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名词性从句 主语 be 表语 主语 do 宾语 名词 名词 是谁开始先出招没什么大不了 告诉我今天海是什么颜色 告诉我今夜你想要梦什么终于你会发现每个爱情都危险 Whotakesthefirststepisnotabigdeal TellmewhatcolortheseaistodayTellmewhatyouwanttodreamoftonightFinallyyou llfindoutthateveryloveisdangerous 主语从句 1987 2008 16 1987 2008 32 1987 2008 7 1987 2008 6 宾语从句 表语从句 同位语从句 1 Thatwomenaretreatedunequallyinsomeareasisunfair 2 Hewhowoulddogreatthingsshouldnotattemptthemallalone 3 Whowasresponsiblefortheaccidentisnotclear 4 ThenovelwhichIhavereadtwiceisverytouching 5 Thequestioniswhyhelikestheplacesomuch 6 Wedoubtwhetherheishonest 断句方法同定语从句 1 含有关系词的 始 关系词末 第二个谓语动词之前2 不含关系词的 始 句中 主谓结构末 第二个谓语动词之前 主语从句 that whether if wh 词 在从句中不作成分 that if whether 是否 在从句中作成分 what who whomwhere when why how注意 which表示有明确范围的选择 that不作成分 无翻译 但不能省Itisunfair Womenaretreatedunequallyinsomeareas womenaretreatedunequallyinsomeareasisunfair Itisundoubted TaiwanbelongstoChina TaiwanbelongstoChinaisundoubted That That whether if不作成分 if不能位于句首 Itisaquestion Heshouldgetmarried heshouldgetmarriedisaquestion if whether 是否 Whether wh 词作成分 引导陈述语序连接代词 what who连接副词 when where why howItisnotabigdeal Whotakesthefirststepis It 形式主语 that whether wh Itisundoubted TaiwanbelongstoChina Itisaquestion Heshouldgetmarried Itisnotabigdeal that whotakesthefirststep whether he we llgocampingtomorrowdependsontheweather 1996 A IfB WhetherC ThatD Where youhavedonemightdoharmtootherpeople 1987 A ThatB WhatC WhichD This B B hasbeenannouncedthatweshallhaveourfinalexamnextmonth A AsB ItC WhatD That causedtheaccidentisstillacompletemystery 1998 A WhatB ThatC HowD Where B A 断句 始 连接词 末 第二个谓语动词之前 始 空格 末 第二个谓语动词之前 空格在从句内部that whether ifwhat who when where why how 空格在从句外部形式主语选It 主语从句做题思路 Wethatevenourbaddayshavebrightmoments Youcanwhatyouwanttodo whatyouwanttohave andwhatyouwanttobe 宾语从句和表语从句 find do have be 宾语从句 表语从句 that不作成分 无翻译 可省略否定转移 认为 想 think believe expectIthinkthatheishandsome Idon tthink that heishandsome 宾语从句 whether if不作成分 是否 介词 whether wh 词 陈述语序连接代词 who what连接副词 when where why how 我是谁 忘了我是谁 whoamI forgetwhoIam 你是谁 忘了你是谁 whoareyou forgetwhoyouare 宾语从句的时态一致 主句 过去 宾从 过去例外 主句 过去 宾从 一般现在 真理性事实 Mymothertoldmethesun fromtheeast TomaskedmewhyKFC itspriceagain raise rise rises raised 动宾动词 宾从动词 双宾语 人 物 宾语从句类型 介宾介词 whether 陈述句介词 wh 词 陈述句 宾从 Heasked fortheviolin 1993 A didIpayhowmuchB IpaidhowmuchC howmuchdidIpayD howmuchIpaidThesephotographswillshowyou 1989 A whatdoesourvillagelooklikeB whatourvillagelookslikeC howdoesourvillagelooklikeD howourvillagelookslike D B Therewasabigargumentamongthechildrenabout movetoanewhouse A iftheyshouldB thattheyoughtC ifshouldtheyD whethertheyshouldThiskindofplantgrowsbestin iswarm A whatB whichC thatD where D A 断句 始 空格 末 第二个谓语动词之前 that whether ifwhat whowhen where why how 宾语从句做题思路 注意 陈述语序时态一致 Hisgrandfatherwasamongthefirsttosettlein isnowafamousholidaycenter A whereB whichC whatD that C Thechildrenaretalkingabout shouldbetheleaderofthegroup A whoB whomC thatD whetherThepersoninchargeisMr Leeabout wejusttalked A whoB whomC thatD whether A B 辨认 宾语从句or定语从句 He fortheviolin 1993 asked Doyou hecame 1994 remember Wecannot quiteanumberof 04 figureout Hereturnedto hegrewup 96 thesmalltown The youtoldmeyesterdayisa 00 gentleman Icanthinkofmany studentscan 03沪 cases Thephotoswill thevillagelooks 89 showyou Pleasehesaid 06全国 remindme 名词 代词 定语从句宾语从句接双宾语动词show tell give remind pass teach介词 定语从句宾语从句 断找放 Doyoustillremembertheday hecame A whereB whenC thatD whatDoyouremember hecame Yes Ido Hecamebycar 1994 A howB whenC thatD if 宾语从句vs 定语从句 A B Hecameontheday 表语从句 that不作成分 无翻译 可以省略whether 是否 if禁用特殊疑问词 陈述句who whatwhen where why how Yourabilityhasneverbeenindoubt thequestionis youarepreparedtoworkhard A thatB whetherC ifD how B 同位语从句 Iheard thenews thatourteamhadwon Theidea thatcomputerscanrecognize humanvoices surprisesmanypeople Hemustanswer whetherhewillgo thequestion issurprising Thefact 名词和同位语从句同等地位同位语从句结构完整 thathewillcome 加同位语从句的常见词 idea fact promise message problem question suggestion word 消息 possibility同位语从句的引导词that whetherwho whatwhen where why how 辨认 同位语从句vs 定语从句 Thedoctorwhoyouarelookingforisintheroom Wearenotlookingintothequestionwhetherheisworthtrusting Thenewsthatourteamhaswonthegamewastrue Thenewsthathetoldmeyesterdaywastrue Thequestionwhetherheshoulddothejobrequiresconsideration 判定方法 断找放 同位语从句判断 1 名词 从句2 断找放 定名混搭 断句 动词be表从do宾从 状从 名词 代词 定从同位宾从 主从 双宾动词 常见词 断找放 介词 宾从定从 断找放 that定从 主从 宾从 表从 同位who定从 主从 宾从 表从 同位when定从 主从 宾从 表从 同位where定从 主从 宾从 表从 同位what主从 宾从 表从 同位how主从 宾从 表从 同位why定从 主从 宾从 表从 同位 Theplace thebridge shouldbe the wecan t seemsbetterthan shecouldn t was fewerstudentsThe reached wasonceantemple theItisnot itwas20yearsago itwasso 定名混搭判断 Thesoldiersoonreached wasonceanoldtemple thevillageusedasaschool A where whichB what whichC which whereD what where B


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