七年级英语下册 Module 1 Lost and found(词汇篇)试题 (新版)外研版.doc

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七年级英语下册 Module 1 Lost and found(词汇篇)试题 (新版)外研版.doc_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Module 1 Lost and found(词汇篇)试题 (新版)外研版.doc_第3页
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Module 1 词汇篇_了解失物招领的英文表达方式,并且能够灵活运用。1. 辨析 every day 和 everyday every day 是副词词组,在句子中间做状语,表示“每天,天天”。 e.g.: We speak English every day. everyday是形容词,在句子中只做定语,表示“日常的,每天的”。 e.g.: Lets learn some everyday English.2. People often lose things when theyre traveling or when theyre in a hurry. 人们在旅行中或匆忙时常丢东西。 in a hurry的意思是“匆匆忙忙地”,是一个介词短语,hurry动词短语用“hurry up”来表示“赶快,赶紧”,还有“(theres) no hurry”,意思是“不忙,不必着急,有充裕时间”。 例:We must hurry up if we want to be there on time. 如果想准时到那里的话,我们就必须动作快点。 There is no hurry, so do it slowly and carefully. 不必赶时间,要慢慢地,认真地完成任务。3.a lot of 许多 (后跟可数名词复数或不可数名词)a lot of =lots ofmany 后跟可数名词复数much 后跟不可数名词4. find 过去式是 found look for 强调寻找的过程 I am looking for your gloves.我正在找你的手套。 find 强调寻找的结果 I find your gloves.我找到你的手套。5. hundred 是一个确数,表示“一百” hundreds of 是一个概数,表示“好几百,许许多多”当 hundred 前面有一个具体的数词时,hundred 不变为复数。 例:two hundred cows 两百头奶牛当 hundred 与 of 连用时,它后边的名词和它本身都用复数。 例: hundreds of cows 几百头奶牛6. leave的用法1)表示“离开”例:Nancy wants to be a doctor when she leaves school. 南希毕业后想当一名医生。2) 表示“把(某人或某物)留在(某处)”例:I often leave the kids with Susan. 我经常把孩子们留给苏珊(照顾)。3) 表示“留到,停留”例:Leave it another week, then tell hell have to decide. 把此事再放一周,到时告诉他必须做出决定。1. There are _ books in our school library. A. ten hundredsB. ten-hundredsC. ten hundredD. ten hundreds of2. Lucy! Dont _ your key in the classroom. A. forgetB. leaveC. leavesD. forgets3. A man is talking to a woman at the lost and found office. Hes _ his camera.A. look forB. looking forC. findD. finding4. Please_if you dont want to be late for school.A. in a hurryB. in hurryC. hurry upD. no hurry5. His father is a boss, he has _money.A.manyB.lotC.a lot ofD. lot of解析:1. C 当 hundred 前面有一个具体的数词时,hundred 不变为复数。2. B 表示“把(某人或某物)留在(某处)”3. B look for 强调寻找的过程4. C hurry动词短语用“hurry up”来表示“赶快,赶紧”5. C a lot of 许多 (后跟可数名词复数或不可数名词)基础演练用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. My pen is _ (lose). I am looking for it.2. My sweater is green. _ (she) is yellow.3. I have _ (hundred) of storybooks in my study.4. Whose _ (pig) are those? Theyre Lilys.5. This wallet isnt mine. Its _ ( Mary ).6. There is no hurry, so do it (careful).7. Look! A man (get) on the bus. 答案1. lost 2. Hers 3. hundreds 4. pigs 5. Marys 6. carefully 7. getting完成句子1. 从现在起你就是一名学生了。You are a student _ _ _. 2. 请小心水,它很烫。Please _ _ _ the water. Its too hot.3. 王老师正匆忙地去上班。Mr Wang is going to work _ _ _.4. 托尼正在找他的蜡笔。Tony is _ _ his crayons.5. 首先,我有一个好消息要告诉你们。_ _ _, I have good news to tell all of you.答案1. from now on 2. be careful with 3. in a hurry 4. looking for 5. First of all巩固提高根据句意从方框中选择恰当的词填空,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次。1. Mr Greens son is ill, he takes him to the hospital _.2. The farmer keeps _ pigs on his farm.3. The mans wallet is lost, he _ it.4. Mike has a nice _, he often uses it to call his pen friend.5. Mr Smith is waiting for his friends _.答案1. in a hurry 2. hundreds of 3. is looking for4.mobile phone 5.at the airport.单项选择1. This is _ key and that is _ eraser.A. a; aB. a; anC. an; aD. an; an2. _ is this pen? Its mine.A. WhatB. WhoseC. WhereD. How 3. Every year, _ people go to visit the factory.A. a thousand ofB thousandsC. thousand ofD. thousands of4. Here is a schoolbag. Whose is it? Oh, its _. Thank you.A. myB. mineC. meD. I 5. Is this _ ruler? No. _ is over there.A. her; HerB. her; HersC. hers; HersD. hers; Her6. Please be _ with your key. Dont lose it again.A. careB. carefulC. carelessD. caring7. Can you see my wallet? I cant _ it now.A. findB.foundC. look for D. look at8. Is this yellow schoolbag Toms?No, it isnt. _ is black.A. MineB. HisC. HersD. Yours9. Is this _ watch? Call Jim _ 458-6458.A. your; atB. you; atC. your; inD. you; in10. My brother often hurries _ breakfast in the morning.A. haveB. hasC. to haveD. having答案1. B 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. C. 