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Group 4Members: Number5 古晓薇Number12 黄文章Number20 马立英Number34 曾倩莹 Number42 覃柳林Chapter 1. Head store survey and goal3Store Survey:3Goals:5Chapter 2. Products & Service6Product Survey:6Service:9Equipment12Chapter 3. Market & Competition13Message:13Market:13Competition:13advertise14Chapter 4. Insurance16Risk control:16Chapter 5. Management:20The constitution of hot pot shop personnel:20Hot pot shop personnel management20Purchase business management21Storage business management21Chapter 6. Contingency23Chapter 7. Financial Plan25Chapter 8. Conclusion26Shop promotion plan:26Chapter 1. Head store survey and goalAs time went by the pace of life constantly walking, with the return of hot, cold weather comes, hot pot and no doubt will become everybodys darling, steaming pot, always helps people to forget temporarily colder, so open a hot pot in the winter is a good choice.Store Survey:1:Happy hot pot shop decoration hall area, happyAccording to the hot pot shop market positioning, hall area of 100 square meters, is divided into two layers, the table in table 30 above. The floor with kitchen, bathroom, dining, and dining area, two buildings are the dining area, have toilet.2:Happy hot pot shop decoration style:Happy hot pot shop belongs to the low consumption level, average per capita consumption in the 30-40 Yuan, diners are college students and other young people. So it should be in the decorative style is unified, style, the environmental quality of medium principle, to create a warm, simple dining environment as the goal. The ground part of the floor tile Collage; ceiling portion of paper gypsum board fire, edge part level two ceiling molding temperature, hidden light source is reflected by ceiling, hall and a small amount of chandeliers, surface paste scraping processing; this hall layout is managing cost, is convenient to clean two health, also does not lose hotpot consumption class. But hanging beautiful, generous, reflecting the red man life landscape, character face, so as to enhance the cultural atmosphere.3:Happy hot pot decoration - restaurant furniture and reasonable layout(1) TablesTable ,divided two kinds, round table diameter is 120cm or 140cm, for about 10 people dining table number; 80cm 100cm, for 2-4 people dining. Round table and the table of quantity should be based on the hall structure suited to.(2) Drop tableDrop table of commonly used specifications, length 80cm, width 50cm, height 70cm. Drop table and the ratio of the number for general 1:2-1:4, the specific number and position according to the table layout.(3) Dining chairRestaurant Chair with Restaurant Style coordination, general requirements chair dexterity, convenient to move, chair and chair can be stacked together, restaurant with a wooden chair.4:Happy hot pot decoration - Restaurant Channel(1) The restaurant line arrangementa): Guest line should be from the door to the seat between the channel smooth operators for the basic requirements, generally using linear as well. In the regional settings can be stored off the stage, tableware, and contribute to the service personnel to shorten the route.b): Restaurant Waiter, attendant line of line length on work efficiency has a direct impact, in principle should be the shorter the better(2) The restaurants channelTables have a guest seat size about 50 cm, walking at least channel size 100cm.5:Happy hot pot decoration - source (power) arrangementShould have natural gas, pipeline for maintenance position, in the decoration should all embedded. If the liquefied gas bottle, it should be placed under the table, in addition, the room should be configured with sufficient fire fighting equipment.6: Happy hot pot shop decoration - kitchen allocation(1) The kitchen area of control in 30 - 60 square meters.(2)The kitchen electrical equipment.(3) The kitchen lighting and ventilation equipment.(4) Must have a fly prevention, dust prevention, prevention facilities.(5) The cleaning tank and the kitchen shelf than general food operation.7: Happy hot pot shop decoration - office configurationOffice as a restaurant operator daily office use, but also can be used as a parlor, signing, small meeting rooms, the style of decoration should be consistent with the hall, equipped with tables and chairs, filing cabinets and all kinds of daily office supplies.8: Happy hot pot shop decoration - warehouse allocationThe treasury as auxiliary materials and dry cargo storage, generally according to the restaurant to determine how much cargo storage. General requirements to ventilation, not damp, rat proof, anti pest; shelf placement, commodity classification, maintain a clean and orderly.Goals: 1. Tourists constantly within half a year, after six months doubling tourists.2. The first year stands firm in Nanning, in one year recoups the cost.3. Enhances the popularity in one year, fires