牛津深圳版英语九年级下册 Unit 6 Caring for yourhealth练习(I)卷.doc

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牛津深圳版英语九年级下册 Unit 6 Caring for yourhealth练习(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Did you hear _?A . what did I sayB . what I saidC . I said whatD . what I say2. (2分)The weather forecast doesnt say _.A . if it rains tomorrowB . if does it rain tomorrowC . if it will rain tomorrowD . if will it rain tomorrow3. (2分)The Physics problem is so difficult. Could you tell me _? A . how to solve itB . what to solveC . what to solve itD . why solve it4. (2分)If you _ a particular topic, you pay attention to it and think about it, discuss it, or deal with it. A . disagree withB . forget aboutC . focus on5. (2分)Excuse me, do you know _? About 10 minutes walk.A . where is the bookshopB . how to get to the bookshopC . how far the bookshop isD . where the bookshop is6. (2分)They are cooking in the kitchen, and talking with each other now and then.A . again and againB . for nowC . from time to time7. (2分)I dont know _.A . what time the movie startsB . what time starts the movieC . the time to start the movieD . the movie what time starts8. (2分)A is someone whose job is taking care of peoples teeth.A . dentistB . soldierC . lawyer9. (2分)To guard against pollution, the government ordered the factory to stop working. Thats good news.A . causeB . preventC . support10. (2分)I want to open a supermarket in this community. Well. Youd better conduct a survey before you make the decision.A . carry outB . make upC . take out11. (2分)The old man asked me _.A . where was the cinemaB . where is the cinemaC . where the cinema wasD . where was the way to the cinema12. (2分)To somebody to do something means to make somebody do something they dont want to do.A . expectB . allowC . force13. (2分)My brother told me that light _ faster than sound. A . travelB . travelledC . has travelledD . travels14. (2分)I dont know _ he will come tomorrow. _ he comes, Ill tell you.A . if; WhetherB . whether; WhetherC . if; ThatD . if; If15. (2分)Have you decided _for Australia?A . when will you leaveB . when do you leaveC . you will leave whenD . when you will leave二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 It all started at the beginning of the ninth grade. Angela found she couldnt see things clearly all the time. She became very 1, but she hoped nobody would know that. When her mother asked her to see the eye doctor, she didnt 2. But her mothers mind was made up.Three days later, Angela got new 3and instructions from her doctor. All of the kids will think Im silly, Angela said. Her mother 4and shook her head, You look just as beautiful as before. But Angela didnt believe her.The next day, Angela kept the glasses in her pocket as she walked into the schoolyard. She felt 5. Suddenly, she heard her friend Della shout. Angela ran over to the other girls. 6is the matter? she asked.My ring is gone! Della cried. My sister sent it to me from California. Its very special and I cant lose it. Angela and her friends began to 7for the ring in the grassy area of the playground. Angela realized that she could do better 8she could see better. She took the glasses out and put them on. Everything looked so different! So clear! She looked down at the ground and a bright light caught her 9. It was the ring.Here it is, she shouted. She handed it to Della.Thanks, Angela. Della said. I 10thought wed find it. She paused (停顿). Hey, I didnt know you wore glasses. They look great!Maybe wearing glasses wont be so bad after all, Angela thought.(1)A . excited B . worried C . happy (2)A . explain B . understand C . agree (3)A . glasses B . medicine C . earphone (4)A . relaxed B . cheered C . smiled (5)A . tired B . unhappy C . serious (6)A . What B . Which C . How (7)A . ask B . wait C . look (8)A . but B . if C . though (9)A . ear B . eye C . foot (10)A . still B . ever C . never 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)17. (6分)阅读理解When do you become an adult, a grown-up? At eighteen? Twenty-one? Thirty? Adulthood may seem a long way to you, but the fact is that you are in the process of becoming an adult right now. The changes are so gradual(逐步的) that you may not notice them, but you can be sure that theyre happening.When you were a child, a parent or an older relative probably bought your clothes and helped you clean up your room. Now you are likely to have a clothes allowance, to care for your bedroom, and to share other cleaning chores. You may once have had trouble getting your homework finished on time. By now, you may have learned to pace yourself. You know how much time you need. Do you remember begging your parents to stop for ice cream, or take an after-school job when you want money for a new clock