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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年下学期初中八年级英语期末测试B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项填空。从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择可 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)Her mother praised her _ her bravery as she saved a little boy. A . ofB . forC . aboutD . with2. (2分)Tom, do your parents like Beijing Opera? _my dad _ my mom likes it. They both like classical music.A . Neither ;norB . Both; andC . Not only; but also3. (2分)Dont return the book to Tina, please. I _ it yet. A . dont readB . wasnt readingC . havent read4. (2分)Mom, when can I go out to play football?-Finish your homework first, or I let you go out.A . dontB . didntC . wont5. (2分)Mr. White _English in school for seven years since he first visited China. A . teachesB . taughtC . is teachingD . has taught6. (2分)There is _ milk in the fridge. Let me go to the supermarket and buy _. A . no; someB . not; someC . no; anyD . not; any7. (2分)When he it was early morning and it A . got to,rainedB . reached,was rainingC . arrived,rainedD . arrived,was raining8. (2分)Dont forget thanks when other people help you. A . sayB . to sayC . seeD . to see9. (2分)The road is so narrow that buses are unable to .A . stayB . comeC . pass10. (2分)Nobody knows _ in 100 years.A . what will life be likeB . what life will be likeC . how will life be likeD . how life will be like二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)11. (15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。I have had thousands of classes since I started school nine years ago. But only one1was the most important.It happened last term just after I had got a 2result in an exam. I was sad and had lost my confidence. I decided to go to a class which can tell me how to be 3.The speaker walked into the room. But he did not start talking 4a teacher. Instead, he held up a twenty yuan note(钞票)! Who wants this? he asked. Unsurprisingly, 5of us in the class held up our hands.The speaker smiled. Then he put up the note on the blackboard and asked the same question. Again, we all put up our hands. The speaker smiled again, but 6nothing suddenly, he threw the note onto the floor! Then he asked the same 7a third time.I didnt8 what the speaker was doing. Why was he asking the same question again and again? I didnt know what to do. I wanted the note, 9I put my hand up again. After a while, he 10the note and started to laugh. You have all just told me how to become successful, 11said to us with the note in his hand.“The note is worth twenty yuan. It is 12worth twenty yuan, even though I throw it on the floor. You are like the note. No matter 13happens to you, you still have your worth.”When I heard those words, I was deeply moved. Suddenly, I 14I was worth a lot. I may have done badly in an exam, but it doesnt15I cant do well in the future. If I believe in myself, I will be successful!(1)A . classroom B . subject C . class D . school (2)A . same B . good C . lucky D . bad (3)A . comfortable B . successful C . famous D . rich (4)A . like B . for C . about D . by (5)A . both B . neither C . all D . none (6)A . said B . bought C . saw D . wanted (7)A . student B . teacher C . question D . way (8)A . remember B . understand C . notice D . find (9)A . so B . though C . if D . or (10)A . took out B . threw away C . picked up D . put down (11)A . you B . he C . she D . they (12)A . never B . sometimes C . hardly D . always (13)A . when B . who C . what D . how (14)A . realized B . forgot C . dreamed D . decided (15)A . know B . mean C . think D . complain 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共38分)12. (10分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能回答所提问题或能完成所给句子的最佳选项。Can I take your order? Night after night, I had to say this as I worked in my familys restaurant. My father was a fantastic cook. He wanted me, his only son, to cook with him, but I didnt like cooking. Because of the restaurant, my father was always busy. He never had time to play football with me.During my high school and college years, I worked with my family at night. But I always avoided the kitchen. I couldnt wait to graduate (毕业)so that I could move away from the family business. Several days before my graduation day, my father and I started looking at new cars. Finally, we found the right car. I was sure that my father would give it to me as my graduation gift.On my graduation day, my father gave me a book as a gift. It was his old cookbook. I was so angry that I gave it back to him and ran out of the house. Several days later I moved away and started my business. Although I often saw my father during holidays, we never talked about the graduation gift. Then one day, I got a call that my father was ill. I went to see him because I was very worried.That night, I looked through my fathers books and saw the cookbook that he had given me year before. I carefully opened the cookbook and went through it. Then I found something that made me cry. It was a check(支票)for$30,000 dated(注有日期) the day of my graduation. And the price of the car my father and I chose all those years ago was $30,000.