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2019-2020年牛津版二年级英语下册2BModule2Unit2Myfavouritefood3课时表格式英文教案授课教师Lecturer授课班级Learners授课日期Date of Teaching教具准备 Teaching AidsCassette 2B,PPT, tape, tape recorder, workbook, foodOxford English 2B M2 U2 Period 1活动主题The theme活动内容The contents活动目标The objectivesModule 2 Unit 2 My favourite food单词:salad, carrot., fish, chicken, banana, peach, pear, orange, apple, biscuit, hamburger, pizza, cake, rice, meat, soup, noodles, egg句型:What do you like eating? I like eating 1. Using nouns to indicate the food items2. Using the Wh-question to ask about ones food preferences. 3. Using modeled sentences to answer Wh- questions活动过程 Teaching StepsPre-task ActivitiesStep 1Daily Talk: classroom English Step 2Put the picture cards on the blackboard. Have the students listen to the song I like ice cream to review the words they have learnt.e.g. I like ice cream. Cold and sweet. I like ice cream. Cold and sweet.Step 3Have the students watch the video on page 21, then tell them the food Danny likes.T: What food does Danny like? He likes ice cream. How does it taste? Its cold and sweet.While-task ActivitiesStep 1Present some food to the students. Tell them what you like.T: I dont like ice cream. I like salad. Say after me, Salad, salad. I like salad.S: Salad, salad. I like salad.T: Do you like salad?S: Yes, I like salad. /No, I dont like salad.Step 2The same ways to learn “carrot, fish, chicken, banana”. Step 3Have the students make the rhyme following the example.e.g. I like salad. Yummy, yummy. I like chicken. Nice, nice. I like salad and chicken.Step 4Have the students answer the question What do you like eating? I like eating T: We also can say, I like eating salad.S: I like eating salad.T: (show the card salad) What do you like eating?S: I like eating salad. Yummy, yummy.T: (show the card bananas) What do you like eating?S: I like eating bananas. Sweet, sweet.Step 5Have the students be a little teacher. Guess what the teacher likes eating.S: What do you like eating?T: I like eating fish .Let the students learn to ask What do you like eating?Step 6Ask the students to work in pairs and make a short dialogue following the example.e.g. What do you like eating? - I like eating salad.Step 7Have the students watch the flash for Listen and enjoy” on page 21. Then learn the rhyme.T: Look, they are Danny and Kitty. Guess, what do they like eating? Lets watch the flash.Post-task ActivitiesStep 1Ask the students to work in pairs or groups of four and create a new rhym.Step 2Listen to and repeat after the tape Page 18.Step 3Have the students do Part A on Workbook page 18.