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第十四讲八年级下 Units 78.单项填空1.xx安庆一模Look! The stream(小河)is not. We can even see fish swimming in it.A. thickB. safeC. clearD. deep2.If you want to learn a foreign language well as soon as possible, youd better go . A.homeB.thereC.abroad D.back3.It snowed heavily last night, and the snow on the ground is about two feet now.A.freshB.thickC.natural D.short4.xx合肥瑶海区一模The families are muchtoday than in the past. There are only three people in almost every family now.A. largerB. smallerC. moreD. less5.xx临沂Did you read your favorite books April 23? It was World Book Day.A.forB.atC.onD.in6.xx菏泽改编It is believed that tea to Korea and Japan from China during the 6th and 7th centuries.A.is brought B.has broughtC.brought D.was brought7.Kate worked so hard that she got full in the final exam. A.marksB.forceC.pagesD.meters8.When there is a fire, people should cover their noses and mouths with wet clothes or towels in order not to too much smoke. A.give inB.take inC.hand inD.put in9.Are you surprised at the ending of the movie? Not really.To tell you the truth, I the story.A.readB.will readC.have readD.was reading10.Mrs.Green, I still dont really understand the matter you mentioned in the class. I am glad to help you.A.Im sorry that Im in a hurry. B.Feel free to ask me about that. C.Yes,please. D.You cant be serious.完形填空An old lady went into a bank, carrying a large bag of money.She asked to 1 with the president of the bank. How can I help you? the bank president asked.She placed the bag of money on 2 desk and replied, I want to open a savings account(储蓄账户). The president was 3 to see so much money, so he asked her, Madam, how did you make this money?The old lady 4, I made bets (打赌).What kind of bets? the president asked with 5. The old woman said, Well, for example, Ill bet you $5,000 that your 6 will become black by 10 oclock tomorrow morning.What?! cried the man.You can 7 win that kind of bet! The old lady challenged, So, would you like to take my bet?The president smiled and said, Youve got yourself a bet!The old lady said, May I bring my lawyer with me tomorrow as a witness (见证者)? Sure! the president confidently (自信地) replied.The old lady 8 with her lawyer the next day.She asked the president to open his mouth.She looked closely at his teeth and then asked 9 she could touch them.I guess its okay, the president said.At this moment, he saw that the lawyer was quietly hitting his head 10 the wall.The president asked, What is the matter with your lawyer?The old lady answered, I bet him $10,000 that I would touch the teeth of the president of this bank at 10 am today.1.A.fightB.deal C.speakD.share2.A.herB.hisC.theirD.its3.A.surprisedB.movedC.excitedD.worried4.A.addedB.promisedC.repeatedD.explained5.A.joyB.interestC.prideD.regret6.A.mouthB.handsC.eyes D.teeth7.A.hardlyB.sometimesC.neverD.always8.A.took upB.set up C.showed upD.put up9.A.whenB.whetherC.whereD.how10.A.againstB.under C.insideD.across.阅读理解AOff the Beaten Cart PathThe best-selling travel book which includes over 200 new places of interest, over 200 new full-color photographs,and all-new,up-to-date maps.It includes over 1,000 of the United States most must-see destinations(目的地).Cover price:$30.00Our price:$19.80ParentsThe most popular magazine for parents who want to raise smart and loving children.It has child development guidance,advice on your childs health and safety,and the best way to encourage your childs learning.Cover Price:$26.00Our price:$12.60Best Weekend ProjectsThe projects are chosen from 80 special ideas to create an unusual living space.They are practical, as well as creative.They will improve your home and yard and can be made on weekends.And the most important of all,they are easy to follow.Cover Price:$17.95Our price:$13.90LuckyThe shopping magazine with the best buys,and the fashion tips.Youll need them before you go to the stores.What makes Lucky really special is that it gives you the information you need before anyone else has it.Cover Price:$18.50Our Price:$15.501.Which of the following saves the most money?A.Off the Beaten Cart Path.B.Parents.C.Best Weekend Projects.D.Lucky.2.Who may be interested in the book Off