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学案编号:2012080335 编 写:郭卫星 审 核:康瑾 班 级: 小 组: 姓 名: 一 评: 二 评:广才成学 明志致远课 题: Lesson35:Whats Your Advice? 【学习目标】 知识与能力. 1.Language goals:diamond,advice diamond,choose,spell,number,reply,as,nobody,be nice to,opposite 2.Ability goals:Building the connection with the new knowledge and the old.The Simple Present Tense 3.Moral goals:Have a good ambition, and study hard now, then you will have a good future. 过程与方法:listening, speaking,reading,writing and discussion methods. 【重点难点】装 订 线 1.重点:1)The Simple Present Tense.2)some words and phrases:advice,choose,spell,fact,make advice diamonds,be good at,at the same time,the opposite of,be nice to,fold.into. 难点:1.Positive/Negative sentences. 2.some difficult sentences:Fast is the opposite of slow. Jenny opens and closes the diamond as she counts. 【学法指导和使用说明】先通读短文 画出新单词并根据音标试读这些单词。【学习流程】一纠正学生的读音(单词)。1. 单词游戏在小组中对碰对巩固单词; . 2. 小组挑战记忆力二 听力.判断正(T)误(F)1. Danny and jenny have made a advice diamond.( )2. All of Dannys diamonds are green.( ) 3.Jenny arent good at the game. ( )4.is fast the opposite of slow? ( )三 教材助读(两轮阅读)一轮阅读 :快速浏览课文,跳过生词,捕捉关键信息,把握文章主题,完成阅读题目。1 What colour does Danny choose from jennys advice diamond? 2.What Jennys advice? 3.Does Jenny have a piece of advice from Danny?二轮阅读找难点:在文中勾画出重点单词,短语,句型,并结合语境猜测其含义并完成英汉互译。make advice diamonds at the same time the opposite of be nice to fold.into. improve your English 【合作探究】 质疑解疑,合作探究1. You are good at this game.该句中的短语是 ,它的同意短语为 。该句的同义句为 。2. Danny counts as he opens and closes the diamond at the same time.该句的意思为 。该句是简单句还是复合句?如果是复合句,引导词是 ,它相当于那个引导词 ,它是 主从复合句。3. Your teacher will show you how to fold it into an advice diamond.该句的意思为 。how to fold it into an advice diamond在句中做什么成分? 【达标测评】(教师限定学生限时完成练习,然后给出答案可进行必要的点拨)根据句意及所给首字母提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. Please draw a picture and c it green.2. Can you s the word”pilot”.3. Let me give you a piece of a .4. We had to c him as our monitor.5. He studied harder to i his english.6. I want to clean the i of our house today.7. He r that he is busy.8. John and Mary sat at o ends of the table.9. Can you c the answer from A and B?10. He likes playing football, in f he is a good player.【温馨提示】1.the opposite of.表示“.的反义词”2.advice n. 意为“建议,劝告”,是不可数名词,要表达一条或几条建议时,需借助单位词piece: a piece of advice, two pieces of advice. 由advice构成的短语:ask sb for advice 征求某人的建议;give sb. Some advice 给某人提出忠告;follow/take ones advice 采纳某人的建议学案编号:2012080336 编 写:Wang Xiang 审 核:康瑾 班 级: 小 组: 姓 名: 一 评: 二 评:广才成学 明志致远 课 题: Lesson36: No Matter What 学习目标 I。 知识目标1. 掌握词汇及短语: 富裕的 , 在.之间 ; 在某处 ;贫穷的 再过十年 II. 能力目标 1.Read the text by students themselves and catch the main meaning of the text. 2.Express ones feeling in English. 过程与方法:speaking and talking;singing and practice. 情感、态度和价值观:通过学习,写出自己在五年,十年,二十年后想做的事并和同学交流。【重点难点】 1.New words and expressions. 2.Some difficult sentences and translate: In ten more years,my friend,where will I be? No matter what I become I know for sure: Guess what your partner will be like in twenty more years.【知识链接】Talk about your future in pairs. 【学习流程】自主学习 课前预习一阅读歌词和句子,尝试翻译下列短语,你一定很棒。 1.英语歌曲 2.无论何时 3.三十年后 4.贫穷或富裕 5.朋友总是朋友 6.get warmer and warmer 二. 补全对话。 A: Sometimes its 1 to talk 2 the future.I dont know 3 Im going to do.I don;t know where I will 4 . B: Dont worry,you are a good boy,I think you will have a good 5 . A: What do you think I will 6 when I am older? B: You are 7 helping people. And youre a very good student.you 8 be a doctor. A: I will be very happy 9 I am a 10 in the future. 【合作探究】 1.rich 用法形容词,意为: ,反义词为: 举例她姑姑嫁了一个有钱人。 Her aunt a . 人们的菜篮子变得越来越丰富。Peoples vegetable are becoming and .拓展rich与定冠词the连用时,表示“富人”,具有复数意义,类似的形容词还有young, old, poor等。举例有钱人并不一定总很快乐。 are not always happy.2. between用法介词,意为“在.之间,在.中间”。举例两个孙悟空之间根本没有任何区别。There are no differences two Sun Wukongs.拓展between和among都可以表示“在.之间”,但用法不同:between指“在.(两者)之间”;而among则指“在.(三者或三者以上)之间”。举例The letter B comes A C.装 订 线 Tom lives in a village the hills.二听读训练 1. Listen to the tape and make you lose yourselves in the beautiful sense.Listen again and repeat in low voice.After two or three times,you can sing the song by yourselves.2. 读训练。1)学生自己分角色大声读这首歌。 2) 让小组进行唱歌展示比赛。 【达标测评】 按要求对句子进行转换,每空一词。1. We are going to buy some books for you.(改为否定句) We books for you.2. 不管我在哪里,我都会想念你。(汉译英) I am,I miss you.3. They will finish reading in twenty minutes.(划线提问) they finish reading?4. Lets go to the zoo this Sunday.(改为同义句) go to the zoo this Sunday?5. You will answer the question,I will give you a present.(用if合并成一句) I you a present you the question.【自主反思】 知识盘点: 心得感悟:


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