2019高考英语一轮基础选习题 模块2 Unit 3 Amazing people(含解析)牛津译林版.doc

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2019高考英语一轮基础选习题 模块2 Unit 3 Amazing people(含解析)牛津译林版.doc_第3页
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2019牛津译林高考英语一轮基础选习题:模块2U3一、阅读理解。From young kids to fitness lovers,to those looking for a laugh,or to families looking for a free movie night,Atlantic Station prepares some days for them to enjoy this year.Tot SpotEach Tuesday morning.Atlantic Stations Central Park transforms into every childs dream playground! From 10:00 am to noon,kids can enjoy games,storytelling, toys,music and some very special things.This event begins on April 5 and lasts through September 27.Wellness WednesdayEach Wednesday from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm,Atlantic Stations Central Park bees the perfect place to find quietness of the mind and body while instructors lead guests through exercises including yoga and more.Wellness Wednesday weles all ages and skill levels.This event begins on April 6 and lasts through September 28.Improv in the ParkWhole World Theatre,Atlantas premier improv group,has once again partnered with Atlantic Station to bring a familyfriendly night of edy to the Central Park on the first Wednesday of each month until September.Bring a blanket,relax under the stars and prepare to laugh until your stomach hurts!The hourlong show begins at 8:00 pm.This event occurs on April 5,May 4,June 1,July 6 and August 3.Movies in the Central ParkEach Thursday night at dusk,guests are invited to bring chairs,blankets,togo snacks and picnics to Atlantic Stations Central Park.All outdoor screenings are available,weather permitting,so keep your fingers crossed for no The Wizard of Oztype storms!Be sure to arrive early to find a good seat.1Mothers can take their kids who like listening to stories to _.ATot SpotBImprov in the ParkCWellness WednesdayDMovies in the Central Park2When can you do yoga with an instructor in Atlantic Stations Central Park?AOn each Tuesday from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm in August.BOn each Tuesday morning from 10:00 am to noon in July.CAt 8:00 pm on April 5, May 4,June 1,July 6 and August 3.DOn each Wednesday at 7:00 pm in June and July.3What can we learn from the text?AAtlantic Station sets the days for guests to have fun.BTickets for Movies in Central Park are hard to get.CMovies in the Central Park are shown only indoors.DOnly teenagers are wele to join in Wellness Wednesday【解题导语】本文主要介绍了大西洋站几个可以让人们放松自己、享受生活和获得乐趣的活动。1A考查细节理解。根据文中第二段中的“From 10:00 am to noon, kids can enjoy games,storytelling.toys,music and some very special things”可知,从上午10点到中午,在Tot Spot活动中孩子们可以做游戏、讲故事、玩玩具、听音乐等,结合选项可知,想听故事的孩子们可以去参加Tot Spot活动,故A项正确。2D考查细节理解。根据文章第三段中的“Each Wednesday from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm,Atlantic Stations Central Park bees the perfect place to find quietness of the mind and body while instructors lead guests through exercises including yoga and more”和“This event begins.September 28”可知,4月6日到9月28日的每个星期三下午6:30到7:30,大西洋站中央公园成为人们寻求心灵宁静和身体放松的地方,有指导者带领客人做包括瑜伽和其他活动在内的练习。由此可知,D项符合题意。3A考查推理判断。根据文章内容,尤其是第一段可知,Atlantic Station为客人安排时间和活动来让他们玩得开心,故A项符合题意。二、单项选择。1. A society was set up to _ the endangered animals and plant life from dying out in this area.A. reserve B. preserveC. observe D. deserve【答案】B【解析】reserve储存,储备;preserve保护,保留;observe观察;deserve应受,应得的,句意:成立了一个协会来保护濒临灭绝的动植物,以避免它们从这一地区消失灭绝。2.At times the balance in nature is _, resulting in a number of possible unforeseen effects. A. troubled B. confused C. disturbed D. puzzled【答案】C【解析】trouble麻烦;confuse困扰;disturb打扰;puzzle困惑。可以说disturb the balance in nature打扰自然界的平衡,其它动词不可与之搭配。句意:有时,自然界的平衡受到打扰,导致了许多可能的不可预见的影响。3.When _ a job, you should highlight your experience and skills.A. accounting forB. interviewing forC. applying forD. searching for【答案】C【解析】句意:求职时,你应该突出你的经验和技能。apply for“申请”,符合句意。account for解释,说明;interview for为面试;search for搜索。4.Most drivers have realized the significance of traffic safety and strictly followed the traffic laws, marking the fact that our efforts have _.A. paid offB. showed offC. put offD. let off【答案】A5.Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to _.A. put outB. go offC. go throughD. go out【答案】D【解析】go out熄灭。句意:没人注意到小偷溜进了房子里,因为当时灯刚好熄灭。