七年级下学期英语期中测试(II )卷 .doc

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七年级下学期英语期中测试(II )卷 一、 填空题。 (共1题;共1分)1. (1分)During the winter camp, Emma became the quickest runner a_ the students. 二、 用所给词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共9分)2. (1分)What great fun they have _ (reply) to his parents letters!3. (1分)We should often _(交流)with our parents and understand them.4. (5分)根据句子意思用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。(1)Dad, Mum asked you and _ (I) to do the cleaning at home today.(2)To our surprise, an excellent student _(murder) by his roommate in a university.(3)Dont drink the _(pollute) water. It will make you ill.(4)I cant stop_(take) photos at this tourist attraction. I have no enough time.(5)The terrible traffic accident happened because the truck driver was so _(care) that he didnt notice the sign of speed.5. (1分)Something that is up-to-date includes the _ (late) information?6. (1分)Its important to ask for information or help _ (polite).三、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)7. (2分)What _ he _ this morning?He grew some vegetables.A . does; doB . did; didC . does; didD . did; do8. (2分) Why were you late for school this morning, Tom? I was about to go to school _ it began to rain.A . sinceB . whileC . asD . when9. (2分) _ go swimming with us tomorrow? Thats a great idea! A . How aboutB . Why dontC . Why not10. (2分) do you want to join?The basketball club.A . What clubB . WhereC . How muchD . Which11. (2分)Your composition is quite good _ several spelling mistakes. A . exceptB . besidesC . except forD . except that12. (2分)Excuse me, can I take this seat? Sure. _.A . Dont worry B . Go ahead C . Take it easy13. (2分)A walk every day is enough to keep you healthy and in good shape. A . 30-minuteB . 30-minutesC . 30 minutesD . 30-minutes14. (2分)The sofa is so large that it half of the room area.A . takes upB . picks upC . turns upD . puts up15. (2分)_ you are tired, lets stay at home and have a rest. A . AlthoughB . SinceC . UntilD . Because of16. (2分)I met Lucy in the primary school and we have been close friends _.A . as usualB . again and againC . sooner or laterD . ever since17. (2分) is it from the village to your school? About 10 minutes walk.A . HowB . How longC . How farD . How much18. (2分)Its great to you. I have waited for your letter for a long time. A . hear ofB . hear fromC . hear outD . hear about19. (2分)Look! Julie and Lucy _ the football match on TV. Oh, thats why I cant find them in the yard.A . watchB . are watchingC . have watchedD . were watching20. (2分)You dont have to _every new word in the dictionary while reading.A . look forB . look atC . look upD . look after21. (2分)Thats a girl. Her name is _. A . Wang XiaohongB . Wang Xiao HongC . Wang xiaohong四、 情景交际部分。 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)从方框中的A-G选项中选择适当的句子将对话补充完整,有两个多余选项。A. No, it isnt.B. Yes, it is.C. They are her pencil case and baseball.D. Where is her hat?E. Its on the chair.F. Whats this?G. Its a baseball.A: Hi, Grace! _B: Its a photo of Annas room.A: _B: Its on the bed.A: Is her alarm clock on the bed?B: _ Its on the desk.A: Well, where is her backpack?B: Look! _A: And what are those on the floor?B: _ The pencil case is red, and the baseball is white. 五、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)23. (15分)根据短文内容的理解,选择最佳答案填空。Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Rakesh, he studied and lived in a boarding school(寄宿学校). Every night he jumped over the wall and played outside. He 1returned before dawn (黎明) and lay on his bed again, so no one knew that Rakesh went out at 2.One night as usual, Rakesh found 3asleep. He decided to play outside again. He went into his teacherMrs. Greens room 4and saw her 5. Then Rakesh walked out towards the wall. Near the wall, there was a ladder in the bushes, he hid it there. He 6the ladders and he climbed it up, then jumped over the wall. 7at that time his teacher was awake and saw him going out.8got up and took away the 9from the wall. A few hours 10, Rakesh returned. In the dark, he tried to climb 11from the wall. Sadly, there was no ladder, instead, Mrs. Green was standing where the ladder was and waiting for him. Rakesh was very 12to be punished (处罚), but to his surprise, she just helped Rakesh to get onto the ground , said, Rakesh, at least 13a warm coat with you, when you go out at night.Mrs. Greens 14made Rakesh know his own faults. He apologized (道歉) and never went out at night again. It is the 15lesson that he has ever had.(1)A . never B . always C . seldom D . sometimes (2)A . daytime B . weekends C . night D . noon (3)A . someone B . anyone C . no one D . everyone (4)A . loudly B . quietly C . happily D . quickly (5)A . sleeping B . reading C . watching TV D . running (6)A . took care of B . took away C . took a look at D . took out (7)A . And B . But C . So D . Because (8)A . He B . They C . She D . It (9)A . bed B . chair C . bushes D . ladder (10)A . ago B . before C . later D . late (11)A . up B . down C . out D . in (12)A . afraid B . glad C . sorry D . surprised (13)A . buy B . bring C . take D . borrow (14)A . kindness B . illness C . happiness D . sadness (15)A . worst B . best C . furthest D . smallest 六、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共60分)24. (10分) A rabbit is running into his hole. You may ask, “What happened?”Well, when a rabbit sees something dangerous, it runs away. Its tail moves up and down as it runs. When