2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 3 A day out I (II).doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 3 A day out I (II)Teaching aims1. Know more about the world esp. the main building or places of interest in different countries.2. Learn to enjoy traveling.Teaching procedures1. Explain some language points.in front of在前面To my surprise, our teacher is sitting in front of me. in the front of在前部The driver is sitting in the front of the school bus.(1) the classroom building, there is a big tree.(2)The singer is singing all the students.(3)It is dangerous if the man the coach is not careful enough.over a hundred places of interestover多于,超过;相当于more than e.g. I have over (more than)twenty posters of Jay.places of interest名胜古迹interesting places有趣的地方over用作介词还表示:a.(表示接触)在上面:Put the paper over the table.b.在上方:There will be another great bridge over the Changjiang River.c.越过;横过:Tom jumped over the wall easily.d.遍及:They traveled all over the world.the real onesones代词,指代上文提过的“金字塔”。One替代单数名词,ones替代复数名词。My child doesnt like this book. Show her a more interesting one.替代词one或ones必须带有一个限定词或修饰词,它们和所替代的名词中心词所指不一定是同一对象,这是替代词one或ones在用法上的一个重要特征。I dont like this book. Id like a more funny one.当替代词带有后置修饰语时,它们前面总有定冠词。Our new TV is more expensive than the one we had before.当替代词one或ones在形容词比较级、最高级以及某些限定词如this, that, which和序数词等之后,可以省略。This book is much better than that (one).it 和one都可以用作替代词,代替前面提到过的名词。It与前面的名词同指一件事物。One所代替的是前面提到的同类事物,但不是同一件,具有泛指的性质。例:Do you want the pencil? Yes, I want it.Do you want a pencil? Yes, I want one.1)I have lost my pen, I think I must buy .(2) Hes got my English book. I must get back from him.(3) These teddy bears are so lovely that I myself want to get .back home 老家(= our hometown)back adj.(后面的)There is a big map of the world on the back wall of our classroom.adv. (向后面)Wele back to school.n. (后面)At the back of the building, there is a swimming pool. the song and dance parade歌舞队parade n.(可数)游行;队列;检阅be on parade在游行for oneself亲自,为自己You must find it out for yourself.by oneself独自 The box is too heavy for me to carry by myself.to oneself暗自He thought to himself that there must be something wrong.(1)Nobody can help. He should finish the work .(2)You wont believe the rock changes its color until you see it .(3)The girl said that she would give up.2.Read and understand the text.vWe can first use some pictures to introduce some places of interest around the world, then use time or places they visited as a clue to help Ss understand the passage. vAsk Ss to rewrite the passage, using first, afterwards, then, next, finally or At the school gate, On the city roads, On the highway, At the gate of the World Park, Inside the parkvTeacher can also ask them some questions. These questions can help them find out the main points in this passage. (what, when, who, where, why, how) For stronger students, we can ask them to ask and answer questions by themselves.vWe can ask them How did Linda feel at first? How did she feel when they arrived at the World Park? . (didnt enjoy, boring, felt sick; beautiful, excited, didnt feel sick, enjoy ourselves, wonderful; wonderful, amazing, great, wanted to join in the dancing) These questions and answers can help Ss to understand the writers feeling throughout the trip. This is another way to help them to write a passage about a trip much better. If they can use adjectives correctly, their passages can be more attracting.vSince the grammar in this unit is and, but, or, and there are a lot of such kinds of words in this passage, we can ask Ss to match some sentences. In this way, they can not only understand the passage better, but also know a little about the usage of and, but, or, so that they wont feel it hard when they are studying it in the grammar part.3. Ask students to read the conversation on their own.4. Ask students to replace the underlined phrases with the correct words. 5.Ask students to pare answers in pairs. 6. Do Part C1 as a class petition or a quiz.7. Ask students to close the books. The teacher read the sentences at random one at a time. Ask students to correct the false sentences.8. Additional sentences:(T or F)( )a. There was a lot of traffic on the highway.( )b. Kitty did not like the song and dance parade( )c. Linda made a home page to put everything on the Internet.( )d. It was an amazing and interesting day for Linda and her friends though they didnt feel well at the beginning.( )e. There are over a hundred places of interest from all over the world in the World Park but they are much smaller than the real ones.9. Talk to students about a home page to focus their attention on Part C2. Then ask them to sequence the pictures on Daniels home page on their own.10.Assign some homework.教后感:


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