板书设计Blackboard Writingsalad carrot fish chicken bananaWhat do you like eating? I like eating 课后作业 Assignments课后反思 ReconsiderationRead the book P18.Sing the song on P21.Module 2 My favourite things Unit 2 My favourite food (2)授课教师Lecturer授课班级Learners授课日期Date of Teaching教具准备 Teaching AidsCassette 2B,PPT, tape, tape recorder, workbook, foodOxford English 2B M 2 U2 Period 2活动主题The theme活动内容The contents活动目标The objectivesModule 2 Unit 2My favourite food单词:salad, carrot., fish, chicken, banana, peach, pear, orange, apple, biscuit, hamburger, pizza, cake, rice, meat, soup, noodles, egg句型:What do you like eating? I like eating 1. Using nouns to indicate the food items2. Using the Wh-question to ask about ones food favourite food 3. Using modeled sentences to answer the questions活动过程 Teaching StepsPre-task ActivitiesStep 1Daily Talk: Classroom EnglishStep 2Have the students say the rhyme on page 21. Step 3Quick response: Ask the students to say the names of the food items quickly they see.T: (Show a picture of salad.) S: Salad. I like eating salad.While-task ActivitiesStep 1Ask the students to look at the survey sheet in Do a survey on page 19. Review the words with them. Then ask the students to tick the food items they like.T: What do you like eating?S: I like eating Its Step 2Divide the class into groups of four and have the students to the survey by asking the other students of the group what they like eating.Step 3:Have the students make a short dialogue At the food shop as follows.S1: Can I help you? S2: I like eating salad. S3: I like eating carrots. S4: I like eating chicken.S1: Here you are. S234: Thank you. Hmm Yummy, yummy.Step 4Have the students look at the picture for Play a game on page 20. prepare cards of different food items and play the game with them.T: What dou you like eating?S: I like eating cakes.T: I like eating cakes, too.Ask the students to draw some food items on the paper and make some cards. Then they can play the game in groups.Post-task ActivitiesStep 1Listen to and repeat after the tape Page 19-20.Step 2Have the students do Part C on Workbook page 20. Step 3Have the students do Part D on Workbook page 20.板书设计Blackboard WritingWhat do you like eating? I like eating 课后作业 Assignments课后反思 ReconsiderationRead the book P19-20.Read the sentence cards.Module 2 My favourite things Unit 2 My favourite food (3)授课教师Lecturer授课班级Learners授课日期Date of Teaching教具准备 Teaching AidsCassette 2B, tape, tape recorder, workbook, foodOxford English 2B M 2 U2 Period 3活动主题The theme活动内容The contents活动目标The objectivesModule 2 Unit 2 My favourite