Unit3Is this your pencil SectionB(1a-1e) 公开课ppt课件

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Unit3Is this your pencil SectionB(1a-1e) 公开课ppt课件_第1页
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Unit3Is this your pencil SectionB(1a-1e) 公开课ppt课件_第3页
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Unit3Isthisyourpencil Period3SectionB 1a 1e 1 Let splayaguessinggame 猜一猜 Isthis thata n Arethese those 2 anIDcard carparty anIDcard ar a carparty 3 computer com ter k m pju t pu computergame a namesameeraser e namesameeraser 4 baseball allcallsmall al notebook o lookfootgood lookfootgood oo allcallsmall a e 5 morningevening mapblackthank bag a watch a whatwant mapblackthank whatwant morningevening ring ing 6 watchbaseballringbag computergamenotebookIDcard 7 1 baseball 4 IDcard 7 ring 2 watch 5 key 8 pen putergame 6 notebook 9 bag a c f g d b h e i 8 A What sthis that B It sa n A Howdoyouspellit B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 8 9 Wherearetheyinthepicture Linda 10 1c 11 awatch anIDcard apen abaseball ListenagainandwritethethingsthatbelongtoLindaorMike 写出属于琳达或迈克的物品 1d 12 失物招领处 1e Makeconversationsaboutthethingsin1d 根据1d编对话 apen abaseball Mike awatch anIDcard Linda Lostthings 失物 Name 1 Excuseme Ilost thismorning Isthisyour Yes itis It smine Hereyouare Thankyou 2 Excuseme That smypen This Yes andthat smy Allright What syourname OK Here syour Thankyou 13 1 Thisisher 2 Isthisyour Yes itis3 Thatisan 4 Isthather No itisn t Itishis 5 Thisismymother s IIchoosethebestanswer 2 Isthisyour Yes itis3 Thatisan 4 Isthather No itisn t Itishis 5 Thisismymother s IIchoosethebestanswer watch computer IDcard 14 4 Isthather No itisn t Itishis 5 Thisismymother s notebook ring 15 1 How youspellit P E NA areBamCisDdo2What sthatinEnglish adictionary A It sB That sC ThisisD He s3 R I N G A What sthisinEnglish B Whatcolorisit C Spellit pleaseD Howdoyouspellit 16 Homework 1 Finishtheexercisesintheworkbookaboutthisclass 完成练习册上相关作业 2 ReadthePronunciationExerciseonPage81 语音训练 朗读Unit3的语音练习3 Roleplaytheconversationsin1donPage70 分角色表演对话1d 17 Thanksforlistening 18


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