2019-2020年北师大版高中英语必修一Unit 3《Celebration》(Lesson 1)word教案.doc

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2019-2020年北师大版高中英语必修一Unit 3《Celebration》(Lesson 1)word教案.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年北师大版高中英语必修一Unit 3《Celebration》(Lesson 1)word教案.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年北师大版高中英语必修一Unit 3Celebration(Lesson 1)word教案目标总结归纳五种基本时态的被动语态,并能正确使用。教学内容1 利用课文中出现的含被动语态的句子及高中英语语法书中的例句, 让学生利用合作学习的模式, 自己总结出何时使用被动语态。2 总结被动语态的公式。3 利用书中的练习题,能准确地完成练习。4做适量的扩充练习, 造一些含有被动语态的句子。4教学重点语被动态的准确使用。教学难点学生了解并掌握何时使用被动语态。能力 培养学生归纳总结及应用的能力。教学步骤程序课堂安排教师活动学生活动目的 教Step 1Let the Ss pick up the Sentences used the passiveVoice in the text.Then choose the threeSentences with different tense.Read the text and pick up the Sentences.Identify and recall the passive.Step 21. Look at the grammarsbook and pick up another two sentences with different tense.2. Ask Ss to think when thePassive is properly used.3. Summary: When we dont know or there is noneed to say who the “doer” of an action is. Think and summarize or Ss can look at the grammar book P44Or Ss book on P98Make Ss have different abilities.Step 3: Lead the Ss summarize the structures of Passive with five different tenses.Follow the teacherAbility of summaryStep 4Let the Ss do some exercises on the Ss book onP 37 5, 6, 7 and check the answers.Do the exercises.Check whether the Ss grasp or not.Step 5Ask the Ss to try to finish “sentence-making” exercises on Grammar BookOn P 43Ss will try to finish the exercises.


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