Unit9 Can you come to my party Section B 2a-2eppt课件

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Unit9Canyoucometomyparty 1 birthdayparty Makealistofthekindsofpartiespeoplehave Englishparty singingparty sayinggoodbyeparty dancingparty 2a Discussion housewarmingparty 2 e g Shedidn tacceptmyinvitation 她没有接受我的邀请 Hedidn tdoanypreparationforthisexam sohefailed 他考试前没做任何准备 所以不及格 1 invitationn 邀请 请柬preparationn 准备 准备工作 Newwords 动词 ion 后缀 invitation动词 ion 后缀 preparation 3 2 replyv 回答 答复 e g Theyrepliedmyletterthreedaysago 三天前他们回复了我的信 e g Canyouprintthisforme 你能给我印出这个来吗 3 printv 打印 印刷 4 4 deletev 删除 e g Pleasedeletemynamesfromyourlist 请把我的名字从你的清单中删除 5 turndown拒绝 e g Whydidsheturndownyourinvitation 她为什么谢绝你的邀请 5 6 forwardv 转寄 发送adv 向前 前进 e g Youcanforwarde mailtosomeoneelse 你可以将电子寄件转发给别人 Shesteppedforwardinordertoseeclearly 她向前走了一步以便能看得更清楚 6 7 sadadj 令人 悲哀的 令人 难过的 e g Shewasverysadwhenhercatdied 她的猫死后 她很悲伤 e g Iamgladthatyoucancome 你能来我很高兴 8 gladadj 高兴 愿意 7 e g Shesaidgoodbyeandwalkedaway 她说了再见就走了 9 goodbyeinterj n 再见 e g I dliketotakeatriptoEngland 我想去英国旅行 10 takeatrip去旅行 8 11 gluen 胶水 12 withoutprep 没有 不 做某事 e g Thegluedoesn tworkwell 这胶水不粘了 e g Alifewithoutafriendisalifewithoutasun 人生没有朋友 犹如生活中没有太阳 9 13 surprisedadj 惊奇的 感觉意外的 动词surprise ed surprised惊奇的 e g Hewassurprisedtofindnobodywasathome 他很吃惊地发现没人在家 10 e g Welookforwardtoseeingyouagain 我们盼望再次见到你 14 lookforwardto盼望 期待 lookforwardto V ing形式 15 hearfrom接到 某人的信 电话等 e g Ihearfrommycousineverytwomonths 我每两个月就会收到我表哥的来信 11 HiDavid Whatagreatidea IreallylikeMs Steenalot ShehelpedmetoimprovemyEnglishsomuch Iamsadtoseehergo andthispartyisthebestwaytosay Thankyouandgoodbye Icanhelptobuysomeofthefoodanddrinks IcanalsohelptobringMs Steentotheparty Ialreadyhaveagreatideaabouthowtodothat HeWei 12 Hi David Thankssomuchforplanningthis I dlovetocometotheparty butI mnotavailable MyfamilyistakingatriptoWuhanattheendofthismonthtovisitmyauntanduncle However I dstillbegladtohelpoutwithanyofthepartypreparations likeplanningthegames Letmeknowifyouneedmyhelp Jake 13 Dearclassmates AsI msureyouknowbynow ourfavoriteteacher Ms Steen isleavingsoontogobacktotheUS We regoingtomissher let shaveasurprisepartyforhernextFridaythe28th Canyoucometotheparty Ifso canyouhelpwithanyofthesethings PleasetellmebythisFriday 14 1 Buyfoodanddrinks 2 Thinkofgamestoplay 3 Preparethingsweneedforthegames glue paper pens 4 BringMs Steentothepartywithouttellinghersothatshecanbesurprised Ilookforwardtohearingfromyouall David 15 Message1 Message2 Message3 Reading 2b 2 makeaninvitation 3 turndownaninvitation 1 acceptaninvitation 16 Readthemessagesagainandanswerthequestions 1 Whatkindofpartyisit 2 Whoisthepartyfor 3 Whenistheparty 2c It sasayinggoodbyeparty It sforMs Steen It sonnextFriday the28th 17 4 WhodidDavidinvitetotheparty 5 Whatcanpeopledoattheparty Alltheclassmates Peoplecansay Thankyouandgoodbye toMs Steen Theycanalsoplaygames eatthings 18 CompletetheinvitationwithwordsandphrasesfromthemessagesonPage69 Reading 2d 19 Weareplanningahousewarming atournewhousethisSaturday Canyou Ourhouseisat2LondonRoad Weareserving and from7 30p m Please yourfriendsandfamily Apartyismore withmorepeople Pleaseletus byWednesday youcancometotheparty Hopeyoucanmakeit party come food drinks bring surprised know if 20 Imagineoneofyourfavoriteteachersisleaving Planapartyforhim her Answerthequestionswithapartner 1 Whyishe sheoneofthefavoriteteacher 2 Whatdoyouwanttosaytoher Becauseshe sreallygoodwithus Iwanttosay Thankyouandgoodbye toher Askandanswer 2e 21 3 Whenisthebesttimetohavetheparty 4 Wherecanyouhavetheparty 5 Whatkindoffoodwilltherebe 6 Whatkindofdrinkswouldyouliketoserve IthinkSaturdayafternoonisthebesttime Somefruits cakes candiesandhamburgers Wecanhavethepartyintheclassroom Cola Spring teaandwater 22 7 Whowillcometotheparty 8 Whatactivitieswilltherebeattheparty 9 Howcanyoumakethepartyasurpriseforyourteacher Allthestudentsinourclass Singing dancing playingtheguitar playingtheviolin crosstalking Wearegoingtobringhertothepartywithouttellingher 23 Homework 1 Readthepassageafterclass 2 Writeyourownsentenceswiththephrasesbelow 1 bring to 2 takeatrip3 thinkof4 withoutdoing 5 sothat6 lookforwardto7 surprised8 hearfrom 24 Thankyou 25


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