江苏省苏州市昆山市七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Pets易错题1(新版)牛津版.doc

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江苏省苏州市昆山市七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Pets易错题1(新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
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江苏省苏州市昆山市七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Pets易错题1(新版)牛津版.doc_第2页
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7下 U8错题一、填空1.The girl is very_(文静的).She never speak loudly.2.The parrots like_(say again)their owners words.二、选择词,并用正确形式填空Happy angry good1.When I feel _.Millie often tells me funny story to make me laugh.2.Mrs Smith looked _ at her son.3.His mother felt much _ after she came back home from hospital.三、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. They _(show)their own pets to each other this weekend ,arent they?2. The man_(hunt)animals for his living.3. The boy tried _(hide)himself but I found him at last.4. The workers_the teaching building in two months last year.(build)5.There _(not be) a bridge over the river 3 years ago.6.Nothing _(worry) me.I am very happy.7.She_in her middle school when she grows up.(teach)四、单项选择( ) 1.There are many kinds of _ in the river, you can go _ there. A. fish ; fishing B. fishes ; fish C. fishes ; fishing D. fish ; to fish( ) 2.The boy is_ fat, dont give him _ food. A. too much ; much too B. too much ; too much C. much too ; too much D. much too ; much too( )3. _in the world is important if you set your mind to do it. A.Nothing B.Anything C.Everything D.Something( )4.What would you like to _to your parents at your birthday party? A.say B.speak C.tell D.talk( )5.He told me that he would tell us _.A.something surprised B.surprised somethingC.something surprising D.surprising something( )6.I looked for my pen _,but I cant find it _.A.everywhere, anywhere B.anywhere, everywhereC.somewhere, everywhere D.anywhere, somewhere( )7.Its hard to keep the house _with three kids.A.cleaning B.to clean C.cleaned D.clean( )8.You _clean the cage for your parrot.A.neednt to B.dont need C.dont have to D.A & C( )9._is the road?A. How many B.How long C.How wide D.How much( )10.You _more careful next time. A.could be B can be C.may be D. should be( )11._this term,Im sure Ill get better grades ,because I study very hard.A. In the end B. At the end C.In the end of D. At the end of ( )12.I have poor eyesight .I have some trouble _books without glasses.A. read B.reading C.to read D.to reading( )13. _in the world is important if you set your mind to do it. A.Nothing B.Anything C.Everything D.Something( )14.What would you like to _to your parents at your birthday party? A.say B.speak C.tell D.talk( )15._ lovely goldfish! And I want to _ them as my pets. A.What a ,keep B.What, keep C.How a, keep D.What, raise( )16.-Whats your problem? -I have trouble_ these words in English. A.saying B.talking C.telling D,speaking( )17.My mother always_ a lot_ my life at school when I was at college. A.worries, about B.worries, with C.worried, with D.worried, about( )18.-What did you buy for your daughter at the supermarket? -I bought _, because I couldnt find_ she likes. A.something, anything B.anything, something C.nothing, anything D.something, nothing( )19._the raincoat here_your mother.Let her take it with her.Its raining. A.To take ,to B.To bring, to C.Take, to D.Bring, to( )20.You can watch the goldfish_around, but you cant hold them _your hand. A.swim, with B.swim, in C.swimming, with D.swimming, in五、1. People use wood to make houses a long time ago (写出同义句)People _ houses _ _ wood a long time ago.2. I could see nothing without the glasses. (写出同义句)I _ see _ without the glasses.3.My cat is ill.(对划线部分提问) Whats_ _ your cat?4.I didnt see anybody in the house.(改为同义句) I_ _ in the house.5.He weighed 30 kilograms at birth.(提问)_ _ _he weigh?


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