人教版高三英语一轮复习练习选修六 Unit 1(带答案)+高三作文:读万卷书,行万里路

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人教版高三英语一轮复习练习选修六 Unit 1(带答案)+高三作文:读万卷书,行万里路_第1页
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人教版高三英语一轮复习练习选修六 Unit 1(带答案)+高三作文:读万卷书,行万里路_第2页
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人教版高三英语一轮复习练习选修六 Unit 1(带答案)+高三作文:读万卷书,行万里路_第3页
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人教版高三英语一轮复习练习选修六 Unit 1(带答案)+高三作文:读万卷书,行万里路选修六 Unit 1基础回顾.单句语法填空(导学号 02516281)1The local government has taken some effective measures, aimed/aiming (aim)at cutting down the cost during the tough economy.2The boys made an attempt to leave (leave) for camping but were stopped by their parents.3Above all,mans dearest possession (possess) is life,and it is given to him to live but once.4It was quite a long time before I figured out what had happened to the manager.5A certain man planted a rose and watered it faithfully (faith) and before it blossomed,he examined it.6The animal welfare organizations provide care and adoption (adopt) for homeless or abused animals.7Not having predicted (predict) the risks in the stock market,they are now suffering a great financial loss.8The parents have a strong preference for their youngest child.9As far as I am concerned,the short message is typical (type) of information technology,but it needs to be used with care.10An exhibition (exhibit) of peasant paintings from Longmen will be put on in Huizhou Museum at 2:00 pm. on July 4th.单句改错(每句一错)(导学号 02516282)1Then a discussion will be held, aim to improve mutual understanding. aimaiming 2All attempt to control the spread of the disease have failed because of the bad weather in that area. attemptattempts 3Many world famous paintings are in possession of the wealthy old man. in 后加 the 4We appreciate your apologies and goodwill,but we hope that you can figure a good way of settling the matter. figure 后加 out 5Distance learning is being adopted as in several countries to help children in remote rural schools. 去掉 as .佳句写作(导学号 02516283)1我的话并非针对你说的。(aim)答案:My remarks were not aimed/didnt aim at you.2这幅画在他早期作品中是相当典型的代表作。(typical)答案:This painting is fairly typical of his early works.3首相呼吁年轻人行使他们的投票权。(appeal to)答案:The Prime Minister appealed to young people to use their vote.4这些话位于纸的下面部分。(完全倒装)答案:At the bottom of the paper are these words.5我不是为钱来的,否则我早就离开了。(otherwise)答案:I didnt come for the money,otherwise I would have left earlier.技能提升.阅读理解(导学号 02516284)(2018山东半岛联盟模拟)Exchange a glance with someone,and then look away.Do you realize that you have made a statement?Hold the glance for a second longer and you have made a different situation.There is a permissible time that you can hold a persons stare without being friendly,rude,or aggressive.If you are on a lift,what stare time are you permitted?To answer this question,consider what you typically do.You very likely give other passengers a quick glance to size them up and to assure them that you mean no harm.Since being close to another person signals the possibility of interaction,you need to send out a signal telling others you want to be left alone.So you cut off eye contactwhat sociologist Erving Goffiman calls “a dimming (变暗) of the lights”You look down at the floor,at the indicator (指示) lights,anywhere but into another passengers eyes.Should you break the rule against staring at a stranger on a lift,you will make the other person extremely uncomfortable,and you are likely to feel a bit strange yourself.If you hold eye contact for more than 3 seconds,what are you telling another person?Much depends on the person and the situation.For instance,a man and a woman communicate interest in this manner.They stare at each other for about 3 seconds at a time,and then drop their eyes down for 3 seconds,before letting their eyes meet again.But if one man gives another man a 3-secondplus stare,he signals,“I know you” “I am interested in you” or “You look peculiar (奇怪) and I am curious about you”This type of stare often produces hostile (敌意的) feelings.