food单词:salad, carrot., fish, chicken, banana, peach, pear, orange, apple, biscuit, hamburger, pizza, cake, rice, meat, soup, noodles, egg句型:What do you like eating? I like eating 1. Using nouns to indicate the food items2. Using the Wh-question to ask about ones food favourite food 3. Using modeled sentences to answer the questions活动过程 Teaching StepsPre-task ActivitiesStep 1Daily Talk: Classroom EnglishStep 2Say the rhyme on page 21.Step 3Have the students make a rhyme as follows.Bananas, bananas.I like eating bananas.Bananas, bananas.Theyre yummy.While-task ActivitiesStep 1Show the animal pictures. Have the students choose one kind of animals they like and act out as follows. e.g. Hello, Im a hippo. I like eating grass. Its yummy. Step 2Show the pictures hand and hen. Underline the letter h. Ask the students to practice the words and the sound. You may say more words with the sound h and write them on the blackboard to help the students.T: H, /h/, hand. H, /h/, hen.(H, /h/, hop. H, /h/, hot. H, /h/, hamburger. H, /h/, hair. H, /h/, head. H, /h/, hippo.)Post-task ActivitiesStep 1Have the students do Part B on Workbook page 19.Step 2Have the students do Task The food you like on Workbook page 21. Then have the students talk about them. After that, have them work in pairs and make a short dialogue as follows.S1: Do you like ? S2: Yes. I do. What do you like eating?S1: I like eating Review the verbs and verb phrases the students have learnt. Then have them ask and answer in pairs.S1: What do you like doing?S2: I like skipping my rope. What do you like doing?S1: I like riding my bicycle.板书设计Blackboard WritingWhat do you like eating? I like eating 课后作业 Assignments课后反思 ReconsiderationRead the book P21.Review the book P18-21.附送:2019-2020年牛津版小学自然科学一年级上第一单元你和我4课时教学设计一、教材分析: 本单元以观察和比较人体外部特征的异同为主线,介绍了人与人之间在体形体态、肤色、指纹和能力等方面的差异,以及人体都有相同的组成部分。学习本单元的意义在于使儿童了解人体的基本组成部分和人的感官以及功能,学会对人体外部特征进行观察、描述和交流,而且还在于帮助儿童逐步建立“我们只有一个身体,因此,我们需要了解它,并且使它们保持良好的状态”和“人与人之间既有相同之处,又有相异之处,因此,认识自己或他人的特点、需要和才能,可以更好地与他人相处”的认识。二、教学时数:4课时三、词汇使用:1、 对人体外貌作比较的词汇:老人、年轻人、长、短、高大、瘦小、不同等2、 与人体部位有关的词汇: 身体、皮肤、指纹、头、颈、胸、肩、臂、腿、 手、脚等3、 与感官相关的词汇: 眼睛、看、视觉、耳朵、听、听觉、鼻子、嗅觉、闻、舌、尝、味觉、皮肤、摸、触觉四、教学目标1、 使大多数的儿童能通过观察、比较和测量的方式分辨人与人之间外在的差异;能用口述或绘图的方式交流其认识;能指出其身体主要部分的位置和名称,了解感觉器官的主要功能。2、 某些儿童不会有这么多进步,但是,他们应能发现人与人之间外在的明显区别,找出其身体的主要部分的位置。五、教学要点1、 采用不同的方式观察和比较周围的人,发现他们之间的不同点和相同点。2、 人体主要部分的名称和功能。3、 人体的5种感官以及其功能。4、 用口述和绘图的方法测量长度。5、 用最简单的方法测量长度。6、 收集、整理、记录数据,将其制成图表,能够从中有所发现。第1、2课时一、教学目标:1、能知道人有年龄、体形、外貌上的差异。2、能用口述或绘图的方式交流他们的认识。3、能指出人身体主要部分的位置和名称。4、通过各项活动培养学生观察、比较、分类和描述的能力。二、教学要点:1、采用不同的方式观察和比较周围的人,发现他们之间的不同点和相同点。2、人体主要部分的名称和功能。3、 用口述和绘图的方法测量长度。三、教学准备1、 显示人的不同年龄、体形和外貌的图片2、 师生自制的小棒、卷尺3、 用于印指纹的印泥、纸张四、活动设计活动一:做“分类”游戏活动目标:1、知道同学之间存在差异。