2019高考英语一轮选习练题 模块6 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you(含解析)牛津译林版.doc

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模块6U1一、阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Many years ago,when we were a young couple with two small children,aged 2 and 4,we were practically impecunious.My inlaws lived from hand to mouth,so we didnt expect any help from them.My parents lived a great distance away,and I was too ashamed to let them know about our situation.My husband was trying to earn a living with an old pickup truck,carrying groceries for local shopkeepers,but it was constantly breaking down.It took almost all the money we had to have it fixed.The truck was also the only means of transportation for us.We lived in the countryside,and we always used the back door because the driveway led to it.One winter evening,I stepped outside to take a bag of trash to the barrel and almost tripped over something.It was nearly dark,and I had to bend down to see what it was.I could hardly believe my eyes.There sat a large basket loaded with food.It was heavy,so I called my husband to carry it into the house.Once inside,we discovered two loaves of bread,some butter,several cans of vegetables,a can of orange sauce,and a large turkey.There was so much that I couldnt remember it all,but it was everything we needed to fix a wonderful dinnereverything except potatoes.A little while later I remembered that I hadnt taken the trash to the barrel.By now it was dark,so I had to turn on the yard lightand thats when I spotted a small bag of potatoes sitting on the porch.That dinner was the best I could remember.We werent able to thank our donators,though,because we never found out who had been so generous in helping a struggling young family.Whoever it was,we are forever grateful.1Which of the following can replace the underlined word “impecunious”in Paragraph 1?AGenerous. BHarmonious.CPenniless. DStubborn.2How did the authors husband support the family?ABy starting a garage.BBy selling food door to door.CBy delivering goods.DBy working as a shop assistant.3How did the author feel when she saw the basket?AShe was annoyed.BShe was astonished.CShe was terrified.DShe felt a sense of relief.4What may be the best title for the text?AA helping hand in timeBA struggling young coupleCA tale of potatoesDA reward from a stranger【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。“我”和丈夫有两个孩子,很多年前,我们生活贫困,但羞于将处境告诉父母。丈夫用一辆旧卡车送货谋生。一天晚上,“我”在家门口发现一篮子丰盛的食物,那一餐令“我”终生难忘。“我”将永远感谢那位送食物给“我”家的人。【难句分析】There was so much that I couldnt remember it all,but it was everything we needed to fix a wonderful dinnereverything except potatoes.分析:该句由but连接的两个分句构成,其中第一个分句用了so.that.结构,表示“如此以至于”;第二个分句中we needed to fix a wonderful dinner为省略了关系词that的定语从句,修饰先行词everything。译文:有如此多的东西以至于我都记不全了,但除了土豆,我们准备一顿丰盛的晚餐所需要的东西都有了。1C考查词义猜测。根据第一段最后一句“My parents lived a great distance away,and I was too ashamed to let them know about our situation”可知,“我”的父母住在很远的地方,“我”羞于让他们知道我们的处境;结合该段中的“when we were a young couple with two small children,aged 2 and 4,we were practically impecunious”可知,我们是有着两个孩子的年轻夫妻,据此可以推知,我们的日子过得相当贫穷,才会羞于让远方的父母知道我们的情况。据此可以判断,画线词意为“贫穷的”,故C项正确。A项意为“慷慨的,大方的”,B项意为“和谐的,和睦的”,D项意为“固执的”,都与语境不符。2C考查细节理解。