the brand, making the entire Nanning know this hot pot shop.4. This store will be an additional 2 stores within 2 years, and gradually developed into a strong economic strength and have some hot pot chain market share, among the many pot brand into a piece of heaven and Earth, and will become a catering industrys well-known brands.Chapter 2. Products & ServiceProduct Survey:The head store follows the product quality is the life, when the high-quality service is the foundation, the modern management the method, the customer satisfaction is the management of goal obeys the aim. Insisting that “customer is supreme”, realizes the attractive satisfaction percentage hundred services to obey the aim in various aspects, unceasing raising product quality. The hot pot great variety of goods of head store, the taste diversification, the flavor is tasty, does not do spicily, is not dry and hot, hot moderate, tastes, oil long, but is not greasy; The head store can also act according to customers request, modulates taste that you need.We have different populations have different products. For example, family packages, couples packages, business packages, common packages and cargo packagesFamily A package:Sheep meat + volume + Ficus simplicissima Lour rabbit meat (duck) + Frog + beef + mushroom + lettuce + melon + rice 4 Bowl! Free nourish cool/hot pot (2-1)Family B package:Plane + fresh mutton + lamb meatballs of mutton filling four pills + plate + rinse + sheep intestines or planning mutton dishes + small steamed dumplings + cold dishFamily C package:Noah + Angus meat fresh duck sausage + beef noodle + developed + Spicy beef + lamb kebab + Melaleuca abdominal + pomfret + Quartet three meat + fried dumplings + sausage + mushroom + wide powder + Pleurotus SAJOR-caju + skin of beancurdFamily D package:Pot + Bacon + Mongolia volume + fresh duck kidney + duck sausage of lamb + black cattle beef + beef tendon balls + mountain fresh blood + fresh Yuba tofu + Lotus + duck + mushroom + cabbageLover A package:mushroom soup pot+ and beef + lamb + Duck Bay + vegetables small tailor Frost powder + mushroom + sheep + tofu + hot pot NoodlesLover B package:Still the soup beef + high-quality goods lamb + fresh cut the chicken piece + shrimp to slide + green vegetables hors doeuvre + fungus category double to put together + legumes double to put together + wide powder + sweet potato chip + to roll the surface + snowflake meatballLover C package:Fragrant spicy shrimp + fish bean curd + sausage + auricularia auricula + Chongqing agar jelly + potato + sweet potato + wide powder + dried rolled bean curd + preserved egg Bean curdBusiness A package:Wild soft-shelled turtle + bullfrog + lily flower + auricularia auricula + sweet potato + turnip + bean curd + fine bean-and-wheat noodleBusiness B package:The supreme beef + dragon boat sashimi (eats uncooked) + interaction beef + the top grade beef + five spices chicken feet + the old vinegar shelled peanut + gefilte fish + lily flower + the bitter chrysanthemum + the wide starch noodles + lettuce + seven color surface/sesame seed cake 4! Clear soup caldron/hot pot is optionalBusiness C package:Rinses fragrant pot/health pot 2 to choose 1+ vegetarian diet abalones/lion/luck to install/monkey mushroom hot 4 to choose 2+ sliced ham + element shiitake mushroom pork dried rolled bean curd + bean curd + spinach winter melon + pumpkin + potato chip + chrysanthemum coronarium bean noodles + green vegetables + greensBusiness D package:Featured rabbit + rabbit soup + steamed fragrant steamed fish with dry + mixed + spiced rabbit head takes Jen + mountain pepper fungus + copy + quail egg rabbit meat + Merlin luncheon meat crispy meat + vegetable + tip + Lotus + mushroom + lettuce + tomato + Yan dumplingRegular A package: The grass carp approximately 3 jin (ebullition fish, leaps pepper fish, iris fragrant spicy fish and pickled cabbage legume flower fish four kinds of tastes optional) + five spices bean curd strip/the North Sichuan agar jelly/Korean pickled vegetable/hot caltrop starch 4 to choose 1+ kelp/potato/spinach/auricularia auricula/gefilte fish + spinach surfaceRegular B package: SHUNDE public grass carp soup + mountain + white/green head duck autotrophic Valley fed to chickens go + farmhouse since Burger + pickles + tofu Yuba + homemade home + mixed vegetableRegular C package: Hot time fish/sauce fragrant time fish 2 chooses 1+ small sausages + the wide powder + cabbage + auricularia auricula + Chongqing agar jelly + Mei Caisun silk + rice + chrysanthemum teaCargo A package:Mandarin duck pot/red soup caldron 2 chooses 1+ fresh fish head + rural area unsophisticated duck intestines + egg-yolk good liver + Fuxi Niu Xiao stomach + pork coriander meatball + high-quality goods old sliced meat + green tripe + shrimp dumplings + hot pot package of + sausages + the fresh duck blood + the manual pumpkin cake + lily flower + dried bean curd + auricularia auricula + potato + well water bean sprouts + the smelling as sweet yellow green tea + Chinese trumpet creeper skinCargo B package:Steamed Mandarin Duck and mutton rolls + pot + coriander meatballs + Inner Mongolia grassland + sausage + chicken wings beef + mushroom meat ball with crisp sausage + Super + Bull blinds + soybean sprout + fruit + crispy rice + seaweed + potatoes + gluten Chongqing Black Duck blood + pasta + puree tofu noodles + mushroom + skin + purple potato dumplingsCargo C package:Red stockpot/Mandarin Duck pot 2 selected 1+ Acura pork + 77th, fresh duck intestinal + tasty tender beef + County spent + consumption children fish + no bone chicken claw + green hair belly + thousand layer belly + crab meat + ham intestinal + radish + fungus + beans dry + duck blood + potatoes + vetch skin + frozen tofu + Lotus tablets + cucumber tablets + fresh Canadensis + flat mushroom + mushroom + brown sugar cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste + rice + pickleCargo D package:Double color Mandarin Duck pot + flavor fish disc + black bean spent + reservoir Dragon fish + grassland lamb meat + green hair belly + homemade crisp meat + crisp skin intestinal + oil tofu skin + powder with + chrysanthemum + potatoes + burn pepper small preserved egg + fragrant mix sea cucumber intestinal + Chang spring grain grain fragrant + village rattan pepper chicken + Sichuan taste cool skin + oil halogen Jane to + grains wotou + brown sugar cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste noodlesService:The head store in serving in receiving “customer grants every request” the idea, in the situation, meets the needs of customer in ones power as far as possible. The head store serves the concrete manifestation: 1. Welcome to see off the customer2. To process the customer to sue 3. To talk on own initiative 4. Initiative help customers 5.To remind the customer to take care of the good financial security with the customer on own initiative. In addition, the head store loses the dining room internal environment request to be strict, is the customer feels urgently in the entire going to eat process is comfortable and warm, is dining room each corner unfolds to the concern culture of customer. Some head store also a series of attachment attentive services, cause the customer when dining, the greatest degree enjoys the high-quality service.Service operation:1. WelcomingRestaurant requires each service personnel must be in the right language at the right time greeting greeting customers, and must be happy, smile, say hello to greet customers in a loud voice. When customers entered the store to hear warm and sincere greeting service personnel will immediately produce a good impression of the restaurant. Therefore clearly set out in the manual of the restaurant greeting greetings terms: Welcome, here, good morning, good evening, such as more emotional statements.2. InterviewsAfter waiters to meet customer, courtesy of asking customers, Sir (Madam) you several dining, my dishes for you, I was XX, waiter, is pleased to serve you and introduce our hotel product, such as: string of spicy swiping our hotel has recently added a new variety, we recommend that you taste.3. Collar sitsAfter the service people the customer receives the dining room seat, on the paper napkin and seasonable Sichuan pickled vegetable simultaneously inquire the customer, dips the material is or spicy and micro spicy ultra spicy, on afterward dips the material simultaneously to harness clothes with the chair cover for the guest.4. Top pot, tablewareAfter you complete the stockpot and tableware should have service tools on, as guests on our hotel product, and describes the benefits to eat and some special products, and according to old people, women, children and other guests of different identities, recommended for their string of Shabu taste, dips, drinks and other.5. StationWaiter after meals in the guest started stands within its specified range, waiting for the next group of guests, while answers are dining guest service issues and requirements at any time.6. Bar settles accountsAfter the guest dines finished, for the guest calculates the string number, informs the customer expense amount, leaves behind the documentary evidence in the dining room seat, takes the meal expense of customer to settle accounts to the bar, the second association of cash and settlement bill gives the bar together, after settling accounts finished, is responsible for the extra money looking to the customer, simultaneously will welcome the customer to visit and remind next time welcomes guests the attention, will see off the guest.7. Thanks to our customers to come againWhen a customer while preparing the departure after the settlement, service personnel should in good faith say: thank you patronize, Welcome to again and thank you and we wish