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2019版高考英语阅读理解一轮练题(5)AKid Presidents: True Tales of Childhood from Americas PresidentsBy David Stabler ISBN 9780062358684 Type: Historical nonfictionIn the 20 stories of 20 different U.S. presidents in this book, we learn that our countrys leaders are not so different from us. They, too, were once kids with ordinary problems. They struggled with schoolwork and angered their parents. Dwight Eisenhower dealt with bullies. Bill Clinton struggled with his weight. Barack Obama moved to Indonesia with his mother when he was just a boy, and had to get used to a new culture.Has Anyone Seen Jessica Jenkins?By Liz Kessler ISBN 9781444013986 Type: FantasyJessica Jenkins always thought she was a regular kid. Then, one day, she gets the surprise of a lifetimeshe can bee invisible! With the help of her best friend, Izzy, Jessica goes on a trip to discover the source of her new power. Along the way, she gets caught up in shocking secrets, kidnappings, rescue plans, and a mission to keep this amazing power out of the wrong hands.Spring GardenBy Fred Chappell ISBN 9780807119488 Type: PoetrySpring Garden is a collection of poems for spring, including classics by Thomas Nashe, William Shakespeare etc. and contemporary poems by Denis Dunn, Ruth Hill etc. It consists of 85 poems, ranging in length from just a few lines to several hundred.Absolutely TrulyBy Heather Vogel Frederick ISBN 9781442429727 Type: MysteryTwelve-year-old Truly is moved to Pumpkin Falls, New Hampshire, after her father suffers a terrible helicopter accident. The six-foot-tall Truly struggles to fit into her new surroundings. Then, one day, she uncovers a mysterious letter in a book at her Aunt Trues bookstore. And thats when the adventure begins. Truly leads her new friends Cha Cha, Romeo, and Lucas on a hunt to uncover the secrets of the small town. Absolutely Truly will appeal to anyone who enjoys mystery books with a bit of sadness and a feel-good ending.1.Who wrote the story about a girl with superpower?A. Heather Vogel FrederickB. David StablerC. Liz KesslerD. Fred Chappell2.The ISBN for the book of poems is _.A.9781442429727B.9780807119488C.9781444013986D.97800623586843.What kind of readers will probably like reading Absolutely Truly?A. Those who are fans of history.B. Those who like realistic stories.C. Those who are searching for a romantic plot.D. Those who enjoy a mixture of mystery, sorrow and happiness.4.Which of the following books tells real stories?A. Absolutely TrulyB. Spring GardenC. Has Anyone Seen Jessica Jenkins?D.Kid Presidents: True Tales of Childhood from Americas Presidents【文章大意】本文介绍了四本不同类型的书。1.C 【解析】细节理解题。由文章第二部分内容可知,该书描述了一位有神奇力量的女孩,该书作者是Liz Kessler,故选C项。2.B 【解析】细节理解题。由文章第三部分内容“ISBN 9780807119488 Type: Poetry”可知,该书类型是诗歌,其书号是9780807119488,故选B项。4.D 【解析】细节理解题。结合文章对各本书的简介可知,Kid Presidents: True Tales of Childhood from Americas Presidents讲述的是美国几位总统的真实故事,故选D项。BNot wrong to refuseWe all have a right to say “no”.Many of us feel that if we say well do something,we cant change our minds and back out.This isnt true.We have the ability to make our own decisions,and to say “no” whenever we feel we need to.I have a friend who used to say yes to every job she was offered.It wasnt long before she found herself exhausted and overworked,and ready to call it quits.After one particularly difficult week of working straight through with no days off,my friend realized something needed to change.She was trying so hard to please the people around her that she forgot about her own needs in the process.After a while of saying yes to everything,my friend began to say no to jobs based on certain things.If it is something that helps you,go ahead and make a list of requirements in order to say yes.Or maybe you just decide to say no three times a week.The important thing is to remember that it is pletely OK to say no to people,and that you dont have to justify (证明是正当的) why youve done so.I think this is something that