2019年四年级英语上册 Lesson 7 Are You Ready for a Quiz学案 冀教版(一起).doc

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2019年四年级英语上册 Lesson 7 Are You Ready for a Quiz学案 冀教版(一起).doc_第1页
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2019年四年级英语上册 Lesson 7 Are You Ready for a Quiz学案 冀教版(一起)一、教学内容:冀教版英语五年级上册第2829 页二、教学目标:1 能听说读写eye / glasses / gray / hair / uncle / aunt / grandfather / grandmother / sister / brother。 2 能灵活使用句子older /younger/shorter/taller than3 能唱本课歌曲 三、教学重点:要求四会的单词eye/glasses/gray hair/uncle aunt/grandfather/grandmother/sister/brother和要求掌握的句式older /younger/shorter/taller than四、教学难点:做到熟练运用词汇和句型进行交际五、课时安排 1课时六、实施建议 :充分发挥教师在课堂中的主导地位,把以“教”为重心逐渐转移到以学生的“学”为重心上来。要时时想到学生,处处从学生实际出发。七、教学反思:Lesson 7 Are You Ready for a Quiz? 导学案学习目标:1、熟练掌握词汇eye / glasses / gray/ hair / uncle aunt / grandfather / grandmother / sister / brother。 2、掌握句型older /younger/shorter/taller than。学习重点:1、能听、说、读,并写出词汇eye/glasses/gray hair/uncle aunt/grandfather/grandmother/sister/brother。2熟练运用词汇,句型介绍家庭成员。 学习难点:做到熟练运用词汇和句型进行交际。课前准备: 1你能用英语写出来吗?眼镜 灰白的头发 你母亲的妹妹 李明的父亲 他的祖父 2、看图,根据提示写句子。 older younger shorter taller than _ _ _ _ 学习流程:一、 小试身手写出下列单词的比较级big _ old_ short_ tall_ hot _cold_二、我最棒1、做动作演示出stand 和 sit2、听录音,观察情景图,用动作演示听到的是对还是错。3、再次听录音,正确解决下列问题:(1) What are these? _(2) What colour is her hair? _(3) Is your mothers sister your uncle? _(4) Is Li Mings father shorter or taller than his mother ? _(5) Is Li Ming older or younger than his grandfather? _ 温馨提示:组内成员互相交流,全班分组展示。盘点收获这节课我学到了_还有哪些不明白_达标检测一、按要求做题1、her hair what is colour (连词成句)_?2、lynn Mr Smith than older is or younger_? 3、我爸爸戴着眼镜。(汉译英)_ 4、我奶奶留有卷曲的灰白短发。(汉译英)_5、你爸爸比你妈妈高还是矮呢?(汉译英)_?二、看图回答问题。1、A: What do they like to do ? B: They like to go to the park to _ _2、A: How do you go to work ? B: By _3、A: What does he like to do ? B: He likes to _ _4、 A: Is the boy shorter or taller than the girl ? B : He is _than the girl.


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