2019-2020年八年级英语Module 6 Section 2 Words and Expressions.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Module 6 Section 2 Words and Expressions1. dozenn. C 十二个;一打 twelve: Paul gave Andrea a dozen red roses. 保罗给了安德丽雅十二朵红玫瑰。 Id like three dozen altogether. 我想一共要三打。 2. timen. 1. 时间 all the years, months, weeks, days, hours, and minutes: We can save time if we go this way. 如果我们走这条路,就可节省时间。 Time passes quickly when youre busy. 人忙的时候就觉得时间过得快。 He spends a lot of time working in the fields. 他用了很多时间在地里干活。 I have no time for play. 我没有玩的时间。 How time flies! 光阴似箭。 Time slipped by. 时间不知不觉地过去。 2. 一段时间;时期 length of time; period: The play continued two hours time. 戏演了两个钟头。 We waited a long time. 我们等了很久。 3. 时刻;时候 the hour of the day: What time is it? Its six oclock. 几点了?六点了。 The time for his departure is five oclock. 他在五点钟离开。 4. 特定时刻 a particular point or moment of time: At that time I was living in London. 那时我住在伦敦。 There is a time for every thing. 每件事都有它一定的时刻。 5. 适当的时候 the proper time: Its time to go home. 是回家的时候了。 He arrived here in due time. 他来得正是时候。 6. 时代 (often pl.) an age: There was a house in this field in Roman times. 古罗马时期这块地里有一座房子。 The times are different. 时代不同了。 Times have changed. 时代变了。 You must keep up with the times. 你应该跟上形势。 He was no longer president of the university in my time. 我在那个大学时期,他不再是校长了。 7. 次;回 a certain moment or occasion: Ive been to Beijing three times. 我去过北京三次。 He has failed the test many times. 他考试多次不及格。 Its a long way-Ill go by bus next time. 路很远,下次我得坐公共汽车去。 8. 乘以;倍数 as a sign of mutiplication; multiplied by: Four times two make eight. 四乘以二等于八()。 Three times four is twelve. 三乘四等于十二。 Yours is three times the size of mine. 你的比我的大两倍。 A is three times as large as B. A是B的三倍大。 9. 经历;所做的事 experience; something that you do, etc: We had a lovely time on holiday. 我们过了一个愉快的假日。 10. 所需时间 how quickly something happens: What was the winning runners time? 赛跑得胜者用的时间是多少? 11. 拍子 the rate of movement: twofour time 四二拍子 v. 1. 安排时间 plan something so that it will happen when you want it to: Tom timed his journey so that he would be home before dark. 汤姆安排了他的旅行时间,以便能在天黑前回到家。 2. 计时;测量某事所用时间 measure how long something takes The teacher timed all the boys to see who could run the fastest. 老师计算了所有的孩子所用的时间,看谁跑得最快。 3. rivern. 1. 江;河;水道 a big stream of water that flows to the sea or to a big lake: The river is a hundred kilometers long. 这条河一百公里长。 The scenery along the river is quite beautiful. 沿江的风景很美。 People go swimming in rivers and lakes. 人们到江湖里去游泳。 2. 大量的流出 a plentiful flow 4. watchvt. 1. 注视,观看 to look at something which is happening: In the evening we watched dancing and singing in a big theatre. 晚上,我们在一家大剧场观看了歌舞。 I stood watching her, not knowing what to do. 我站着瞧着她,不知怎么办好。 Watch what I do and how I do it. 看我的动作,看我是怎样做的。 We watched the sun sink behind the hills. 我们观看了太阳落山。 He stopped to watch us working. 他停下来看我们干活。 2. 看护;守卫;照管 guard something; look after something: Then I came home to cook supper and watch the children. 然后我就回家做晚饭看孩子。 Will you watch my clothes while I go swimming? 我游泳时,你能不能照看一下我的衣服? vi. 凝视;注视;注意 keep the eyes fixed on; look at continuously; observe carefully: When they were out watching, he swallowed the message. 趁他们不注意时,他把纸条吞进肚里。 He sat there watching, but said nothing. 他坐在那里看着,但没说什么。 She took a seat in the back and watched. 她在后排找了一个座位坐下看起来。 