other rabbits see this tail moving up and down, they ran, too. They know there is danger. The rabbit has told them something without making a sound. It has given them a signal.Many other animals use this kind of language. When a bee finds some food, it goes back to his home. It cant tell the other bees where the food is by speaking to them, but it does dance in the air. This tells the bees where the food is.But animals say things by making sounds. A dog barks, for examples, when a stranger comes near. A cat purrs(发出呼噜呼噜的声音) when pleased. Some birds make several different sounds, each with its own meaning.But human beings have something that no animals have- a large number of words about things, actions, feelings or ideas. We are able to give each other information to tell or inform other people what is in our mind or how we feel. By writing words down we can remind ourselves of the things that have happened, or send messages to people far away. No animals can do this. No animals has the wonderful power of language.No one knows how man learned to make words. Somehow he learned to make them. As centuries went by, he made more and more new words. This is what we mean by language.People in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred different languages in the world. A very large English dictionary, for examples, contains four or five hundred thousand words. But we dont know all these. The words we know are called vocabulary. We should try to make our vocabulary larger. Read as many books as possible. When we met a new word, look it up in the dictionary. A dictionary is the most useful book.(1)Whats the meaning of the underlined word?A . 标语B . 信号C . 唱片D . 图像(2)A dog can tell something_.A . by giving signalsB . by making different soundsC . by purringD . by barking(3)It has been proved that no animals are able to_.A . give the others informationB . express their actions and feelings with wordsC . tell others how they feelD . make different sounds, each with its own meaning.(4)Generally speaking, what we mean by “vocabulary” is_.A . all the words that we knowB . more and more words we useC . all the words we needD . the dictionary which contains thousands of words(5)What must we do in order to make our vocabulary larger?A . Make more and more new wordsB . look up some new words in a dictionaryC . learn more languageD . Try to read as many books as possible25. (10分) Today we can use the Internet for many things: shopping, business, writing letters, talking to people, getting information and so on. In recent years, a new kind of English has grown on the Internet. Theres no real word for it yet, so we call it e-talk.People dont like typing too much. To save time, they turn phrases into a few letters, acronyms(首字母缩略词). Acronyms are often used in chat rooms. Some are as follows:BRB (be right back), BTW (by the way), LOL (laughing out loud), IMO (in my opinion)People also use many abbreviations. They are shortened forms of words. Some common abbreviations include info (information), pic (picture), puter (computer), sec (second), etc.We usually dont see people when we communicate on the Net, so people have new ways to show feelings. Most people use their keyboards to draw feelings, such as:-) (happy) ;-) (joking) :-( (sad) :-O (surprised)These days, many public discussions have picture feelings, for example:(happy) (sad) (angry) ( (cool)There are even whole new words, like newbies(someone who is new on a chat board or forum). When you write something bad about someone else, its called burning the person.It takes time for people to get used to e-talk. Also, different groups on the Net have their own special ways of communicating. Newbies sometimes have to ask other people what they mean. As the Internet grows, e-talk will continue to grow and change.(1)Why do people type acronyms?A . To type them quickly.B . To make jokes.C . To make newbies puzzledD . To show their feelings.(2)What does the sentence “BTW, my puter is not working well. :-( ”mean?A . The person is happy about getting a new computerB . The person has to go away from their computerC . The person is sad that his computer is having problems.D . The person is angry at somebody.(3)If someone is angry, what may he type?A . LOLB . BRB.C . D . (4)E-talk will probably_.A . stay the sameB . keep changingC . be used by people on the telephoneD . be easy for newbies to understand(5)The best title for this passage is_.A . E-talkB . Picture FeelingsC . How to Use AbbreviationsD . The Changing Internet26. (10分) One day, I happened to meet an Englishman in the street and soon we began to talk. As I was talking about how I was studying English, the foreigner seemed to be very surprised, gently shaking his head and saying “You dont say!”I was confused, and I thought, “Perhaps this is not a right thing to talk about.” Then I said to him, “Well, shall we talk about the Great Wall? Have you ever visited it?”“Certainly! Everyone back home will laugh at me if I leave here without seeing it. The Great Wall is wonderful! ” “Yes, it is one of the wonders in the world. And people of many countries have come to visit it.” As I went on telling him more about it, he stopped me again, “You dont say!”I couldnt help asking, “Why couldnt I talk about it?”“Well, I didnt stop you talking about it,” he answered, greatly surprised.