6.A firm, dry handshake is generally regarded as an indication that someone is confident and _. A. in control B. in style C. in place D. in office【答案】A【解析】in control控制;in style有特色;in place在适当位置;in office在办公。句意:坚定干练的握手通常被看作这个人很自信、能掌控局面的象征。7.Once you have put your hand to an under-taking, you should _ persevere until you have finished it. A. observe B. reserve C. preserve D. persevere【答案】B8.You needn t have _ the speaker when he was speaking; there was enough time afterwards for you to ask questions. A. affectedB. interrupted C. encouragedD. disturbed【答案】B【解析】affected影响;interrupted打断;encouraged鼓励;disturbed打扰。句意:当他在说话的时候,你没有必要打断他,后面有足够的时候让你提问。9.It is clearly stated that these regulations _ everyone in the munity, without exception.A. appeal to B. adapt toC. apply to D. attach to【答案】C【解析】appeal to呼吁,上诉,要求,对有吸引力;adapt to 使自己适应于;apply to适用于,应用于;attach to依附,加入。句意:声明很清楚,这些规则适用于社区的每一个人,没有例外。10.We can ensure you regular supplies of these materials if you _pay for them in good time. A. pay offB. pay forC. pay backD. pay out【答案】B【解析】pay off还清,得到回报;pay for支付;pay back偿还;pay out付出。句意:如果你们能按时付款,我们可以保证定期向你们供应这些材料。11.She is still optimistic about her life in spite of the hard life she has _ in the past three years.A. gone through B. looked through C. put through D. seen through【答案】A【解析】go through经历;look through快速浏览;put through接通(电话),实行,完成;see through看透(某人)。句意:尽管在过去三年中经历了生活的艰辛,但她依然对生活保持乐观。12.The pany has been _ of President Smith for 20 years and who will _ it after his retirement?A. in the control; take overB. in the control; take downC. in control; take over D. in control; take down【答案】A【解析】句意:公司被斯密斯总裁控制20年了,退休后谁会接管呢?第一空填in the control of是某物被人控制,in control of是某人控制某物,第二空填take over接管,take down记下,取下。13._ for his action on the playing field ,but he is also famous for the things that he does off the playingfield.A. Not he is only known B. Not only is he knownC. Only is he known not D. He is only not known【答案】B14.My father was so glad to meet his old friend again. You see, they _ with each other for nearly 30 years.A. lost contact B. had lost contactC. had been out of contact D. has been out of contact【答案】C【解析】根据句中出现的时间状语for nearly 30 years可知,要用完成时。又因失去联系这一动作延续到他们这次见面之前,所以要用过去完成时。由于lose contact不能延续,故C项正确。句意:我的父亲再次见到他的老朋友,是那么的高兴。你知道的,他们几乎有30年没有联系了。15.The wife _ a big dinner when the husband was aware of their eighth wedding anniversary that day.A. was still preparingB. had hardly preparedC. did carefully prepareD. would eagerly prepare【答案】B【解析】“hardly.when一就”句型中,主句中动词的时态用过去完成时。句意:妻子刚准备好一顿丰盛的晚餐丈夫就意识到那天是他们结婚八周年纪念日。三、完形填空。A taxi driver taught me a lesson in customer satisfaction and expectations.Inspiring speakers _1_ thousands of dollars to give this kind of training to corporate directors and staff.It cost me only a $12 _2_ ride.I had _3_ into Dallas just for the purpose of calling on a client.Time was precious and my _4_ included a quick roundtrip from and back to the airport.A _5_ taxi pulled up.The driver rushed to _6_ the passenger door for me and made sure I was _7_ seated before he closed the door.As he got in the drivers seat,he _8_ that the neatly folded Wall Street Journal next to me was for my use.He then showed me several _9_ and asked me what type of music I would enjoy.I could not believe the _10_ I was receiving!I took the opportunity to say,“_11_ you take great pride in your work.You must have a _12_ to share.”“You bet,” he _13_,“I used to be in Corporate America.But I was tired of thinking my best would never be good enough.I _14_ to find my right position in life,where I could feel _15_ of being the best.I love driving cars,and feeling like I have done a full days work and done it _16_.So I chose to bee a _17_.One thing I know for sure,to be good in my business I just have to meet the expectations of my passengers._18_,to be great in my business,I have to go _19_ the customers expectations!”The taxi driver taught me a great life _20_:Go an extra mile when providing any service to others.1A.offer BchargeCpay Dafford2A.taxi BbusCcar Dtrain3A.driven BflownCran Dcycled4A.hope BpurposeCplan Dchoice5A.private BroughCslow Dclean6A.open BlockCpush Dshut7A.silently BfortablyCtightly Dcasually8A.declared BconcludedCfound Dmentioned9A.pictures BmapsCtapes Dbooks10A.service BgiftCinvitation Dadvice11A.Actually BObviouslyCGradually DSuddenly12A.chance BsecretCstory Dride13A.whispered BarguedCsighed Dreplied14A.decided BpromisedChappened Dhesitated15A.careful BproudCafraid Dcurious16A.early BrapidlyCcautiously Dwell17A.driver BdirectorCclient Dspeaker18A.Besides BThereforeCHowever DPerhaps19A.against BwithinCover Dbeyond20A.method BexperienceClesson Dstandard【解题导语】本文主要讲述了一名出租车司机给作者上了一堂关于如何达到客户满意和期望的课。