n. 1. C 手表;怀表 instrument that shows the time of day. You wear it on your wrist or carry it in your pocket: Whats the time by your watch? 你的表几点了? They make watches. 他们制造手表。 He put the gold watch in a safe place. 他把金表放在安全处。 2. U 看守;监视;照管 guard: The soldier kept watch at the gate. 这士兵在大门口放哨。 5. fallvi. 1. 落下,下跌 go down to a lower place; drop: The snow is falling. 正在下雪。 Before he knew it, his piece of meat fell into the water. 当他醒悟过来时,肉己经掉进水里。 The apples have fallen from the tree. 苹果从树上掉下来。 The dictionary fell off the desk. 字典从书桌上掉下来了。 跌倒,倒下 e down from a standing position, esp. suddenly: He lost his balance and fell to the ground. 他失去平衡跌倒在地。 3. 下垂,向下 hang down: Her long hair falls to her waist. 她的长发垂到腰部。 4. 正当(日子),适逢 happen: His birthday fell on a Sunday. 他的生日恰巧是星期日。 Christmas Day fell on a Monday. (那一年)圣诞节在星期一。 5. 朝下 bee lowered or directed downward: Her eyes fell to the ground. 她的双眼朝下望着地上。 6. 向下倾 move or slope in a downward direction: The ground falls towords the river. 那土地向河边倾斜。 7. 降临 e upon: Sleep suddenly fell on him. 他一下子睡着了。 Night falls. 夜晚来临。 8. 下降,降低 getting less, lower, etc: The water in the river is falling. 河水水位在下降。 The temperature has fallen two degrees since the day before yesterday. 从前天起,温度已下降了两度。 The incidence of illness has fallen greatly. 发病率大大下降。 9. 成为,变为 bee, pass into a new state or condition: The old man fell asleep. 那老人睡着了。 He has fallen ill. 他生病了。 His horse fell lame. 他的马腿跛了。 He fell silent. 他沉默了。 n. 1. 落下;跌倒 sudden drop from a higher place to a lower place: He broke his arm in the fall. 他跌倒时把手臂折断了。 There was a fall in the price of apples after the good harvest. 苹果丰收后价格下跌了。 A heavy fall of snow covered the ground. 一场大雪覆盖了大地。 2. 降下之量 the amount of anything that has fallen: The fall of the river here is two feet. 此地的河水降落两英尺。 3. 瀑布 place where a river drops suddenly over a high place: We visited Niagara Falls on our vacation. 假期我们参观了尼亚加拉大瀑布。 the Victoria Falls 维多利亚瀑布 6. holen. 1. 洞;孔;窟窿 opening, gap, or space in something: I dug a hole in the ground to plant the tree. 我在地上挖一个洞种树。 The dentist filled a hole in my tooth. 牙科医生填好了我牙上的一个洞。 The water came in through a hole in the roof. 水从屋顶上的洞口流进来。 Now he made holes in the wall. 他在墙上凿些洞。 2. 穷途;困境;窘境 an awkward situation: He is in rather a hole. 他处境很困难。 7. tiredadj. 疲劳的;累的 needing to rest: The tired boy fell asleep at once. 那个劳累的男孩立刻睡着了。 They are dead tired. 他们累得要死。 be tired of: have had enough of something 厌倦于 They were soon tired of him. 他们不久就对他感到厌烦了。 to get tired with ones lecture 讲演听得厌倦了 tired out: totally tired 累极了 He looked tired out. 他看上去累极了。 8. nothingadv. 决不;毫不 in no degree; not at all: Hes nothing like his brother. 他一点也不象他哥哥。 It is nothing surprising. 这毫不奇怪。 pron. 没有任何东西;无 not anything: Nothing happened. 没发现任何事情。 Nothing can stop us now, can it? 现在没有什么能够阻止我们了,对吗? Nothing is hard in this world if you dare to scale the heights. 世上无难事,只要肯登攀。 There is nothing in it. 这里面空无一物。 There is nothing in what you say. 你说的话空洞。 We looked but saw nothing. 我们看了,但什么也没有看见。 I like doing nothing. 我喜欢什么事也不干。 Im hungry-Ive nothing to eat. 我饿了我没有东西可吃。 Oh, thats nothing! 啊,那没什么!(啊,没有关系。) Thats nothing to (pared with) what followed. 和后来的(事情)相比,那简直算不了什么。 n. 1. 没有东西;无;零 not anything: Multiply 6 by nothing, and the result is nothing. 零乘以六的结果是零。 2. 无关紧要之事物;无足轻重的人;无能之人 a thing, event or person of no importance or interest: Theres nothing on television tonight. 今晚的电视没有什么。 His wife is a nothing. 