语篇解读 本文是一篇议论文,主要讨论了眼神交流的意义。1If one is looked at by a stranger for too long,he tends to feel _ .Adepressed BuneasyCcurious Damused解析:B 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“.a 3 second-plus stare.This type of stare often produces hostile(敌意的)feelings.”可知,如果一个人盯着另一个人看得时间过长,这种注视通常会给人产生敌意的感觉,让人不舒服。2If you want to be left alone on a lift,the best thing to do is _ .Ato look into another passengers eyesBto avoid eye contact with other passengersCto signal you dont mean to do harm to anyoneDto keep a distance from other passengers解析:B 细节理解题。本题问的是当你在电梯里不想与人有交流时,最好的方法是什么。根据第一段第八、九句可知,最好的方法就是避开和别人的眼神交流。3It can be inferred from the first paragraph that _ .Aevery glance has its significanceBstaring at a person is an expression of interestCa stare longer than 3 seconds is unacceptableDa glance conveys more meaning than words解析:A 推理判断题。第一段并未提及注视一个人是感兴趣这件事,故排除 B 项;文中只提到超过 3 秒钟的注视的含义不同,并没提到是不可接受的,且这属于第二段的内容,故排除C 项;D 项文中未提及,故排除。.完形填空(2018山西省重点中学协作体适应性考试)One rainy evening I went to fill up at the gas station.A preteen boy approached my car with a thick hoodie(连帽衫) _1_ around his face.He asked me for money to help him and his mother stay in their hotel for an additional week.He stated that if they did not _2_ $25 they would be driven out that _3_ evening.Having worked in social services before,and being a little skeptical,I asked how come his mother hadnt sought out social services for _4_ .The boy said that they needed to _5_ in their hotel for one more week until his grandmother,who lived out of town,could take them in.I gave the boy what I had$5.He thanked me and continued to _6_ the parking lot asking for help.I got my gas and drove away.A(n) _7_ time some weeks ago,a boy asked me for money and I told him I didnt have any _8_ I did.The skeptic in me had _9_ out.Yet,I thought about it,felt _10_ at my skepticism and went _11_ the boy to give him a dollar.But it seemed that he had disappeared into thin air.“This time,” I thought,“Ill do it _12_ .”I reached into my _13_ and took out an additional $20;then I returned to the gas station.The boy was _14_ there.I observed him _15_ approaching strangers who walked past him but took no _16_ of him.I pulled up beside a pump and waved _17_ the boy to come over.I handed him the $20 bill.He _18_ through my car window and gave me a huge hug.His hug told me all I needed to knowthat finally this kid could get out of the _19_ ,the cold and the darkening sky and go inside where it was _20_ .语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者在加油站帮助一个乞讨孩子的故事。25 美元就能垫付一晚的房费,给一对母子一个温暖的歇脚的地方。1A.hung BpulledCshown Dhidden解析:B 由最后一段中的“the cold”可知,男孩因天冷将连帽衫拉起来遮住脸,故选 pulled。2A.come up with Bcatch up withCput up with Dfeed up with解析:A 由空后的“driven”可知,此处指男孩和他的母亲若交不上 25 美元的房费就会被驱赶出去,故选 come up with,表示“提供,拿出(钱款)”。3A.certain BpossibleCsame Dexact解析:C 由下文中的“took out an additional $20; then I returned to the gas station”可知,作者明白这 25 美元对男孩意义重大,否则他们当晚就会被驱赶出去,故选same。exact 意为“确切的”。4A.guidance BreferenceCadvice Dassistance解析:D 由上文中的“sought out social services”可知,作者反问男孩,为何他的母亲不向社会福利部门求助,故选assistance。5A.remain BsurviveCkeep Dcontinue解析:A 由下文中的“for one more week”和“take them in”可知,此处指在男孩的外婆收留他们母子之前他们仍需在宾馆多待一个星期,故选 remain“停留,留下”。6A.stretch BcleanCwander Dsearch解析:C 由上文中的“$25”和“I gave the boy what I had$5”可知,男孩所需的房费没有凑够,他继续在停车场徘徊,寻求帮助,故选 wander “徘徊,闲逛”。