(1)From Paragraph I we know that the writers father_. A . was a common cookB . had a lot of free timeC . wanted the writer to be a cookD . often played football with the writer(2)The writer couldnt wait to graduate because he wanted to_. A . leave the family businessB . manage the familys restaurantC . have enough time to find a good carD . get a graduation gift as soon as possible(3)The writer_ on his graduation day. A . accepted his fathers giftB . moved away from homeC . was very angry with his fatherD . was very worried about his father(4)The last paragraph shows that the writer _. A . decided to cook with his fatherB . hated his father giving him so little moneyC . regretted he didnt look after his father wellD . realized his fathers deep love for him at last(5)What would be the best title(题目)for the passage? A . A cookbookB . A football fanC . My school daysD . My business13. (10分)根据表格内容, 选择正确答案。(B)Wang WeiI cant sing or dance. I can play the guitar. But I couldnt play it three years ago.AliceI can sing and dance. I can also play the piano. When I was six, I couldnt play the piano at all.JamesI can swim and cook. I cant draw pictures. I could swim when I was five years old.Liu FangI can perform ballet and dance to disco. I can also sing English songs. But I couldnt sing English songs two years ago.(1)What can Wang Wei do?A . Singing.B . Playing the guaitar.C . Dancing.D . Drawing.(2)How many things can Alice do?A . Two.B . Three.C . Four.D . Five.(3)What could James do when he was five?A . Cooking.B . Drawing.C . Swimming.D . Singing.(4)Who can both sing and dance?A . Wang Wei.B . Alice.C . Liu Fang.D . B and(5)Which of the following is NOT true?A . Wang Wei can play the guitar.B . Alice couldnt play the piano at the age of six.C . James can draw pictures.D . Liu Fang couldnt sing English songs two years ago.14. (8分)阅读下面短文, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Harmful microbes like bacterias, viruses and other germs are pathogens. They may enter your bodies and make you ill. The immune system is the bodys defence system that protects you from illness and disease caused by the pathogens.The immune system is made up of nonspecialized defences such as skin, tears and the acidic juice produced by the stomach, keeping you from the pathogens. It also has some highly specialized defences, which are different kinds of immune cells, grouped into phagocytes and lymphocytes. Phagocytes are a type of white blood cell. They are swimming around in your blood stream, always on the lookout for antigensthe pathogens that have entered your bodies. Whenever they see one, their will eat it. However, some antigens are hard to find and kill. Then lymphocytes, which are also white blood cells and the main types are B cells, T helper cells and T killer cells, Will be the killers of the sneaky antigens.B cells, T helper and T killer cells work together to find and kill these antigens. B cells produce substances, called antibodies, which stick to the antigen. When that happens, it will tell the T helper cells to come over and either: 1. help the B cells kill the antigen, or 2. call the phagocytes or T killer cells to move in for the kill. Once a B cell or a T cell attacks an antigen, they create cells to remember it. Those memory cells hang out in your blood if they see the same antigen again, they quickly recognize, it so your immune system can act faster at killing it.The immune system is more powerful than you probably imagine. Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania recently took immune cells from three patients with leukemia, then genetically changed them into serial Keller cells to attack cancer cells. The study was small but the results were groundbreaking. The modified immune cells increased at least 1, 000 times in the body and killed all the cancer cells. Therefore, more memory cells were created.The immune system can be developed. Eating lean protein food (beef, beans )and food rich in vitamins A, C, and E(sweet potatoes, carrots ), taking a 30minute walk every day and reducing your stress levels, etc. will help you achieve it.(1)What can the immune system do?A . Keep you from antibodies.B . Protect you against antigens.C . Make your bodies weak and sick.D . Help microbes enter your bodies(2)How are the sneaky antigens found and killed?A . Phagocytes, B, T helper and T killer cells work togetherB . Skin, tears, acidic juice and immune cells work togetherC . B cells create memory cells to swim around in the bloodD . B cells produce antibodies to tell T helper and T killer cells(3)What does the underlined word it in the last paragraph refer to?A . The immune system can be made more powerfulB . Less antigens can be killed by the immune systemC . White blood cells act less quickly in the immune systemD . The immune system can be changed into the serial killer(4)This article is mainly about .A . the types of white blood cellsB . a research report about human healthC . the cause of illness and diseaseD . an introduction to the immune system.15. (10分) The Christmas Eve meal is very important in most European countries. While other Christian families around the world celebrate this great meal with different kinds of meat, it is a tradition for Italians to eat seven different kinds of fish. Such a meal is called the “Feast of the Seven Fishes”. Its also considered traditional that there may be nine, eleven, or even thirteen fishes for the meal. This kind of celebration is held to remember the birth of the baby Jesus.The Feast of the Seven Fishes was held just by southern Italians as a custom at first, but today Italians all over the world hold it. Although the Feast of the Seven Fishes has been regarded as an Italian custom, no one definitely knows the meaning of it. There are lots of explanations for it. Some people believe that seven fishes are served because it took God seven days to create the world. Other explanations mention the Seven Hills of Rome.For the Feast of the Seven Fishes, its not certain that which kinds of fish should be served. At the Feast of the Seven Fishes, the meal usually begins with antipasto (开胃食物) and ends with delicious desserts.The Feast of the Seven Fishes has been a tradition since ancient times, and it will continue or even change as life changes. However, for Italians all over the world, the cultural meaning of the tradition is more important than anything else.