2a m4u2 in the forest 公开课ppt课件

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Intheforest 2AM4U2 1 Whatanimalisit 2 It sa an wildanimals野生动物 3 4 forest big green 森林 Forestisbig Forestisgreen Icanseeaforest Bigandgreen 5 Icanseea an intheforest 6 f ox box Fox fox Iamafox Iamsmall Iamclever 7 Iamafox Iamsmallandclever Iaminthe park forest zoo park tree tree 8 Meat meat Ilikemeat Yummy yummy it syummy meat 9 Wholikesmeat A Whoareyou B Iama A whatdoyoulike B Meat meat Ilikemeat Yummy yummy wolf Wolf wolf 10 11 grass Grass grass lookatthegrass Grassisgreen Grassisnice 12 WhoamI Iambig Iamfat Mymouthisbig Icanswimintheriver Ilikegrass WhoamI 13 hi o apple Hippo hippo Iamahippo Lookatme Iambigandfat pp 14 QuickResponse MatchGame 15 Lookatme Iama an Iam Ilike Iamsuper giraffe tall leaves 16 Enjoyastory Whoisthekingoftheforest 17 Thisisaforest Itisbigandgreen Therearemanyanimalsinit 18 Weneedastrongandsuperking Whocanbeourking 19 Icanbetheking Lookatme Iambigandfat Ilikegrass Iamsuper 20 Icanbetheking Lookatme Iamsmallbutclever Ilikemeat Iamasuperfox 21 Iamtheking Iambigandtall Ilikefruit Mynoseislongandsuper 22 No Iamtheonlykingoftheforest Iambigandstrong 强壮 23 Help help 24 Lookatthelion Let shelphim Catchmynose Wearefriends Let shelphim 25 Thankyouverymuch Youaretherealkingsoftheforest 26 Afriendinneedisafriendindeed 患难见真情 27 Read Choose Wherearetheanimals Theyareinthe A forestB parkC zoo 2 Wholikesgrass A ThefoxB ThemonkeyC Thehippo 3 Whohaslongnose A ThelionB TheelephantC Thefox 28 5 Whohelpsthelion Thegiraffe foxandhippoB Thehippo thegiraffeandtheelephantC Theelephant thehippoandthefox 4 Whoisinthewell 井 A ThelionB ThehippoC Therabbit 29 Enjoyasong Playintheforest 30 Homework ReadthetextonP42 P45 2 Talkaboutyourfavouriteanimals 31


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