完形填空 Li Lei is a student in Beijing Junior High School. Now he cant find his 1 , Li Li. Please help him 2 her. Li Li is five years old. She 3 speak Chinese. 4 she can also speak some English. Li Li is short (矮的). She is 1.1 meres 5 . She 6 short black hair, big 7 eyes, a small nose and wide mouth. She is 8 a blue dress and 9 orange cap. If you meet her, please call Li Lei. 10 telephone number is 965-3187.1. A. SisterB. teacherC. mumD. brother 2. A. FindB. foundC. findingD. to found3. A. doesntB. cantC. canD. mustnt4. A. OrB. AndC. butD. So 5. A. shortB. longC. bigD. tall6. A. isB. have gotC. areD. has7. A. blackB. whiteC.purpleD. blue8. A. withB. atC.inD. for9. A. aB. anC. theD. / 10. A. HisB. HeC. HimD. Her答案1. A 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. A_北工大附中初二上第一次月考1. My grandpa often told _ interesting stories. A. I B. meC. myD. mine2. The meeting will begin _ 4:30 this afternoon. Dont forget it.A. onB. inC. at D. for 3. - Can you e and play with us this evening? - Id love to, _I have a lot of homework to do.A. andB. soC. orD. but 4. Spring is ing and there _ flowers everywhere.A. isB. are C. wasD. were 5. - _ are all these together? - 425 yuan. A. How muchB. How manyC. How longD. How often 答案:1. B 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. A .单项选择1There is _ basketball here. Do you like playing _ baseball?Aa; aBa; /Cthe; theDa; the2. Is that _ camera in the lost and found box?AheBhimChisDhes3. Mr Wang _ a bus now. His phone _.Ais get, is loseBis getting, is lost Cis getting, is losingDis getting, is lose4. People often _ things when theyre busy.A. loseB. lostC. losesD. losing5. _ kilos of sausages do you find? A. How muchB. How manyC. HowD. Hows6. _ bikes are blue.ATom and JimBTom and Jims CToms and JimsDToms and Jim 7. Donttalkhere.Grandparents_. A.sleepB.issleepingC.aresleepingD. sleeps8.The boy often _ the key to the bike in his bedroom when he goes to school.A. leaveB. leavesC. forgetsD. forget 9. Lucy, you speak Chinese very well. Oh, really? _.AThank youBIm sorryCThats OKDYoure wele10. _ do you do? I am a doctor.A. HowB. WhyC. WhereD. What11.Its nine oclock now. _thestudents_amusicclass?A.Do, haveB.Are, haveC.Are,havingD. Do, having12. They run to the bus _.A. in hurriesB. in a hurryC. in hurryD. in hurry13. _. Are these your orange gloves? No. I dont know _ it is.A. Excuse me; whoB. Excuse me; whoseC. Sorry; whoD. Sorry; whose14. Istheman_teaor_ ice cream? A.drinks, eats B.drink, eatC.drinking, eatingD. to drink, to eat15. Do you have_ to tell me?A. anything newB. something newC. something newD. new something. 完形填空Michael worked in a big pany. He was very_1_ all day because he had lots of things to do.One morning, Michael didnt feel_2_ .So he went to see his doctor. The doctor asked him a lot, and looked him over _3_.Then he left the room, and _4_with three different bottles of pills(药丸).Looking at Michael , he says,_ the green pill with a glass of water when you wake up. Take the blue pill _ a big glass of water after you eat lunch. Then just _ going to bed, take the red pill with _ big glass of water.Michael was very _ , he took so much medicine and asked the doctor, Well, doctor, _ on earth is wrong with me?The doctor answered, Michael , youre not drinking enough water.1.A. happy B. sadC. busyD.free 2.A. well B. goodC. niceD. easy3.A. helpfullyB. successfully C. carefullyD. beautifully4.A. took backB. waited forC. looked backD. came back5.A. Eat B. TakeC. Get D. Drink6.A. fromB. in C. withD. on7.A. after B. before C. if D. though8.A. some B. the otherC. otherD.another 9.A. surprisedB. exciting C. surprisingD.excited10.A.howB. what C. whenD.where. 阅读理解 A Hello!On the morning of July 2nd, I was careless and left my backpack in the reading-room of our school. There were three English books, a pencil-case, my keys and my school card in it. I lost my school card. So I couldnt enter or go out of our school without the card. If I cant find the keys to the bike, I cant go home. If you find it, please send it to the library assistant or to me. I need it this afternoon. Many thanks to you! I am in Class 9, Grade 3 on the fourth floor of our school. My telephone number is 732- 5665. Julia根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。