2019-2020年四年级英语上册 unit4 lesson26Monkeys and Wolves教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 unit4 lesson26Monkeys and Wolves教案 冀教版2、让学生学习单词 inside, outside 3、让学生复习并运用 A/An_ has (a)_.和Does a/an_ have (a) _? Yes/No!两个句式!过程与方法:通过课件、图片等等教学方法,让学生不但掌握单词而且能运用两个方位单词造简单的句子!情感与态度:帮助学生建立起爱护动物、保护动物的意识。教学重难点:重点 :1、让学生学会四会单词monkey, wolf, camel, ostrich2、让学生学习单词 inside, outside难点 :让学生不但掌握单词,而且能运用inside, outside两个方位单词造简单的句子!教具准备:录音机,磁带,单词卡片,游戏用的卡片教学过程:激趣引入:T: Hello, Boys and girls!Before class,We will say some setences about some animals words of last lesson! T: For example , How are you ? Whats your name? How do you do? Do you like _?T: What has a pouch?T: Does a lion have a mane?T: What does a tiger have ?T: Does a dog have a fur ?T:You are very good ! Next , We will study this lesson !(设计意图:复习上节课的有关内容,为本节课的学习做好铺垫,让学生养成“多说”的习惯。)新授课:1、学习课本的第一部分,四个单词monkey, wolf, camel, ostrich!用录音机、磁带出示这四种动物的声音!T : Show the first voice!Listen to the radio!T : Guess ! What is the voice? S : 猴子!(适当的多提问几个同学)T : Yes ! You are very clever! You are right! “MONKEY”!S : Monkey!T : This line one by one! “MONKEY”!S : Monkey!T : Lets say some sentences about the word of monkey.I say a sentence first ! “A monkey has a tail !”S : A monkey has a nose!S : A monkey has two eyes!其他的三个单词的教学方法和上边的一样!(设计意图:我没有找到什么好的方法所以才说和上面的教学方法一样,我希望用不同的教学方法来教学这四个单词。)2、学习课本的第二部分!两个方位名词 inside outside T : I hope that you think about a problem ! Who can say place about these animal ? Who can say ? Think about! S : We dont say ! T : I can say ! “ The monkey is INSIDE the forst !” Now We will study the word “INSIDE” ! (出示相关的图片,然后进行教学) T : Li Ming is inside the school ! He is in the building ! T : LiuZi is inside the school ! He is in the classroom ! S : Wang hao Tian is inside the school ! He is in the classroom ! (设计意图:OUTSIDE 的教学方法和以上的一样,让学生多多练习,为下面的小游戏做好准备)3、游戏简单的说就是通过用教室里的座位来进行练习,让学生把“inside outside”练习的更加淋漓尽致,然后再通过各种动物,再次进行练习。(设计意图:通过这个游戏,让学生对于“inside outside”这两个方位名词学习和记忆的比较牢靠,在游戏中的运用能让学生最大限度的进行练习。)板书设计:Lesson 26: Monkeys and WolvesMonkey furWolf tail insideCamel stripesOstrich beak outside附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit4 Lesson26Monkeys and Wolves教案2 冀教版一、教学目标a、知识目标能够听懂,会说单词monkey, wolf, camel, ostrich, 并会写,运用单词inside , outside .b. 能力目标1.能够看图或实物说认所学动物单词,monkey ,wolf 能够四会。2.能正确使用方位单词inside , outside .c. 情感目标培养学生对野生动物的热爱之情,能够爱护保护动物,知道它们最适合的家就是大自然。二、教学重难点学会动物单词,并会使用方位单词三、教具准备单词卡片, 磁带 ,教学课件四、教学过程(一)Class Opening and Review1.Greeting.2.Drill: Hold up the cards and ask:Whats this?Is the elephants trunk long or short?Does a tiger have teeth?How many legs does a lion have?Does a kangaroo have feathers?设计意图:轻松的问候之后,结合上节课的内容进行问答联系,有助于温故而知新,自然的复习了旧知识。(二)New Concepts1. Monkey, wolf, camel, ostrich. (1) Use Teaching lesson piece.(教学课件)Point to each picture in Number1, as you and the class say monkey, wolf ,camel, ostrich a few times.Point to the each animal poster, as you and the class say each word a few times.设计意图:用实物演示不太切合实际,我选择了形象逼真的图片,教学本课的动物单词。(2)Discuss the picture. Ask:Does the monkey have a tail?Is it long or short?What colour is the wolf?Does the camel have fur?What else has fur?设计意图:在问答练习中,巩固新单词,同时又拓宽延伸了所学知识,将学生的兴趣也一再激起,思维活跃。(3)Play the radio as the students follow in their books.Drill: Look at the picture in the book and do some actives:“Point to a ”(4) Practise: The teacher point to the picture and the class read the words quickly.The teacher shows the picture quickly and the class guesses.设计意图:在学习新单词之后,利用猜单词的环节让学生在乐中再进行输出。寓教于乐中检查学生的掌握情况。2. Inside outside(1)Role-play: Tell the students to follow your directions:Put your bag in your desk.Put your bag on your desk. Put your bag under your desk.(2)Draw a circle on the blackboard. Write a letter A inside the circle and another letter B outside the circle. Teacher: A is inside the circle.B is outside the circle.Teacher: Where is the letter A? Class: Inside the circle.Teacher: Where is the letter B? Class: Outside the circle.设计意图: 以原有的旧知识on, in ,under 引出新的表示方位的单词inside , outside .并利用图形进行演示,给学生形象的概念认识。(3)Practise:Ask the students to make sentence such as: is/are inside/outside the . Play the radio as the students follow in their books.(三)Class Closing.P 59.60 Assign it as homework.预习复习的歌谣: 漂亮的house真气派,能挡风雨outside大门外。五彩的flower真美丽,in front of房前种。清清的river潺潺流,behind、behind房后走。葱葱的tree遮绿荫,beside、beside站两旁。动物animal齐庆贺,inside、inside里面请,都夸bear可真棒附:板书设计LESSON 26: Monkeys and Wolves monkey wolf outside camel inside ostrich Exercise :一、Write the correct words .1. The book is _ the desk .2. The pencils are _ the pencil case .3. LiMing is _the classroom . He is listening to the teacher .4. Lets go to play . We are _ the classroom .5. This picture is _the blackboard .课后反思:


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