radio? Of course, you dont always budget your time and your money perfectly. Your room doesnt always pass inspection. And you are often less than even tempered when something upsetting happens. But youre learning.As you get older, you have more privileges(特权) and more responsibilities. You may baby-sit for younger brothers and sisters, help cook dinner, and do odd jobs to contribute to the family income. You may get to stay up to watch a late movie on television, sit in on adult conversations, take subways and buses alone, or go on camping trips with your friends. Eventually, you will have a job and an apartment of your own.Youll become a voter and perhaps a husband or wife, maybe even a parent. But doing things adults do does not necessarily mean you will be wiser, braver, or more self-assured. It takes time to acquire knowledge and build self-confidence. Adults need to test themselves in the world, just as you do as a teenager. Being an adult is a continual process of growth.(1)The best title for this passage may be _.A . Becoming An AdultB . It Is No Good Becoming An AdultC . Becoming A VoterD . Adulthood Is always A Long Way To You(2)According to the passage, the writer may probably think that _.A . nobody can be called an adultB . becoming an adult is a long process of becoming learned and self-assuredC . adults are not self-confidentD . only adults can budget time and money perfectly(3)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A . You dont know youre growing up because changes are gradual.B . You used to beg for toys when you were young.C . Even if you are quite grown up, you still need to acquire knowledge.D . People will never be wise, brave or self-assured.18. (10分) Held on the second Wednesday of March each year, No Smoking Day helps people across the UK who want to stop smoking. The activity encourages and helps smokers to give up, and publicizes(宣传) the many sources of help offered to people. Each year over a million smokers take part in the day, while about 40,000 actually give up smoking.The much-publicized effects of smoking include increased risk (风险) of heart disease, lung cancer and asthma. However, smoking also causes dull skin and wrinkles. The reducedamount of oxygen getting to the skin accelerates (加速)aging, and makes the skin look sallow (病黄色的). And while many smokers believe that cigarettes help them to cope with stress (对付压力), scientific research has shown that worry levels actually go down after giving up smoking.Set a date and time to stop, and keep to it .Talk to your doctor about whether any kind of medicines might suit you. Find out if there is a stop-smoking health center near you .Try to get the help of your friends and family. Keep away from situation in which you used to reach for cigarette. If you need to, use nicotine patches (尼古丁戒烟贴片) or gum.NHS Stop-smoking Centers are all over the UK, providing free services. They have specially trained employees who can advise you on the best way to stop smoking. There are also a number of free national helpline in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, where expert counselors can discuss with you how to give up smoking step by step.(1)How many people dont give up smoking among those who take part in No Smoking Day every year according to the passage?A . About 1,000,000B . About 40,000C . About 960,000.D . About 1,040,000.(2)According to the passage, place the following titles in the correct orders.A.What are the health risks of smoking?B.A few tips on giving up smoking:C.What is No Smoking Day?D.What help is offered for giving up smoking?A . a; b; c; dB . b; a; d; cC . d; a; b; cD . c; a; b; d(3)Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?A . No Smoking Day is held on the second Wednesday on March.B . Smoking can make skin look dullC . If you give up smoking, your worry levels will increaseD . You can get treatment in NHS Stop-smoking Centers for free(4)The underline word “counselors” in the last paragraph probably means _.A . nursesB . advisersC . employeesD . doctors(5)How many tips on giving up smoking are mentioned in the passage?A . ThreeB . FourC . FiveD . Six19. (8分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A girl who graduated from a world famous university wanted to do translation work for authority leaders. She was so happy when she entered the British Embassy (大使馆). She thought it was the greatest happiness in her life as many graduates wanted to get that job and she was one of the few people who got it!But when she started her new job, she realized that it was just a job of answering calls and recording staff members arriving and leaving times. It was supposed to have no future. For some time, she felt disappointed and didnt know what to do. However, she