2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 4 Topic 2 When was it invented教学案.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 4 Topic 2 When was it invented教学案Studying Aims:1. Whats it made offrom? Its made offrom.2. I wish I cold go into space some day.3. I hope your dream will e true.4. When was it developed? Around xx.5. Where was it developed? It was developed in Korea.自学指导1.将下列单词短语中英互译,朗读并默写这些短语。 1. 金属,金属制成的_ 2. 牙刷_ 3. Ink_ 4. recorder_ 5. 被允许做_ 6. 由制成(看得出原材料)_(看不出原材料)_ 7. 被用来做_=be used to do 8. 变成真的,实现_2. Listen to 1a and answer the questions. (1) What is the rocket made of? _ (2) What is rocket used for? _3. 大声朗读下列句子,并背诵。 When was it developed? Around xx.Where was it developed? It was developed in Korea.思考:一般现在时的被动语态:amisare+动词过去分词;一般过去时的被动语态:_.课堂检测一. 根据语境及首字母提示,完成下列句子。(每空一词)1. Dont let children play with a m_ knife, or they may hurt themselves.2. We should change our t_ once a month. Its good for our teeth.3. I cant write anything with the pen. Maybe there is no i_ in it.4. Is that a radio? -No. Its a r_. Its more useful than a radio.5. -What is your sweater m_ of? -80% wool and 20% cotton.二. 句型转换1. We dont allow people to take pets into the park. (改为被动语态) People _ _ to take pets into the park.2. He often uses an MP3 player to listen to music. (改为被动语态) An MP3 player _ often _ by him to listen to music.3. The shopkeeper showed her a new style of dress. (同义句转换) The shopkeeper showed a new style of dress _ _.4. The cellphone was invented in 1973. (对画线部分提问) _ _ the cellphone _?5. Digital cameras are used for taking photos. (对画线部分提问) _ _ digital cameras _ for?6. The bridge was built last year. (改为一般疑问句并肯定回答) _ the bridge _ last year? _, _ _. Unit 4 Topic 2 When was it invented?Section BStudying aims:1. The radio was invented by Gugliemo Marconi in 1895.2. Where were laptops invented? They were invented in Japan.3. There is DNA in most living things, including human beings.自学指导1.将下列单词短语中英互译,朗读并默写这些短语。1. clone_ 2. 实验_ 3. In peoples daily life_4. during his life_ 5. 毫无疑问_6. 使某人受益_ 7. 与相似_8. Its said that_-课堂检测一. 根据语境及首字母提示,完成下列句子。1. Can the scientists c_ any animal with DNA?2. -Where is Dr. Lee? -Hes busy with an e_ in his lab.3. The light bulb was i_ by Thomas Edison.4. No d_ that puter is very important in our daily life.5. Its s_ that Edison invented more than one thousand things during his life.二. 句型转换。1. This kind of invention is not the same as a learning machine. This kind of invention is _ _ a learning machine. 2. People used the light bulb widely in the past. The light bulbs _ _ _ by people in the past.3. We launch spaceships to explore other planet. Spaceships _ _ to explore other planets.4. The MP3 player was developed around xx. (对画线部分提问)_ _ the MP3 player _ ?Unit 4 Topic 2 When was it invented?Section C自学指导1.将下列单词短语中英互译,朗读并默写这些短语。1. 仆人,佣人_ 2. 家务活_ 3. 确切地_4. 受雇于,为效力_ 5. 为感到惊讶_6. 不再_=_ 7. Think for onself_8. 以的方式对待,把看作_ 9. be meant to do_10. in the medical field_ 11. 为做贡献_2. Read 1a and answer the two questions. (1) Have robots caused us any problems for us so far?_ (2) What is the scientists worry? _课堂检测一. 根据语境及中文提示,写出单词或短语。1. In the past, the life of poor was hard. They had to work as _(佣人)for the rich.2. When he came back, his mother was busy with _(家务活)。3. Our teacher always _us _ (以对待)his friend.4. The movie star bees very famous. Many people know him _ _(肯定)5. Yuan Longping _ _ _ _(为.做贡献) the rice planting.二. 句型转换。1. People hope there will be no longer a war in the word. (同义句转换) People hope there _ be a war in the world _ _.2. The man warned that the children shouldnt play with fire. (改为简单句) The man warned the children _ _ play with fire.3. The government will make new laws to deal with pollution in a few months? _ _ will government make new laws to deal with pollution?Unit 4 Topic 2 When was it invented?Section C自学指导1.将下列单词短语中英互译,朗读并默写这些短语。1. 发现,查明_ 2. In .direction_ 3. 奏效_4. lose ones way=get lost_(lose过去式和过去分词都是_)5. 逃跑_ 6. 令某人惊讶的是_2. 剩余的时间_2. Read 1a and answer the question. How did early explorers identify the direction? _课堂检测一. 把下列句子翻译成英文。1. 由于突然的大火,很少有人从高楼里逃离。_2. 只要我们多练习就会把英语说的很好。_3. 令大家惊奇的是,这个小男孩精通好几门外语。_4. 指导把剩余的工作都完成我们才离开。_二. 单项选择( ) 1. The wine is _ grapes. It tastes very nice. A. made of B. made from C. used for D. used as( ) 2. They went _ a wrong direction and get lost in the forest. A. for B. at C. in D. on( )3. The environment is getting worse and worse. Everyone should make a contribution to _it. A. protect B. protected C. protects D. protecting


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