trips up a lot of people,myself included.Not only do we feel as though we cant say no,but we feel as though if we do say no,we have to have an amazing reason for doing so,and the person we are saying no to has to somehow be OK with it,or we must feel guilty.If we can start saying no,and stop justifying ourselves for every decision we make,we might just be happier.But we have to start one step at a time.These behaviors are part of us and they cant just be changed overnight (一夜间).We can bee aware,and work to change them one behavior at a time.Today,I challenge you to say no to something that you would normally say yes to.If you dont feel fortable with that quite yet,just try to bee aware of the times youre justifying your actions to yourself and others.Try to stop and remind yourself that you have your reasons,and others dont need to know them.1.According to the article,we can infer that the authors friend .A.was forbidden to have a day off for her jobB.finally decided to practice saying no three times a weekC.was valued in the pany because of her love of helpingD.realized she should consider her own needs when making decisions2.The underlined word “this” in Paragraph 4 refers to “”.A.having to give reasons for a refusalB.saying no a certain number of times a weekC.an important thing to rememberD.it being OK to say no to people3.What is the authors suggestion when you begin to refuse others?A.Develop a habit of refusing others every day.B.Remind yourself that refusal is your right and is something you will get used to gradually.C.Explain your reason to others and dont make them angry.D.Stop saying yes and challenge yourself to say no immediately.4.The author wrote this article mainly to .A.explain what makes it difficult for people to refuse othersB.explain the benefits and disadvantages of refusing othersC.tell readers that we should refuse other people in certain casesD.tell a story about her friend who couldnt help but please others1.D推理判断题。此题可定位至文章第二、三段,根据作者的描述,这位朋友之前总是做给她的所有工作,但自己却筋疲力尽,最终她认识到自己也有需要,因此答案为D项。2.A词义猜测题。根据第三段末尾和第四段开头可知,此处this指代的是前文的“have to justify(证明是正当的) why youve done so”,正是这样的行为和心态束缚了大多数人,因此答案为A项。其他三项均不是this所指代的内容。3.B推理判断题。此题可定位至文章最后两段,最后两段中作者表示,这是一种习惯,我们不可能一夜之间改变,只能一步一步来,逐步习惯,而且我们要保持一种心态,即:拒绝别人是我们的权利,也是很正常的一件事,因此答案为B项。4.C主旨大意题。通读文章我们可以看出,作者一直在告诉读者拒绝是我们的权利,也是很正常的事情,在某些情况下我们应该习惯拒绝别人,学着拒绝别人,因此答案为C项。CIn the mid1950s,I was a somewhat bored earlyado lescent male student who believed that doing_any_more_than_necessary_was_wasted_effort.One day,this approach threw me into embarrassment.In Mrs.Tottens eighthgrade math class at Central Avenue School in Anderson,Indiana,we were learning to add and subtract decimals (小数)Our teacher typically assigned daily homework,which would be recited in class the following day.On most days,our grades were based on our oral answers to homework questions.Mrs.Totten usually walked up and down the rows of desks requesting answers from student after student in the order the questions had appeared on our homework sheets.She would start either at the front or the back of the classroom and work toward the other end.Since I was seated near the middle of about 35 students,it was easy to figure out which questions I might have to answer.This particular time,I had pleted my usual two or three problems according to my calculations.What I failed to expect was that several students were absent,which threw off my estimate.As Mrs.Totten made her way from the beginning of the class,I desperately tried to determine which math problem I would get.I tried to work it out before she got to me,but I had brain freeze and couldnt function.When Mrs.Totten reached my desk,she asked what answer Id got for problem No.14.“I.I didnt get anything,”I answered,and my face felt warm.