2019年四年级英语上册 unit 2 Lesson11 Restaurant and Market教案2篇 冀教版.doc

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2019年四年级英语上册 unit 2 Lesson11 Restaurant and Market教案2篇 冀教版.doc_第1页
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2019年四年级英语上册 unit 2 Lesson11 Restaurant and Market教案2篇 冀教版教学目标:能够正确地听读写使用单词:restaurant, market, movie theatre.能够正确使用句型Lets go to a _ to _ _.来表述想要去哪,干什么。辨别它们之间的关系。能够正确朗读Part2 并较好地进行角色扮演教学重点:能够正确地听读写使用单词:restaurant, market, movie theatre. 能够正确使用句型Lets go to a _ to _ _.来表述“想要去哪,干什么”,辨别它们之间的关系。教具准备:卡片,手偶等。教学过程:一、Class Opening and Review1、Greeting .2、Review .教师出示事先准备好的图片,复习前两课的词汇,包括silk shop , clothes shop , bicycle shop , tire shop , tea shop , department store等,适时出示生词卡片。3、通过做游戏Funny sentences (有趣的句子)来复习 “_ go to the _ to _.” 句型中的人物,地点,干什么之间的联系。二、New Concepts1、教学restaurant , market , movie theatre在复习各种商店词汇的基础上,出示餐馆图片,教学restaurant ,学生跟老师读,拼读词汇。出示市场的图片,教学market ,拼读,反复读。初识电影院的图片,教学movie theatre ,练习读。2、通过Charades猜字游戏来巩固本课单词,复习旧识。3、利用手偶对Part2进行直观演示,利于学生理解课文内容4、教学N2 Lets go to a restaurant to eat ice cream!第一遍,学生看书听录音。第二遍,学生看书听录音跟读。5、通过设置情境,营造空间让学生进行会话和表演,使其对Part2进行巩固和延伸,从而提高学生的实际语言运用能力。Student 1: How are you?Student 2: Im fine. How are you?Student 1: Very well. What do you want to do?Student 2: I want to watch a movie.Student 1: Lets go to the movie theatre to watch a movie.Student 2: Ok.三、板书设计Lesson 11:Restaurant and Marketrestaurant market movie theatreLets go to the _ to _ .Lesson 11:Restaurant and Market 教学目标:1学生掌握词汇restaurant ,认识market , movie theatre 。2学生学习Lets go to the _ to _ . 句式并加以运用。3学习用英语表达自己的愿望,从而培养学生对英语的兴趣。教学重点:认识restaurant , market , movie theatre , 学习Lets go to the _ to _ . 句式。教学难点:正确使用Lets go to the _ to _ . 句式。教学准备: 图片,生词卡片,录音机,磁带教学过程: 一、Class Opening and Review1Greeting .Teacher: How are you?Class: Im fine.2Review .教师出示事先准备好的图片,复习前两课的词汇,包括silk shop , clothes shop , bicycle shop , tire shop , tea shop , department store等,适时出示生词卡片。二、New Concepts1教学restaurant , market , movie theatre在复习各种商店词汇的基础上,出示餐馆图片,教学restaurant ,学生跟老师读,拼读词汇。出示市场的图片,教学market ,拼读,反复读。初识电影院的图片,教学movie theatre ,练习读。2练习出示不同的图片,师生做问答的练习。Teacher: Whats this?Student: Its a _ ( restaurant , market , movie theatre ).可以加入其他学过的词汇。3游戏做Where are you going? To the _ ( restaurant , market , movie theatre ,department store )练习,学生拍手找伙伴,找到后做问答练习。反复练习几次。4教学Lets go to the _ to _ . 句式。教师找学生配合完成对话,教师问:What do you want to do? 学生可能回答:I want to eat ice cream. I want to buy a dress. I want to read a book. 教师根据学生的回答,示范Lets go to the _ to _ . 句式,例如:Lets go to the restaurant to eat ice cream. 教师将Lets go to the _ to _ . 写在黑板上,学生模仿造句。5编对话学生根据所学的知识编对话,并进行小组练习。例如:Student 1: How are you?Student 2: Im fine. How are you?Student 1: Very well. What do you want to do?Student 2: I want to watch a movie.Student 1: Lets go to the movie theatre to watch a movie.Student 2: Ok.三、Class Closing板书设计:Lesson 11:Restaurant and Marketrestaurant market movie theatreLets go to the _ to _ .课后反思:附送:2019年四年级英语上册 unit 2 Lesson12 Cashier and clerk教案2篇 冀教版一 教学目标:1.