1. When did Julia lose a backpack? _.A. In the morningB. On SundayC. On June 2ndD. On the morning of July 2nd2. Where did she leave her backpack? _.A. In the reading-roomB. In the classroomC. On the playgroundD. In the hall3. Julia doesnt go to school if she doesnt have _.A. English booksB. her school cardC. a pencil-caseD. keys4. Whats in it? _. A. Three English books.B. Her school cardC. A pencil-caseD. All of the above5. Julia is _ student.A. the first gradeB. the second grade C. the third gradeD. the fourth grade B Sandra ran in and saw Daddy changing his clothes. She stopped to ask, “Where are you going, Daddy?”“To a party, dear,” said Mr. Hill. “My friends are waiting for me in a restaurant.”The little girl asked him to take her there, but he refused. She cried sadly and he had to give in. Her mother dressed her well and they went happily.Mr. Hill works in a hospital and has saved many people, so he has a lot of friends. Hes always very popular at parties and everybody likes to listen to him. And his funny speech made all the audience(听众) happy. He told a large number of funny stories in the speech and, of course, it was a great success. As soon as he finished, Sandra told him she wanted to go home. Mr. Hill was a little surprised by this but he had to do as his daughter asked.On the way home, Mr. Hill was excited, but he noticed Sandra said nothing. He asked Sandra if she enjoyed the speech. To his surprise, she said she didnt. Mr. Hill asked her why. She told him that she did not like to see so many people laughing at him!Answer the following questions according to the passage.1. What was Sandras father doing when she saw him?_2. Where was Mr. Hill going?_3. Did Mr. Hill agree to take Sandra with him at first?_4. How was Mr. Hills speech?_5. Why didnt Sandra enjoy her fathers speech? _. 选择与句中画线部分意思相同或相近的选项 1. Do you like going to the store to buy things? A. going shoppingB. going to things C. going and buyingD. going store 2. English is my favorite subject. A. I like English a little.B. I like English. C. I like English better.D. I like English best. 3. How is the weather today? A. Whats the weather todayB. Whats the weather like today C. Hows weatherD. What do you like the weather today 4. Li Ming has supper with his family. A. eatsB. takes C. wantsD. would like 5. I study very hard at school. A. makeB. get C. workD. have . 句型转换1. There are some rackets in the box. (改为否定句) There_ _ rackets in the box. 2. They have many books. (改为单数形式) He _ _. 3. There is a picture book in Bens bag.(改为同义句) Ben _ a picture book in _ bag.4. These wallets are Marys. (对画线部分提问) _ _ are these? 5. There are some oranges and eggs on the table. (改为单数形式) _ _ _ orange and _ egg on the table. 6. We are looking for our cameras, too. We are _ _ for our cameras. . 完成句子 1. 雨后,学生常常把雨伞落在学校里。 Students often _ theirs umbrellas _ school after rain. 2. 在失物招领办公室常有两千部手机。 There are _ _ mobile phones in the _ _ office. 3. 那就是为什么吉姆迟到。 _ _ Jim is late.4. 那些是你们的东西吗?对,是我们的。 _ _ things yours? Yes, _ are _.9. 你学数学很细心。 You are _ _ math.参考答案:. 1. B 2.C 3. B 4. C 5.B 6.C 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. D 11. C 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. A . 1.C 2. A 3.C 4. D 5. B 6.C 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. B. (A) 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C (B) 1. He was changing his clothes 2. To a party. 3. No. 4. It was a great success. 5. She did not like to see so many people laughing at her father. 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C. 1. arent any 2. has a book 3. has, his 4. Whose wallets 5. There is an; an 6. also looking. 1. leave, in 2. two thousand; lost and found 3. Thats why 4. Are those; they, ours 5. careful with


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