“Correct,”she said.It turned out that the correct answer was zero.What did I learn that day?First,always do all your homework.Second,in real life it isnt always what you say but how you say it that matters.Third,I would never make it as a mathematician.If I could choose one school day that taught me the most,it would be that one.1What does the underlined part in Paragraph 1 indicate?AIt is wise to value ones time.BIt is important to make an effort.CIt is right to stick to ones belief.DIt is enough to do the necessary.2Usually,Mrs.Totten asked her students to _.Arecite their homework togetherBgrade their homework themselvesCanswer their homework questions orallyDcheck the answers to their homework questions3The author could work out which questions to answer since the teacher always _.Aasked questions in a regular wayBwalked up and down when asking questionsCchose two or three questions for the studentsDrequested her students to finish their usual questions4The author failed to get the questions he had expected because _.Athe class didnt begin as usualBseveral students didnt e to schoolChe didnt try hard to make his estimateDMrs.Totten didnt start from the back of the class5Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?AAn Unforgettable Teacher BA Future MathematicianCAn Effective Approach DA Valuable Lesson答案:【语篇解读】本文为记叙文。作者通过回忆自己小时候不完成家庭作业,只是应付数学老师所提问题的故事,告诉大家自己从这件事中受到的教育以及吸取的教训。1D解析:考查句意理解。根据语境可知,作者认为只要做必要的事就够了,故D项正确。2C解析:考查细节理解。根据第三段最后一句“On most days,our grades were based on our oral answers to homework questions”可知,大多数时候,老师只要求学生口头回答家庭作业。3A解析:考查推理判断。根据第四段的内容可知,作者的数学老师总是按照题目顺序和学生的座位顺序提问,很有规律。故A项正确。4B解析:考查细节理解。根据第六段第一句“What I failed to expect was that several students were absent,which threw off my estimate”可知,作者没有料到的是有几个学生缺课,没有来学校,所以他没有估计对自己要回答的问题。故选B。5D解析:考查标题判断。根据全文尤其是文章最后一段可知,本文主要讲述了作者从自己应付数学老师所提问题而有一次差点失败这件事上吸取了教训,上了宝贵的一堂课。故D项最适合作文章标题。D(2017北京东城二模)In the face of the tensions and pressures every single day,a sense of humor can be helpful.The ability to laugh is very important to our fullest development and to our “mental health”.And if we can laugh at ourselves,were even further along the road to self-fulfillment.Consider the following example.Gordon is hoping to bee a professional singer.He has a good voice,and has performed in public many times.But hes very sensitive about his abilities.For instance,if his voice coach suggests he practice a particular song a few more times until he gets it right,Gordon falls apart,absolutely certain that the coach is implying that he isnt any good and he has no future in music.He mentioned his sensitivity in his paper for a psychology class.The psychology professor called him in,outwardly to talk about the paper,but hoping to give the boy a chance to open up about the problem.The teacher rarely told her students what they ought to do,but she felt Gordon should know that such extreme sensitivity would make it difficult for him in the entertainment field,where stage personnel,and fellow performers often are very hard on new talent.She asked Gordon if he felt he had made necessary preparations to follow through in such a petitive and difficult business.Gordon got angry with the teacher,pointing a brave finger at her,and told her she was “dead wrong” about him.Further,Gordon asked what she could possibly know about music and the pressures of the profession.The teacher stood up and turned Gordon around,right in the middle of a sentence,asking him to continue,but to watch himself in the mirror on the back of the office door as he talked.Gordon tried to go on,pointing and gesticulating(做手势),but suddenly he saw his expression in the mirror,then when he turned to face the psychologist,he noticed a smile beginning to form on the teachers face.At the very top of his “outburst,” Gordon burst out laughing.He stopped his aggressive talk and asked the teacher if he looked that ridiculous all the time.Seeing himself “objectively” made Gordon realize that how ridiculous it was to take himself so seriously.In our everyday life,the ability to catch ourselves being so serious,bearing all the burdens of the world,and trying to save the human race helps us relieve some built-up tension through