根据第二段第一句的“My husband was trying to earn a living with an old pickup truck,carrying groceries for local shopkeepers”可知,“我”的丈夫用一辆旧卡车为当地的店主送货谋生,故C项正确。3B考查细节理解。根据第三段最后两句“I could hardly believe my eyes.There sat a large basket loaded with food”可知,看到一篮子的食物,“我”几乎不能相信自己的眼睛;据此可以判断,作者很惊讶,故B项正确。A项意为“她感到恼怒”,C项意为,“她感到害怕”,D项意为“她感到欣慰”,都与第三段最后两句的语境不符。4A考查标题判断。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了“我”和丈夫有两个孩子,生活贫困,但羞于将处境告诉父母。丈夫用一辆旧卡车送货谋生。一天晚上,“我”在家门口发现一篮子丰盛的食物,那一餐令“我”终生难忘。“我”将永远感谢那位送食物给“我”家的人。据此可以判断,A项最能概括文意,体现文章主旨,故A项正确。二、单项填空1.As we know, nothing can be equal to the _ of parents for their children in the world.A. privilege B. affection C. substitute D. adjustment【答案】B【解析】privilege 特权;affection 喜爱;热爱;substitute 代替者;adjustment 调整。句意:众所周知,世界上没有东西可以和父母对孩子的爱进行媲美。2.If you e to visit China, you will experience a culture of amazing depth and _ variety.A. bination B. mixture C. connection D. variety【答案】D【解析】mixture 混合,混合物;connection 连接;bination 结合;variety 多样,种类。句意:如果你来中国旅游,你将会体验到一种博大精深的文化(体验中国文化的深度和多样性)。3.The famous musician, as well as his students, was invited to _ at the opening ceremony of the 2012 TaipeiFlower Expo.A. accelerate B. improve C. perform D. develop【答案】C【解析】accelerate 加速,加快;improve 改善,提高;perform 表现,表演;develop 发展。句意:那位著名的音乐家以及他的学生应邀在 2012 年台北花卉博览会开幕式上进行了演出。4.A special feature of education at MIT is the opportunity for students and professors to _ together inresearch activities.A. specialize B. participate C. consist D. involve【答案】B【解析】句意:麻省理工学院教育的一个特点就是给学生和教授共同参与研究工作的机会。specialize 与 in搭配表示专攻与某一门学科 to specialize in history 表示专攻历史;participate 与 in 搭配表示参与,参加.participate in=take part in;consist 与 in 搭配表示在于,存在于的意思。involve 与 in 的搭配有两种形式:involve sb./sth. in 表示使卷入。5.A good government will _ its citizens freedom of speech instead of attempting to control their opinionsand thoughts.A. guarantee B. instruct C. indicate D. convey【答案】A【解析】句意:一个好的政府会保证公民言论自由,而不会试图控制他们的意见和思想。guarantee 担保,保证;instruct 通知,指示,命令,教授;indicate 表明,暗示;convey 传递,传达。6.I want you to _ them that theyve got three months to get the details sorted out.A.promise B.instruct C.expect D.forecast【答案】A【解析】句意: “明天我们可以象计划的那样去露营吗?” “恐怕不能,乌云预示着要有一场大雨。 ”promise答应,许诺,预示(主语是物);instruct 指导,指示;expect 期待,预料;forecast 预测(主语是人)。句意:我想让你告知他们,他们有三个月时间来理清细节。7.My English teachers humor made every student _.A. burst into laughing B. burst out laughter C. burst into laughter D. burst in laughing【答案】C【解析】句意:英语老师的幽默使得所有的同学突然大笑起来。burst into laughter 意为“突然大笑起来” ,其他选项搭配不对。8.When asked how he _ the excellent idea, he said one of his childhood experiences was the originalinspiration to begin his story.A. put up with B. kept up with C. came up with D. went through with【答案】C【解析】put up with 忍受,忍耐;keep up with 与并驾齐驱,跟上;e up with“提出,想出(计划/答案等);go through with 将进行到底。句意:当被问到他是怎样想到那个好主意时,他说灵感来自于他童年的一次经历。9.Eventually, I felt well enough to _ a job as a teaching assistant.A. take off B. take on C. take back D. take in【答案】B【解析】take on a job 意为“(受雇)承担一项工作” 。句意:最后,我觉得病情已经恢复到可以担任(take on)一个助教的工作了。10.Why did Miss Li resign from the present position so abruptly?As far as I know, she _ for higher wages, but was turned down in the end.A. broke off B. gave away C. went on D. held out【答案】D【解析】break off(使)分离,(使)脱离,停止,断交;give away 赠送,泄露;go on 继续,发生;hold out for坚持得到,坚持要求。句意: “李小姐为什么如此突然辞去现在的职位?” “据我所知,她坚持要求增加薪水,但最后被拒绝了。 ”11.The actors absurd behavior put an end to the last traces of _ his fans had for him.A. appreciation B. motivation C. affection D. expectation【答案】C【解析】appreciation 欣赏,鉴别,增值,感谢;motivation 动机,积极性,推动;affection 喜爱,感情,影响,感染;expectation 期待,预期,指望。句意:那个演员荒谬的行为结束了他的粉丝们对他的喜爱。have affection for/towards 喜爱;钟爱。12.The Internet and _ on campus services,from food delivery to laundry,are fuelling a student culture ofstaying in dormitories. A student can have every need met without leaving the dormitory.A. various B. Expensive C. plex D. interesting【答案】A【解析】various 各种各样的,符合句意。expensive 昂贵的;plex 复杂的;interesting 有趣的。句意:网络及各种校园快捷服务的流行,从订餐服务到洗衣服务,促进了校园“宅文化”的传播。足不出户,学生便可以解决一切需求。13.Your _ as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn.A. performance B. growth C. operation D. character【答案】A【解析】performance 表演;growth 成长;operation 手术;character 性格。句意:如果你养成反思所学知识的好习惯,那么作为学生你会表现得很出色的。14.In order to encourage _ in class activities, teachers may call on students regardless of whether theyhave raised their hands.A. inspection B. suspension C. anticipation D. participation【答案】D【解祈】inspection 检验,检查,视察,检阅;suspension 悬浮,悬架,悬浮液,暂停;anticipation 期待,希望,预期,预测,预感;participation 参加,参与。句意:为了鼓励学生参与班级活动,老师可以号召学生,不管他们是否举手(想要参加)。15.Although looking good is no _ of doing the job well, personnel officers often hire the person they thinkmost physically attractive.A. guarantee B. principle C. reward D. guidance【答案】A【解析】句意:尽管良好的相貌并不是把工作做好的保证,但人事管理人员常常会聘用他们认为外貌非常吸引人的人。guarantee 保证;principle 原则;reward 奖励;guidance 指导。三、完形填空I spent last summer volunteering at a hospital.It was a gift to _1_ so many amazing people and Id like to share one of these moments.One day,I was called to a room where a(n) _2_ woman was staying.Usually I helped with _3_ who were ready to leave.Instead,she _4_ to go to the gift shop.I got a _5_,helped her into it,and headed down to the entrance.When we got there,it wasnt open yet.After a 30minute _6_,we entered the gift shop.As I pushed her around,I could see the _7_ in her face as she looked at everything,happy to be out of her room.She _8_ some window decorations,and then saw chocolates.She asked me to push her in that _9_,and then I helped her _10_ all the different chocolate arrangements. _11_ she decided on three different boxes.She told me to write the numbers 1,2,and 3 on the boxes.She _12_ that the nurses were taking such good care of her,so she _13_ chocolates for each of the three shifts of nurses.As we gave the current shift of nurses their box of chocolates,they _14_ offered some to me before taking some themselves.There were _15_ all around.Witnessing the old ladys _16_ and getting the opportunity to spend time with someone who got so much joy from life were a _17_ in itself.I have so many more stories,and each person made an impact on my life.Ive _18_ that health has a way of bringing people together._19_ is a blessing,and being in a place where health is so _20_ and appreciated is unlike anything else.1A.introduce BmeetCattract Ddescribe2A.elderly BstrangeCimportant Dfamous3A.nurses BkidsCpatients Dparents4A.pretended BwantedCfailed Dpromised5A.car Bshopping cartCwheelchair Dbike6A.ride BwalkCdrive Dwait7A.relief BanxietyCjoy Dpuzzle8A.chose BmadeCused Dreceived9A.manner BcaseCdirection Dpoint10A.prepare for Bmake upCfigure out Dlook through11A.Suddenly BEventuallyCFortunately DActually12A.explained BdeclaredCexpected Dimagined13A.exchanged BdesignedCtasted Dbought14A.in fact Bat a lossCin turn Dat ease15A.whispers BsmilesCshouts Dcheers16A.kindness BchoiceCdecision Dloneliness17A.lesson BchanceCgift Dfact18A.concluded BimaginedCpredicted Dlearned19A.Health BLuckCVirtue DPraise20A.tested BvaluedCmaintained Dpromoted【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者在医院做义工的经历,老人的善良和快乐让作者领悟到健康是福的道理。