九年级英语上册 Unit 6 TV programmes主题写作六同步练习 (新版)牛津版.doc

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九年级英语上册 Unit 6 TV programmes主题写作六同步练习 (新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
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九年级英语上册 Unit 6 TV programmes主题写作六同步练习 (新版)牛津版.doc_第3页
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Unit 6TV programmes单元主题写作六电视对青少年的生理和心理发育影响巨大。有些电视节目能够有效地激发青少年求知的欲望,帮助他们开阔视野,更多地了解社会,学习一些科学知识和社会知识。但是,青少年看电视要有选择性,应当多看一些科教、励志、益智类的节目;每次看电视的时间最好不要超过一个小时;父母应尽可能陪孩子看电视,同时给孩子做一些必要的引导。下面是一个电视收视习惯调查表。假设你是Anita,请在符合自己实际情况的选项方框中打“”(可以多选),并在Reason(s)栏中填写相应的原因。根据你的选择,以“My TV viewing habit”为题写一篇80词左右的英语短文。_短语:1访谈节目_2游戏表演_3电视连续剧_4各种各样的_5学到_6在某人的业余时间_句型:1I like watching documentaries because I can learn a lot about nature, history and reallife events from them. 2I prefer game shows. I hope one day I can take part in one of them, answer all the questions and win a big prize! 3I love cartoons so much. Tom and Jerry is my favourite, though theres not much dialogue in it.4I think chat shows are as wonderful as game shows. There are always famous people on these shows talking about their lives.5You will not find out the answer until the end of the film.6After you watch the programme, you will realize高分模板My TV viewing habitI am Anita, a Grade 9 student. I am a member of the Art Club. I am fond of playing with my dog at home in my spare time.I_like_news_programmes_because_they_tell_me_what_is_happening_around_the_world_every_day. I dont like programmes about music, because most of them introduce pop music. But_I_like_jazz_and_blues_instead_of_pop._I usually watch TV with my parents. They like news programmes too. I spend_about_an_hour_and_a_half_watching_TV every day.名师点评此句式较为复杂。介绍自己喜欢的节目并说明原因。原因状语从句中又含有宾语从句。此句意为“但我喜欢爵士乐和布鲁斯音乐而不是流行音乐”。短语instead of使用恰当。“spend时间doing”体现了作者的语言功底。请根据下列提示写一篇不少于90词的英语短文,谈一谈你对电视的看法。要求语法正确、上下文连贯,可适当发挥。提示:1.几乎每家都有电视,很多学生都爱看电视;2看电视能更多地了解世界;3看电视时间太长会影响视力、健康和学习;4学生看电视要有节制。_ 详解详析素材积累1chat show2.game show3.drama series4all kinds of5.learn about6in ones spare time 小试身手One possible version:Almost every family has a TV set now. Many students like watching TV. Some of them are even crazy about it. TV becomes an important part of our life.TV has many advantages. For example, it tells us the latest things that have happened in the world. It can help us know more about the world. But it also has some disadvantages. If you spend too much time watching TV, it can do harm to your eyesight and your health. Watching TV for too long is also bad for your study. As students, we should spend more time studying and control our time of watching TV. 详解详析【基础知识清单】重点单词1done2.reallife3.dialogue4uptodate5.announce6.cover7live8.mystery9.might10.view11scene12.Asian13.record14silly15.waste16.direct; director17come; coming18.murder; murderer19wealth; wealthy20.Asia; Asian重点短语1have nothing to do2.take part in3get bored4.as busy as 5send text messages to6take a close look at7.win an award for8vote online for9.be covered live10the coming World Cup11say sth in a low voice12pass away13.a waste of time14with guns in their hands 15stop them from leaving16.ask for help17take a close look18.feel bad about19be pushed into20.call the police重点句型1getting bored with staying at home all day2is found dead 3.Write down your answers; send text messages to; while watching 4unless; stop hunting them for5different from each other6find out the answer 7enjoy solving mysteries8a number of interviews with 9try / do your best; realize your dream10takes part in; win a prize11tried to open; with a knife12mind feeling scared13have any time to watch TV14coming out of; with guns in their hands15tried to stop them from leaving; pushed into【基础知识迁移】单词回顾.1.live2.uptodate3.wealthy4covers5.full6.prize7.record8silly9.Asian10.weekly11director12.waste13.messages14dialogues15.reallife.1.directed2.dead3.coming4scared5.wealthier6.directors7running8.are9.facing10was murdered11.boring12.latest短语运用1have no time to2.have a chance to3travelled around4.have no interest in 5is different from 6.grow up句型突破1with two books in her hand2a waste of time3full of mysteries; be interested in4was found dead5send text messages; watching


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