laughter.Laughter is a necessary part of mental health.Laughter is one of the ways in which we relax and recreate the selfhood.The things we find in humor may vary,but the experiences of humor,pleasure,and enjoyment are extremely important and must be fostered.1.From the first two paragraphs,we can learn that Gordon .A.has broken up with his coachB.has failed to be a professional singerC.keeps practicing and hopes for the bestD.feels very sensitive to other peoples ments2.Why did the psychologist talk with Gordon?A.To discuss his paper with him.B.To help him realize his problem.C.To point out his rude behaviors.D.To offer advice on reducing pressure.3.How does the author support his ideas?A.By offering analyses.B.By providing research results.C.By giving an example.D.By stating an argument.4.What is mainly discussed in the passage?A.Means of laughter.B.Benefits of humor.C.The cause of sensitivity.D.The importance of health.1.D细节理解题。根据文中第二段第四句可知,如果他的歌唱老师建议他把一首歌再练习好几遍,直到唱对,他就会很崩溃,确信老师是在向他暗示他一无是处,在音乐上没有未来,所以他对别人对他说的话非常敏感,故选D项。2.B推理判断题。根据文中第三段前两句可知,他的心理学教授把他叫去,表面上是讨论论文,实际上是希望给这个男孩一个机会去把这个问题说开,故选B项。3.C推理判断题。通读全文可知,第一段作者开门见山,告诉我们:大笑对我们有益处,接着举了一个Gordon的例子来论证这个观点,最后一段再次回归主题:大笑对我们保持心理健康是必要的,故选C项。4.B主旨大意题。通读全文可知,作者主要运用Gordon的例子来论证幽默感和大笑的好处,故选B项。EWhats On?Electric Underground7.30pm-1.00amFree at the Cyclops TheatreDo you know whos playing in your area?Were bringing you an exciting evening of live rock and pop music from the best local bands.Are you interested in being a musician and getting a recording contract(合同)?If so,e early to the talk at 7.30pm by Jules Skye,a successful record producer.Hes going to talk about how you can find the right person to produce your music.Gee Whizz8.30pm-10.30pmedy at Kaleidoscopee and see Gee Whizz perform.Hes the funniest stand-up edian on the edy scene.This joyful show will please everyone,from the youngest to the oldest.Gee Whizz really knows how to make you laugh!Our bar is open from 7.00pm for drinks and snacks(快餐).Simons Workshop5.00pm-7.30pmWednesdays at Victoria StageThis is a good chance for anyone who wants to learn how to do edy.The workshop looks at every kind of edy,and practices many different ways of making people laugh.Simon is a edian and actor who has 10 years experience of teaching edy.His workshops are exciting and fun.An evening with Simon will give you the confidence to be funny.Charlotte Stone8.00pm-11.00pmPizza WorldFine food with beautiful jazz music;this is a great evening out.Charlotte Stone will perform songs from her new best-selling CD,with James Pickering on the piano.The menu is Italian,with excellent meat and fresh fish,pizzas and pasta(面食).Book early to get a table.Our bar is open all day,and serves cocktails,coffee,beer,and white wine.1.Who can help you if you want to have your music produced?A.Jules Skye.B.Gee Whizz.C.Charlotte Stone.D.James Pickering.答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一则信息倒数第二句“Ifso,eearlytothetalkat7:30pmbyJulesSkye,asuccessfulrecordproducer.”可知JulesSkye是一位成功的音乐制作人;由第一段最后一句“Hesgoingtotalkabouthowyoucanfindtherightpersontoproduceyourmusic.”可知,如果想找合适的人制作自己的音乐,就可以听他的报告。故选A项。2.At which place can people of different ages enjoy a good laugh?A.The Cyclops Theatre.B.Kaleidoscope.C.Victoria Stage.D.Pizza World.答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二则信息第三句“Thisjoyfulshowwillpleaseeveryone,fromtheyoungesttotheoldest.”可知,这次演出将会取悦每个人,老幼皆宜。根据第二则信息提供的演出地点可知B项正确。3.What do we know about Simons Workshop?A.It requires membership status.B.It lasts three hours each time.C.It is run by a edy club.D.It is held every Wednesday.答案:D解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三则信息可知其演出时间为5.00pm-7.30pmWednesdays,故排除B项,而A项和C项文中均未提及,因此只有D项正确。4.When will Charlotte Stone perform her songs?A.5.00pm-7.30pm.B.7.30pm-1.00am.C.8.00pm-11.00pm.D.8.30pm-10.30pm.答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据最后一则信息可知CharlotteStone要登台献唱,地点在PizzaWorld,时间为8.00pm-11.00pm,故C项正确。


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