【难句分析】One thing I know for sure,to be good in my business I just have to meet the expectations of my passengers.分析:本句是一个复合句。I know for sure是定语从句。译文:有一件事我可以肯定,那就是想要做好生意,我就必须要满足我的乘客的期望。 【核心词汇】corporate adj.公司的client n客户precious adj.珍贵的extra adj.额外的1B根据空后的“thousands of dollars to give this kind of training to corporate directors and staff.It cost me only a $12”可知,励志演讲家的培训是要收费的。charge表示“收费”,符合语境。2A根据文章第一句“A taxi driver taught me a lesson in customer satisfaction and expectations”可知,出租车司机收作者12美元。3B根据第二段第二句的“Time was precious and my _4_ included a quick aroundtrip from and back to the airport”可知,作者当时是乘飞机去的。4C根据语境可知,时间很珍贵,作者的计划中包括往返机场的旅程。5D根据下文的“the neatly folded Wall Street Journal next to me was for my use”可推知,出租车很干净。6A结合“the passenger door for me”可推知,司机赶快跑过来给作者开车门。7B根据语境可推知,该司机注重乘客的满意度,所以他一定确保作者乘坐舒适。8D根据语境可推知,司机向乘客提醒有杂志可看。mention“提到”。9C根据空后的“asked me what type of music I would enjoy”可推知,司机给作者拿出几盘音乐磁带让他选择。10A根据空后的“I was receiving”可推知,作者对出租车司机提供的服务非常吃惊,不敢相信。receive the service“接受服务”。11B由空后的“You must have a _12_ to share”以及语境可推知,显而易见,作者认为出租车司机为自己的工作自豪。12C根据空后的“to share”以及语境可推知,此处表示有故事分享。13D根据语境可知,司机回应了作者的推断。14A根据空前的“I was tired of thinking”可推知,司机决定行动起来,找到生活中合适的位置而不是一味地想想。15B根据第三段第二句的“you take great pride in your work”可推知,司机想做到最好并为自己的工作自豪。16D根据语境可推知,司机想把工作做好。17A根据语境可知,他决定转行当一名司机。18C根据语境可知,上下文表示逻辑上的转折关系,故用However“然而”。19D根据文章最后一句“Go an extra mile when providing any service to others”可知,要想做到最好,就要多为客户考虑,超出客户的期望。beyond“超出”。20C根据文章开头“A taxi driver taught me a lesson in customer satisfaction and expectations”可知,此处表示司机给作者上了生动的一课。四、七选五。How to Have a Successful Remote Interview?If interviews make you nervous,the thought of doing one remotely might be a relief.1._ Even if your interviewer may have a hard time seeing you sweat,they will still ask questions.Think of a phone or video interview as an extra opportunity to impress your interviewer. If you create a genuine connection with someone without being in the same place as him,chances are theyll trust your ability. 2._ Test your equipment.3_ For a video interview,its important to do a trial run in advance,since it can be especially troublesome. “These are live,so its very important to test your connections ahead of time,” says Scott Dobroski,the director of Corporate munications at Glassdoor.4._ You dont want your interviewer to think youre in an underground place. So skip the dark,dull mood lighting. Pick a spot where the light is facing you and try to set yourself up in a relaxing atmosphere and at a fortable distance. Ideally,have slightly an inch of space above your head.Take your time.A mon mistake people make is cutting someone else off in conversation. This is even easier to do when you cant see the person youre talking to. So even if it feels slightly unnatural,wait for a while after your interviewer finishes a sentence. 5._ He may understand why. But you dont want to e across as rushing the conversation or being more interested in hearing yourself talk than establishing a connection.AGet the atmosphere right.BBut you should still take them seriously.CHere are three tips to make the whole process go smoothly.DBuy a phone or video before you have the interview.ECutting him off a time or two might not be a big problem.FMake sure that your phone is charged and your WiFi works.GYour interviewer will be happy to see you cut him off.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了做好远程面试的三条建议。1B解析:根据空处前一句并结合空处后一句可知,空处应是一个转折句,用来引出本文的话题:尽管远程面试看似轻松,但是你仍然要认真面对,故B项正确。2C解析:根据前一句“If you create a genuine connection with someone without being in the same place as him,chances are theyll trust your ability.”可知,如果你在没有和某人处于同一地的情况下和他建立了真正的联系,那么他很可能会相信你的能力。结合下文列举的三个做好远程面试的建议可以判断,空处承上启下,引出下文的介绍,故C项正确。3F解析:根据该段小标题“Test your equipment”并结合空处后一句可知,该段提出本文的第一条建议:测试你的设备。F项“确保你的手机充好电且WiFi正常”符合文意,故F项正确。4A解析:根据空处所在的位置可知,空处为该段小标题;由该段第三句可知,选择一个光线面对你的地方,试着让自己处在一个轻松的氛围并且保持一个舒适的距离。据此可以判断,该段主要介绍第二条建议:要有恰当的氛围,故A项正确。5E解析:根据该段小标题“Take your time”并结合空处前一句可知,该段介绍了第三条建议:别着急,慢慢来。E项“打断他一两次可能不是一个大问题”符合文意,故E项正确。


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