2019-2020年八年级英语上册 module2 unit1教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 module2 unit1教案 外研版标 题Unit1 Have you ever entered a petition课 型 听说课教学对象八年级全体学生教学项目教材内容 词语 enter a petition;guess what;What do you reckon?结构 Have you done ? Yes, I have. / No, I havent.其他教学目标语言知识 To get to know the key vocabulary and understand the dialogue 3.语言技能To understand conversations about experiences involving present perfect tense.语言运用 To ask and give information about ones travel文化意识 能了解不同国家的风景,自然环境与文化,同时能够介绍中国的文化与名胜。情感态度 谈论经历时能够注意他人的情感 表现出关怀与平等。学习策略 Talk freely ;work in pairs/groups教学重点现在完成时的一般疑问句教学难点如何用现在完成时表达经历运用任务教学方法自主互助小组合作教学媒体Tape recorder预设时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学目的3Step1 Revision Ask students to finish the word spellingCheck the answers togetherLet them read togetherTwo students write down their answers on the blackboardsReview the words of Unit 1 Words:experience petition airport captain 5Step 2The teacher say”I went to Qingdao this summer holiday .I have been there twice .Have you been there before? Yes,I have./No,I havent”Introduce the meaning of the sentence structure.Then read togetherAnswer the question Yes,I have./No,I havent.Practice the sentences in pairs.Use the fllowing sentences:Have you been to.?Yes,I have./No,I havent.(Beijing weihai .)导入现在完成时的一般疑问句让学生有基本的认识15Step 3Ask students to look at the photo on the book .say which of the words in Activity1Listen and number the words and expressions as you hear themDiscuss the answers and check the answers.Listen and choose A or B1 Has Sally visited China before? A Yes,she has. B No, she hasnt.2 Has Lingling ever wanted to travel around the world? A Yes,she has. B No,she hasnt.Ask students to listen to the conversation and check the things Lingling and Sally have done.(activity4)Say the words.Listen to the tape and answer the questions.Listen to the tape Choose the best answerCheck the answers on the book多层听5Step4 Ask students to Listen to the tape and underline the sentencesListen to the tape and underline the sentences听后读训练5Step5Language points: 1enter a petition =take part in参加 2 guess what 你猜怎么着 3 What do you reckon?=What do you think 你觉得怎么样?Write the language points on the paper.Then read them总结语言点5Step6Work in pairs. Ask and say what LIngling and Sally have or havent donePractice the sentences Has sally visited China? No,she hasnt. .练习对话巩固知识点7Step7Practice Activity3 inUnit3 onPage15巩固练习5Step8Summary Write the langue points on the paper.对本节课所学知识进行梳理。Step9Homework 1. All the students finish activity1 on page1162. No.1 and 2 finish activity4 on page117.教学反思:Good learning habit is important, especially at the early learning stage. So encourage the students to take an active part in speaking . Now, practice the conversations in Activity 5. Then change it into the Great Wall.


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