2、培养同学观察、比较、分类、描述的能力。3、引入课题。活动二:测量身体的不同部位活动目标:1、知道同学之间在身体的某些部位上是不一样的。2、培养同学测量、描述的能力。活动三:印指纹活动活动目标:知道每个人的指纹是不一样的。活动四:辨认照片活动目标:知道自己和他人在不同的时期样子是不同的。活动五:做一本自己的“护照”活动目标: 知道自己是独一无二的,有着自己的特点。活动六;制作人体外形图活动目标:1、知道身体主要部分的位置和名称。2、知道身体主要部分的用途。3、了解身体各部分大小是协调、匀称的。五、教学过程活动一:做“分类”游戏教师活动学生活动教学器材指导要点二度设计1、出示图片,组织儿童观察、比较2、组织学生游戏:请一个小组的同学站在讲台前,其他同学去思考一个可用“是”或“不”来回答的问题。这个问题提示的内容可以把一个组分成两个小组。1、游戏: 2、交流回答1、指导同学明白游戏规则:只能用“是”或“不”来回答。2、 意在回答过程中要求同学观察仔细。3、游戏结束,引入课题。活动二:测量身体的不同部位教师活动学生活动教学器材指导要点二度设计1、组织学生测量自己的手、手臂、拇指、耳朵、身体的高度或大小,画在纸张上。2、提问:通过测量你发现什么现象?1、学生用自己喜欢的方式相互测量2、思考并回答师生自制的小棒、卷尺1、注意:测量的内容是一致的,测量要准确,画图时要画出相互之间的差别。2、生在回答时教师要注意学生的口头表述。活动三:印指纹活动教师活动学生活动教学器材指导要点二度设计1、出示有指纹的图案1、学生把自己的指纹印在活动手册上。2、收集其余同学的指纹。3、观察自己收集的指纹和自己的指纹,比较一下,发现什么现象?用于印指纹的印泥、纸张1、把指纹印清楚。2、多收集几枚指纹。3、观察仔细,表述清楚。活动四:辨认照片教师活动学生活动教学器材指导要点二度设计1、出示照片,大家猜猜他是谁?2、提问:为什么现在的他和照片上不一样了?1、 观察2、思考讨论 照片1、多出示几张照片。2、引导学生思考自己身上的变化。3、注意学生的口头表达。活动五:做一本自己的“护照”教师活动学生活动教学器材指导要点二度设计1、出示自制的护照1、动手制作一本自己的“护照”自制的护照1、多写一些内容。2、多写一些自己和别人不一样的内容。3、这本“护照”可以不断地增加资料活动六;制作人体外形图教师活动学生活动教学器材指导要点二度设计1、 出示人体外形图2、提问:能否用人体图中一个人的腿和另一个人的手臂制作一张新的人体图?1、制作一张和人体大小一样的人体外形图。2、指出人体各主要部分的位置。3、说出人体主要部分的名称并讨论它们的用途。4、 发明或演示各种简单的动作。5、 讨论思考人体外形图。1、绘制人体图时尽量准确。2、能准确说出主要部分的位置和名称。3、尽可能让学生体会自己设计的简单动作。第3、4课时一、教学目标1、了解人体的5种感觉器官及其功能。(1) 用眼睛能分辨物体的颜色、形状、大小等;(2) 用耳朵能分辨发声物体及位置等;(3) 用鼻能分辨物体的气味;(4) 用舌头能分辨物体的味道;(5) 用手摸能分辨物体的软硬、冷热等。2、训练学生使用各种感官认识事物。3、初步形成保护感官的意识。二、教学要点人体的5种感官以及其功能三、教学准备积木块、醋、白酒、酱油、麻油、碰铃、三角铁、锣鼓、双响筒、生梨片、山楂、巧克力、豆腐干、海绵、乒乓球、玻璃球、钥匙等。四、活动设计1、人的五官及其功能活动目标: 知道人有眼、耳、口、鼻、舌五种感觉器官,知道它们具有看、听、闻、尝的功能。器材准备:积木块、醋、白酒、酱油、麻油、碰铃、三角铁、锣鼓、双响筒、生梨片、山楂、巧克力、豆腐干、海绵、乒乓球、玻璃球、钥匙2、 活动目标:能够合理运用自己的五种感觉器官。 器材准备:各种水果五、活动过程:1、人的五官及其功能教师活动学生活动教学器材指导要点二度设计1、出示积木块 问:老师的讲台放着什么?它们有什么不同?2、你们是用什么方法知道?3、出示图片:眼4、师小结:眼能帮我们分辨物体的颜色、形状、大小、长短等。观察讲台上的积木块学生交流。交流积木块、眼的图片学生对于眼的功能比较清楚,教师不必花太多的时间1、师敲锣鼓问:这是什么声音?用什么方法知道?2、出示图片:耳3、组织学生游戏:猜猜是什么乐器的声音且发声的方向在哪?3、师小结:各种乐器发出不同的声音。耳能帮我们分辨各种物体的声音及发声物体的方向等。学生游戏:一生站中间且蒙着眼睛,周围学生敲击乐器。锣鼓、耳图片做游戏时注意学生的占位,保证游戏的成功率1、出示物体:醋、白酒、麻油、酱油师:猜猜杯中的物体是什么?2、师:你是用什么方法知道的?3、出示图片:鼻4、师小结:鼻能帮助我们分辨各种物体的气味,在用鼻分辨气味时,要注意安全,在不知是什么物体时,不能凑近闻,应用手扇着闻气味。学生活动醋、白酒、麻油、酱油、鼻图片教师要讲清楚鼻子的重要性,以及容易受伤1、出示糖水、盐水。师:老师讲台上有一杯糖水、一杯盐水,谁有办法能分辨它们?2、出示图片:舌头3、师小结:用舌头能尝出食物的味道,各种食物的味道各不相同,在不知是什么食物时,不能轻易去尝,要注意安全。学生交流且品尝。学生品尝各种食物: 糖水、盐水、舌图片、豆腐干、山楂、巧克力、生梨片教师可以适当补充一些知识:如舌头的哪些部位可以品尝出什么味道增加学生的课外知识1、出示各种物体:乒乓球、玻璃球、海绵、积木块、钥匙等。师:老师将这些物体放入袋中,请你们把它拿出来。2、师:你们是怎样找出该物体的?3、出示图片:手4、师小结:用手能分辨物体的软硬、形状、大小等,能感觉物体的光滑和粗糙、轻重等。学生游戏:师说物名,学生从袋中找该物。回答乒乓球、玻璃球、海绵、积木块、钥匙、手图片注意在作实验前讲清楚实验的要求2、能合理运用自己的感官教师活动学生活动教学器材指导要点二度设计1、 师:用这节课学到的知识,向别人介绍你手中的水果2、师总结: 通过这节课的学习,我们知道了用眼、耳、鼻、舌头、手能帮助我们认识事物;眼、耳、鼻、舌头、手是我们的感觉器官,对人体来说很重要,我们要保护它们。学生拿出各自带来的水果学生小组交流。个别学生上来介绍。各种水果教师给学生充分的时间品尝、交流


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