the Beaten Cart Path?A.A young lady who likes going shopping.B.A parent who has just got a newborn baby.C.A husband who wants to get his home improved.D.A person who is interested in traveling in America.3.What do you think the passage is?A.An advertisement.B.A notice.C.A story.D.A report.Bxx沈阳改编The play takes place in a typical(典型的), old Beijing teahouse.The main characters are teahouses owner (Wang Lifa) and his customers, who all live in the same neighbourhood.They come in and out of the teahouse and talk to each other.The play reflects(反映) changes in the lives of almost 70 characters.It includes three parts.The first act takes place in 1898 at the time of the Qing Dynasty.The second act jumps forward 20 years and the final act takes place in 1948.In Teahouse, the writer Lao She says goodbye to the old Chinese society(社会)and hello to the new one.Its about the changes that have taken place in Chinese society in almost 50 years.All types of people come to the teahouse in Beijing.Some come to do business.Others come just to sit and pass the time.There are some good, kind people and there are also some bad, nasty(讨厌的) characters.They meet, they talk, they argue, they gossip(闲聊) and then they get on with their lives.Teahouse was first put on in 1958.It is still one of the most popular plays in China.It is a favorite work by Lao She, one of Chinas most popular writers.Anyone who is interested in Chinese life and history should see the play.It helps one to understand Chinese culture better.4.How many parts are there in the play Teahouse?(不超过5个词)_5.What do people do in the teahouse according to the play?(不超过10个词)_6.What does the play Teahouse mainly show to its readers?(不超过15个词)_.单词拼写1.xx宣城二模Life is a long journey which is f(充满的) of fun.2.xx合肥45中三模He is not b(聪明的),but he always works hard.3.Lions and tigers b(属于) to the cat family.4.xx马鞍山二模A s(简单的)thank youand a smile are all he wants.5.True b(美丽) never grows old with age.【参考答案】.单项填空1.D【解析】考查形容词词义理解。句意:看!这条小河并不深。我们甚至可以看到鱼儿在水中游。A项:厚的,浓的; B项:安全的;C项:清澈的,清楚的;D项:深的。结合句意可知选D。2.C【解析】考查副词的用法。此处是说,如果你想尽快学好一门外语,你最好出国。go abroad意为出国。故答案为C。3.B【解析】考查形容词的用法。此处是说,现在地上的积雪约有两英尺厚。thick意为有厚的,符合题意。4.B【解析】考查形容词的用法。句意:如今的家庭比过去小得多。现在几乎每个家庭都仅有三个人。根据语境可知选B。5.C【解析】考查介词的用法。在表示某一天的名词前应用介词on。6.D【解析】考查动词的时态和语态。根据题干中的during the 6th and 7th centuries可知应用一般过去时;又tea和bring为被动关系,故应用一般过去时的被动语态。7.A【解析】考查名词的用法。根据设空前的Kate worked so hard可知她在期末考试中得了满分。full marks意为满分。故答案为A。8.B【解析】考查动词短语的用法。此处是说,人们应该用湿衣服或毛巾捂住口鼻以防止吸入过多的烟。take in 意为吸入,符合题意。9.C【解析】考查动词的时态。上句是问,电影的结局是否让你感到吃惊?根据答语中的Not really可知此处是说,我读过那个故事。故选C。10.B【解析】考查情景交际。上句是说,格林女士,我还是不太理解你在课上提到的那个问题。根据下句中的我很乐意帮助你可知此处是说,关于那个问题,你有什么不懂的尽管问吧。故选B。.完形填空【短文大意】本文是一篇幽默故事。一位爱打赌的老太太通过设计连环赌局,以和银行行长的小赌局5000美元赌行长的牙会变黑为诱饵,赢得了和她的律师的大赌局10000美元赌摸银行行长的牙齿。1.C【解析】fight打架;deal处理;speak说话;share分享。根据上下文可知,老太太是想找银行行长说话,故speak符合文意。2.B【解析】根据下文中的so he asked her可知,银行行长是位男士,故此处应用his。3.A【解析】surprised感到惊讶的;moved感动的;excited激动的;worried担心的。根据设空后行长的问题您是如何赚到这些钱的可知,此处表示看到这么多的钱,行长感到惊讶,故选A。4.D【解析】add补充说;promise承诺;repeat重复;explain解释。根据老太太的回答我打赌可知,老太太在向行长解释她是如何赚到这些钱的,故选D。5.B【解析】joy愉快;interest兴趣;pride骄傲;regret遗憾。根据设空前行长的问题是什么样的打赌可知,此处表示行长感兴趣地问,故interest符合文意。6.D【解析】根据最后一段内容可知,此处表示到明天早上十点,你的牙齿会变成黑色的,故选D。7.C【解析】hardly几乎不;sometimes有时;never决不;always总是。根据下文中的Sure!the president confidently (自信地) replied可知,行长是说老太太决不会赌赢的,故never符合文意。8.C【解析】take up占据;set up设立;show up出现;put up张贴。此处表示第二天老太太和她的律师出现了,故选C。9.B【解析】根据上下文可知,老太太问的是她能否摸一下银行行长的牙齿,故whether符合文意。10.A【解析】against碰;撞;under在下面;inside在里面;across穿过;越过。此处是指律师用头撞墙,故选A。.阅读理解【A篇短文大意】本文是一则广告,介绍了两本书(Off the Beaten Cart Path和Best Weekend Projects)与两本杂志(Parents和Lucky)的相关信息。1.B【解析】由表格中的内容可知,Off the Beaten Cart Path的定价是30.00美元,售价是19.80美元,节省了10.20美元;Parents的定价是26.00美元,售价是12.60美元,节省了13.40美元;Best Weekend Projects的定价是17.95美元,售价是13.90美元,节省了4.05美元;Lucky的定价是18.50美元,售价是15.50美元,节省了3.00美元。由此可知Parents节省的钱最多。故答案为B。2.D【解析】由Off the Beaten Cart Path描述中的It includes over 1,000 of the United States most must-see destinations (目的地)可知答案为D。3.A【解析】通读表格的内容可知这是一则广告。故答案为A。【B篇短文大意】本文主要介绍了老舍的戏剧茶馆的相关信息。4.There are three parts.5.They meet, talk, argue and gossip there.6.It shows Chinese life, culture and history to its readers.单词拼写1.full2.bright3.belong4.simple5.beauty


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