 希望运动能帮助自己减肥和保持苗条。你对运动的观点。注意: * 文中不能出现自己的姓名和学校名称。* 短文开头已给出, 不计入总词数。字数: 80词左右, 不可逐字翻译。* 参考词语: lose weight, keep slim (保持苗条)What We Get from SportsStudents in our school have one thing in common - an interest in sports.第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共24分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、四、 任务型阅读 (共3题;共25分)20-1、21-1、22-1、五、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)23-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)24-1、


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