you a pleasant language to express good wishes, enables customers to leave a better impression of the restaurant, and may again in the future.Equipment(specific volume by store size)1、A big kitchen2、Pots3、Bowls and chopsticks4、Induction cooker5、Dests and chairs6、Gas7、Air conditioning 8、Slicing machine9、Acoustics10、Disinfection machine11、The refrigerator12、Garbage barrel13、Camera14、Computer15、Television16、A car to freight17、Electric machineChapter 3. Market & CompetitionMessage: Happy Hot Pot Shop, the rinsing the happy.Market:1: Hotpot restaurant market situation: Hot pot is the consumption of products, have a wide range of consumer groups. Even so, we must also see clearly that hot pot consumption is basically to a new brand focus, update faster, brand also in the accelerated aging. However, the market opportunity is hidden in a crisis. The business hot pot business, should be exaggerated thinking change the specification, should keep pace with The Times, and constantly improve the consumption grade and interest, can realize the breakthrough.2: Market positioning of Happy Hot Pot Shop: Target market main body is to pay attention to their own health for people. (1) The common student, labor and ordinary salariat, with the high-level white collar workers and government workers, their consumption habits and expense scales is different; Generally average per person expense about 30-40 Yuan (2)Like the senior citizen likes light, young people by chance taste heavy flavorful and so on; (3) Female and male are often having difference regarding hot pot the pot, taste weight, dish type and other aspects of surely;3: Market development prospects: With the rapid economic development, peoples living standards greatly improved, the size of the consumer groups make hot pot restaurant industry as a business situation, sprung up, and the present vitality. Hot pot business throughout the food in the proportion of the management is more and more big, the hot pot, as a special kind of diet way by many consumers more and more received and approved. So, as long as to transcendent thinking change the specification, advancing with The Times, and constantly improve the consumption grade and fun, Happy Hot Pot Shop development prospect is very optimistic.Competition:1: Competitive strategy: (1) In the early days of the start, with high quality hot pot, high level of service, cheaper prices to meet customer. Can quickly to win customers, set up image, open the situation and realize normal operation. (2) Into the right track, to establish close relationships with their customers, customers can enjoy free or birthday gifts. (3) We can hire someone to help advertise, promote our products. (4) In store nearby can pull banners to publicize our hotpot restaurant. (5)We can implement membership system, members can enjoy preferential by card.2: Marketing strategy: (1) Products: Happy hot pot shops main product is certainly hot pot, and people are generally like to eat hot pot beef roll type of meat products, therefore, can take this as our boutique to development, for example, can put mutton slices cooked in hot pot as the store, in order to attract customers. (2) Price: the price is reasonable, in the popular bear range. (3) Location: can choose next to the school, such as university. Chafing dish store economic benefits will be the majority of teachers and students to accept, so, in the school next to not worry about customers.(4) Sales promotion: can not carry out regular promotions, can attract more customers, and can also provide their own store to do publicity, and establish a good image.Advertise1. Outside dining room advertisement measure: (1)Wall advertisement / large-scale column (sign) /and large screen /propaganda pamphlet (playbill) (2)Transportation vehicle advertisement (3) Disseminates /sound news film and television to disseminate / books and periodicals publication to disseminate /short note platform/ corporation website (4) Organization personnel using the media to go to the target area to carry on the propaganda monolithic either the mail of coupon card or puts in (5)Organization marketing staff to go to the goal unit to sign (6)Telephone appointment/other meal service reservation (7) Cooperation with other enterprises2. advertisement measure within the restaurant (1) Product marketing and the establishment of related bonus programme: drinks, drinks, special meals, meal reservations, gold sales (2) Discount card (3)Discount coupons/promotionsChapter 4. InsuranceRisk control:In order to improve the quality of investments to prevent and reduce investment risk management, effective protection of the interests of investors, investment management companies often have established a complete risk control mechanism and risk management system. 1. Companies have risk control Committee, re


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