他的太太很平庸无能。 the little nothings of life 生活中的琐事。 3. 琐碎的谈话 (pl.) trifling conversation: be nothing if not 非常;极其 Hes nothing if not careful (he is very careful). 他非常细心。 9. twiceadv. 两次;两倍 two times: Twice two is four. 二二得四。 I need twice as many. 我需要两倍之多。 This room is twice as large as that one. 这间屋子比那间大一倍。 10. conversationn. 谈话;会话 a talk between people: I had an interesting conversation with my neighbour. 我和我的邻居进行了有趣的谈话。 The conversation fell upon the young man. 话题转到那位青年人。 He stopped short in his conversation. 他突然停止了谈话。 I tried to carry on a conversation in English, but I could not. 我打算用英语进行对话,但我不能。 a brief conversation 简短的谈话 a convincing conversation 令人信服的谈话 a dinner (=table) conversation 席间的交谈 epigrammatical conversation 富有警句的谈话 a friendly conversation 友好的谈话 a humorous conversation 幽默的谈话 a pleasant conversation 愉快的谈话 a round table conversation 圆桌会谈 a streetcorner conversation 街谈巷议 a telephone conversation 电话在交谈 a witty and wise conversation 机敏而明智的谈话 a conversation about (=on) the matter 有关这个问题的谈话 a conversation among the guests 客人间的谈话 a conversation with friends 与朋友的谈话 the buzz of conversation 谈话声 the conversation drifted back to 话题又回到 avoid frivolous conversation 避免轻浮的谈话 begin a conversation 开始谈话 carry on a conversation with him 与他谈判 enjoy a conversation with sb. 喜欢与某人谈话 get up a conversation 安排谈话 guide a conversation into other subjects 把谈话引向其他话题 hold conversations by telephone 举行电话谈话 interrupt (=break off) a conversation 中断谈话 make conversation 找话谈,闲扯 monopolize a conversation 垄断谈话 open a conversation with 开始谈判 shift the conversation to other channels 把谈话引向其他渠道 start (=mence) a conversation 开始谈话 sustain (=continue) a conversation 继续谈话 turn the conversation to other matters 把谈话转向其他问题 11. daisyn. 雏菊,一流的人物 adj. 第一流的12. chainn. 链;链条 row of metal rings joined together: Mr. Barlow keeps his dog on a chain. 巴洛先生用铁链把狗拴住。 They were brought to the police station in chains. 他们被戴上手铐,送往警察局。 We must break the chains of slavery. 我们一定要砸碎奴隶制的锁链。 an iron chain 铁锁链 a long worn chain 长期磨损的锁链 mooring chains 系船的链条 a silver chain 银链 a pier supported by chains 链条连结的码头 shake off chains 摆脱枷锁 undo the chain 解开锁链 vt. 用链条拴住 tie someone or something with a chain: I chained my bicycle to the tree. 我把自行车用链条拴在树上。 He is chained to his work. 工作忙得使他不能分身。 chain sb. down 用链条把某人锁起来 Chain up the dog! 用链条拴住狗! chain a dog to a post 把狗拴在桩上 13. suddenlyadv. 突然地 in a sudden manner: Suddenly the doorbell rang. 门铃突然响了。 The train stopped suddenly. 火车突然停住了。 Suddenly he jumped up and ran out of the room. 他忽然跳起来,跑出房间去。 14. pinkadj. 粉红色的 with a pale red colour: The pink sky at night means a clear day will follow. 夜晚桃红色的天空说明次日是晴天。 n. 1. 石竹 a garden plant allied to the carnation with white, pale red, or red flowers: The flowers of the pink are pink, white and have a pleasant, sharp odor. 石竹花有粉红色、白色、具有一种浓郁的馥香。 2. 桃红色;粉红色 a pale red colour: The pink and yellow of sunset were pleasant to look at. 落日的粉红色和黄色很悦目。 3. 最高度;最好的类型 the highest degree or condition; the finest type: The girl is in the pink of health. 那个女孩健康极了。 15. byprep. 1. 在旁;靠近 near to; beside: Our teacher was sitting by the window. 我们的老师正坐在窗户旁边。 Stand by me! 站到我的身旁来! We spent our holiday by the sea. 我们在海边度假。 2. 经过 past: He walked by me without speaking. 他走过我的身旁,没有说话。 My brother goes by the building every day. 我弟弟每天从这楼旁走过。 3. 用;靠;通过 using (showing who or what did something): I know it by heart. 