1B上文提到作者在医院做义工,下文又提到分享故事,由此可知,此处指“见到”许多了不起的人。故选B项。2A从下文16空前的“old ladys”可知,此处指“上了年纪的”。故选A项。3C从语境可知,此处指作者作为医院的义工,通常帮助那些准备离开的“病人”。故选C项。4B上文提到作者通常帮助那些准备离开的病人。结合Instead“反而”可知,此处老人并不是准备离开,而是想去礼品店。故选B项。5C从下文7空前的“As I pushed her around”可知,此处指“轮椅”。故选C项。6D前一句提到“当我们到达礼品店时,商店还没有开门”,可以推断此处指30分钟的“等待”。故选D项。7C从空后的“happy to be out of her room”可知,此处指“高兴”。故选C项。8A上文提到“she looked at everything”,接下来应是“选择”。故选A项。9C结合语境可知,此处指老人要求作者推着她朝巧克力的方向走去。故选C项。10D根据空后的“all the different chocolate arrangements”可以推出,此处指作者帮老人“浏览”了所有不同的巧克力的布置。故选D项。11B在作者帮老人浏览完后,“最终”老人做出了决定。故选B项。12A上文提到老人购买了三种不同盒子的巧克力并让作者在上面写上数字。接下来是老人向作者解释为何这样做。故选A项。13D老人解释说护士们如此精心地照顾她,所以她为轮班的护士“买”了巧克力。故选D项。14C当作者他们给当前值班护士巧克力时,值班护士转而给了作者一些。故选C项。15B从下文17空前的“who got so much joy from life”可知,此处指“微笑”。故选B项。16A结合上文老人的行为不难看出,老人是一个善良的人。故选A项。17C此处指作者的感慨:能和从生活中得到如此多快乐的人在一起本身就是一个“礼物”,和上文第一段的“It was a gift to.people”相呼应。故选C项。18D此处指作者从做义工的经历中“学习”到,健康常常把人们聚集在一起。故选D项。19A上文中作者提到健康,接下来说,“健康”是福,符合语境。故选A项。20B此处指待在健康被如此“重视”的地方和其他事情不同,空处与空后的“appreciated”并列。故选B项。四、短文改错。I came to the US as a exchange student a year before.There are four people in my host family.They are Mr.Garavalia,his wife and his child.The host family has a magic what has pulled me in and make me part of it.I remember when I first arrived at my house,it was far past their usual bedtime.But Mr.Garavalia still waited me in the living room and gave me a huge hug just as I walked in.I was felt so warm after 14 hours of tired flight.Every day they treat me as if I were their really family.I love them very much.【答案】I came to the US as exchange student a year .There are four people in my host family.They are Mr.Garavalia,his wife and his .The host family has a magic has pulled me in and me part of it.I remember when I first arrived at house,it was far past their usual bedtime.But Mr.Garavalia still waited me in the living room and gave me a huge hug just as I walked in.I felt so warm after 14 hours of flight.Every day they treat me as if I were their family.I love them very much.第一处:a改为an。考查冠词。exchange的发音以元音音素开头。故把a改为an。第二处:before改为ago。考查副词。时间副词before常常与完成时连用,ago常常与一般过去时连用,根据句中谓语动词为一般过去时可知,把before改为ago。第三处:child改为children。考查名词复数。根据上文中的“four people in my host family”可推断,这对夫妇应该有两个孩子,故把child改为children。第四处:what改为that/which。考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,此处是一个定语从句,先行词是magic,从句缺少主语。故把what改为that/which。第五处:make改为made。考查时态。分析句子结构可知,and一词后的动词make与其前has pulled作并列谓语,且在此并列结构中and后省略了与前面相同的助动词has,故把make改为made。第六处:my改为their。考查代词。此处指“我”第一次到达他们(这对夫妇)家的时候,故把my改为their。第七处:waited后加for。考查介词。wait for sb.意思是“等待某人”,为固定用法,故在waited后加for。第八处:删除felt前的was。考查动词。felt在此处为系动词feel的过去式,表示“感受到”,没有被动语态。故删除felt前的was。第九处:tired改为tiring。考查形容词。此处表示“14个小时的令人疲倦的飞行之后”。tiring“令人疲劳的”,tired“疲倦的,疲劳的”,故把tired改为tiring。第十处:really改为real。考查形容词。名词family前应用形容词来修饰,故把really改为real。


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