7A.appointed BseparateCusual Dregular解析:B 由下文中的“some weeks ago”可知,此处指作者回想起几周前一个不同的时间里发生的事,故选separate。appointed 意为“规定的”。8A.as BunlessCbecause Dthough解析:D 根据下文的内容可知,此处指一个男孩向作者要钱,尽管作者有钱,但他却告诉男孩他没钱。前后句之间是让步关系,故选 though “尽管”。9A.worn BturnedCcome Dwon解析:D 由上文中的“I told him I didnt have any _ I did”和“The skeptic in me”可知,此处指作者的疑心最终胜出了,故选择 won。win out “(克服困难)获得成功,最终胜出”。10A.deserved BashamedCrelaxed Dworried解析:B 由“to give him a dollar.But it seemed. air”可知,此处指作者虽然因疑心而没有给男孩钱,但内心一直很惭愧,故选 ashamed “惭愧的,羞愧的”。deserved 意为“理所当然的”。11A.looking at Blooking forClooking on Dlooking into解析:B 由下文中的“But it seemed that he had disappeared into thin air”可知,此处指作者去寻找(looking for)要钱的男孩,但他似乎已消失得无影无踪了。12A.accidentally BpurposelyCdifferently Dquickly解析:C 由上文的内容及“This time”“Ill do it”可知,此处指作者这次吸取了上次的教训,决定改变做法,去帮助向他要钱的男孩,故选 differently“不同地”。13A.schoolbag BwalletCsuitcase Dcar解析:B 由“reached into”和“took out”可知,此处指作者把手伸进钱包,取出了额外的 20 美元。14A.still BjustCyet Deven解析:A 由下文中的“approaching strangers who walked past him”可知,男孩仍在停车场,故选 still“仍然”。15A.suddenly BbravelyCreluctantly Dconstantly解析:D 由“approaching strangers who walked past him.handed him the $20 bill”可知,为了凑够房费,男孩不断地接近从他身边经过的陌生人,但无人理会他。constantly “不断地”。16A.account BadvantageCcontrol Dnotice解析:D 参见上题解析。take no notice of “不理会”。17A.with BatCupon Dfor解析:B 由空前的“waved”和下文中的“I handed him the $20 bill”可知,此处指作者把车停在了油泵旁边,向男孩招手让他过来。wave at/to sb.“向某人招手”。18A.gained BheldCgathered Dreached解析:D 由下文中的“through my car window and gave me a huge hug”可知,男孩把手伸进车窗,给了作者一个大大的拥抱,故选 reached。19A.rain BgarageChotel Dline解析:A 由文章开头的“One rainy evening”可知,故事发生在雨夜,而最后男孩凑够了房费,这意味着他可以不用待在雨中了,故选 rain。20A.sunny BfreezingCwarm Dquiet解析:C 由上文中的“the cold and the darkening sky”和“go inside”可知,此处指男孩可以走进温暖的宾馆房间。同时此处也升华了文章的主题,即帮助他人,让他人感觉到温暖。.短文改错Today our class go to climb a mountain.This morning we set off to mountain by bus.At about nine oclock we arrived at the foot of the mountain and with the guidance of our teacher,he started climbing.Because at the half of the mountain some of us got tired,we all were very exciting.When we got to the top,we cheered excitedly.Seeing from the top of it,the view is wonderful.Unfortunately,when we began to go down the mountain,we were catching in a storm.We shared umbrellas and raincoat with each other and walked more cautious.At last we all reached the parking lot safely and got on the bus heading back to home.高三作文:读万卷书,行万里路“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳”,当徐霞客走遍华夏大地,名山秀岭,吟诵出了这优美而经典的诗句,告诉我们五岳有多美,黄山有多美。但他还不甘心,偏要写下一部徐霞客游记,告诉世人祖国的河山有多么壮阔。“读万卷书,行万里路”,这句古人治学的名言在徐霞客这里得到淋漓的诠释 读书是为了提升自我,旅行亦是为了开拓视野,涵养情怀,最终实现生命的提升。山之大,河之阔,林之秀,天地生灵之生机,入我耳目,涤我情怀,成诗成画成歌成赋;成王右军兰亭之飘逸,苏子瞻赤壁之超然,孟浩然杜子美洞庭之壮阔,成人生之情怀万种!那时,或许路是艰辛的,漫长的,但是每一步驻足真的都是一片镌刻生命的风景。江河不息,日月轮转,转眼已是车辆奔驰,飞机翔空的新世纪。先进的交通工具缩短了世界的距离,让旅游更便捷,亦让旅游成为一种产业,飞机客车可以组织庞大的旅游团体实现快速位移,我们这个民族终于可以实现古人所崇尚的“读万卷书,行万里路”的理想了!然而我们还没有来得及欢呼,却发现我们的旅游变了味道。是的,我们今天越来越多的人热衷于旅游,无处不在的旅游广告与景点介绍,激发着越来越多的人出行的欲望,甚至有人以此为理由写下了绝妙的辞职书:“世界这么大,我想去看看。”然而,我们今天的芸芸众生又是如何对待旅行的呢?上车睡觉,下车拍照,回来后晒到网上炫耀。于是乎微博上,朋友圈里尽是你我曝晒的足迹,如盛宴狂欢。没错,旅游业在发达,旅游大军在日益壮大,这个民族每个人都在成为游客,然而,我们没有看到更多的徐霞客,看到更多的“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳”这样不朽的文字,告诉我们山河之美,人生之味,开阔我们的视野,启悟我们的生命。我们看到更多的是赤裸裸的“炫耀”“攀比”,炫耀自己到过何处,攀比吃到何种美食,购得何种名品。无怪有家长感叹:“旅游好像已经成为孩子间相互比较的砝码。出国游学是炫耀的资本,国内游也要有档次,近郊游则没有面子。” 孩子,又一代正茁壮成长的旅游大军 游人后浪推前浪,只有炫耀/攀比不相让!古人奢望的远足,在今天交通便捷的时代,本应成为提升自我的助力,为何变得如此苍白,恶俗?是尚富的心态,使旅游同名衣名包一样,成为自我标榜的手段?是自媒体的蛊惑,让我们寻求更吸引人的炫耀方式,刷自己的存在感?还是文化素质的缺失,不懂风景名胜的内涵深蕴?抑或是这个社会利欲熏心为利是求的猎金者无底线无操守的鼓动,还是兼而有之?“读万卷书,行万里路”,还旅游以高贵的品质,让旅游成为开阔眼界提升自我之旅,成为丰富心灵的历程;让旅游努力留下文学的盛宴,而不是沦落成攀比炫耀的狂欢。是的,从今天起,让每一次出行都带上高尚的情怀,收获生命的启悟,不管是近是远,国内还是国外。


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