我把它记在心头。 They can read by touch. 他们可以通过手摸来阅读。 By getting up early, I can have an hour for reading English in the morning. 靠起得早,我每天早晨有一小时时间阅读英语。 4. 不迟于 not later than: I shall be back by 5 oclock. 最迟五点我一定回来。 How many English parties had you had by the end of last term? 到上学期末,你们举行了几次英语晚会? 5. 通过;沿着 through; along; over: We came through the fields, not by the road. 我们是穿过田野而不是沿那条路来的。 to send a letter by post 通过邮局寄信 6.(表示作者)被;由 word that shows the author, painter, etc: Thirty divided by two is fifteen. 三十除以二得十五。 The child was saved by a PLA man. 这孩子是由一位解放军战士救活的。 This bridge was built by the soldiers. 这座桥是士兵们造的。 7.(指交通等)乘;用 word that shows what kind of transport, etc: The man came by bus. 那人是坐公共汽车来的。 They went to Shanghai by air. 他们坐飞机去上海。 8. 在情况下;在时间 during: Do you prefer travelling by day or by night? 你喜欢在白天还是在夜晚旅行? 9.(表示部分)在部位 word that shows which part: She led the child by the hand. 她拉着孩子的手往前走。 adv. 1. 在旁边 near: He gave me a story book when nobody was by. 当附近无人的时候他把小说给了我。 2. 从旁边经过 past: He hurried by without a word. 他匆匆地走过去没有说一句话。 Time has gone by. 时间已过去了。 She walked by. 她走过去了。 16. pocketn. 1. C 衣袋,口袋 a small bag in your clothes for carrying things: He took a letter out of his pocket. 他从口袋里拿出了一封信。 I have a handkerchief in my pocket. 我口袋里有一块手帕。 2. C 钱,财力 money, ine: He has suffered in his pocket. 他在经济上受到了损失。 adj. 小型的,袖珍的 small sized: He has a pocket camera. 他有一台袖珍照相机。 He bought a pocket book to read on the train. 他买了一本袖珍书在火车上看。 vt. 装进口袋里 put into ones pocket: He pocketed the money. 他把钱装入口袋里。 17. acrossadv. 1. 横越;穿过 from one side to the other: Please take this across with you. 请把这带过去。 If the road is busy, dont walk across. 如果道路拥挤,不要穿过。 The river is a mile across. 这条河宽一英里。 2. 交叉地 forming a cross: He sat there with his arms across. 他交叉着手臂坐在那里。 prep. 1. 横过;经过 from one side to the other: You must not run across the road. 你不要跑过马路。 A bridge was laid across the river. 一座桥横架河上。 We walked across the bridge and soon came to a hut. 我们走过桥,不久就到了小屋前。 2. 在另一边;在对面 on the other side of: They live across the street. 他们住在那条街的对面。 Our house is across the river. 我们家在河那边。 3. 交叉;成十字形 forming a cross upon: He laid two sticks across each other. 他把两根棍子交叉地放着。 18. fieldn. 1. 田地;牧场 a large piece of land enclosed by trees or fences: The sheep are grazing in the field. 羊在牧场里吃草。 There are a lot of sheep in that field. 那个牧场有许多羊。 The fields were covered with snow. 银雪遮盖田野。 2. 场地 piece of land where something special happens: The airplanes landed on the airfield. 飞机在机场降落。 A football field is one hundred yards long. 足球场长一百码。 3.(矿产)产地 place where people find oil, coal, gold, etc: Is this a field of wheat? 这是小麦产地吗? 4. 界,领域 a range: With their help, man has done better research work in many fields of science. 由于(人造卫星)的帮助,人类在许多科学领域里进行了更富有成效的研究工作。 His field is medicine, and hers is cooking. Their son likes the field of politics. 他搞医学,她搞烹调,而他们儿子却对政治有兴趣。 19. hedgen. 1. C (用灌木等围成的) 树篱 a quickset hedge 树篱 2. C 障碍,障壁of a hedge of convention 因袭的障碍,习俗的束缚 3. C 对损失、危险等的 预防措施against as a hedge against inflation 作为预防通货膨胀的对策 vt. 1. 以的树篱围住 with hedge a garden with privet 用水蜡树形成的树篱围住花园 2. 用包围,围守; 约束 限制 的行动 with He felt hedged in with rules. 他觉得受到规则的限制。 3. 两方下赌注以防 的捐失; 做两面投机 套头交易 以防 的损失 hedge a ones bet 赌两面,两方下赌注 4. 回避 vi. 1. 围树篱; 修树篱 2. (为避免赌博、投机的全部损失而) 赌两面,作套头交易 3. 说话留余地 退路 ,作模棱两可的回答,支吾其词,回避问题


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