didnt want to give up this job. She thought about it for one or two days and finally she decided that she would try her best to do this job. From then on, she learnt to appreciate her own job. She wrote down the names and phone numbers of the staff members on a notebook so that he could remember them. She found great pleasure in dealing with the daily chores. When a phone call came in, she picked up the phone as soon as possible. When someone asked her about who was not in the office, she would give the right name and even the time when he or she left. Nobody could do that except her.Her excellent work received praise not only from the embassys members, but also from people in the local government. A leader of a famous company in Britain was deeply impressed by her, so he invited her to work for him. After that she became the leaders personal translator and she was appreciated by the foreigners.We cannot choose our destiny (命运), but we can choose the attitude with which we face our life. Maybe me attitude could change our destiny.(1)What was once the girls greatest happiness in her life? A . Becoming a leaders translator.B . Graduating from the university.C . Working in the British Embassy.D . Continuing her study in the university.(2)The underlined word them in Paragraph 2 refers to _. A . the graduatesB . the callsC . the staff membersD . the names and phone numbers(3)Why was the girl invited to work for me famous company? A . Because of her rich experience.B . Because of her rich knowledge.C . Because of her attitude towards work.D . Because of her excellent English.(4)What does the writer want to tell us? A . Everybody has his or her own hard time in life.B . We should take a positive attitude towards life.C . We should be ready to give a hand to our friends.D . It is important to listen to others problems carefully.20. (10分) Many companies use guards and expensive alarm systems to protect their property(财产). Soon a new kind of protection will be used- robots. Engineers have been working on the first mobile robots for businesses. The robots will patrol(巡逻) factories, warehoues(仓库),and museums at night.The mobile robots will move around slowly on wheels. They will be able to detect people through walls and pick up sounds, such as breaking glass. They can be fixed with lound sirens(警笛) to frighten thieves, or radios to signal police or guards.To protect a building, a robot will have to move around without knocking into the walls. Information about the building will have to be stored in the robots small, built-in computer. A floor map could be programmed into the computers memory, for example.A mobile robot will not be able to do everything. Unlike human guards, it will not be able to climb stairs, open doors, or move along rough ground. It wont be able to tell the difference between friends and enemies. Because of that, people will have to be barred from the area it patrols.One kind of mobile robot will be able to “sense” whether a chair or box has been moved and go around it. This robot will also judge size well enough so that it wont send an alam if a cat crosses the room. And if someone tries to steal this robot, it will sound a loud, painful siren. The three-foot-tall robot will be hard to steal anyway. It will weigh about 200 pounds.U.S companies pay almost $10 billion a year to protect their property with alarm systems and human guards. Mobile robots may be cheaper.(1)Why is the new kind of robots called mobile robots?A . Because they are able to climb stairs.B . Because they are able to send an alarm.C . Because they can open doors.D . Because they can move around slowly on wheels(2)How will a robot get directions for moving around a building?A . From a human guard.B . From a built- in computer.C . From another robot.D . From radio signals.(3)What does the underlined word barred mean?A . protected.B . allowed.C . marked.D . prevented.(4)According to the text, a mobile robot will NOT be able to _.A . sense whether something has been movedB . sense a cat crossing the roomC . move over rough groundD . detect people through walls(5)This text mainly describes how robots will _.A . protect the museumB . set off a sirenC . judge the size of a personD . patrol buildings四、 填空题 (共1题;共1分)21. (1分)You could read for _ (please).五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)你知道什么是健康的生活方式吗? 请以What is a healthy lifestyle为题, 根据下列提示写一篇不少于80词的英文短文。可适当发挥。提示: 1. 充足的睡眠; 2. 积极的锻炼; 3. 合理的饮食。What is a healthy lifestyle第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)17-1、17-2、17-3、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、四、 填空题 (共1题;共1分)21-1、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)22-1、

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