(1)Italian families celebrate the Christmas Eve meal with different kinds of _.A . meatB . fishC . dessertsD . antipasto(2)Where did the Feast of the Seven Fishes begin?A . In Northern Italy.B . In Rome.C . In Southern Italy.D . In England.(3)The Feast of the Seven Fishes is held to remember _.A . the day when God created the worldB . the Seven Hills of RomeC . seven Christmas Eve mealsD . the birth of the baby Jesus(4)The underlined word “definitely” means “_” in Chinese.A . 快速地B . 确切地C . 温柔地D . 逐渐地(5)Which of the following is NOT true about the Feast of the Seven Fishes?A . It began from ancient timesB . The number of the fish for it has already changed now.C . There are clear requirements for the kinds of fish for it.D . To Italians, the cultural meaning of it is more important than anything else.四、 阅读短文。 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)阅读下面短文,并借助上下文和插图补充所缺信息。每个空格只能填写一个形式正确、与短文内容意思相符的英语单词。Sally is my friend. She is a _. She _very well. Now she has a new _. She doesnt have long _hair. She has short _hair. And now she wears _. She doesnt wear her dress. She wears jacket and blue _. “Its great!” She says. If I take a _with my _on the street, _knows me.五、 阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题。 (共1题;共10分)17. (10分)阅读理解Youre going to high school, arent you?Maybe you dont know what to do. Well, heres a list of the top six things to do when youre in high school. These things will give you ideas of what your high school life could be like. Here you go!Find your passion(激情) and what kind of person you are. Whether its dance, basketball, or drawing, the important thing is that you have found something you are interested in.Talk to people you wouldnt usually talk to. Meet new people, find new friends and even talk to people you dont like. It will show what a great person you are. You never know what will happen after high school.Take part in at least one contest. This will give you tears of laughter, happiness and memories.Get a job. This will help you see what its like to have responsibility(责任). It can also help you make a little money to spend on yourself.Take a trip with your friends. It doesnt matter where you go or what you do. The memories will happen on the way and go on till the final place.Do your best at school. Dont ever get lazy. Working hard now will help you in the future. (1)The writer mainly tells you six things you should do _. A . in your high school yearsB . at the beginning of your high school yearsC . before your high school beginsD . after you finish your high school(2)The writer advises that you should talk to the people you dont like because _. A . you will feel sorry if notB . it will show how great you areC . you can show how clever you areD . it can make you study better(3)From Point , we know that we can _ in a contest. A . get lots of tearsB . have a strong bodyC . get good grades in high schoolD . have different feelings and memories(4)Which of the following youd better NOT do according to the passage? A . Find your interest.B . Get a job.C . Take a trip with your friends.D . Get lazy.(5)Whats the main idea of the passage? A . Have a happy school life.B . How to get along with your schoolmates.C . Ideas of successful high school life.D . Make your school life easy.六、 根据中文意思, 用所给词语写句子。 (共1题;共1分)18. (1分)考试前你应该好好休息。(have a good rest)_七、 文段表达。 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)请仔细观察下图,根据图画内容,用第一人称写出一个完整的故事,词数不少于80词。 Last Sunday, 八、 根据短文内容从方框中选词, 并用其正确形式填空。 (共1题;共10分)20. (10分)根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词填空,使短文通顺、连贯。每个单词只能用一次。relaxed expect usually at early their arrive customs because supposedDifferent countries have different rules about social situations, so when you meet foreign friends, you are _ to learn about the culture in other countries. For example, if you have an appointment(预约) _ four oclock, what time do you _ your foreign friends to come? If they are Germans, they will _ on time. If they are Americans, theyll probably be fifteen minutes _, but if they are Englishmen, theyll be fifteen minutes late, because sometimes they are _ about time.As for lunch time, the Englishmen are happy to have lunch with _ business friends. During the meal, they often discuss business matters. The Japanese dont like to work while eating, _ lunch is the time for them to relax. The Germans like to talk about business before dinner, but the Frenchmen _ eat first and talk after dinner. So if we learn many _ of other countries, we can have a great time with foreign friends.第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项填空。从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择可 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)11-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共38分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、四、 阅读短文。 (共1题;共10分)16-1、五、 阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题。 (共1题;共10分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、六、 根据中文意思, 用所给词语写句子。 (共1题;共1分)18-1、七、 文段表达。 (共1题;共5分)19-1、八、 根据短文内容从方框中选词, 并用其正确形式填空。 (共1题;共10分)20-1、


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