会读、会认、会写单词 cashier clerk waitress2.会读 、会认单词 businesswoman 3.会唱No.2英文歌曲、在歌曲中重点识记 teacher businessman waitress clerk doctor二 教学重点:能就每种职业进行对话 如:Who is he it? He(She) is a cashier .三 教学难点: 掌握“它是干什么的”会用Who is it?问,并能回答。四 教具准备:cashier clork waitress businesswoman的图片及教师、医生、护士、司机图片。五 教学过程: 1.class opening (1) T:HeLLO,boys and girls. S:Hello,teacher. T:How are you ? S:Fine,thank you. T:Are you realy for English class? S:Yes. (2)Sing a song 2.The New Lesson (1)教师拿出 teacher 的图片 T:Who is it ? She is a teacher. (领读2遍) (2)教师再拿出医生的图片 T:Who is it ? She is a doctor.(领读2遍) (3)教师拿出护士的图片 T:Who is it ? (指名试着回答) 教师板书:“Who is it ?” She is a nurse. 这时学生基本明白了“Who is it?”的意思。 (4)教师拿出 cashier 的图片 T:Who can ask ?(谁会问?) 指名问:Who is it? T:He is a cashier.(重复 cashier 两遍板书并领读) 指着黑板,指名问和答。拼读并书空“cashier” (5)教师拿出 clerk 图片 T:Who can ask ? S:Who is it? T:She is a clerk。(重复 clerk 两遍) 板书并领读 clerk 拼读并书空 clerk (6)教师拿出 Waitress 的图片 教师指着图片说:waitress waitress waitress 板书并领读 T:Who can ask and answer ? S:Who is it? She is a waitress. 同学之间进行问答 (7)教师拿出 businesswoman 的图片 T:Who is it? She is a businesswoman (重复businesswoman) 板书并领读 businesswoman T:Who can ask and answer ? S:Who is it ? She is a businesswoman. 小组之间进行问答 3. Lets play games. (1)Guess 教师把 cashier clerk、 waitress、 businesswoman图片扣过去。 教师分别问:Who is it ? 学生用he is 或she is回答。哪组猜对得一枚小旗 (2)每组出一名代表分别戴上cashier、 clerk、 waitress、 businesswoman头饰,不同组的成员问(Who is it?) 问的对或答的对的各给本组争一面小旗 4.Do Exercises重组单词: esirhca_ klrec_ ewiatessr_ 5.Homework (1)练习本课对话 (2)抄写本课生词,每词遍 板书设计: Lesson 12 WHO IS IT ? cashier waitressclerk businesswomonThe Second Class一.教学目标: (1) 会唱N.o2歌曲 (2) 识记歌曲里的单词: teacher businessman waitress clerk doctor二.教学重点: (1)通过唱本课歌曲,愉快地记住上面单词。 (2)会唱本首歌曲。三.教学难点: 会唱本课歌曲四.教具准备: teacher、 businesswoman、 waitress、 cler、 cashier 、doctor图片、录音机、这些图片的头饰。五.教学过程: 1.Class Opening 师生之间互致问候。2.GoOver 师生进行问答T:Who is it? S:Cashier(2)同学之间用单词图片进行问答:S1:Who is it? S2:Businesswoman3.The New Lesson (1)听录音( No. 2 歌曲 )(2)教师教唱每组歌曲,同时出示相应的单词图片如:唱第一段就出示teacher图片4.Play Games (1)每组出一代表分别戴上头饰,再出一代表边唱边演。(轮换两次)(2)每组出一名代表分别戴上头饰,其它组对这组同学用“Who is it?”提问,如果答对, 则得一面小旗。(轮换两次)(3)教师分别用英语说出teacher、 businessman 、waitress 、clerk 、doctor。每组同学依靠集体智慧在本子上拼出单词,哪组对的多,哪组就得一面红旗。5.再听录音,边听边唱边演。6.Do exercise课后反思:课题Lesson12 Cashier and clerk课型新授课1课时第1课时教学目标知识与技能目标: 1.看图片,正确认读表示职业的单词cashier clerk waitress businesswoman 2.继续复习运用Lets go to the_to _. 3.学习唱歌曲 As I was过程与方法目标:借助课件,帮助学生形象直观地学习表示职业的单词,学生自主合作,记忆单词。情感态度与价值观目标:欣赏歌曲优美的旋律,理解歌曲的大意。重点难点熟练地拼写单词。学法指导情景教学法 听说法教具、学具电脑、实物、卡片通案个案一、 师生互相打招呼。二、Revision.(复习) Review the words.看图片,说单词。 shop buy market口语练习 Lets go to to 三、Study the new lesson.(学习新课)1.看图片,跟读 cashier clerk waitress businesswoman2.小组合作,记忆单词.3.看老师的口形,猜一猜是什么单词。4.引导学生看课件,跟读。5.拼词游戏。说一说你所知道的职业名称。6.小组练习, 情景对话练习. 四、Practice.(练习)课堂作业21页 1.分一分类。2.看图回答问题。五、抄写本课的单词。 课堂检测一、 根据汉语意思写单词。出纳员 售货员 女服务员 女商人_ _ _ _二、把职业和相应的工作单位连线。 teacher cashier clerk waitress businesswoman office building store restaurant store school教学反思


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