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2019-2020年四年级英语第一册期中测试一、听录音选择听到的单词(10)( )1.A.classB.cleanC.clothesD.cloud( )2.A.waterB.warmC.washD.walk( )3.A.hillB.willC.stillD.pill( )4.A.invent B.insteadC.interestD.ink( )5.A. fallB.fellC.tallD.tell二、听录音,选择听到的句子(10)( )1.A.They went to the Buckingham Palace. B.They went to the Great Wall. C.They went to the Summer Palace.( )2.A.He didnt walk to school. B.He didnt go to the park . C.He didnt go home.( )3.A.She usually gets up at half past six. B. She usually walks to school at eight oclock. C.She usually learns English and Maths.( )4.A.We saw lots of people. B. We saw lots of animals. C. We saw lots of mountains.( )5.A.I washed my clothes yesterday. B. I watched TV last Sunday. C. I helped my dad yesterday.三、听问句,先择答句(10)( )1.A.I am reading my book. B.I go there by bus . C.I was ill yesterday.( )2.A.No,he doesnt. B.Yes,I was. C.Yes,I did.( )3.A.Chinese people invented phone. B. Chinese people invented paper. C. Chinese people invented bicycle.( )4.A.We ate noodles. B.We bought noodles. C.We cooked noodles.( )5.A.She went to work by car. B.She bought a new car. C.She painted a car.四、听音补全短文(10) Yesterday, Mr Smart noodles. Tom him.Ms Smart grandma.Sam TV. Amy a picture.第二部分 笔试(60)五、写出下列动词的过去式(20) 1.learn 2.clean 3.invent 4.print 5.help 6.run 7.fall 8.make 9.see 10.ride 六、单项选择(20) 1.Where dose Amy live?She in London. A.live B.lives C.is living2.This man this bicycle in 1839. A.invents B.invent C.invented3.On Sundays,I usually football in the park . A.play B.played C.playing4.We the room yesterday. A.cleaned B.clean C.are cleaning5.They are up the mountain now. A.climb B.climbs C.climbing6.My birthday is National Day. A.in B.of C.on7.She painted some pictures his magic paintbrush. A.of B.with C.for8.Is it cold in winter Beijing? A.at B.in C.of9.The old man climbed the top. A.to B.in C.for10.Look at the man the bicycle. A.in B.on C.at七、阅读短文,回答问题(20)There are two girls.One is XiaoHong.She is from China.The other is Kelly.She is from America.They are good friends.Yesterday, they went to the Great Wall.They didnt go to school.Because yesterday was National Day.They were very happy.1.What are the two girls names?2.Where are they from?3.Where did they go?4.Why didnt they go to school yesterday?5.Were they very happy?附送:四年级英语第一册期中试题 听力力部分( )1 A wentB wantC washD warm( )1 A wentB wantC washD warm( )2 A hadB haveC hasD how( )3 A fallB fellC tallD tell( )4 A climbB cleanC clothesD clown( )5 A hurtB iceC tripD trousers一、 听两遍录音,根据问句,选择适当的答语(共10分,每题2分)( )1 A We had a good time.B We went to the Great Wall.C we wor warm clothes.( )2 A He saw lots of aimals.B He ate lots of apples.C H e bought lots of books.( )3 A English people invented bicycle.B Chinesepeople invented bicycleC American people invented bicycle.( )4 A Im washing my trousers. B I washed my trousers.C Im going to wash my trousers.( )5 A She is reading a book.Bshe is an English girl.C She lives in London.笔试部分二、 写出下列单词过式(共15分,每题2分)eat seehave buy wearfall learn hurt go is/am are skate phone print clean三、 单项项选择(共30分,每题3分)( )1 This is my friend Lucy. She in London.AliveBlivingClives( )2 Here is a photo of on my birthday.A IB myC me( )3 please till me ChinaA inB ofC about( )4 Where she live? She in London.A does, livesB does,liveC do, lives( )5 I will be nine April. I will have a part Sunday.A on, inB in, onC at, in( )6 Yesterday, I noodles.A cook B cooksC cooked( )7 He usually football.A playedB playC plays( )8 We lots of animals yesterday.A seeB seedC saw( )9 She to the Great wall last week.A goB wentC goed( )10 Yesterday, I fell over. But I didnt A hurtedB hurtC hurts四、 改写句子(共10分,每题2分)1 I like traditional Chinese food ( he)2 We live in Shanghai.(Amy, London)3 I am at home.(she, yesterday)4 He is eating biscuits.(I, yesterday)5 You are a good boy.(she, girl)五、 选词填空(共15分,每题3分)1 Yesterday, I skated. I over. And I (fell,hurted/ fell,hurt)2 We are Chinese. We live in . We speak (China, Chinese)3 Yesterday, Daming his room. (cleans/ cleaned)4 Yesterday, he lots of mountains.(sees/ saw)5 Yesterday, We lots of apples.(buy/ bought) 六、 阅读短文,回答问题(共10分,每题2分)Yesterday, Sam went to the zoo with his parents. He saw lots of animals-lions, pandas, monkeys and elephants in the zoo. He ate a hamburger and an apple in the afternoon in the zoo. He had a good time. Peter didnt go out yesterday. He stayed at home with his brother. They watched TV. 1 Where did Sam go yesterday?2 What did Sam see in the zoo?3 What did Sam eat in the zoo?4 Where did Peter go yesterday?5 What did Peter do at home?


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