“Didnt you say You dont say!?” I asked again.Hearing this, the foreigner laughed loudly. He began to explain, “You dont say! means Really. Perhaps you know little about English idioms(习惯用语).”Wow! How foolish I was! Since then I have been careful with English idioms.(1)What made the foreigner laugh loudly?A . English idioms.B . The writers question.C . Their talking about the Great WallD . The writers way of learning English(2)Where does the story most probably happen?A . In China.B . In America.C . In England.D . In Japan.(3)The English idiom “You dont say!” means _.A . Thank youB . Excuse meC . OKD . Really(4)What does the writer learn from his own experience? He should _.A . improve his spoken EnglishB . speak with foreigners in a polite wayC . pay attention to English idiomsD . be brave enough talking with foreigners(5)The story tells us _ between languages in different countries.A . the differenceB . the popularityC . the grammar ruleD . the change27. (10分)根据上下文用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空。American summers are filled with outdoor picnics, baseball games and swimming pools. Summer in America is a time _ the outdoors, no matter how hot it might be. Lets take a look at some of the popular drinks.Lemonade is _ of all American summer drinks. It _by mixing lemon juice, water and sugar. It is usually served very cold, with ice.Ice tea is _popular summer drink in America. Ice tea is usually _in a tall glass of ice. Many Americans _ to add sugar to sweeten the drink. This drink is often drunk in the afternoon _relaxing in the shade. Ice tea is now also sold by the bottle , at almost any store in America.The Slurpee, a famous American drink in recent years, is a great _to cool off in the summer heat. It is a mix of ice, sugar and fruit juices. However, the drink is mostly made of ice. They can _ at most small convenient stores. Slurpees are popular with young Americans.Milkshakes have a long _ in America . It is made of a mix of ice cream , milk and flavoring.28. (20分)阅读短文,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Switzerland is one of the most developed countries in Europe. It is famous as one of the cleanest countries in the world.The Swiss think that recycling is very important. The government has made laws (法律) which require everyone to recycle. In 1998, the Swiss government passed a law which says that people can not throw away any electronic machines. Instead, people are told to bring old ones, such as televisions, computers and fridges, to special centers when they didnt need them. Many parts of the old machines are reused, and only the parts that cant be used are thrown away. The government also charges(收费) a rubbish bag tax(税收). If people want their rubbish to be collected, they must buy yellow stickers(张贴物) and put them on their rubbish bags. In 2003, 47% of all rubbish in the cities was recycled. This included 70% of paper, 95%of glass, 71%of plastic bottles and 8590%of cans. Until recently, people could get a small amount of money when they recycled their bottles. Recycling has become a daily habit for the Swiss.Everyone should learn from the Swiss, and our country will be clean like Switzerland.(1)According to the passage, Switzerland is famous for .A . its foodB . its watchesC . its environmentD . its laws(2)How much rubbish in the cities was recycled in 2003?A . About 70%.B . 95%.C . 47%.D . 8590%(3)What can people do according to the law?A . Bring old computers to special centers.B . Reuse the parts of the old machines that cant be used.C . Throw away electronic machines.D . A and C.(4)How can people in Switzerland get a small amount of money?A . Put yellow stickers on their rubbish bags.B . Recycle their bottles.C . Bring old electronic machines to special centers.D . Have a good habit.(5)The best title of the article is .A . One of the Cleanest Countries in the WorldB . The Swiss GovernmentC . Recycling in SwitzerlandD . Learning from the Swiss(6)According to the passage, Switzerland is famous for .A . its foodB . its watchesC . its environmentD . its laws(7)How much rubbish in the cities was recycled in 2003?A . About 70%.B . 95%.C . 47%.D . 8590%(8)What can people do according to the law?A . Bring old computers to special centers.B . Reuse the parts of the old machines that cant be used.C . Throw away electronic machines.D . A and C.(9)How can people in Switzerland get a small amount of money?A . Put yellow stickers on their rubbish bags.B . Recycle their bottles.C . Bring old electronic machines to special centers.D . Have a good habit.(10)The best title of the article is .A . One of the Cleanest Countries in the WorldB . The Swiss GovernmentC . Recycling in SwitzerlandD . Learning from the Swiss七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分)根据表格写作文。NameFavorite subjectWhyWhenKenPEFunFridaySelinaGeographyInterestingMondayAliceMusicrelaxingTuesday and Thursday第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 填空题。 (共1题;共1分)1-1、二、 用所给词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共9分)2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、三、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、四、 情景交际部分。 (共1题;共5分)22-1、五、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)23-1、六、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共60分)24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、26-1、26-2、26-3、26-4、26-5、27-1、28-1、28-2、28-3、28-4、28-5、28-6、28-7、28-8、28-9、28-10、七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)29-1、


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